Just a reminder: Any anonymous online account can claim to "know someone" who was injured/killed in [insert false flag here]. It literally means nothing.

212  2017-04-17 by [deleted]

There is a great write-up about the Boston Bombing on this subreddit right now and the top comment is a random online account claiming to "know people" who were injured.

Not saying that they don't. But the point is that any person online can say anything.

You would think this would be obvious but it isn't considering how many times that comment was upvoted and "gilded".

Once again, I personally do believe a bomb went off but have my own theories about the how and the why. So I am not claiming that people were not injured and I am not claiming that the person who said they "know people" is lying.

But what I am saying is that a person upvoted into the thousands and gilded multiple times, solely for starting their comment with "I personally know people..." is a load of BS and should be addressed.


It is especially noticeable about Sandy Hook threads.
I understand that the Boston bombing has many witnesses (although thousands upvotes and gold raise some flags, but I mean generally, not that particular comment). But it's very surprising to see relatives of Sandy Hook victims in every fucking thread, these people are very active on conspiracy related forums ...

I'm calling BS. I've seen lots of Sandy threads on here, and I've never once seen someone claim to be a relative of a victim.

We didnt see the same threads then ... People claiming to be relatives is nearly systematic, or used to ne at last

Really? It was so common that it's what made me research the topic to begin with. It was so unbelievable to see so many people who knew victims of an attack in a town of 20k people.


I've seen people say that they're friends of a family that lost a child.

So have I. That's not what was being discussed. What was being discussed what the idea that in every single thread about the bombing, someone would claim to be family to a victim.

I concede most of those people probably were not family of victims and said it for emotional impact or to make their argument sound better. I doubt they are paid government shills though. But on the other hand all you people claiming it never happened and all the victims were invented can eat a dick too. I might listen to the shooter was MK or the CIA or Mossad did it. But the whole school never existed is going full potato. It's the no-planes-at-all-its-a-hologram retarded. Rather than debate all these lunatics it must be very tempting to just say you are a family member.

But the whole school never existed

I've never heard a theory saying the school never existed. It was obviously there. It was equally obvious that it was not in use. It's since been demolished, with a new school erected in its place.

It was equally obvious that it was not in use.

Really? You think that someone staged a slaughter in a school no one used and no one much figured it out? Come on. Where is your bullshit detector?

Where is your bullshit detector?

Going off right now.

Not surprising.

There is no "figuring out". Theres only "will people even entertain the notion". If the answer for the vast majority of people is no, then you can do anything you want and no one's gonna "figure it out".

I'm sorry bud, but that's just not credible. Its a real school with real kids. If anyone parroting this shit would get off their ass and look into it, its very, very easy to debunk this nonsensical idea. You could easily find parents of kids that went to that school. It would take you a few hours, tops. But no one cares enough to do that, because it would completely shut down the conspiracy. And that's just no fun.

Isn't the argument that the parents would be in on it somehow

To what end? Why hasn't anyone talked?

Could be threats to themselves or loved ones, maybe corruption by money/power/drugs/sex. Maybe indoctrination from childhood, maybe CIA programming.

I'd say those are the major conspiracy theories about that

But no one talked? That's weird.

You're not willing to entertain the idea?

I've only seen one guy that claimed to know one of the Sandy Hook victims(I wasn't around /r/conspiracy back in 2012-2013 so I don't know if there was a lot of them back then) and he actually provided photo proof that was 5-6 years before the incident, with him and the victim(teacher).

I had relatives in the school that day but who weren't victims. I think you see people comment a lot because people like me are amazed there are people who doubt the veracity of the killing.

It's called confirmation bias. People WANT to believe a certain narrative, and thus they treat sources of information that align with their beliefs as "more credible" than any source that may conflict with what they want to believe as true. These aren't people who are making an honest attempt at finding objective truth regarding a situation/event...these are people who are already mostly certain about things in their own minds and are only seeking that which will reinforce it. Anyone who challenges them is almost certainly either a paid shill/disinfo agent or just a brainwashed sheep. In your case, since you are a relative of someone from Sandy Hook, you must be a paid shill/crisis actor who cannot be trusted in their minds.

They show up within minutes of posting about the topic. Must be a strong internet force that leads them here so quickly.

I was best friends with OP and he died in the North Korea missile test. Shame on your for pretending to be OP.

You're destroying the lives of OP's family members. Haven't they been through enough?

