The definitive article on the Boston bombing has been reprinted 300K times. Lays out evidence, in 4,300 words and 14 hi-res photos, that most of the injured were actors. “This is a tremendous analysis and contribution to the literature.” – Barrie Zwicker, former managing editor, The Globe and Mail

38  2017-04-14 by rabbits_dig_deep

"The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon bombing is of Chechen terrorists who unleashed weapons of mass destruction, killing four and wounding 264 in an unthinkable scene of “bodies flying into the street”, “so many people without legs” and “blood everywhere.”

"For the vast majority of the American population, this is the truth and they feel no need to look further. Yet those who are willing to question the narrative we’ve been sold and take a hard look behind the curtain may be in for a surprise.

"Based on the video and photo record, it seems clear that the lead actor in this production—the most grievously wounded, as well as the man who fingered Tamerlan Tsarnaev as the bomber—was faking his injuries, as were most of those allegedly hurt by the first bomb. We were told his name is Jeff Bauman, but since that can’t be verified and his survival is unbelievable to the point of being miraculous, we’ll simply call him Miracle Man."

Read the rest here:


And why would it have been staged?

They would NEVER do that, would they???

So, you don't have the answer?

Read the article.

What article? There's a WordPress blog post, but I see no article.

Even infowars isn't touching this.

Infowars not touching it is a good thing

That's dis-info rants and distraction.

It's in the article.

The article is a load of bullfuck.

You read 4300 words in four minutes? Doubtful.

It's a WordPress blog post. It's as credible as this comment.

What source would be credible in your opinion in today's america? Just curious.

Sources have varying degrees of credibility.

AP and Reuters have high credibility.

Any baboon with an internet connection can make a blog post.

AP and Reuters have high credibility.

AP & Reuters are Rothschild owned entities.

It's true that any baboon can make a blog post, but that does not mean it is untrue. Our "reporters" long ago became corporate whores. The fourth estate long ago became traitors to the people.

Oh boy, thinly veiled anti-semitism!

Christ, you are really reaching there buddy. Do you think those nice trillionaires care about you and your welfare?

You want what you will view as antisemitism? How about this:

I sincerely hope Israel is destroyed soon. They have no right to exist, have put the true owners of that land through horrors much worse than the holocaust, and did 9/11.

You win the dumbest comment of the day award.

Thailand did 9/11

No, Israeli mossad did, and one day soon, american nukes will obliterate Israel. It's long past due. The world can finally live in relative peace when the scum of the world are gone.

Nope, it was Thailand. Some guy said so on a blog.

Any baboon with an internet connection can be a cancer against democracy and truth, too. And comment repeatedly to show himself as a hateful cancer and lone dissenter in an important thread, too. Fuck off.

Good to see /u/Sabremesh still doesn't enforce the rules lmfao

Wtf i love the msm now

Your username checks out.

Pity, really.

LOL shut the fuck up and click the link you turd. Where do you guys come from?

How civil. I'm much more inclined to read that blog post now.

No one gives a fuck what your closed minded ass is inclined to do. You've already been seen for what you are

Someone who uses critical thinking?

No; critical thinking would be reading the piece and THEN questioning the conclusion. You're basically asking a question the piece answers, which means you aren't really interested in the answer, you're only interested in wasting space and time here. Fuck off.

Good to see /u/Sabremesh still doesn't enforce the rules lmfao




Lurk more.

The article just says that drones would be used for security.

The point being terror attacks whether real or false flags are justification for the imposition of the police state, in other words the government needs them.

Lol. Okay.

are you denying this particular incident being a false flag or false flags in general?

because i am a stone cold skeptic and even I cant deny the hard proof regarding governments and false flags.

Don't forget two of those FBI guys involved fell out of a helicopter during a "training" exercise. I have an almost exact photo of the one where Jeff without legs is laying in a pool of red paint. Enlarged, you can clearly see he has a metal hinge in his left hip. He was definitely without a real leg before the blast. The hinge aided his real artificial leg.

The bright blood is a giveaway of fuckery. Blood does not stay bright red for long once exposed to the air. Tryst me I have seen enough of mine laying about.

the most grievously wounded, as well as the man who fingered Tamerlan Tsarnaev as the bomber—was faking his injuries, as were most of those allegedly hurt by the first bomb

The author of this article should test how much standing near a pressure-cooker bomb would allegedly hurt by doing it himself. That way he'd know whether or not people were faking being hurt by an explosion.

Thailand did 9/11