Reddit just got caught 'accidently' launching a new tactic which sensors 'offensive content' on Reddit - and for some reason it's not being heavily discussed. Details inside.

6019  2017-04-16 by The-SaltLife

I'm surprised this isn't anywhere on Reddit yet, or being talked about.

The other day a Reddit user posted a submission to /r/ModSupport in which they said,


For months now, the r/----------- sidebar has contained the phrase "pachinko machine", but when I just tried to update the sidebar, I got a "this contains offensive content" error when trying to save the contents.

Could the offensive content filter be tweaked to accommodate?

Not very aware of what they had just discovered, they asked for the filter to be 'tweaked'.

A reddit admin (which I won't name) responded with,

Hey XXXXXXX, I'm checking into this error message now and will let you know once I have more info.

update: This was a mistaken deploy and has been rolled back. Apologies for any confusion this caused.

Wait a second...

...This was a mistaken deploy

Did the admin just admit they are in fact rolling out a new "offensive content" filter on Reddit? It seems to be that way.

Another user goes on to say,

So further censoring in the future is what I'm hearing?

Followed by,

I had no clue what pachinko would be an offensive pejorative for, but now I know. Dirty censoring admins.

And then,

Because it contains the word "chink", which is a racial epithet for Asians.

I'm fairly new to Reddit but damn - if they are going to that length to censor everyone, now would be the time for an different website to rise. This is crazy.


edit: Yes, I misspelled censors. I honestly couldn't give a shit. You get the point of the post.


You're upset that you won't be able to say chink in the future?

Cause you aren't saying "This new sensor fucked up and censors unoffensive things.

You're saying "Oh no they're censoring us we won't be able to say chink anymore".

I cited comments from the post which explain WHY "pachinko machine" was flagged with Reddits accidental roll out of the filter.

I don't give a fuck about the word chink, nor do I care about any other slang term people may call my race. I just think it's crazy the lengths that shit shitty website is going to censor people.

See the Scunthorpe problem, it's a pretty difficult and common issue in filtering offensive language and seems to be the most likely explanation

Why not leave?

Wow you are very narrow minded...this isn't about being able to say chink, it is about censorship being put in place without informing the community.

That's just it, and who knows what they have been doing so far without letting anyone know.

I recently joined but already I've been inundated with a plethora of knowledge about how this website is castrating itself with censorship. I hope an alternative comes around because I'd like to see this website disappear and become just another internet memory if they keep this up.

Hit voat. Its a reddit replica with almost no censorship. They started voat when reddit started censoring things a few years back.

... And consequently, voat is literally just the most fucked-up elements. Visiting Voat presents a strong argument for Reddit's moderation policies. Try it out for yourself.

Its all about what subs you visit. But if something is censored here, you can bet its on voat and not censored.

no censorship.

Thanks for helping prove my point about why we need censorship.

You know what we got because of no censorship? We got /v/nigger being the first result when you googled the site.

No censorship made that site the stormfront shithole it is.

See, you are confusing words with inciting violence. There are subs that encourage and incite violence. And thats illegal. Illegalities should be censored. But telling you, "go fuck yourself, chink boy" is not illegal and well within a persons rights to say. Its also your right to cry about it but the person that said doesnt have to fuckin care.

I'll repeat what I said because you clearly didn't read my comment.

Thanks for helping prove my point about why we need censorship.

You know what we got because of no censorship? We got /v/nigger being the first result when you googled the site.

No censorship made that site the stormfront shithole it is.

Not censoring racism, spreads racism. Shitty children like you see people screaming about "dindus raping our women" and start repeating that racist bullshit. Normal people, get the fuck out of a community that doesn't censor racism. The people that remain are racists or soon become racists.

That's why we censor racism, even if it's just calling someone a chink.

I dont feel racism should be censored. I dont feel that is a viable reason for censorship. Inciting violence and hating a race are different worlds. Racism is not illegal. If someone wants to hate someone for their color of their skin, they are allowed. I think people like you are the big problem. You get offended by something someone says or thinks and you feel that your feelings matter more than the other persons.

You just think that because you are a sensitive lil bitch that everyone else is or should be too. Too fuckin bad. Some folks are mature enough to not cry and get their feelings hurt over words. Grow up, kid. Or grow a set.

That's why we censor racism,

But we don't. We rationalize censoring only certain forms of it. And we've begun glorifying that which we don't censor.

I want to be able to say chink if I feel like it.

Calm down Clint Eastwood in Gran Turino

I think you're thinking of gooks.

We just found a chink in their armor.

Lots of reasons I might want to use that word. This is ridiculous, and it has nothing to do with the word chink.

Yeah. It can also be used as a racial epithet where appropriate.

Racial slurs are invaluable for identifying actual bigots.

Or people who aren't uptight idiots who take themselves too seriously. I've got friends who are wops, chinks, crackers, gooks and terrorists.. Racism is stupid, but not as stupid as people who get uptight about it.

Haha, I know what you mean, my friends and I are the same way. But at the time you still know when it is being used in a mean spirited way. I wish we could move all these words into comedic space. But as long as we have people that use them to offend, and people always looking to be offended, we can't.

It's all about intent. My friends and I have a culture of casual racism that probably sounds pretty offensive to some, but we think it's hilarious.

It takes power away from racism. 90% of reddit would be appalled by how we talk to each other. That was what I meant by my original comment by actual bigots. They stick out like a purple dick when they use those words.

Yeah. Calling your Chinese friend a chink and bugging him about his bad driving caused by his slanty eyes is ok. Calling all Chinese people chinks maybe not so much. That said, they're just words, so lighten up everybody.

I think that this might be the chink in their armor.

I was drinking a very cold Negro Modela the other day. I love that beer.

I love a good Ritz cracker with some peanut butter.

Three racial epithets. Three false positives on any "automated censoring" system. And three times that you and anyone who supports blanket censorship fail miserably at life.

Blanket censorship like this is lazy, stupid, and ultimately does nothing more than irritate the community. If you're so sensitive that you can't stand to be offended by words, MERE WORDS, then you've got a very long, frightening life ahead of you filled with assholes at every turn and I suggest becoming a shut-in.

What if they don't roll out the filter on our sub to prevent the testing in our comments?

Those are good points. I'm not saying blanket censorship is good. I'm objecting to the attitude here that you should be able to say offensive things and I'm a pussy because I "let" words hurt me.

There's nothing wrong with banning racial slurs. How they are banned is another matter. But what we have here are people getting pissed because they won't be able to call an asian person a chink. And I know it's based on racism cause I have half these people tagged as racists who screech about how the jews are trying to kill the white man.

One person's crackpot is another's genius.

I don't agree with the anti-Jew mentality, or anti-Black, or anti-insert_token_race_here, but why would I want to censor those words or ban those ideas and force them underground where they cannot be seen, pointed at, and laughed into oblivion? Making something "banned" or taboo just drives its supporters beneath the radar. I would rather the idiots were easy to spot, personally. So I get called a honky, a cracker, a race traitor, a Libtard by the Right and a Nazi by the Left, who cares?

Words. Those are just words, letters arranged in a specific order. They are not night sticks, batons, baseball bats, axes, bullets, missiles, etc. They can do no more harm than the words "antidisestablishmentarianism" or "hug". If people want to be able to say "chink" as a derogatory term then you can freely label them in RES and filter their comments right out if that's what you want. That's what personal freedom is about, the right to interact how YOU want to interact, when YOU want to interact. But censorship controlled by others is nothing more than allowing control of your life and my life, both, by some outside force which can be usurped at any time.

Ultimately the ownership of any website can and will do what they want. I can't stop them from censoring anything. But I also don't need to stand around and keep quiet as they do it. The founders of this website, all three of them, at different times have done interviews where they each called Reddit a "bastion of free speech" or a home for free speech. Censorship flies in the face of that. I don't protest the incursion of censorship itself, I protest the statement of free speech followed by censorship for corporate gains.

If white supremacists bought Reddit tomorrow and banned all non-white users, I'd be just as vocal about that travesty. If ISIS took over Reddit and banned all non-muslims, again, I'd be vocal. Reddit was founded on specific principles and, though it has changed since its birth, it should never give up on the underpinning of its creation, which was as a conglomerated news and content amalgamation site with freedom of speech being its core concept. SJWs are free to sit in their echo chambers and complain about T_D users who are free to sit in their echo chambers and complain about Liberals who are free to sit in their echo chambers and complain infinitum. If you don't like the message of a sub, move subs. I guarantee there's one that already polices its comments in the manner in which you prefer without Reddit as a whole rolling out Censorship v.2.0 sitewide.

Lmao like they'd filter cracker.

I agree, but just thought I'd remind some of the more triggered in the audience that it is a racial slur and even a "fair" system that filters for all racial slurs would fail miserably.


Removed. Rule 10.

Post whining about censorship

Post is censored.

You people don't have a fucking clue do you?

This sub has enforced its rules long before this issue came up, and we'll keep enforcing them long after.

I don't want to say "chink," (in that context, anyway) but I want to be able to.

I do know reddit can do what it wants. But that doesn't change what I want.

Fo you want to post child porn as well or is it different when we censor that?

One of those is a felony dumbass

If itbwas a felony to be using slurs would you screech about censorship? Whys it okay to call someone a chink? Why SHOULDNT it be banned?

Because its not inherently dangerous or offensive nor does it cause pain to someone. It is considered a slur or curse word simply becajse someone at some point decided it was. We can all agree that child porn is inherently offensive and disgusting by nature. Words are not. Words are only offensive to those that are offended by them. You can call me a cracker, honmy, faggot, shithead, cocksucker, and so on and i would never be offended because words do not offend me. Maybe a persons mentality is offensive. But the words themselves are only offensive because some sensitive folks somewhere in history were offended by the letters that were coupled together.


It's not offensive to use chink? How is it I know without having to ask that you aren't the person who would be called a chink?

U are stuck on slurs. If you called me a faggot piece of shit cracker, i would not be offended. If i was eastern asian and someone called me a chink or a gook or a zipperhead, i would not be offended. If i was black and someone called me a nigger, i would not be offended. As my mother taught me growing up, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"...its funny i learned that as a small child and here we have semi-grown folls being hurt by words.

As people have said, i wouldnt use the words chink or nigger just cuz i have no use for em. But i wont ever say others cant say em. "I may not agree with what you say but i will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

If i was eastern asian and someone called me a chink or a gook or a zipperhead, i would not be offended.

You're full of shit, and don't know what the hell you would think. You're a white man, just like me, who, unlike me, thinks actual asians are just idiots getting offended over nothing.

You're an idiot who doesn't have even the beginning of an understanding of what racism feels like.

Baselss and ignorant statements. And personal attacks because you have nothing else to fuckin stand on. I am a white guy that was raised in some of the worst areas of new york and new jersey. I went to 2 schools where i was one of a handful of white kids. I dealt with some racism. Nothing like what other races do. But either way, im a grown man that doesnt get butthurt and cry over what someone else thinks, says, or feels about me. You will understand when you grow up.

Removed. Rule 4.

Or maybe you should stop being a pussy and realize that words can only hurt you as much as you let them.

Right. And if your mom and dad, right this instant, told you you were a retarded failure in life, would you let them hurt you? You wouldn't feel a damn thing because it's just words right?

Kys because idiots like you are the reason for the mess(es) we are in.

Removed. Rule 4. 1st Warning.

Telling other users to kill themselves is not allowed here.

Whys it okay to call someone a chink?

It's not illegal. It's lazy.

Worrying yourself about it isn't brave. It's lazy.

Fo you want to post child porn as well or is it different when we censor that?

Who's we..? That would imply you have a hand in censoring things.

Did you just seriously equate saying a mean word to fucking a child?

So censorship is fine but only when its against things you dont like? Youre okay with racial slurs?

Yes if they are a part of different fucking words, pachinko.

Not what I asked. OP didn't make a deal out of the system being fucked up and making mistakes. He made a big deal out of not being able to say chink.

It's a chink in his armor. One might say

Yes. I am ok with all words. If you called me a fucking retard, i would not be offended. They are just letters put together. What makes them offensive is the persons mind that is offended.

"If I call you a dirty fucking nigger it's your fault for being offended".

Hey, if your parents came into your room and called you a pathetic failure of a mistake, would it be your fault when you got offended by those words?

Yes it would be my fault. I wouldnt be offended by those words. I would be offended by their mentality. Words are not inherently dirty or mean. The meanings men give to them are what does it. Just vecause some butthurt pansy from way back got offended from words and said they were bad does not mean i feel that way. Ive been called every name in the book and i laugh at it all.

I would be offended by their mentality.

Okay and I am specifically objecting to this subs reaction to not being able to call an asian person a chink. The vast majority of people calling an asian a chink are racists with hate in their heart and the mentality behind it is pure hatred.

I clearly don't have an objection to the word by itself since I've been using it in practically every comment I've made in this thread.

