Anybody else think all the flat earth, anti-Semitic, and chemtrail posts are just an attempt by shills to discredit this sub?

6  2017-04-15 by [deleted]



It does seem rather odd in here today

Notice the Jew posts are all by one guy, and he's crossposting them in several subs. I'm all for questioning the narrative, but there has been a significant uptick in posts about the Jews (even ones that get downvoted) since we got that post about browsing the new tab on the front page.

Yeah RES makes it all pretty clear


And congrats on your first ever comment on this sub. You seem to know alot about a sub you've never posted in.

I think that people who won't research the flat-Earth theory, who won't research chem-trials, and call everybody antisemitic when they question the holocausters' activities are the shills trying to discredit this sub.



What about the majority of people who have researched those things and still think they are bullshit? You act like "researching" those topics will automatically make you take the conspiracy side, but the vast majority of people who look into FE, chemtrails, and holocaust denialism think it's all bullshit.

Out of those three theories, I think Chemtrails has the most merit. Chemtrail theorists can at least provide evidence that it has been done before. Maybe not that they're doing it now, but at least there's evidence that it's been done and it's not exactly a technological reach to assume it's possible.

My thing with chemtrails is that people tend to think that means something like "Omg the big bad government is poisoning us all and mind-controlling us through the shit they're spraying!" and like, ok maybeee lol. I think it's mostly just bioengineering which is also a bit unnerving, I've watched multiple planes fly over spraying something and also watched it turn into clouds and that doesn't seem so nefarious? Idk maybe both?

What about the majority of people who have researched those things and still think they are bullshit?

Then share the info!! That's all you have to do!

People on here have intelligence that is above average, and trust me, if you present info that is not accurate, you will be "called out". If you present info that is accurate, you will be "thanked" profusely.

if you present info that is not accurate, you will be "called out". If you present info that is accurate, you will be "thanked" profusely.

lmfao, that is not at all the experience that most people have here

having taken a gander at the subjects...i believe flat earth is shills and the mislead. holocaust denial is very rarely flat out denial, my experience is watching a few people call the numbers in history books impossible and subsequently they are labeled as crazy. chemtrails are very real to me, the argument is over their purpose. world isnt b&w

Questioning the body account in the Holocaust is one thing. Saying no one died is demonstrable bullshit. Lots of people died, we are 100% sure of that.

They died of "Typhoid" and many were not jewish...

I think we have a bingo.

Well shit you just rained on OP's parade

The Real shills are those that lump flat earthers together with legitimate issues like the Holocaust.

One can be scientifically proven to be false, the second, not so much...

Who is lumping different topics together? Professor James Fetzer claims the holocaust is a hoax, but also claims that Paul McCartney died and was replaced. So, since Fetzer is a nut, can we also say that his claims about the holocaust are full of holes?

Intellectual and educated people don't claim the earth is flat. That's just silly.

Before we go nuts on each other over the flat earth claims, have you taken time out from your holocaust studies to research the claims and evidence given by the flat earthers? I too, went ape-shit nuts when I first heard that there were actually "idiots" that believed we live on a flat earth. That is, until I took off the concrete blinders and started examining their evidence. And, do you know what? It is impressive. I shit you not. It will bump your head because some of the arguments are very, very impressive.

If you have researched it thoroughly, and you still believe that we live on a spinning ball, that's fine. That is your right. Just like it is the right for people to believe that 6 million Jews were gassed in Hitler's camps.

That's just foolishness.

Stop conflating truth with fiction.

Have you examined the claims made by the flat earthers? I mean have you taken about 6 hours out of your day to closely examine it? If you haven't, I think you will be surprised.

I have researched it extensively. My PhD in physics helped me understand a bit too.

Trust me, and trust the rest of the educated scientific community - you will never fall off the edge of the earth, because it is indeed a sphere.

This kind of discussion takes away from the credibility of this sub. Please stop.

So, you have a PhD in Physics? What is your area of expertise? I have a minor in Physics. I changed majors when I went back to school.

Okay. I will tell you what. If you really have a PhD (which I will assume you do) you have an opportunity before you like no other. I am being very serious here. All you have to do is go back and look at the claims made by the flat earthers, and then refute them with scientific proofs (not postulations and with "he said; she said), no, but with proofs, and you my friend will put this whole flat earth business to rest, once and for all.

And, may I mention, you will be a celebrated hero; not only by the scientific community, but by all of the rehabilitated flat earthers who have been "freed".

Watch this video, and when you get a chance, tell me what you think. I'm not arguing with you. Let's keep this civil.


Did you know David Irving revised his claims about the holocaust? He now says that the Jews were gassed in Hitler's camps. He is taking a lot of heat for making these claims.

My point is this: you shouldn't let pride keep you from doing research into something that you think is foolish.

Give us your​ best evidence the Earth is flat.

Yes, I didn't see this thread before I just made a similar post but I completely agree.

Congrats on your second ever post here. I didn't notice any other comments on this sub. Interesting that you know so much about this sub.

You'd think they'd catch on to the fact that their posting history will be examined.

They don't care as long as we fight and argue in the comments on nonsense posts like this, we are distracted from doing anything else.

LOL nice catch!

That doesn't mean I haven't lurked for over a year and a half, doesn't mean I haven't participated by voting, and also doesn't mean I haven't deleted posts that did not garner much attention. Also, wouldn't a conspiracy shill most likely spend all there time here...

I've done plenty of flat Earth research. It is all bullshit. Either flat out lies or bad science. It is so bad that I can't get myself to believe anyone actually believes it. You would have to be so from reality because you have to believe millions of people are "in on it" from NASA to ship captains, to meteorologists, to topographers, to all world governments, to all oceanographers, climatologists, pilots, FAA, and so many others.

You would have to be willingly ignorant or insane to actually believe it.



Nice try friend. Three Letter Agencies are very unhappy this sub is the most important forum on the planet...

Research Chemtrails for like 5 minutes before you post something like this accusing them of shills

Whether it's any of the topics listed above by OP, how do we really spot a shill? People share different beliefs here. By the way, why do you discredit Geoengineering?

The people who come to this sub to debunk and mock users on a daily basis while pushing the same old narrative (syria, trump etc) in this sub all day long

Agree with me or you're a shill.


Go ahead and look into them if you want. But they're bullshit. And so obviously so that no one would believe in them for long.

No? That's what this sub has been all the time for the most part. It changed about a year ago and hasn't been the same since.

You post in just conspiracy and very few others, you're a shill. You rarely post in conspiracy, you're a shill. If you've ever posted in t_d, you're a shill. If you post regularly in r politics, you're a shill. If you don't think Russia hacked the elections, you're a Russian shill. If you think Russia did, you're a shareblue shill. If you post about flat earth, you're a shill. If you go on threads to discredit flat earth, you're a shill. Let's just accept it, we're all apparently shills to someone.

Given I debunk those, if those are posts by shills that's going to confuse a lot of my fans.

The flat earth people are most certainly here to discredit this sub. Their arguments are by far the most insane I have ever seen and they have to know it.. they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience when you try to argue with them.

Nice try, chemtrail denier.

No i don't think that. I think the reality is that there are a lot of people in here that use conspiracy as a switch out for "my unpopular opinion remains unpopular therefore it must be a conspiracy".

Ever noticed that the majority of people that think the holocaust didn't happen really wish it did?

Learn the difference between anti semitism and anti ZIONISM.