OP here. I'm alive and well friend, I want to come see you. What's your name, address, and SSN? See you soon, xoxo

oh good.

we should start a victims' compensation fund to scam people compensate the lawyers YOU for being sheisty a victim.

OP here.


The main thing for me is the way the media and government pile on to these stories with no credible coverage and a total propaganda slant.

After that, there are glaring anomalies that start to pop up, and they are never followed up on.

After that, like in Oklahoma City or WACO, credible private investigations emerge that further demolish the official version.

I try to tell people all the time I know many people who were killed in the Bowling Green Massacre. People like you are the reason they can't get the recognition they deserve.

It's actually a common shill tactic. You see it a lot on high-view-count youtube videos about Sandy Hook and other well documented false flags. I have no doubt that it's deliberate. Outright censorship would be too obvious so they resort to these tactics while at the same time trying to discredit skepticism (conspiracy theorist crackpots, fake news epidemic)

In the same way that not every 4chan poster is in the FBI

In the same way that not every 4chan poster is in the FBI

Of course not. Some are in the CIA, others the NSA, a few from MI6 and probably some ex-KGB in there as well.

what, no mossad?

Probably not the only one I forgot.

ISIS. You forgot ISIS.

They're kind of a d) All of the above. group, I think.

I am an ex FBI agent that was on the Lusitania, trust me when I tell you how I know Bernie Sanders was there to give Pence the presidency.

Thank you OP. This reminds me of how many people come out saying "but I worked 2 blocks down from the WTC and I SAW jumbo jets crashing into the building", when you irrefutably prove aluminum airplanes cannot (and have not) pierced through armoured steel as a hot knife through butter.

irrefutably prove aluminum airplanes cannot (and have not) pierced through armoured steel as a hot knife through butter.

No one has ever done that. How do I know? Because anything can pierce through anything if the energy transfer is high enough.

The US navy's railgun uses aluminium projectiles. They can pierce through multiple layers of steel armour simply because they are accelerated to an extremely high velocity.

Force = Mass x Acceleration.

A small mass undergoing a high acceleration can have the same force as a large mass undergoing a lower acceleration.

If you run the numbers, an empty 757 traveling at 500mph hits with about the same force per square inch as a .50 caliber rifle bullet at point blank range.

Somebody saw something. Could have been anything. Could have been remote controlled military craft. Videos could still be faked, tampered with. Building could have been pre prepared. Some of this is probable. But we don't know for sure exactly how it was done.

when you irrefutably prove aluminum airplanes cannot (and have not) pierced through armoured steel as a hot knife through butter.

Flown many aircraft into skyscrapers?

I imagine the steel beams of the structure sliced through the body of the aircraft, as the aircraft penetrated through the windows.

And yet when some anonymous teenager on 4Chan claims they have a key to code words that prove a bunch of Democrats are really pedophiles, it's taken as gospel.

By whom? Sure, it seems a lot of people buy into it to reinforce their preconceived notion, though I'd argue there's a lot of people who just go along as part of the LARP. Many people here give those 4Chan claims exactly the credence they deserve.

I mean, Pizzagate started solely because of a /pol/ Anon.

I'm not discounting that. At the very least, there were some things in the Podesta emails that were strange at first glance without context, but the real question is whether it was actually indicative of anything illegal/immoral. It certainly got much more play than it would have because people wanted it to be true for electoral politics reasons.

You get some of the same biases when anonymous people claim to know victims of various attacks: some want them to be true and some are convinced they're not. My calculus in evaluating them is the same. If a person makes a claim based on personal knowledge without staking that claim to their personal identity or otherwise providing evidence, I give it very little credence. Not saying it isn't true, just that I have no reason to believe it.


Eh, you can go to Orlando and you'll run into many people that know directly one or more of those who died in Pulse. I believe it was a psy-op. The reports came out the other day and they won't tell how many died from police fire.

Yet when those same anonymous accounts have unsupported claims about a theory and no backing facts or research evidence, it's supported like the best thing ever?

Idk seems odd.

So let me get this straight... An anonymous person on the internet claims that there were no victims. I should at least listen to what they have to say... but if another anonymous person on the internet claims to know some victims then I should discount what they have to say because anonymous people on the internet can say anything...

Is that how it works?

Op's point I think might better be stated that there is an uncanny number of r/conspiracy subscribers who claim to personally know victims or the families of victims of these events.

Uncanny? I do not see that many claims. We have 446,800 subscribers and many more that visit without subscribing. Statistically speaking it would be more surprising if there were less people that knew someone.