But all the objections to this system are objections to the banning of slurs. No one is saying "well that's fine but I hate that they're letting bugs like this slip through". Nope. They're all screeching about how this is fucking terrible now that they can't say the words they want to say.

No. They are objections to censorship of speech which is protected by the united states constitution and the usa is where reddit is located. Censorship of any words, slurs or sweet nothings, is an infringement on the freedom of speech and a scourge.

is an infringement on the freedom of speech and a scourge.

No it's not you fucking tard, jesus chirst if you're going to pretend to defend american values, get it fucking right.

How is it not kiddo? A company saying u cant say this on our website is absolutely infringeing on the free speech of the users and citizens.

Haha wow you are a fucking nutcase.

Coming from the kid that feels like if they are offended by something that others shouldnt be allowed to say or do it. That shit is insane.

I'm not okay with racism. You are. You're a piece of shit. End of story.

You can make whatever bullshit up that u want. I am ok with people believing what they want. And i have 2 half black half sisters and my brother in law is black. I can absolutely see how im a racist. But if joe down the street hates black folk, i have no right to say hes not allowed. I wont agree with it but he has that right. I dont force my feelings or beliefs on folks because im not a spoiled, entitled little kid.

Im more offended by immature crybabies downvoting comments they disagree with and abusing the voting buttons. Way to be sweetheart.

You might want to censor yourself before that hole you're digging in your logic gets so deep you start seeing chinks.

Censoring "naughty" words has nothing at fucking all to do with child porn you retarded basketball american ganny bandit.

basketball american

Um, the correct term is "racially challenged."

I'm fine with racial slurs. How big a pussy do you have to be in order to get offended by reading a word? And not only that, to say that no one else should be able to write that word? Jesus, they can see your vagina from space.

YAYYYY censorship! !

I bet cracker won't be banned. Or redneck or white trash. I don't really know many racial slurs, but I imagine someone better versed could provide some more examples.

Grape, on the other hand, might become a victim. There's some small irony in that.

Why is there no up votes on this post? On mobile it still says "vote".

Votes are hidden for a period of time to prevent the lemming effect.

Thank You for the explenation.

Remember the truth though, the lemmings were pushed off the cliff by Disney videographers

That just makes the comparison better.

Shadow comments.

As of now, this thread has 40/42 comments, not that bad. One of them is my other comment, but getting caught in the spam filter is normal for me because I refuse to use reddit properly.

I got you fam.

Love ya mods.

I'm just coming on after a long weekend to clear the queue.

I don't care if you were serious or not - this comment was very needed.

Seriously, you guys here are way better than most subreddit mods.

Yeah we need to chip and and buy them a pachinko machine.

You fucking racist.

wtf is a pac****o machine ?

It begins!

The US railway system?

Too soon, too soon.

pa*****o machine

The US railway system?

No, but they built them!

I believe you mean pa-_-o machine.

High five my man.

Am I caught in there too?

It doesn't appear so.

Dude, you guys are great. I have the utmost respect for /r/Conspiracy and the people responsible for maintaining the community's integrity. This place is a bastion for free thought and a refuge from propaganda.

Hahaha fucking really? R/the Don 2.0 is the bastion of free thought with no propaganda? Are we looking at the same sub?

Lol "The Don 2.0" my ass. One of the top-voted submissions right now is calling out the Sarin gassing as staged. Pretend that diverse opinions are the presence of "propaganda" if you like, but it's really just a variety of viewpoints that shows how broad of a political spectrum is attracted to this sub.

Wow so your telling me the gas attack that both sides and other even other countries think is fake, suddenly doesn't make this don 2.0? I know it's hard to get that orange dick taste out, but if you can't see the blatant bias still very present here, then you really need to work on that critical thinking and skepticism.

Hahahahahaha WHAT?

Haha yeah like what or something


I love you too!

Cheers m8

I refuse to use reddit properly.

I've been in this shit hole for 5 years, slowly watching the drama unfold and the shit sling. Welcome to the club, my friend.

Fuck you, /u/spez

wow u r So brave and noble ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

wt actual f?

Yeah, same here. Who gives a fuck about upvotes and using the same name forever is dumb.

You know they're going to fix the comment count eventually, right?

You and the rest of Reddit will never even know some people are trying to talk and share.

Next time a PizzaGate rolls in the door, nobody will see anything but entertainment, ads, and funny memes.

You guys are still pushing Pizzagate? The thing where kids were allegedly being abused in the basement of a pizza shop that has no basement?

At what point do you realize that you're believing in made up shit?

Why do you all bring up the basement every time? There was a backroom. There was weird emails. There was Instagram. Basement?

Because it was supposed to be a basement. That was the claim that Pizzagaters were making.

I'm sorry that your memory is so poor that you can't even remember something from 6 months ago.

The New York Times article doesn't even deal with the weird stuff. It feels more like a strawman piece.

Did you see their creepy ass website and all the friends they link to? Did you look at his instagram? The man is clearly NOT normal. I wouldn't let him within 500 feet of my kids.

Someone being weird doesn't mean they're a Satanic pedophile running a child sex ring.

You guys are NOT normal, and I wouldn't let you within 500 feet of my dogs.

So...why are you here again if you abhor, conspiracy talk on SCT?

Do you often defend the reputations of DC Insiders? Yes? Who else? Why?

Because the thread reached /all and I felt like commenting and pointing out that you guys are nuts for believing shit that cannot happen. The smoking gun was supposed to be the basement inside the pizza parlor. That was supposed to be the thing that put them away, because there would be some evidence left behind for a CSI to get.

The smoking gun doesn't exist. There's no basement. So what do you guys do? You move the goalposts. The picture that was supposed to be the basement of the pizza parlor becomes a picture of a basement in one of his other properties. You guys literally just move the goalposts, and eventually one of his buildings will have a basement, and that's when you guys shriek "We found it!"

You guys push shit like this, and then some poor soul believes it and takes a gun into the pizza parlor. The only reason that happened is because you crazy motherfuckers just make shit up. You're not concerned with the truth. This sub, like /r/uncensorednews, is a hiding place for alt-righters. I'll stand up and speak against the alt-right any day, since I see them as just about the worst kind of person. Yeah, I think you're all pretty big shit stains and this website would be better off without you guys. You make any place you go to that much shittier.

Do you often come in here to defend the reputations of DC Insiders? Yes? Who else? Why?

This is the biggest problem with you guys. If someone isn't with you, they're against you and they stand with your enemies. That's not how reality works. Saying "Not A" does not mean "B", but I wouldn't expect any of you to understand how logic works, because if you did you wouldn't be pushing dumb conspiracy theories that do not comport with reality.

It's possible to think that you guys are just shit humans without needing to prop anyone else up as the gold standard.

Being a national delegate for Bernie, I chuckle at your attempts to stereotype everyone not like you as 'alt-right'. I'm more 'anti-right' tbh.

You are cyber foaming at the lips in exasperation over something internet strangers are looking into. It is Child Sex Trafficking, not the next leaked episode of Rick and Morty. This is serious subject matter.

There are too many connections (Hastert, etc) to such activity. To, um, violently attempt to shut down any discussion throws more shade you way than those who research such things (I'm not one of them, btw).

Dude, calm down. You are making no sense.

Is it possible that you are actually retarded?


Removed. Rule 4.

Removed. Rule 9.

Removed. Rule 10.

Oh, you poor snowflakes can attack others, but you can't handle it if someone does it to you.

You guys call people pedophiles, but can't handle someone calling you guys crazy for believing things with no evidence.

It's hilarious that the subs infested with the alt-right, a group that always screams about being censored, are subs that actively censor anything they consider hostile.

The only reason that happened is because you crazy motherfuckers just make shit up.


Yeah, I think you're all pretty big shit stains and this website would be better off without you guys

You can disagree with people here all you want, but you can't insult other users.

Like I said, you guys insult people all of the time, and do worse actually, but you're too fragile to have it done right back at you.

Is anything I said worse than accusing someone of being a pedophile? Yeah, that's what I thought, and that just confirms that you guys are pussies that can't handle someone writing meam things about them.

When people talk about special snowflakes, they're talking about you hypocritical fucks.

I remove comments that accuse other users of being pedophiles all the time, and that's usually only one warning from me before a ban. Hell, I even agree with you for the most part about pizzagate, but our rules are enforced to keep discussions focused on content.

Then why don't you take the same action against the person that insulted me?

Go look at his feed. See what he says about children. Until you've done that, you're being willfully ignorant.

Blindly accepting the official story is just as dogmatic as going full on conspiracy theorist, imo. What's wrong with questioning stuff? People in power have lied before.

Pizzagate is different from pedogate

Many high up officials, politicians, celebrities and police and religious leaders have been busted for CP and rape and yet you ignore that there seems to be a commitment thread, that's it's always hushed over

This was about Pizzagate and a basement. What kind of revisionist history bullshit are you guys trying to pull? You can't retroactively change history to fit your narrative.

That's what the msm wants it to be

Comet ping Pong basement is a very convenient ploy to discredit any and all claims of elites being involved in pedo rings.

It's fake news. There is no evidence there was ever anything going on in their basement. The owner had some very distasteful and borderline cp stuff on his Instagram sure but that should mean the focus is on the owner and his acquaintences that left strange comments on the photos of kids like #chickenlover

So basically Alefantis has gotten a total pass by the media thanks to the fake distraction they push and claim it's all debunked 100% so there's nothing to see here folks

Msm will never talk about all the evidence and arrests that have been made over the last 4 months, or last year, or last 5 years, involving chid kidnapping, un troops raping hundreds of kids over 12 years, Clinton ties to pedophile Epstein, hastert, podestas, Haiti "orphan" traffickers that were pardoned and now work for Amber alert and international committee on missing person, which was created under bill Clinton admin. Theres been celebrities, politicians, prime ministers, Popes, priests, ceos, etc all implicated in numerous countries of vast underage prostitution scandals, uk, New Zealand, Canada, Saudi Arabia, etc that get hushed over very quickly and never brought up again, there's a good chance there's cause to investigate how they are connected and there's people who are responsible for sourcing and supplying the kids

It's a pretty simple tactic you're following here.

Act like you know some facts, but bring up something you clearly don't know about and use it to misrepresentban entire theory. It wasn't about him keeping children in the basement. Of course CPP doesn't have a basement. You know where the basement is? Two doors down, about fifteen feet away, at his other establishment.

You all twist things around to make it seem as absurd as possible when god damn everything should stop at the potential of children being harmed. I've been trying to act like it doesn't bother me that people make light of the potential wrong being done. But it does. So eat a bag of dicks, asshole. Cool. Bye.

You are absolutely correct. There is a basement in Buck's Fishing & Camping, Alefantis' other restaurant nearby.

It's kind of funny, because to those coming in here to butt heads on 🍕gate, they see us saying these things and treat us like we know exactly what it means that there is a basement, just not at Comet. I do not know what that means, but I do know that we had to answer these questions ourselves. Instead of those with the answers telling us, they ignored the questions and attacked.

English isn't your first language, is it? That's not exactly a coherent post.

I don't twist shit around. You guys push something, then its shown to be patently absurd as it defies reality, and then when people bring up your guys' bullshit, you try and put blame on me somehow. You guys are fucking crazy. you believe everything the mainstream media tells you?

Even that debunking article has been debunked. Who the fuck knows for sure? Conversely, why err on the side of caution when the subject matter is child sex?

Because you don't believe things for which there is no evidence. That puts you in a position to believe everything until its been disproven, and that's not how rational, logical, intelligent people work.

Look, even the link you provide does nothing but make more unsubstantiated claims. There's no "debunking of the debunking", there's simply more assertions. The NY Times actually has credibility, although I know you guys think it's fake news because you call things you don't like fake, not things that aren't real.

See, Pizzagate is fake news. There is nothing based in fact, and everything is based upon unsubstantiated claims.

Why are you so concerned about child sex but you guys aren't trying to get to the bottom of, say, the Catholic church's history of protecting pedophile priests? Why are you so focused on Pizzagate, which again has no actual evidence. It's just a bunch of claims made by alt-righters.

Have you watched Spotlight? That's how people investigate things like this. You guys want to act like you're investigative reporters, but you're not. You're not looking for the truth, you're looking to confirm a bias.

So, are you guys still supporting Milo or are you guys doing some hard hitting investigative reporting into his ties with pedophilia and pedophiles? The man has admitted to being at parties where young children were sexually abused. Why aren't you guys helping him put these pedophiles behind bars? Oh, that's right, those are also unsubstantiated claims, so you probably are in Milo's corner on this.

Look, even the link you provide does nothing but make more unsubstantiated claims

Yes! That was the point! Who really knows about this, except the potential players?

Dude, what? I was a Sanders National Delegate, I wouldn't vote or support anyone on the right, Trump, Cruz whoever... well, I did vote Johnson in a heavy Trump district, so that was a pot vote.

