In consideration of the feminization of men and increased/increasing rates of autism

35  2017-04-16 by [deleted]

Two key points

•The feminizaion of men by chemicals and otherwise has an end game •Increased/increasing rates of autism by chemicals and otherwise has an endgame

According to my research (admitedly the furst few pages of google scholar in reference to my searches) testosterone increases the perception of unfairness and reaction to said unfairness, and autism causes confict avoidance.

Therefore there is a deliberate attempt to make men complacent and the population less likely to create solutions and resolutions. I interpret the information this way because another consequence of autism is that when a conflict has added pressure, the afflicted person will be more likely to have a socially un-acceptable response. This response has obvious consequences which tack up to meaning "TPTB are attepmting to make people avoid conflict and unable to cooperate when a conflict arises".

We are supposed to be complacent about this problem, and we are not supposed to cooperate and do anything about it.

For those who wish to criticize my facts about autism, I am not calling out any one thing as being the driving force in these epidemia. I am skeptical and am only doing research with no intention of drawing conclusions about specifics so early in my search. What I know for a fact is that there's a lot more cases of autism, like as in 80% of the autistic polution is under the age of 18. In a majority of studies 1 in 100 people or more have ASD. If this were solely due to diagnostic changes then there would have been a plateu in the population ratios, but the rates are still increasing, in fact the rate of increase is increasing. And a position I assume is shared by a majority of this subreddit is that when that a small group of elites have their fingers buried in the corner of every aspect of human life if we let them. I believe that if there is a significant change in demographics, then these elites are contributing to it. When you turn on C-SPAN and watch the conferences and interviews concerning autism, there's not a single word spoken about how this shit is fishy and nobody remembers buying salmon. On MSM the only consideration is that our only thought should be to accomodate the phenomenon whithout explaination.

Hopefully this post just comes of as pointing out where the wind is blowing. And my pontification doesn't come off as speculation gome amok.


Ugh, we men aren't going anywhere pal.

rick flair woooooo

greeting obvious inforwars listener.

This is why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

me watching that video was the first time i had ever even heard his voice. pretty sure im good as far as infowars goes.

It's a joke video, here's the real pure Alex Jones. Https://

So you've never listened to Jones and yet you throw shade on InfoWars listeners? So you basically just believe what you're told.

I've never watched infowars, just the Joe Rogan podcast with Joe Rogan

You're right, this is exactly what's going on. Did you watch Ten Commandments last night? Remember the idiots dancing around the golden calf even AFTER Moses parted the Red Sea for them and freed them from stomping mud until they died under Ramses? Well, those same degenerate ingrates basically still run the show dancing around that cow.

So it's all that morally bankrupt human garbage that thinks the Earth is a big garden to cater to their bliss addiction and they have spent every century since then getting rich through outright theft or insuring the Twin Towers, scumfuck shit like that. Then they have enough money to make movies, buy pharmaceutical companies, and set about subtly, slowly murdering everyone who didn't make it across the desert that day 2000 years ago. I wish the rest of us goyim would finally rise up to stop them. I just don't get why they're allowed to shape the world in their image for so long without a brave Guy Fawkes type stepping in to intervene.

If "The Jews" are behind banking and other conspiracies, isn't it probably like 1% of The Jewish people? I know a lot of Jews, but they are all cool and have good mid-level jobs and their parents aren't bankers.

I agree but sadly they buy into the what the 1 percent feeds them about them being gods only chosen people

No. I'm Jewish. I don't buy into what the 1% is doing. I'm a normal person. I'm a stay home Mom. I do not think I'm better than anyone else. I don't think I'm chosen. I have a son with autism too.

I am not a Zionist. I'm an American. I have no ties to Israel. I have no relatives in Israel.

I'm Jewish. I don't buy into what the 1% is doing. I'm a normal person.

But you believe the Germans tried to commit genocide against the Jews, and you believe Israel has a "right" to exist, correct? Jews support other Jews. That support comes at the expense (literally) of non-Jews.

Actually, because of this subreddit I have decided to research the Holocaust. Yes, I've been TOLD about the Germans killing all the Jews. But how do I know that is true? I wasn't there! I do not know anyone who was there either. So I am going to research everything now.

I realize that what I've been TOLD is not always the truth. I believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag. I also know that 9/11 was a controlled demolition.

As far as Israel. I already stated I have no ties to Israel. I have no relatives there. I'm American. I can trace my maternal line back to 1750 here in America. I have no opinion on Israel.

No, Jews do not support other Jews either. Sometimes, but not always.

Most people believe those things. You don't have to be Jewish to believe in the Holocaust or Israel having a right to exist. It's actually a tiny minority of the west that doesn't believe in the Holocaust. The first time Sean Spicer ever apologized for something he said was because he downplayed the Holocaust.

You saying she probably believes these things because she's Jewish makes you sound racist.

Well it would be nice if more jewish people like you spoke out. Then again its always the loudest that are usually the craziest and have an agenda. My apologies you at all felt grouped with that one percent.

Thank you for realizing that not all of us are like the 1%. I'm far from it! I'm just a normal, stay home Mom who is "awake" (thanks to this subreddit and other websites). :-)

I don't believe that is true at all. I also don't believe that catholics are complicit in what the Vatican does.

There is a huge difference in being a practicing jew and being a practicing zionist.

Always thought autism conveniently occupies the time and money of the families

Theres a great documentary linked on the sidebar about plastic and xenoestrogens effecting males.

It's all the birth control in the water supply. Or atrozine.

This is not necessary. The human cattle are stupid enough to eat/smoke/drink/consume themselves to death. You really give your species too much credit.

If "The Jews" are behind banking and other conspiracies, isn't it probably like 1% of The Jewish people? I know a lot of Jews, but they are all cool and have good mid-level jobs and their parents aren't bankers.