In fact you can be sure that it would be used as evidence that no one knew anyone involved because they were paid actors.

That's how these people work. They can twist anything to conform to their theories. Someone says "I know people" he's clearly a paid shill. No one says "I know people", its clearly because the people were actors.

That's the reality here. Anything can be twisted into "evidence" of any claim. You demand proof, I provide it, you call it fake and proof of your theory. I demand proof, you fail to provide it, I claim it is proof of my theory. And so it goes.

It used to happen with ridiculous frequency in the Sandy Hook threads. Sandy Hook wasn't 9/11 or the Boston Bombing. There weren't that many victims proportionally, but there was always a relative or friend ready to post here. It doesn't add up.

I think you're misrepresenting the numbers. There might be 400k+ subscribers, but there's usually only 1 or 2k here at any one time. Granted the longer a post is up, the more views it will get, but the people that "know the victims" seem to get in pretty early on these posts. Stretches the bounds of credibility IMO.

What's more is that this is a conspiracy sub that attracts conspiracy enthusiasts who just aren't the type to massively upvote anti-conspiracy comments. To have a top comment with hundreds of upvotes debunking a very popular theory is obvious evidence of brigading. And if there's a brigade at work, then you can bet the top comments are fake.

There might be 400k+ subscribers

Globally and not just from the US, makes the probability rate of people from SH being on this sub (of all the places on the net in general) that much more unlikely.

Even more unlikely when you compare the demographics of those people against the typical person that joins (let alone browses, hi to the lurkers) Reddit.

My opinion is that most are talking themselves up to appear to have higher social standing in the sub on the topic in question (if not simply trolling), while in reality they are of lower social status and inflating their egos by impressing strangers on the Internet. Similar to how on FB people post highlight reels whereas the reality is most are in debt to the eyeballs and struggle to pay the bills.

Real victims of crime don't dwell on it as much online by comparison; looking instead to get on with life the best they can and very rarely try to claim victim status for social points (real rape victims don't make porn films about the rape, like a mattress wielding graduate for instance).

In short; after a cursory process of elimination I deem the possibility that there are genuine people related to victims of SH infinitely small.

This observation is regardless of any reservations for or against SH being a hoax or otherwise.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc

that's because with 6 degrees of separation, it's not that unfathomable for a lot of people to be connected in some way to the victims. Like with the orlando shooting, a coworker of my mom had a friend who died in the shooting. I watched her get the phone call and break down in tears...

Nobody ever expects to have these connections, but when you know the people are real and would have no reason to lie, it's a compelling reason to tell forum-readers that the shit is definitely real.

I posted in the Boston bombing thread about how that OP clearly doesn't know that false flag attacks aren't by definition FAKE, they are merely designed to trick people into believing someone else was responsible.

I posted in the Boston bombing thread about how that OP clearly doesn't know that false flag attacks aren't by definition FAKE, they are merely designed to trick people into believing someone else was responsible.

Totally good point. Still not sure about whether that first blast zone scene was staged or not. I read a very convincing explanation from a doctor as to why Jeff Bauman (aka Miracle Man) couldn not be at a Bruins game giving a big thumbs up less than three weeks after such a traumatic injury, and I tend to believe it. Plus Carlos and the ridiculous blood-soaked flag seems so contrived I would expect see Micheal Bay as the executive producer in the credits.

The difference is that if someone says there were no victims, I don't give any credence to them on their statement alone, but on the quality and quantity of the evidence and/or reasoning they provide. If they provide none, that's how much credence I give it.

When someone claims they personally knew a victim, I give that no credence unless they provide evidence. I get why they may not want to — hell, I certainly wouldn't want to in most cases — but that doesn't mean they should be believed simply because they assert it.

I use the same criteria for evaluating either claim, based on the evidence provided.

No. The first person is giving a detailed analysis for why he believes it was staged, mostly based on verifiable evidence. The next person is making a completely unverifiable claim, unless that person provides evidence. They are completely different situations.

Just like anyone can post on /pol/ and it literally means nothing, but yall love that shit.

but yall love that shit.

Who is "y'all?" And how are you certain 4chan larps aren't boosted here by their own homegrown shills? For example, the worldcorp videos were heavily shilled with fake support.

When you talk about the holocaust numbers being fabricated, all anyone argues is that they have heard stories from so and so who wouldn't lie.

That comment is ShareBlue 'sponsored' a.k.a. shills. However I don't believe they succeed in weakening the post...