I"m not investigating anything. I just question why people like you are so breathlessly jumping on anyone who mentions SCT in the context of politics.

Calm down, please! You are jumping to mighty big conclusions about me.

No need to jump to conclusions when you're pushing the same right-wing conspiracy bullshit that t_d people spread.

If you don't want people to think you're part of that group, don't drink their kool-aid and then start handing it out.

Dude..AGAIN you are making wild ass assumptions. Please, by ALL MEANS review my comment section. THE ONLY COMMENTS about pizzagate is wondering why people JUST LIKE YOU just can't seem to ALLOW ANYONE to have any opinion on the extremely SPECIFIC TOPIC OF PIZZAGATE.

I've never said I believe it. I just want to know why people like you go of your way to attack people like them. It's ALMOST like you have a pre planned agenda to throw water on ANY DISCUSSION of the specific items tied to pizzagate.

Dude, you are so fanatical about this; like so many other shrill posters, you worry me. Seek help.

When you come in here saying shit that doesn't truly represent what we care about bringing to light, sure. You know for a fact that you're bringing up details that we've accepted were off base and have moved on to new points. If you want to play devil's advocate at least argue what is actually being focused on.

Probably because you are a little bitch.

Shadow comments.

Fuck man shadowbans themselves are real fucky.

Shadowbans are unethical, if you ask me.

Just think of the level of fantasy land someone could be dropped into, I could be replying to a completely different thread.

I worry about the day we have cybernetic brain implants and like can't talk to certain people or have to watch ads for saying a bad word

It's like when an ex blocks you but Facebook keeps recommending them up as a person you might know, it'll spawn whole new types of mental illness.

I would think that making a user feel like they're being ignored would drive them into suicide.

I... don't think that's how Facebook works (at least not anymore). If someone removed you as a friend, they're not supposed to show up in recommended. Especially if they blocked you.

supposed to

key word there

facebook does stuff that it's not supposed to but it's a buggy piece of shit so

They would probably just try it as an experiment to see how it affects mental health without telling anyone.

Sorry district 7 you do not have permissions to speak to district 1.

Your comment reminds me of this Black Mirror episode

This is exactly what I thought of too

Damn that was a good show.

Right on! That episode is unbelievably prophetic, I could easily see something of this nature happeneonf in the next 10-15 years.

I was thinking that but I didn't want to do the usual reddit trope of comparing stuff to black mirror. awesome show.

Shadow AI replies.

And they make us shoot all those fucking people they keep calling "roaches"!!!! All because if motherfucking Doug from House of Cards.

A few years ago, it seemed to me that a number of main subs suddenly changed in nature. I can't remember the specific ones now, maybe /r/worldnews /r/politics and similar, but suddenly they changed from being fairly anti-conspiracy to a significant increase in conspiracy related chatter. It felt as if I was being delivered my own custom Reddit worldnews geared to my interests. My thought was: how can I disrupt what is already being disrupted? What if /r/worldnews is only disrupted for me, but it remains the same mainstream pap for everyone else?

We could all be shadowbanned right now, and this sub only exist for us (and ShareBlue, of course)

They're a supposed to be for spammers and trolls that make new accounts. It takes longer for them to notice, but it's heavily abused by both mods and admins.

Mods can only soft shadowban by setting the automod to delete everything by a user on a subreddit. Mods cannot really shadowban. Admins can sitewide shadow ban.

They're a supposed to be for spammers and trolls that make new accounts.

I believe it was specifically made for bots.

I'm pretty sure they've heavily backed off using shadowbans on actually users, if not completely.

I was shadowbanned once, that's how I got this username. I think it's one of the shittiest things admins of a site like this could possibly do.

Im shadowbanned in TwoXChromosomes. My comments disappear when I log out.

That is considered a mod ban, not a shadowban. Only admins can shadowban.

I don't think mods are allowed to shadowban within their subs. Only admins and its sitewide.

Yeah, it's just a mod using automod to block your posts, it wouldn't be considered a shadowban,

What do you mean block? They aren't being deleted. Several mods say they have no idea whats going on.

Mods can ban users from their subreddit so their posts simply never appear or have to be approved by a mod to appear. I think they use automod to do this but I'm not certain.

Do mod bans expire?

Are you serious?! The censoring and shadow banning has gotten worse if anything. Reddit has been dead for a year or two but most people haven't noticed that it's all fluff now

Yes, I agree reddit is getting worse at a quickening pace but I haven't seen any talk of shadowbans since they agreed to back off. I could be wrong, but it used to be a pretty common topic to discuss and I never see it mentioned anymore.

I'm shadowing banned in TwoXChromosomes. My comment appearto me when logged in. No one ever responds. When I log out they disappear.

The mods refuse to believe or acknowledge it.

At one point they said they would only use shadow bans on bots spamming bullshit and never on real users.

I assume shadowbanning helps to prevent site activity from decreasing versus banning the account altogether. If a person thinks they are still active they keep clicking links and posting.

Well that's a fucking lie. Was this before or after gamergate?

Mumble, mumble; right to confront your accusers...

How do you tell if you're shadowbanned on a sub? I'm pretty sure r/worldnews has done that to me. Either that or those people just don't know comedic gold when they see it.

A discrepancy between visible and numbered comments.

But this would be site wide - not each sub.

I thought they removed shadowbans a while ago, and replaced them with something new, called suspensions - where they, well, suspend you. I was suspended not long ago for something I would have been shadowbanned for before the update.

hello owl ;0

How does this system work? With shadowbans too...

Shadowbans just mean that a user isn't informed that they're banned; so they see everything normal but nobody sees them. Ostensibly it's so spam accounts have a harder time knowing if they've been caught and need to start over.

Are they from single subreddits or are there global shadowbans?

IIRC it's global. If they wanted to I'm sure a sub could set their automod to immediately remove comments/posts and not tell the user; which would effectively be the same thing.

Yes, I know for a fact /r/Scotland for one does such a thing.

/r/hillaryclinton did as well, not sure as of late.

CTR checks ran out.

Bloody kilt wearing bastards!

Yes. That happened to me recently in /r/showerthoughts for this post:

I wish we would spread our hate toward nations with mean Facebook status updates rather than missiles. Like we spread our love and concern with prayer posts rather than help.

Really? Is that worth shadowbanning me on that sub?

Yep that was /r/hiphopheads did to me. You have to embrace white guilt there.

Global. I've had 7 global shadowbans.

Can they generate fake responses/notifications to make you think like you're still actively contributing?

If they really wanted to, I suppose, but then other users would be able to see those responses.

It would be horribly obvious.

Do your comments still appear to have down or upvotes?

They just don't get voted on. Everything stays at 1.

So it would be pretty obvious if you are shadowbanned. When you are banned is it across the entire site or just by subreddit?

Shadowban is sitewide, but you can set up Automod to effectively shadowban someone from a sub if you want. It's really meant more to catch bots without them throwing an error and alerting the person controlling them.

Reddit's an imperfect mean of online communication. We should develop an open source social media that emphasizes transparency, social improvement and security.

In short, we are part of the problem, and Reddit might shadowban me anytime soon.

I was getting shadowed on all of my comments over at /r/netflix for criticizing it's new rating system. Amazing that it can happen even on a subreddit like that. :/

They probably want to have an opt in system for subreddits for a global censoring to cut out vulgarity and other slurs. Doubt they'd do it site wide, the backlash would be to big.

Which is lame as fuck

Censorship is indeed lame as fuck

You post on TD and are going to complain about censorship?

Censorship is indeed lame as fuck.

Things are shitty and lame only when it happens to him apparently.

Then he posts on the right subreddits...

Why would you complain about censorship in a circle jerk subreddit? They don't even pretend to be neutral.

And yet he complains about other subreddits choosing to disallow racial slurs?

Doesn't make my point any less valid. And yes, automatic censorship is lame. Playing by subreddit rules is one thing, site wide censoring is another.

I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out his hypocrisy that he thinks it is ok for one community he is apart of to decide who posts what (TD) and not the other one he is a part of (Reddit).

You're incredibly dumb. I'm so sorry for your parents.

Worthless comment. Consider this your warning.

Sorry dad. I just didn't feel it necessary to detail step-by-step how to read subreddit rules.

You must have missed when they claimed to be "The last bastion of free speech". They pretend to be neutral and unbiased until called out on it, then it's all satire.

[Literally this.](

Literally says "for trump supporters only" in the rules. There's nothing neutral about it. Never has been, never will be.

They did claim to be "The Last Bastion of Free Speech", did you miss that part?

Doesn't matter what some brain dead fucks make a post about and spam. I can go to the baseball subreddit and start making claims that baseball fans are the pioneers of moon colonization but that doesn't make it true.

I have a hard time understanding why you'd believe what they say. Are you trying to go for this big "GOTCHA!" moment, catching them in a lie? You did it, kiddo, congratulations! The_Donald posted a LIE and you PROVED it! Whodafuckingthunkit.

You can participate in TD and be against censorship dumbass. Do you even think?

TD censors. That's the point.

And? How does posting to that sub mean you're for censoring? Like I said, do you think? Try one more time

You directly support heavy censorship.

yeah no. That's not how it works. When you vote for a politician you don't vote for all their policies. You don't join a club and immediately support every agenda point. You don't gain citizenship of a country and immediately agree with all their international politics. That's not how it works...

Do you speak out against the censorship there? Do you have the courage to stand for truth?

You just get banned for that sort of thing.

That's my point :)


Do you speak out against every issue ever that you disagree with ? No you don't.

TD only censors because Reddit censors their content. It's reciprocal.

Per Subreddit is fine. There is no reason to say anything like that on subs for like pokemon go or yugioh. If it is entirely opt in that's fine. If you want to curse or whatever use a different sub, because there is never a justification for saying something like chink in a Sub reddit about a kids game.

"I think that blastoise has a chink in its armor!"

This is why keyword-based removals without context are problematic.

You know, you bring up a fair point and I guess I was wrong. Regardless the PoGo subreddit has EXCELLENT moderators. I believe they are the first or second place in least curse words on a sub reddit.

AutoModerator can be used to filter certain words, so it's possible they just have someone who's good at Regex or they have a very complete list. Not sure if they use AutoModerator there, though.

someone who's good at regex

Is it possible to learn this power?

Not from the Jedi.

only a Sith deals in absolutes

there are quite a lot of regex filters for automod publicly available and they work pretty well, so u dont even have to be good u just copy and paste lol

Or my username 😕

Hopefully they have enough foresight to give mods the option to approve these posts on a case by case basis.

We already have the ability to remove them case by case. This sub has a filter set up for slurs, but it just gives us an automod warning and one of us mods have to take an actual action to remove it. This whole thread has been blowing up that filter all night.

This new implementation, from what we've seen, only appears to affect the sidebar and possibly some other sub "meta-content". It's not something I'm overly worried about at this point, but is something to keep an eye on.

It does work for some subreddits, such as /r/Photoshopbattles where we have very specific and strict rules for submission titles.

But with your example I can definitely see how this would fuck a fair amount of shit up.

Yeah, if you write careful enough regular expressions, you can usually make a decent filter, especially if the end rule you want to implement is fairly strict. It's just when you have a wide open allowable text-space and want to restrict a few words that it ends up being a more of a hassle.

The relatively simple slur filter we have set up here (which doesn't remove anything, just brings posts to our attention) often gets as many false positives as true positives.

I remember someone at my school trying to look up a UK cricket club that I think was blocked for being either East or West Sussex. Because it had "sex" in it, it wasn't allowed.

That was probably nearly 20 years ago, but I thought we'd moved on from retarded censor systems like that.

This is pretty funny, are you trying to make me snigger?

Actually those are the kind of subs I'd see using it the most since the main target audience for pokemon and YGO is kid friendly. Removing all "bad words" out of there wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

Although all that would happen is people would get more creative with insults..

It will definitely be the defaults. Reddit has been trying to be more advertiser friendly for the past few years. Because this site still doesn't make a profit. Eventually they will have to sell user data.

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I don't see a reason to give a fuck. It's just a keyword filter. You should be more concerned about brigading and bots that effectively control content. They are far more threatening than blanking out dirty words.

Its not dirty words... Dont you see whats happening with Youtube too?

what's up w youtube?

Anything (including news) deemed inaporpriate is gutted. As few ads as possible, less trafic, ect, and they're being hit hard (read:creators are living on an average of 30% of what they were) because it's still not enough for the 'poor advertisers' who have ads next to stuff that might even be as family friendly as possible.

That's just YouTube trying to obtain their ultimate goal of mainstream. Same thing they did with the play store... they had it all Wild West for the growth period but then it became exactly like the Apple Store as far as content restrictions.

Except for the fact that if you look at it, it's mostly right wing stuff that is getting gutted and deemed inappropriate.

That's not "mainstream" that's lunacy.

