Holy fucking shit. r/The_Zionald seems to have shadowbanned words 'USS Liberty'

83  2017-04-17 by [deleted]



That sub was created and still run by hasbara. Hot dam, people are ignorant...,

They got conned in every possible way. Bittersweet.

I don't think they created it. Iirc there was a big admin purge once they picked up momentum.

No, dawg... they created it.... People new to reddit are ignorant... I laugh.. either wait.......

People new to reddit are ignorant.

posted from a 1 year account.



Just good to point out where the bad guys are.

You vote for Clinton ?

No I didn't. And the users of t_d were awesome well meaning and fun to be around during the election. I was referring to the subversion of their mods as the "bad guys".

Seems like you have an axe to grind .. just because your girl didn't win.

Are you fucking kidding me? Look at my comment history. 40 minutes ago. T_d went weird after the election.


Dude check your anger. Looks like your account is new.. and very critical. He won already.

New? Wtf dude. I've been here almost 6 years. And I'll do as I please.

I'm just saying ... Trump won.. there isn't any point in ppl raising hell and burning cars in the streets.. making death threats to cops. It isn't cute

When were we talking about Trump? And you are more closely describing the democrats reaction to the loss. What does that have to do with me?

Pretty sure he's playing dumb to troll you

I'm slow, sheesh. I was thinking by his username he was just high.

Why are you wasting space in this sub? The guys been here more than 5 years.

Says guy with 43 day old account


Ideologues are frustrating, aren't they?

why do your type always fall back to well hillary?

For fucks sake 95% of this sub hate HRC. 75% were hopeful Trump would be different.

75% of that 75% now realize Trump is a scam artist and a Zionist. He is doing exactly what we all expected of HRC.

Use your brain pleb.


Damn is it time to buy a playstation and play these games again?

Well, I never...

Israel first!

Make America cucked again!

Anyone still 100% on the Trump train is a blind follower, shill, bot or a fucking idiot. Thats it.

It was ok to be a fan before the election now its time to think critically.

Agree. Being a fanboy of anything is a big problem anyway. Excluding sport and music obv.

have you tried all variations? i doubt they censored the words Liberty...so perhaps on 8th of June we can all do a massive spree of posts along the lines of:

"RIP brave men of Liberty. We will never forget the cowardly attack by Egypt. Revenge will be ours!"

then obviously everyone will be like "wait, that was israel?"

As long as thinking critically =/= follow liberal agenda. there is only 1 democrat i trust. tulsi. My grandmother tells me not to put anyone on a pedistal... We get in arguments about israel all the time. Her brothers died in the world war. She thinks israel is swell.

Or just really hate "libtards" It's a part of their social identity for many.


Post something with US Ship Liberty, see how long before it's manually shadowbanned.

OP has submitted links from thedailystormer on this sub.

Just saying.

Weren't they actively recruiting on this subreddit?

Yep. They like to deny it.

at least it wasnt Salon/Vox or Huffpo though tbh!

Thedailystormer is a neo-nazi website.

isn't everyone who isn't a rabid 'progressive' open borders liberal, a neo-nazi?

No. But thedailystormer is litterally a neo-nazi website.

do its goyim know?

What does goyim mean?

neo-nazis, obviously.

Should I call the neo-nazi's the alt-right by their politically correct name of alt-right instead?

Oh no that's just horrible! How will OP ever recover? Fyi Adrew Anglin is king and you're a cuckboy. Hail Victory!

Removed. Rule 4.

Removed. Rule 4.

Wow. Just wow.

I like that sub sometimes.

They got conned in every possible way. Bittersweet.

I don't think they created it. Iirc there was a big admin purge once they picked up momentum.