Can you prove that statement? What's the portion of rightwing content now compared to before?

I know that a few people who were strictly right wing news and all their content is now being a "offensive content" gate, that requires a log in even if it's just stupid things like talking about how CNN was blowing that easter egg hunt thing out of proportion.

Meanwhile I've seen plenty of antifa and anti-trump channels that aren't "offensive content" gated and some of them have such titles as "Trump is Hitler reincarnated" and "Punch every Trump Supporter you see".

So for the portion, I'm not saying it's being removed it's being "offensive" locked and put behind a "gate" to see forcing you to log in.

I'm not following the part where you prove to me that mostly Republican content is being censored.

All I'm seeing is you telling me your perspective.

Let me find the person's name that I get content from and you'll see it's behind an "offensive content" gate.

Ok but that still doesn't prove your point. Some right wing channels are being impacted heavily. Some aren't. Some left wing channels are. Some aren't. It's a bad system for sure but a lot of news/political channels are being hit hard by this no matter the party preference.

I've seen left wing channels are that are calling for "Impeach or death" and they aren't filtered.

Yeah that's why I said it's a bad system.

It's not just right wing, it's alternative media in general, of which the most popular or fastest growing in popularity tends to be right wing. Channels for MSN C, ABC, CNN, FOX, and other mainstream outlets, which are mostly left wing, aren't "gated". It's a ploy to dry out funding for alternative media because mainstream media is struggling to compete on YouTube as their TV viewerbase dies off (literally).


If you're only willing to read a peer reviewed journal article in a high impact factor journal published in a western country, then you won't find it. Because no one bothers to do that with YouTube videos. Frankly when I see people make absurd demands to initiate a conversation like that, I assume you're just a person who doesn't want to actually look at the topic, it's just a conversation ending demand.

You are correct. These types will demand academically acceptable proof for something that anyone with half a brain would know doesn't exist. It's just a way to try to discredit people.

right leaning doesn't necessarily mean Republican.

Nah it's mostly left wing stuff that's getting censor gated on YouTube. I know a few people that have had it done to them.

30% is being generous. Some content creators are struggling to get more than $10 on a video now.


True, but they might not have made much more than that before.

It's because a bunch of the advertisers pulled out. IIRC google is just overcompensating for now and are trying to refine their filters so that they can get their sponsors back.

Theater, my friend. All theater.

Exactly. But the theater is more for the advertisers than us in the hopes of bringing them back.

I think the problem with the "advertisers" IS the theater. There are no problems with them, there is no pressure. Google has a near monopoly on internet advertising. FFS, they don't even have a customer service department. There's no way a group of advertisers are pressuring google into anything.

"Refine their filter"

New algorithms and censorship. Sound familiar?

Well that is just YouTube trying to salvage the situation don't you think? They are losing investors and need to get them back, meeting their standards. If they already know what the problem is (not being family-friendly) then what other choice do they have?

None, but when you have as much money as google, if you wanted to actually do something, which they claim, propping YT up right now is exactly what they should be doing. Make a statement and do something. I like google, as far as mega corporations go, they're pretty clean, and the guys at the top are at least diluted into thinking they're doing good. They should've done like apple and made a move where they think it best.

Im not stupid enough to think its a good business move, but without having taken a business course, this still seems stupid. Alphabet does not make a profit off of Youtube right now, and hasn't since before the whole disaster. YouTube is valuable as an asset, and as I see it, they're chocking out a community dependant on that asset, and are threatening to glue it's mouth shut. This could be happening for a few different reasons, but the biggest is MSM is trying to kill Youtube, and is really mad that PewDiePie didn't keel over and die, and not only that, but as a community, everyone and their mother mocked them for it. If Google just went up and said the right stuff, they could blow it up in MSM again, and get their name back. Backing off like this is just... Grrr.

Not only YouTube, Twitter too, Facebook since forever....


Always weird how the anti-Trump subs like /r/marchagainsttrump and /r/enoughtrumpspam have only one post with 10k upvotes, yet all other posts on their sub struggle to reach even 20 tiny upvotes, with no comments.

Obvious botting and brigading going on daily.

I guess it's just too hard to believe that Trump's approval rating is barely 30% and is reflected in Reddit... Yeah, must be sinister plot and all.

Reflected even more on Reddit. The demographics don't lie.

Yeah Americans in general 61% disapproval probably like 91% on Reddit. Not shocking, tech savvy people are generally more informed.

By informed you mean brainwashed into thinking an idiot like Clinton or a cuck like Sanders would be better?

So stupid you people are.

Did your parents not love you enough?

My parent loved me plenty back in the day.

It's just when you get older and grow up you'll see how stupid you were as a kid believing in "ideas" and "feelings" rather than reality.

The irony.

I don't see how.

Trump supporter talking about not acting based on feelings and implying he simply understands reality.

Irony in its purest form.

The thing is, I'm a Trump supporter because my guy didn't make it to the election and I'm not going to vote for a democrat party that plays on identity politics and acts like they want to help the inner cities with their crime and poverty when they do jack shit about it.

8 years of Obama and his claims to help them? We now have a more divided nation than ever.

As someone who grew up in the inner city and clawed their way out it makes me sick seeing the democrats empty promises just to pander.

The Trump base is nothing but identity politics. The biggest talking point is how bad liberals are. Most of them don't care that they all got conned because their guy won and it makes liberals mad.

You literally just said you support Trump because Cruz lost and you would never vote for a Democrat. How is the "any Republican > someone else" mentality not identity politics?

Be against Obama based on policies. Sure. That's normal, natural politics.

Being for Trump, and spouting stuff about your "reality," is absurd. His/Breitbart's/Info_Wars'/T_D's reality is demonstrably false. This is beyond politics. This is just a portion of the American population being played for fools and willingly going along with it and even propagating it.

With everything he's done/said, if you put a (D) next to his name you can guarantee the Republicans would be screaming "LOCK HIM UP!" I don't like Hillary, but pretending like he's better in any sense is just laughable. He's a different brand of swamp, only he's manipulating a rabid base of angry Americans much more effectively.

The problem is, the democrat side was nothing but identity politics as well, spouting off how she "cared about woman and children" yet her husband is a rapist and she defended a pedo.

So you're no better than the democrats who voted for Hillary? Got it.

So you start this whole conversation by saying liberals don't understand reality. And now you're talking about President Clinton being a rapist and (I assume) you're referring to "PizzaGate."

You are so deeply indoctrinated that it's honestly sad. This Trump supporter "reality" is not actual reality, man. Come on. This is propaganda and actually is "Fake News." You have to see that. Provide a source for either of those things that doesn't come from some oddball Right-wing propaganda site (InfoWars, Breitbart, etc.)

On top of that, your reason for supporting Trump is that Democrats rely on identity politics, when that is solely what the Trump base employs. Even when I pointed out legitimate concerns, your only response is, "Don't care. Democrats did it."

Do you see why this is ironic now?

I have to chime in here only to say that you are deluded and your opinions are ridiculous.

Thanks for that dose of truth, Bot bro. I see now how deluded and ridiculous I was.

The problem is that if you haven't seen it already, there is no point is attempting to convince you of anything.

This will happen in time, out of your own volition, and during a time where you yourself is more reflective.

Yes. I agree. You will find out in time how deluded and ridiculous you were.

But in the meantime, keep on MAGA-ing bro. You guys are doing great work so far.

I am not "Pro-MAGA", or pro Trump at all. I am not even American.

I just write because you seem supremely confident and even condescending, here. I feel the things you bring up are either frankly fiction or conversely something that you side of the fence is much more-so guilty of.

Regardless, though, like I said, there is no changing your mind on this - and that is fine; it will come in time. Enjoy your day.

Can you tell me what I brought up that's fiction? Or explain to me how any of what I said was delusional?

I'm not a Democrat. I don't like Hillary. So "my side" isn't guilty of anything. My side is just tired of listening to the lies and projecting. I'm an American so I have a stake in how my country is being run and the way it is being represented on the world stage. So yes, I'm going to argue the truth with those that continue to flatly deny it.

There is such a thing as objective truth and reality.

Liberals are fake news bud.

Glad you're capable having an adult conversation, bud.

Better bring back coal and sabotage the renewables. Reality right?

You can bring back coal jobs which were legitimate jobs and not kill the renewable energy jobs. Both are equally viable in their own way.

They left because REALITY decided we didn't need them anymore. You people are literally attempting to rewrite the way shit works. We need to bring back horse and buggy jobs! Cars are killing jobs!

Oh yeah because we're trying to rewrite things while you people are deciding everything is offensive and that "words are worse than bullets".

No but coal is viable in states that have an abundance of coal. You don't kill off jobs because we "don't need them" anymore.

That's like saying we don't need taxis anymore because of uber and lyft, think we should get rid of taxis?

In what way are reddit users in general more tech savvy?

Lol, you must be tech savvy to use Reddit!

probably like

Such a rigorous polling method. I'm impressed.

In general, young, left-leaning people are going to be against someone perceived as right wing and politically incorrect. It doesn't have much to do with them being informed.

Reddit's full of idiots who can't think for themselves and just believe what their fake news tells them

You said it, champ!

I bet you watch CNN's "totally real news" and believe everything they tell you.

I blocked CNN in my house.

No hostility, genuine question: What are the better sources of information? We can't go out into the world and verify everything for ourselves so aren't sites like reddit our best bet where there is some kind of crowd sourced vetting of information?

There's no really good source of information. If you hear about a speech from CNN you'll get a very skewed version and if you hear about it on FOX it's skewed the other way. All you can do is watch the speech yourself... of course nobody has time to look deeply into every single thing and fact check all the claims the media makes, and that is why it's a problem. It's not how it should be, it's how it is. And looking at the front page of /r/politics shows you pretty quickly how bad crowd sourced vetting is. Every single post on the front page tells you how to feel about the information before they give you the information, and half the time there's no support for the outrage they're trying to cultivate.

NPR is as good as it gets in the US, at least as of 2011/2012. There was a study showing that FOX and I think MSNBC were worse than no news at all for objective information knowledge, with CNN barely better and NPR with a massive lead. They certainly push an agenda, but it's the best 'main' news source with which to compare, say, the differences between Breitbart and Buzzfeed's reporting on a given issue or timespan. I feel that we have a duty to look at the media of those to whom we are opposed, in order to understand, empathize, and convince them to believe something more realistic. As a factual resource with minimal propaganda, I'd recommend WNYC of NPR, which can stream from any connected device. The Leonard Lopate show takes callers on all sorts of issues. Indivisible for the first 100 days of Trump takes calls from people of most ideologies, which is I think is 8PM east coast time. Check it out!

Especially places like r/the Don. To much fake stuff and censoring over there.

To be fair, his Gallup low was 35%, I think it's a bit unfair to say it barely reached 30. Other than that, yeah, most people dislike/hate trump so it makes sense that anti Trump posts are just like free karma. I know I upvote most anti-Trump posts even though I'm not subscribed to them, so I'm also artificially inflating their score without adding to their subscriber count. I suspect most of the rest or Reddit is like me too (remembering how Bernie use to be on the FP nonstop all day)

I corrected the number, I just recall it being in the 30s.

Haha, no worries. It's a refreshing change of pace to see someone willing to admit they were mistaken. But yeah several polls did show him in the 20's so your partially correct, it's just Gallup is the one that people really care about

I'd imagine it's even lower in Canada and Western Europe

And that's his approval rating in the US. In Europe and Canada, it's much lower.

And we know that Canadians and Europeans are the ones who are really informed on US politics. It's true because Leftists on reddit said so.

did you reply to the wrong post?

In October 2016, Reddit's throttling algorithm broke and every post was from T_D. Even Reddit's advertising page had T_D with 6M users-- in line with Trump's dominance on Twitter and Facebook. Reddit admins hate T_D and everything Trump related.

Funny you say that since /r/The_Donald are the one who popularized this on Reddit. Or they at least made it way more obvious.

People congregate in a sub to avoid persecution and upvote their content. Quelle surprise...

No no, that's what's supposed to happen. The process has been highly gamed and exploited. It's more like aggressive networks invade other networks to piggyback their agenda on popularized memes.

There's more evidence that T_D is being brigaded/botted against than for.

They are currently in an r/pics submission trying to deal with peoplr mocking trump by making his mouth a urinal. So far they keep equivocating the severity of the Obama effigy lynching to trump having his mouth as a urinal.

equivocating is a weird word that you really don't see outside of Macbeth or something.

Sounds like you need to get out more, lil nig.

LOL did you even check the sub? all the posts on its front page have thousands of upvotes, nothing like what that guy was saying about the anti-trump subs having all the posts on their front page having hundreds or only tens of upvotes.

Lol that's because there is no reason to brigade T_D anymore. They just brigade every other sub now. I wouldn't be suprised if they actively set up strawmen in anti-trump subs to create noise about non-issue. Funny now that I think of it, I do see a lot of inane anti-trump arguments getting blasted to the frontpage. Quit blowing smoke, friend.

Once again you completely ignored what we are talking about. Every post on T_D's front page has thousands of upvotes suggesting real activity. Whereas the posts on the front page of the anti-trump subs have only tens of upvotes except one post which will somehow make it to r/all with 10k upvotes, this suggests bot usage.

Oh that's just because I don't really give a shit about what you're trying to say.


what kind of pre-schooler logic is that? O_o

I don't know maybe go ask a preschooler? Just stating the facts. Don't know why you feel threatened by them.

Don't know why you feel threatened by them.

? o_O

wat? ... where your logic at?

you know this little gem, where one kid hits the other and the other hits back?

moral of the story is not "but we are ALLOWED to do that, because he hit first!!"

moral be: "hitting is inherently wrong"


The only bots on T_D are downvote brigade bots.

T_D has 6 million subscribers with tens of thousands of online users. It only takes a small % of those online users to reach thousands of upvotes.

Prove you're not a bot

lol still repeating that debunked number ? what is wrong with trump supporters

We have our alternative facts.

I can see that

I haven't seen it debunked but I have seen higher traffic from RU available in politics than I have in T_D and I advertise on reddit extentively.

It was debunked almost instantly. It was the same for almost every other sub. Not just t_d

I haven't seen it debunked and you haven't addressed the Russian narrative.

Watch closer. The scales tip when the a post breaks the /all barrier. You can observe this in lots of benign subs as well.

Yes, votes in the first minute matter most and votes in the next 1o minutes matter a lot, that's the gist of how hot content comes to be

First 10 votes matter as much as the next 100, and as much as the next 1000.

AKA ripe for a small block of dedicated users to coordinate regularly scheduled r/all appearances

Why would a post with 40 votes ever show up on all?

Additional weighting behind the scenes for correct thinking.

It occurs in literally every subreddit. Here's a random one: /r/whoadude.

Haha downvotes for truth. They deflect to trump shit.

Why does only one post a day get launched to the top and all others r shit?

The algorithm change favors subs which very infrequently make it to the front page or have never been to the front page at all. It's why those multi-post thumbnail collage things never get onto the front page in a complete manner anymore.

This prevents a small group of subs (the defaults and a few uber-popular subs) from dominating the front page. But what also happens is that groups that share similar interests but are spread out among numerous subs can get things to the front page frequently without having content come repeatedly from the same sub.

Biggest benefactors of this:

  1. Subs of middling size that have things most people find cool.
  2. Porn subs, there's hundreds of them so getting porn to the front without repeating subs is pretty easy.
  3. Leftist subs, they fracture every time they can't agree on the smallest thing so there's plenty of them as well.

yo I'm not a bot and I upvote anything anti-trump I see. ✌

That's not evidence of "botting". It just means a specific sentiment is popular and so people upvote it when they see it on /r/all. Go back and look at the front page of /r/all when the "ellen pao is a nazi" shit was ongoing for instance...

Here's just a couple of examples I picked at random...

Look at the #18 post from a sub called fattyfatfat

Date it was posted: 11 June 2015
Date /r/Fattyfatfat was created: 11 June 2015
Number of subscribers on 11 June 2015: 394

The #6 post from a sub called Ellenpaohate

Date posted: 11 June 2015
Date /r/Ellenpaohate created 10 June 2015
Number of subscribers on 11 June 2015: 1674

Nobody ever suggested that these low-subscriber-count subs were botting, or that reddit was manipulating votes to promote hate against their own CEO - because that would've been ridiculous, and this ongoing "anti-Trump" thing is no different.

I'm subscribed to both of those subs, but I don't make a point to visit them. When one of their posts hits my front page, however, I upvote it. I'm sure other people do the same.

That's not the point, it's more censorship imposed by them and this one's automated. Why does it matter? Because it's slippery slope.

Well Reddit already controls what does and doesn't get to all or the front page

What's stupid is that the nutters that like to shock people by using "offensive" words will just use a new list. For example 4Chan's "Operation Google".

It's going to be fun to watch, I guess.

This is the whole problem with words in general, we keep believing there are bad words, like this is fuckin' Harry Potter or something!

Offensive words vs hateful. Fuck is offensive. Chink is hateful...but, you can't discuss this topic in a world that is filtered, and that's the very problem with filters. Just like like idiotic bots that ban people based on Reddit they post/comment in.

There's pretty much no reason to use the word chink.

I found a chink in your armor.

I meant in the racist sense. But yes, there are words that have double meanings that would be filtered out stupidly.

Quoting something that was said by somebody else?

Censoring specific words isn't going to stop people from trolling or being abusive, it's just going to limit legitimate discussion.

Once people know they can't say chink they're just going to use another slur that hasn't been banned.

But it's about being "in the know" about the "words" in question.


I found the chink in your armor! It was made by chinks!


Nice strawman. The word you referneced was part of a larger word and not used at all. Thats the problem with filters, not all things can se selected correctly and people work around them easily anyway.

Humans 1

AI. 0

That's not what a strawman is.

You can't talk about anything and discuss it without using the word. If that word is blocked you'll be censored.

How about discussions about the word 'chink' itself?

you just used it.

What about discussing the origin of the word, or listing epithets to watch for, or for discussing what a certain sub would want banned, why people use this certain word

How about we don't be little fucking children and be able to use a word that exists in real life


If something offends you, if you find something hateful and disgusting, you should--regardless of whatever gender you think you are--nut the fuck up and speak the fuck up about why. Simply shutting down the discussion entirely is the way of a coward.

"The cure for bad speech is more speech, not enforced silence." -- Louis Brandeis

Subs using those bots aren't looking for discussion.

Words can't be hateful. They're just a collection of letters. What's hateful is the intent. This is why blanket censorship is so bad. We're actively trying to erase decades of history/fiction/whatever just because the word nigger used to be commonplace.

Proves that the genesis for censorship is ignorance....

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”

Reminds me of George Carlin's bit about the words you can't say.

Holy shit, never knew that's where blink got their song from.

Lenny Bruce also gave great examples.

Dis fin be gud. grabs popcorn

Spez is a dirty skype.

Did that actually work at all?

The only two I could see catching on would be fishbucket (lesbian) because it's actually funny, and a leppo (libertarian). The rest I think will be hard to gain traction without some serious meme magic.

Slurs are memes, you mean forced meme magic

Don't let our secret out, you stupid google

Virtual Mission!??

Go look for yourself:

They usually don't open-source their "abuse prevention" code, such as the vote fuzzing algorithm or their site-wide ban list.

Sure, but... this is just a badword filter, I doubt they'd have reason to hide that.

If they publish that filter, it becomes a lot easier for those who wish to abuse it to simply find variations of the words that aren't on the list. Sure, this is possible without them releasing the list, but only as a trial and error process. Publish the list, and it's trivial to bypass.

I'd put money on them not releasing their filter.

Thats why you usually publish the algorithm, and not the data used by it

We'll see if they release this one. They've never (to my knowledge) released their vote fuzzing algorithm either, though.

Out on a limb here, the reason they don't publish filters, bans etc. is probably because as much because they're considered data stored in the database (just like the source doesn't/can't contain all our posts/comments) rather than being hard coded.

Imagine having to deploy the whole site just to ban someone, or add/remove a sidebar badword.

Yeah, I'm sure it is implemented in the database at some level. It would still be easy enough for them to release, but I imagine they don't for the reasons I listed.

Soon to be issued- The Reddit dictionary. Approved and edited by spez.

Its just pages and pages of [deleted]. With, of course, u/spez changing whatever he feels necessary

I still can't believe there is a default subreddit r/science that will delete thousands of comments per post on a daily basis. Without even sticking around to see why you can tell that something is flagrantly wrong with that subreddit. There's some kind of agenda there and when the tide turns against the narrative in the top comments the mods respond by just deleting every comment in the thread, often 3000+ comments.

Just checked the top thread of the top post. Tons on censorship.

just checked the mod team...1400 ppl lmao

I got permanently banned from /r/ask_science for posting an anecdotal comment in a chain of anecdotal comments.

When I asked why it was a permanent ban instead of just a deleted comment in mod mail they basically insulted me and laughed it off, then suspended me from using mod mail.

I got banned from science during an AMA for having the gall of asking the guy a question.

What was the question?

How likely is it that the lizard people are going to liquify the human race so they can have this planet and when do you predict it will occur?

Within the next 3 years and 6 months.

What was the question?

You are now banned from Science AMA.

How many times can they ban you in that damn place?

You are now banned from Science AMA.

They had Prof Michael Mann, famous climate activist, author of the infamous hockey stick graph. There had been a big incident at a university where board members resigned and were fighting about something. The reason for it all was kept out of the press. But rumors were that they were considering hiring Mann, and it caused a major battle royal. I asked if was about him.

Their ama's are strictly controlled and all questions must be submitted in advance so they can cherry pick which questions to answer and prepare responses.

Which is completely point less imo. If you ask any critical questions be prepared to be banned or down voted into oblivion. It's a complete farce.

It is odd the extent people will go to to disguise propaganda as a debate or information seminar.

Odd? I say it is a completely necessary and vital component of propaganda, if not the sole purpose of it, to disguise itself as a benign and rational event. It must appear in the interest of and created by the target audience in order to succeed.

Ditto. Got banned after posting in an AMA for one of those minorities in STEM activist groups for pointing out the equality paradox - there is a strong correlation that the higher a country ranks on the equality index the less minorities they have in STEM fields.

Every ban I have received has been like that, you ask the mods for clarification then they insult you and use cookie cutter responses then ban you from replying

I thought surely you had to be joking...Then "...and 1424 more." What the fuck? How does even a major sub need a mod team of over fourteen hundred people?!

It's a circle jerk for people with stem degrees.

I think the fake curated subs on Reddit like /r/science, /r/history are the funniest and most pathetic. They try to be curated by recognizing experts, then proceed to allow said experts comment from authority out of their expertise all the time anyway...

Ask historians had a ama thing where muslims answered questions.

Only "approved" questions. This was judged by a bunch of people with arabic names. It was open Proselytization of Islam.

Yet they regularly delete 95% of comments on threads. It is like a wasteland now.

Yes, yes it is.

I noticed that! There was a discussion about a correlation between rising number of strokes and obesity, but almost all of the comments were deleted. Maybe because people were sensitive because of their weight, I don't know! It was annoying.

Try using ceddit next time

Meh... Just burn this fucking place to the ground.

/r/science = 1433 mods currently -- that is their problem - end of story. With so many assholes trying to appear useful by making moderator actions the only way to go is down.

I remember when they started allowing social sciences into the subreddit. Such a fucking disaster, glad it's a constantly nuked shit sub now.

this is just provisional however, as the 11th edition will be the full version!

spezzed by spez

Reddit is probably trying to deploy a content filter for sidebars and other resident menus. I can see why they might want to keep those areas relatively clear of abusive language. Obviously, "pachinko" was misclassified as racist, but no content filter is perfect.

most content filters aren't made by six year olds with regex access, this is beginner crap

Well, most professional developers consider text filtering to be drudge work.

Why doesn't Voat allow anyone to join? Why are they destroying their chances of competing with reddit? Were they paid to be cucked this way?

you people really love to throw that word around, huh?

Everytime I see it I know it's supposed to be an insult but I just can't see it that way because it's so overused.

What is the deal with pachinko machine?? I think I have read about this side bar issue and reddit and censorship 3 times but I STILL don't understand WTF is going on - or suspected of going on. AND I suspect this is WHY you don't see it being talked about everywhere like you think it would be - or should be.

It is like an excited kid when he runs up to you to tell you something important and exciting but he makes no sense. He needs to take a deep breath and start from the beginning. There are so many "he said, she said" and quote lines that I am confused and I'm not easily confused.

So if someone can articulate what reddit is trying to censor and how it works or does not work - that may be a good start. I don't know what a pachinko machine is.

I think I have read about this side bar issue and reddit and censorship 3 times but I STILL don't understand WTF is going on

Just read the OP one time.

this is 3rd time ...

Did the admin just admit they are in fact rolling out a new "offensive content" filter on Reddit? It seems to be that way.

Did they ? It seems that way ? These are not very definite statements. I don't know what is conjecture , what is a guess and what is a maybe?

here are the questions I have :

1) What is pachinko machine and what does it have to do with the story?

2) are there others who have similar experience?

3) What kind of content is reddit trying to censor?

Lets start there.

Okay, so that's one sentence of the OP. There is another sentence in the OP that very plainly answers your confusion about the words "pachinko machine". Do you think you can find it? It's not hiding, literally all you need to do is read each sentence in OP.

Except the person that answered that isn't an admin or anything. So that's not actually an answer

lmao okay believe the extremely logical answer that refers to a phenomenon present in every internet filter ever, or believe in a conspiracy about reddit and pachinko machines

Well I would think in the three lines you just wrote you could have explained this issue in a nutshell - so I'm going to assume this is just a non existent issue as many things are on this sub.

It's just completely clear that you're posting without having put a moment of thought into this, and pretending that you've put in a lot, which is how things go here.

Here's the explanation. It's literally just a quote you can read in the OP.

Because it contains the word "chink", which is a racial epithet for Asians.

Thanks. It starts to make sense. The OP should start :

the word "chink", which is a racial epithet for Asians.

---- was censored by a auto software that we did not know was there on reddit. The software saw "pachinko" and edited it by mistake - revealing itself. Reddit won't tell us anymore about this. WTF?

A pachinko machine is a game, often there is a gambling aspect.

It was probably filtered for having "chink" in it.

It was probably filtered for having "chink" in it.

OK - I get it now.

Just for the record, a "pachinko machine" is one of these. I doubt their moniker is meant to have some racial aspect, but who knows.

you can't spell "pachinko" without "chink"

The word pachinko is probably much older than the epithet.

spam filters do not often take into account the history of a word, they likely just filter whatever word the author said to filter.

Definitely is. The word chink is a racial slur that was derived during mass Asian emigration, they often found difficulty getting jobs as new immigrants and since a large number came from fishing communities, they began working at fish processing plants. The fish were cleaned, using a machine called the iron chink, that was operated by asians. Chink became a term that was synonymous with "poor, outsider asian" in that time and then developed to a word with worse connotations.

Everyone's going nuts over this but let's put it into a much simpler mindset:

Sub's that aren't marked as 18+ will be filtered for these things most likely. This would be the most logical approach.

Reddit suddenly adopting this shouldn't be a surprise, either, due to the huge backlash against Google/YouTube with their AdSense boycott. If Reddit was to be found doing the same things for hate-subs that are borderline bannable, companies advertising with Reddit will pull out without question because of the YouTube drama.

To be honest, this is not really a conspiracy more then it is damage control. They wouldn't need to do this if SJW's and all the shit "media" websites didn't go full flak cannon on YouTube.

They wouldn't need to do this if SJW's and all the shit "media" websites didn't go full flak cannon on YouTube.

companies should just ignore them. They are just a loud minority and they wont lose any visitors in reality.

They are just a loud minority and they wont lose any visitors in reality.

This is the really big thing I dont get why companies cant see. SJW's are a minority, getting them angry is more likely to spread your product/brand than cause any kind of noticeable backlash

That's the ideal way to look at it, but that never happens.

I remember reading someone's comment that said we live in the age of tumblr, that no matter what you try and do, someone who is mentally ill will take offence and attempt to get people behind their cause with a similar illness.

LOL I'm an sjw if i own a company, and don't want to donate to a website that say, advocates for the rape and murder of all black people? Such an sjw.

I hate the overuse of sjw too, but you are really invalidating the issue. The problem is that the WSJ came out and started this crusade against Youtube, first starting with Pewdiepie and then moving on to bigoted videos that supposedly had advertising on them (they didn't). This caused advertisers to pull out of Youtube drying up the ad revenue available. The WSJ took Pewdiepie out of context, faked evidence and "called out" and publically shamed companies who didn't pull their ads.

It's scummy and is done to make a quick buck off the controversy at the expense of people who rely on Youtube to put food on the table.

then moving on to bigoted videos that supposedly had advertising on them (they didn't).

IIRC, they actually had advertising on it, but the video was claimed, so the one who uploaded it got zilch.

Please show me a subreddit that advocates raping black people that hasn't been banned.

Was that a specifically targeted comment, or are you just trying to blanket cover what was said?

Since OP is being douchey and not linking the thread or admin's username or the exchange, here it is:

While not required, you are requested to use the normal domain of reddit when crossposting.

Huh? According to who you? You are supposed to use the np technically when linking to external subreddits to prevent brigading. Infact alot of subs have the automod setup to automatically delete all Reddit links without the np prefix.

i was merely doing my civic duty

Do you even know what the word civic means? Nothing on Reddit has to do with the responsibilities of citizens.

i saw his body in the water


time's tide will smother you

The non-sequitur / shitting up is high today.

I wonder if something's already started.

Here's yesterday's trending, check the bottom.

Another shitty drug addict, chanarchist with nothing better to do than troll...

This should be the top comment.


Censors. You'd think somebody on r/conspiracy would know the word by heart

The sensors sense curse words and filter them!

Doesn't matter to me. I'm not here for the edgy crap. Want to make racist or sexist memes? Plenty of other places on the internet.

'i don't approve, therefore you should leave'

Yeah, it's like kicking the bigots out of your bar. Everyone is having a good time, go take up your nonsense with the rest of your kind.

These are jokes, not statements. Lighten up.

They are jokes only when they get called out on it. The second you tell someone they're being a racist you get told you have a stick up your ass and can't appreciate dark humor.

If no one calls them out on it then it quickly degenerates into "serious racism" and the lowlifes have a field day. Look at any "free speech bastion" on the Internet and you'll find a hive of racism and sexism. How many times does this have to happen?!

There are literally Stormfront threads and white nationalist leaders discussing strategy for reddit.

haha jesus christ. Source for this? You are making facts up as you go along the way. Even if they do, White nationalists groups or racist comments are frowned down upon by eveyone on here and quickly downvoted or banned.

It's funny because every subreddit mentioned in the article has seen a surge of subtle or not so subtle white nationalism. This article is a rare case because Swarmfront usually operates on private channels.

the really great thing about Reddit is that it provides quite a lot of fertile ground for recruiting young people into the pro-White movement.

First and foremost, the #1 place on Reddit to recruit people to our side is /r/conspiracy.

Go on European-dominated subreddits and drop subtle redpills. Don’t use “gas the kikes, race war now”-type rhetoric, obviously. If you must, say “Zionists” rather than “Jews.” Use their hatred of Israel and turn it into hatred of Jewry. Be subtle, be smart, and be persuasive.

Again these people are a fringe minority and are usually discredited by everyone on here. You cannot control what other people's intentions are. There are far right and far left (/r/anarcism /r/communism) subreddits in Reddit. This is the real world, these people exist and will always exist. But if you think the answer to this is more censorship you open a can of worms for people to subjectively label you a racist or offensive and ban you.

I'd also seen entire subreddits calling all Trump supporters racists. Hey let's ban them too right? Do you want that type of Reddit? There is downvote option for a reason and I think based on my experience, nonironical racist comment and bad content gets upvoted or downvoted accordingly on this site, it doesn't need any extra censorship

Do you think it's censorship if you can't say nigger in a restaurant?

Censorship is not some kind of slippery slope. If a business doesn't tolerate racist slurs then that's completely within its rights. It's called public conversation etiquette.

So I'm not clear on why online racist language should get a pass when it's acceptable to everyone to ban it offline. If it was once not too bad it's proven to be abused by people with a real racist agenda.

We're getting into a whole conversation of free speech vs censorship, so I don't want to go this rabbit hole. So I'll leave you with this as last post.

Censorship is not some kind of slippery slope. If a business doesn't tolerate racist slurs then that's completely within its rights. It's called public conversation etiquette.

Sure that's why subreddits have rules. It's absolutely in your rights to do it. But if you are in a store and make a silly joke about indian people with a buddy if you and an employee hears you, informs the boss and they expelled you from their restarurant for taking your words out of context and ascribing a racist motive where in reality it wasn't. The customer can complain about the store moving too far to the tyrannical side. Also they would lose a lot of customers if language is heavily supervise, just like Reddit would lose its purpose if you can't make goofy jokes about all races of people. It would stop being fun.

I think you're overestimating the outrage. We've seen such tantrums before. Voat exists. The population that would leave for filtering kike and nigger is not significant, considering many other bigger social media filter those words.

If the rules can be made for subreddits they can also be used site wide. I don't see the distinction.

Censorship is not some kind of slippery slope.

Ah yes I see some people still havent read 1984 in 2017

What a dystopian world we love in where we can't call people niggers. Worse than Hitler.

That's not behavior dominated by racists. There's countless school shooter memes and other blatantly prejudiced stuff on BPT that is invariably defended by "lol all these white boys can't take a joke smh".

When I say racists I'm not excluding anti-white racists. Throw their racism back at their faces.

Welcome to the Internet pal. You either change what you don't like, or find a new community.

You're totally OK with Reddit censoring words regardless of the context?

Why shouldn't they? It's a private company.

Even if there's a "bastion of free speech" people like to spout, it shouldn't matter. People/companies change policies/views all the time.

Don't like it? Go to a competitor, let the free market sort this shit out.

I have a feeling if reddit was courting breitbart news and the alt right you wouldn't be ok with it 'because reddit is a private company and they can do what they want'. You approve of this because it aligns with your world view and ideology, not because you respect private enterprise.

I don't approve of it either way. My front page doesn't contain anything political because I don't give a shit. Venturing /r/all without all my filters is extremely tiring/rage inducing.

Feel free to imply I'm a leftist though and use more strawman arguments, I bet it helps you sleep at night.

I would use a different website, like an adult.

Fortunately for you, you have most of the mainstream sources on the internet providing a heavily PC censored experience to cater to that

Call it censorship if you want, I appreciate that society refuses to normalize racism.

Fuck, this isnt about racism dude. Its about the mechanic to ban words beeing here. The words dont have to be racist.

Would you not care if you cant say fuck anymore?

Fuck, this isnt about racism dude.

If they're banning words like chink, then I think it might be.

they could implement a swearword filter as well

Yeah but they have no reason to.

Haha implying normalizing racism is the only thing censored

Oh I didn't know you had a list of censored words. Tell me more.

Your comment is babble.

I said racism (according to whose definition?) isn't the only thing censored elsewhere. Or here, for that matter, I had a completely innocent exchange removed from /r/news earlier. All I did was object to lumping in the Facebook shooter with the posts featured on /r/niceguys, apparently some fascist mod felt this was unacceptable.

We're not talking about moderators censoring their subreddits though, we're talking about reddit implementing some sort of site wide blacklist? Do you know what thread you're in?

I cannot possibly see how people could have a problem with this. Profanity filters are the most basic feature of any major site or community, especially ones that depend on user generated content.

If anything, I'm amazed they didn't have one yet. What are people here worried about, honestly?

You used the words "crap, racist, and sexist" in one sentence.

Instant delete.

That's why it is a bad idea.

Are you truly mad that you might not be able to call people niggers on reddit?

Nope. But I would like to be able to tell people who are rude assholes to go fuck themselves.

I have a hard time believing that the admins are planning on turning reddit into the new Club Penguin.

Isn't it possible that that "deploy" was simply for the sidebars? Saying whatever you want on Reddit is one thing - having something posted as part of the administration-esque part of the website could be seen as another thing. While we all know subreddits are generally user made, some people might not.

I dunno. If that is true it's still a bit shitty, but far removed from censoring posts.

Its still censhorship though

God i hope it's time for a new site. I hear Voat's good. You should move to Voat

I seriously don't understand the thought of "I'm going to get on Reddit and make a post bitching about Reddit".

You don't own this site. I don't own this site. If you're unhappy with the site than I suggest you use one of the many other forums out there.

Maybe they have some deceitful plan to censor all of us. Maybe they don't.

Maybe the reason it was stated that it was implemented when it shouldn't have been is because they haven't announced it yet. Maybe if/when they do announce it and it makes sense what they are trying to do. And maybe they haven't announced it yet because it's not finalized. Did Reddit really get "get caught" doing anything? And if they did, who gives a shit? It's their site. If they do enough to piss off the user base they will use another, just as has happened with many sites before and will eventually happen with Reddit. But holy shit people need to calm down.

This site was supposed to be about free speech(and was for years).Now,its just another corporate ad machine/"we'll tell you what to think" site.

The site was also hemorrhaging money because no one wanted to advertise on the site. They tried things with Reddit gold and still its much freer then other sites out there and as far as I understand just now are barely able to keep the lights on. It can be frustrating but this thread doesn't prove a damn thing to be honest. I get the sub it's posted in, but the wording does not match the information.

It is still true that it's largely corporate and one sided politically.Its changed greatly in the last few years.

Redditor for 3 months knows what he's talking about right?

Reddit was not intended to be a fully free speech zone at the beginning. I've been here since 05/06. In the beginning, it was highly moderated in order to encourage high quality discussions. You weren't even allowed to shitpost.

You are right that at some point in Reddit history, becoming a free speech zone became a goal/value, which was reflected in a statement by yishan at the time. Obviously, that became untenable for the main stakeholders in Reddit and they shifted away from that.

You aren't going to have free speech unless you are on a fully decentralized platform or a platform that is fully owned by someone with those values as a priority even at the risk of legal liability or losing all mainstream sources of income (mainstream ad networks) or having business vendors and partners cutting ties with them.

I've had other user names and let them go when my email was compromised.Been on Reddit for about three years and I've seen Reddit change drastically even since then.Lots of shilling,echo chambers and moderator/site manipulation going on.Exponentially so since the election(fuck every president except Kennedy,btw).

Can't advertise yourself as an open commons type forum then once people are members start restricting and censoring shit. False advertising. And yes, even if you never pay for gold, this site makes money off you in one way or another. So again, false advertising.

We could all nag the admins to stop being such Nazis, but they probably hate naggers.

Let's censor you tho

Voat is a shithole man. i wish it wasnt, I really do.

But it's not! Really, give it another shot. You can block whatever subs you don't like.

this is bullshit. If I can't call people chinks, then why use the internet. AmIright?

Shut it nagger

drink bleach if you think censorship of literally anything is okay.

Why is is wrong to want civility instead of protecting insults?

You can even do both, if you be so bold.

Drink bleach if you think a website shouldn't have the right to censor whatever the fuck they want. If you don't like it leave

Kill yourself you worthless subhuman. Move to north korea

That's a country not a private website , keep trying muppet

Off yourself you libtard

You're the one against free will


there it is

Drink bleach if you got proved wrong

stalking me now huh?

No, I just visit /r/conspiracy as well, and whaddya know, you're here too!

so you are stalking me lol

Sure pal. I hang around this sub often.

Removed. Rule 4.


It's all good. I removed his as well, and I recognize that you were just responding in kind.

Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with that.

Removed. Rule 4.


The /r/tifu April Fool's "prank" that lasted six days is making more sense now.

prove it

Proves that the genesis for censorship is ignorance (much like the basis for bigotry)

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” - Mark Twain

I'm lucky if I even get to post without it being removed.. most of the time I don't follow the list of 15 rules, but then again who has time to read rules anyway.


Weird to see an r/conspiracy post that isn't blatantly shilling for Trump

It's not weird to see 20+ subs with the sole purpose of having an anti-trump agenda constantly making it to the front page though.

Is it? This is a fairly liberal website and Trump is definitely not Mr Popular.

When subreddits with 30 people online somehow get a post on /all and it ends up with 50k upvotes I refuse to believe that's organic.

r/popular is he reason for that, I imagine.

Those subs existed and hit r/all before they unveiled r/popular. It's all fake bs

Upvote factories exit, yes.

I guess you weren't here last year, when /r/the_donald was getting to the front page regularly, and anti-Trump material was limited to /r/politics until October, at which point a seeming army of people appeared on all subs.

I was. I don't doubt that Spez has messed with some shit. That's fairly obvious, but the anti-Trump subs kept on appearing due to Trump picking up speed in the election. Going from a joke to a legitimate candidate. No money or admin shenanigans needed, the Trump hate train picked up speed fast even outside Reddit.

I wouldn't have a problem with this if it's a subreddit option as opposed to a mandatory thing on all subreddits. I run /r/tipofmyjoystick, and there's no reason to ever be posting racist comments there since it's not even a discussion-focused subreddit. Subreddits that are more political in nature or subreddits that define themselves on a lack of censorship could always leave it off.

That said, we don't know whether this will be site-wide or optional yet.

time for a new website to rise

Let's not go to boat, tis a silly place


majority of it is the scum we skimmed off in the first wave of banning subreddits. mostly fatpeoplehate and I think coontown. heavily alt-right and generally hateful. I think I'd prefer to be on /Pol/because I think they're actually joking for the most part

Well, considering those are the groups banned from here, of course they're going to be the majority in the most reddit-like non reddit site

I love when people talk about banning fph and yet they forget that most fph users were women ;)

Why is that relevant?

the gender of the users doesn't matter? the real issue is finding the balance between freedom of speech and hate speech

And it always will be because decent people say this instead of going there and setting up non-toxic communities

It's toxic because every time a toxic community gets shut down here, they go over there.

Heh. The problem with Voat is that there's no censorship at all. They have a you google Voat and the suggestions pop up and one of the first ones are fat people hate (a hate community) and their young women sub which is essentially under aged girls in bikinis which is the closest that pedos can legally get. There's a reason for some censorship. Some content isn't okay it have on your site.

I'm not making any statement about what's going on here, but Voat has its own issues.

It was the same on reddit when the jailbait sub was around. Top results on google. I'm not surprised. Voat is worse though with full of xenophobia and hate anyway

But ideally that's how a website should be, just stay away from what you don't like, which is easy on voat since you can tailor your front page just like on reddit.

Voat where kiddie porn and pizzagate live happily side by side.

Got more than simple hearsay? Maybe some screenshots?


I am offended by your misspelling of "censor". Where's the censor sensor when you need it!

I usually browse reddit under my username and only check the subreddits i follow first, then i logout and look at the front page on all and look at the "popular" ones like askreddit and politics what not, ever since the election and i mean during and continuing after .... there has been so much questionable content its baffling. reddit killed itself.

Shareblue took over. $$$pez likely got paid off for them to take over his site. Or hes wifes boyfriend made him do it.

Either way the amount of sponsored content and blatant propaganda is atrocious. Its amazing how much "users" complain about the_Donald but no one gives about the absolute circlejerks going on in r/politics, r/news, r/worldnews, etc. Fuck the mods of those awful subs (some defaults) and fuck the admins for ruining this platform. Soon it will die and they will lose everything.

I mean I agree /r/politcs, worldnews etc. are not very open to discussion with the right but honestly if you don't like it you can stop coming here. Not trying to be rude, just saying.

Because i have every right to express my opinions there. Im not going to stop just because $pez doesnt think conservative opinions matter. Those subs claim to be non bias yet PACs have bought out the mod teams, and bots/shills control the narrative. I will continue to try to redpill anyome i can until the piece of shit admin team bans me. Just wait until their next censorship change comes down. Soros gave the marching orders and $pez has spread his ass cheeks.

The thing is Reddit will never be an even playing field for political opinions. Reddit's userbase is mostly Liberal with a small Conservative portion on the fringes. The_Donald and other subs like it are where the Conservative users congregate, but the Liberal base is spread everywhere else. You can't change an entire website's userbase to Conservative much the same way they can't turn you Liberal. The unfortunate part is that we all can't discuss things because one side gets defensive and downvotes while the other agrees with whatever the other side disagrees with for the hell of it, and we get a mob mentality situation.

I mostly agree with Liberal standpoints but also agree with some Conservative ones. In the eyes of Reddit though, I'm either ALL Liberal or ALL Conservative. It fucking sucks that this is the way things are.

Sorry I just had to get that off of my chest.

You have part of that wrong. Most comservative redditors will talk about their ideas and listen to your viewpoints. Liberals, especially those in the subs listed, will just downvote and hide any dissenting opinion. Or the bought and paid for shill mods will shadowban/delete posts that dont fit the blatant anti-trump narrative. Every politic sub on this shit site is an echo chamber now (yes that includes t_D). Dont forget that T_D was formed because of the blatant censorship and Correct The Record presense on r/politics. You (not you individually, the metaphoric you) all hate us so much, after you created us, and empowered us through your inability to have open dialogue.

Bottom line, though, this website is dying. Most dont realize it, but the blatant censorship is exactly the opposite of the principals it was founded on. Just wait, more is coming too. Its only going to get worse, some more impending changes are coming that will pretty much shadow ban conservative viewpoints on the entirety of the site, not just certain cucked subs.

I fully agree that most people on the site will downvote and dismiss any opinion that isn't their own when it comes to politics; however I don't really believe that Reddit itself is dying. There are so many other subs that aren't about politics that even if every politics-based sub was taken down, there would still be a very healthy userbase left over, most of which couldn't give a crap about politics in general. Even some people I know just filter every political subreddit and enjoy Reddit without them - it's kinda shitty that they have to do that though, there should be able to be open discussion.

Its not dying due to the politic subs. Its dying due to the censorship

You misunderstood me; the most censored posts/ideas are on political subs. I'm saying that if people leave Reddit because their political opinions are censored, there will be plenty of users left over who literally do not care about politics on Reddit and will stay.

yeah its dying fast. voat and other sites are tearing into its users like mad. reddit is the new myspace


... you guys object to Reddit blocking blatantly racist words like chink? Had no clue freedom to be racist was that important to some people.

It's their fucking site you idiots.


Chink has like four different definitions. And if racists can't use certain slurs they will just move to different ones.

This will accomplish nothing but stifle potential discussion, and yes I have a problem with that.

It has been god damn well past time to fuck this stupid website and the fucking retarded idiots running it now.


That spelling completely threw me off. I think you meant "censors."

I think he meant sencors

Get your "holocaust revisionist" posts up while you can folks....


> Post about censorship on /r/conspiracy

> Post makes it on the front page of reddit and they still complain about censorship

Look, ok, I know it's disconcerting to see what can be perceived as censorship, but come on, if reddit is going to put your subreddit on the sidebar and front page of their site and promote you, they'd better be sure that there isn't anything offensive on that ad.

Free speech is a right, but that doesn't give you a right a a platform from which to speak. If you go into a mall and start yelling racist obscenities you will be removed from that mall for public disruption. This does not in any way mean they are infringing on 1st amendment rights, but that mall has the right to remove you if they wish.

I was a admin on a server we'd ban people for using bigoted slurs as per the rules of the server and IN FACT a rule for posting WITHIN THIS SUBREDDIT. People would always pull the free speech card, but just like you don't have any right to come into my personal business and start yelling racial slurs just like you don't have the right to come into a subreddit and do the same thing, you will be removed or banned and that is solely up to the discretion of the proprietors of said establishments.

Likewise reddit has a right to manage what they advertise on their own site. Certainly you can be against it based on a moral standpoint, and I'd be very much against large internet domains like YouTube, Twitter, and indeed Reddit to shadowban and/or remove people based on political views, but does that REALLY compare to Reddit making sure whether the subreddits it directly advertises on their site contains offensive content in the ad or not. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say no, that's completely fine for Reddit to do, both legally, and in my view morally.

Sure you dont have the right to free speech here, but we are not in the wrong in complaining about it, or going elsewhere because of it

You may not have the right to free speech, but since Reddit was founded on the idea, it's not a far stretch to have the expectation.

And to be let down when Reddit sells out every principle it was founded on.

It really depends on what they consider "offensive content", and how people get used to the idea of "offensive content" being censored. The internet is the greatest tool for communication that humanity has ever seen. As people have to go further and further down the rabbit hole to find a place with one can say anything they want, I feel like it starts to lose it value. Reddit of course has the right to do whatever they want. It's the principle of the idea that is concerning. As people get more and more used to the idea of being censored, god knows what will end up passing as "offensive content".

Ya, I get that, but my point is they aren't silencing subreddits or individuals, simply using an algorithm to screen the subreddit advertisements that they put directly into the site as being endorsed by them. They aren't silencing anyone personally or by subreddit, that's my point.

They seem to have been screening what could be put in the subreddit's sidebar. I don't understand how that's automatically about an advertisement or an endorsement.

God I love it when manchildren lose their shit over a website barely raising a finger to not host racist content.

Lol "sensors".

What's more telling is that a majority of Reddit users already have a clue that Reddit admins are censoring content but are willing to use Reddit anyways.

Pachinko is a type of gambling machine/parlor in Japan. It is known that many of them are run by North Koreans.

Maybe that means nothing, maybe not. Who knows

what the fuck offensive material is what I come here for

fuck /u/spez

Fascist reddit at it again.



If you're going to create a conspiracy about censorship, at least learn how to spell the fucking word.

Must have been trying to post to the Metal Gear Solid reddit.

All those HD cutscenes for some gambling machines...

Man if you wanted in on censored read it you lost that fight like five years ago. This isn't the place for uncensored news this is the place for free thinking. This is the place to conform to other peoples safe spaces and white rabbit things advertisers want to see

And yet no one cares about Donald Trump's tax returns.


Is Voat popular? I remember there was supposed to be a 'mass exodus' of sorts from Reddit to Voat but last time I checked it wasn't exactly thriving.

The people who actually started using Voat are the people I don't really mind left reddit.

Reddit's a corrupt leftist shithole

It will prolly work like the other filters, like the maturity filter or the disgusting filter(forget the name, but it is the one that blocks super weird stuff like animal porn)


now would be the time for an different website to rise

its actually been pretty shitty from the start. any time would have been a good time to find a new website. the closest you have to something that wont usually filter you is 4chan.

selective moderation, even twitter does it.

ever wonder why the same SJW types or users always appear in the comments under a trump tweet? normally on social media, the first post that is visible gets a lot of traction and visibility. but in the case of twitter, it's always the usual suspects that rise to the top. and it's always anti-trump.

thats a bit odd, dont you think?

So Reddit has now deployed (or will do soon) one of those generic profanity filters which censors an entire word because it might contain a racial slur?


well looks like you've been shadowbanned!

My sensors indicate you may have meant 'censors'

Reported for antisemitism.

Odds are, the big boys at Reddit HQ for scared by what's happening with YouTube and their advertisers lately so they started working on something to stem a lots of advertisers if something like what's happening to YouTube started happening to Reddit. They may or may not have intended to ever even deploy said system.

This makes a lot of sense.

Is this a legit post?? Wow.

I'm fine with this. I got they do roll it out. I'm tired of people making this website into a home by spewing garbage everywhere.

I'm pretty sure if you want to go around reddit posting racist comments you're free to do so (but will probably be downvoted a lot as well as getting yourself banned from individual subs), but you're NOT free to create subreddits that extol racist sentiments (see the banning of /r/coontown and other racist/hate subs for example).

You call it "censorship" (cue dramatic music)... but most people just call it "moderation". It's something that has happened on forums and message boards since the internet started.

If you could show that they were "censoring", say, a politician's name, or the name of a corporation, stifling genuine discussion of topics that would otherwise be within the community guidelines, then you'd have a point. As it is though I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

No one really seems to be considering other languages than English.

Chink may be a racial slur in English, along with other meanings that are not offensive, but -chink- is part of words in other languages that have 0 implication of racial slurs against x group.

In Chinese the have a filler word that sounds just like nigger. They seem to use it like um. It has no relation to racism against black people.

Loving the one guy who equates the sexual abuse of children to the use of offensive language. /s

One is rape and rightfully illegal practically everywhere, the other is at most a nasty word in some contexts.

People can be horrible and racist without slurs.

Guess we should go ahead with white washing all literature before the 90s or so. Racism is a part of history. It has been the complete norm through most of human history. Certain words were not anyways used as they are nowadays, such as fag, faggot, etc. But screw Mark Twain. He's obviously evil.

Reddit's an imperfect mean of online communication. We should develop an open source social media that emphasizes transparency, social improvement and security.

In short, we are part of the problem, and Reddit might shadowban me anytime soon.

If this censors the word "cuck" from reddit I am all for this. /s

But seriously, the internet really needs to stop using the word cuck, you've fucking killed it internet, like you do with literally everything.

I would imagine they will "only" be censoring the words in subreddit rules, FAQs etc. which isn't really too terrible. Although I would rather if they just left it as is for fear that this is going to slide down the slippery slope of censorship.

It's ironic considering this subreddit's history with censorship, false flags, blatant partisanship and banning.

Wasn't the first conspiracy theory you ever flagged as "false" the one that said that Trump and the Russians colluded during the elections?

I mean you can talk about reddit trying to censor you but they'll never be as good in censoring people as you already are.

Believing that dossier was BS & turning out to be right about that isn't a form of censorship.

Prematurely marking that story as false is censorship. No matter if you were right, which you were not by the way, saying the story is false before you know if it is, is censorship.

Flagging something is speech.

Ok, let's do this. None of what you've described is censorship or self-censorship. 1. That dossier was not suppressed, removed, or censured in any way on T_D. Hell, our entire front page was full of links to it. I first heard about the dossier here. We read it, researched it, &discussed it A LOT. We did not censor the story, we encouraged everyone to discuss it! 2. That dossier seemed fishy to me from pg.1. From pg.2 on, it was laughable ("several knowledgeable sources", an anonymous "trusted compatriot", sources A & B; you could make a drinking game out of how many times they put "(perverted)" after Trump's name; if this report is about Trump's activities why'd they mention that they bugged Clinton, but they can't find embarrassing behavior to hold over her, p1?). This, plus finding it was a 4chan troll, & people mentioned in the dossier were able to prove a number of the information false led me to believe it was false. Stating that opinion does not censure anything or anyone. 3. Of all the criticisms made about T_D, self-censorship is by far the dumbest. Have you been here before? Look around; pick a page, any page. You'll see we're so fed up with self-censorship of speech & ideas due to "political correctness", social fears of being labeled racist, etc. We embrace being a basket of deplorables, because it's a load of shit. - Here's an example: It is my opinion that men & women are biologically different, voter ID laws are a good idea, & strong border security is vital. There are a lot of subs that would label me a self-hating anti-feminist, misogynistic, sexist, islamaphobic, racist, bigot; delete my comment; & ban me without any discussion. If I don't self-censure, they'll do it for me. That doesn't fly here. 4. Are you saying we shouldn't be skeptical of "news" put out by our government or MSM? Are we supposed to believe everything we hear, blindly trust govt. & MSM to be their own watch-dogs & fact-checkers? Nah, man. I'll dig around a bit on my own before I come to an opinion. In the case of this dossier, you're arguing against fair criticism that borders a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. Also, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 5. I've NEVER heard anyone here say this dossier should be censored. Challenging the validity of a news story is not censorship, it's fair criticism. The document & Buzzfeed's publishing of it deserved to be challenged, because they violated AP standards & practices for: anonymous sources, providing attribution, responses, use of others' material, & crediting sensitive material. They also violated legal standards of Media Law & legal principals of publication outside of journalistic privilege: Defamation (slander, actual malice), false light invasion of privacy.

Everyone should have The AP Stylebook at home.


Good talk

Didn't the mods remove the post for a while and then locked it after reinstating it? Actually, I can't find the original post in this subreddit anymore. So they must have removed it for good.

Flairing something isn't censorship, but the mods really showed their bias. People post things about humans actually being literal demons from hell in this subreddit. The mods have never tagged anything like they did the dossier post.

so the chink of ice cubes as the glass is swirled will trigger a censor?

I thought anyone sensible knew mods are deleting informant that does not align with their libcuck views.

Voat is calling my name now more than ever.

Says the subreddit that hid the Great Boston Bombing Debunk of 2017. 🙄

Seriously just unsubscribe.

what? It's currently the top comment in a stickied post??

crazy how people just complain for the sake of it.

The Boston "bombing" was 4 years ago today. After the event, I spent 3 weeks creating a photographic timeline and published a 4k word article that has been viewed 190,000 times. Today, my hero Dr. Paul Craig Roberts endorsed my conclusion (that it was a faked event) and linked to it. AMA!

Here is a link to it appearing on uncenored after it was unstickied, remove from Hot and Top as well. Sorry that you think I'm whining and lying, but this literally happened. You guys believe bigger bullshit on smaller fragments of evidence, but think this sub is void of censorship and propaganda too? 🙄

I get the point I'm not being contrary, but come on to fuck, they did remove that post.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I thought you were referring to the comment that debunked OP's post, my mistake.

However, it's still stickied at the top of the sub so I'm not sure what the issue is here...?

It was definitely gone for a while. Out of Top and Hot too. It really angered me because I thought it made the sub lose integrity.

I'll look in to it thanks...

I'm guessing that chink triggered it?

Twitter did the same thing. But only Drudge Report was getting censored in my feed. I had to change my privacy settings TWO TIMES for it to resolve.


Screenshot the convo. Otherwise this post is just text with no proof.

It's still on the front page of /r/ModSupport

It is difficult to impossible to find anything pro Trump on the front few pages even when it has more upvotes in a shorter amount of time than something already there. Not making a political statement just pointing out censorship is right in front of your face but most people will choose to ignore it because for now Reddit is censoring people they disagree with.

Between google censoring their search results, youtube removing ad sponsors and this, it seems like the old internet we once knew is gone. It's funny though, because Net neutrality was supposed to stop what they're doing right now.

Liberalism would instantly die if it weren't for censorship.

Ugh what?

The right and the left both play the "Nazis and Commies" game to keep people bitchibg at each other to prevent unification of both sides from eating the rich which fuck everyone over.

Left Pundits say the Right are Nazis, and the Right Pundits say the Left are Commies.

Then wouldn't conservatism die to? The guy I'm replying to is clearly saying left wing stuff would die. While if anything unification would most likely bring about more liberalism as man would care more for his fellow man and thier well being.

We do really need to unite and have a class war though. Give all those peppers something to do besides stockpile.

Go to voat

No thanks, there are enough nazis here as it is.

Yes guys, Reddit is completely fucked. All news media is completely fucked right now. 'Offensive content', 'hate speech', all of it is geared to undermine free speech protections, and it's not about racial epithets or curse words.

We're not children, why we keep allowing ourselves to be treated as stupid children, I don't know. What the hell has happened to the admins here? How the fuck is there no outrage about this?

What in the world are we waiting for, for them to lock down the entire internet so even this small indulgence of being able to talk to people about fripperies is too much to ask for? Why is that rotten cancerous bill still in effect, did they forget we have a Constitution at all?

free speech protections

Those only apply to government censorship. Private companies can do as they please, and Reddit is a private company. Don't like it? Go somewhere else, that's the free market in action.


The government is using this as a loophole obviously lol. Have you not noticed that this election user private social media platforms to heavily alter the election?

This is a private website. They are allowed to do what they want.

If you read the history of reddit and it's founder's ideals, you wouldn't say that. Reddit has been hijacked by referee/ticket warden/hitler types. It was never meant to be like this. I can't stand people who accept everything no questions asked. Weak minded helpers of the officialdom.

If you don't like the way it is, leave.

Do you like the way it is?

I'm fine with it. I don't care for the trolls of the Donald and the other alt right snowflakes crying about things all of the time.

Or help make a change. I do what I want.


OP's spelling sensors are broken

Illuminati confirmed.

Is this why every time I search "ISIS" on /r/watchpeopledie the search fails? Serious question. Lol.


What's the big deal?

It's not like censoring offensive content...

Let's test it out, Chink.

OP is mad that he can't be racist on reddit and is threatening to leave.

Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep. I just don't know what I'll do if all the white supremacists and nazis leave for voat!

u/spez hates anything he doesn't agree with.

/u/spez hates anything he doesn't get paid to agree with. FTFY

There used to be over 15 Mods on v/pizzagate to babysit and find reasons to delete our posts, which is about 3 times more than the other subs and over a thousand visitors almost all the time which a lot I think we're just there to keep an eye on us. I think they must have done stuff to keep us censored just recently and don't need so many on duty....the sub got pretty dead the last couple weeks and although we still have plenty of downVOATers and trolls to mess with us, upVOATing is very low.

Ya us corporations are pulling ad money from all alternative media right now so they can't be critical of the U.S. starting another quagmire war in the Middle East.

Hit voat. Its a reddit replica with almost no censorship. They started voat when reddit started censoring things a few years back.

Yeah Americans in general 61% disapproval probably like 91% on Reddit. Not shocking, tech savvy people are generally more informed.

Reddit's full of idiots who can't think for themselves and just believe what their fake news tells them

There's more evidence that T_D is being brigaded/botted against than for.

I don't know maybe go ask a preschooler? Just stating the facts. Don't know why you feel threatened by them.

I'm not okay with racism. You are. You're a piece of shit. End of story.


The site was also hemorrhaging money because no one wanted to advertise on the site. They tried things with Reddit gold and still its much freer then other sites out there and as far as I understand just now are barely able to keep the lights on. It can be frustrating but this thread doesn't prove a damn thing to be honest. I get the sub it's posted in, but the wording does not match the information.

Redditor for 3 months knows what he's talking about right?

Reddit was not intended to be a fully free speech zone at the beginning. I've been here since 05/06. In the beginning, it was highly moderated in order to encourage high quality discussions. You weren't even allowed to shitpost.

You are right that at some point in Reddit history, becoming a free speech zone became a goal/value, which was reflected in a statement by yishan at the time. Obviously, that became untenable for the main stakeholders in Reddit and they shifted away from that.

You aren't going to have free speech unless you are on a fully decentralized platform or a platform that is fully owned by someone with those values as a priority even at the risk of legal liability or losing all mainstream sources of income (mainstream ad networks) or having business vendors and partners cutting ties with them.

Shareblue took over. $$$pez likely got paid off for them to take over his site. Or hes wifes boyfriend made him do it.

Either way the amount of sponsored content and blatant propaganda is atrocious. Its amazing how much "users" complain about the_Donald but no one gives about the absolute circlejerks going on in r/politics, r/news, r/worldnews, etc. Fuck the mods of those awful subs (some defaults) and fuck the admins for ruining this platform. Soon it will die and they will lose everything.

r/popular is he reason for that, I imagine.

Upvote factories exit, yes.

It is odd the extent people will go to to disguise propaganda as a debate or information seminar.

I would think that making a user feel like they're being ignored would drive them into suicide.

I... don't think that's how Facebook works (at least not anymore). If someone removed you as a friend, they're not supposed to show up in recommended. Especially if they blocked you.

Too soon, too soon.

pa*****o machine

The US railway system?

No, but they built them!

Mods can ban users from their subreddit so their posts simply never appear or have to be approved by a mod to appear. I think they use automod to do this but I'm not certain.

Sorry dad. I just didn't feel it necessary to detail step-by-step how to read subreddit rules.

So it would be pretty obvious if you are shadowbanned. When you are banned is it across the entire site or just by subreddit?