Nice post OP. I completely agree. I remember reading "why was my bartender in a bandage for a week" and just thinking, uhm......you could be lying and we would have no idea

He's was upvoted because he provided evidence on why he's wrong about the Boston bombing.

I'm surprised there were only claims of "I know a guy who knows a guy," with no claims of "I was injured by a blast myself."

Too many LARPers. Can't they just Cosplay with video game characters and comic book characters? Why must they Cosplay as spies or White House insiders or other government insiders? At least Cosplay as a stupid fictional character is harmless.

This posted on Reddit 3 months ago::

As followup to interest in the Sandy Hook FOIA post, here is some more info regarding Wolfgang Halbig's inquiries into Sandy Hook.

Halbig was leading the charge to file FOIA request for various school records pertaining to Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) such as maintenance and records for the school, receipts and contact for contractors performing work to the school, as well as police dash cam tapes and audio from the day.

If everything was indeed real, and the school was running, there should have been volumes of financial data, which is a matter of public record. However, many of Halbig's FOIA requests were denied. An appellate hearing was held and several witnesses involved with the school were examined.

A great excerpt of the school district's maintenance supervisor being examined.


(Update to Halbig's inquiry: Halbig has shut his website "sandyhookjusticereport.com" down after receiving alleged threats to his family. He is interviewed about this on the Richie Allen Show 10/6/16)


Still with me?

Here are some of Halbigs Original issues with the SHES "massacre" below. (Quoted from https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2014/02/25/sandy-hook-massacre-was-a-contrived-event-says-former-state-trooper-wolfgang-halbig/)

1.When the police arrived at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) that morning, they parked ¼ mile from the school’s front door instead of doing what first responders are supposed to do in an active shooter event, which is to neutralize the threat as quickly as possible so as to save as many lives as possible.

2.Paramedics and EMTs (emergency medical technicians) were not allowed to enter the school. Instead they were kept waiting in the Sandy Hook fire station nearby, 500 yards down the road from SHES.

3.Trauma helicopters, which can provide the quickest and best medical services in an emergency, were not sent to Sandy Hook. Life Star, the medical helicopter service at Danbury Hospital’s Trauma Center, told Halbig “we were never called, never asked.”

4.Where were the ambulances to transport the wounded to hospitals?

5.Why did police declare 26 people to be dead within the first 11 minutes of the shooting, when according to Connecticut law, only a doctor can declare someone to be legally dead?

6.Why did the FBI classify the Sandy Hook massacre? This has never been done before. Even the Columbine School massacre was not classified information. To this day, the FBI report on Sandy Hook remains classified information, not releasable to the public.

7.Why did the State of Connecticut wait ELEVEN whole months to issue its official final report on the Sandy Hook shootings to the American public? Note that the final report does not include the FBI’s still-classified report.

8.Police transmissions don’t lie because they are made by sworn and trained law enforcement officers. On the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, recorded police transmissions said “We have multiple weapons inside the [SH] classroom — a rifle and a shotgun.” But nobody could find the shotgun in the school. Instead, a shotgun was found in the black Honda parked outside the school.

9.At 9:45 AM that day, a police officer found a surviving kindergarten-aged girl in the hallway. The officer sent her back into Room 8 — a crime scene with students and teachers shot dead. What police officer would do that?

10.Similarly, that morning, two Connecticut state troopers entered Room 10 and found an unharmed boy hiding in the bathroom. The troopers ordered the boy to stay in the room — a room with dead people. “That’s not police protocol.”

11.Having investigated and given expert testimony on many school shootings, Halbig says “I know what tears look like.” But the parents of slain Sandy Hook children, as we’ve noted here on FOTM, did not cry. (In the now famous case of Robbie Parker, the father of allegedly slain 6-year-old Emilie, he went from laughing and joking to pretending to choke back tears in the blink of an eye.)

12.Sandy Hook’s medical examiner Dr. Wayne Carver refused to let the parents see the bodies of their slain children, and instead gave them photos of the bodies, which is “unheard of.” Halbig knows about the inconsolable grief of parents and is himself a parent. Parents whose children had been shot dead “would kick the door down” demanding to see the bodies.

13.Why was Sandy Hook Elementary School torn down? This is not the case with any of the other schools where shootings had taken place, including Columbine School.

14.Who installed the new security system at SHES? This should be a matter of public record.

(This new security system was bragged about in a SHES news letter prior the incident) 1.The shooting-to-death of 26 people would leave 45-60 gallons of blood. Who cleaned it up? What biohazard company was hired to clean the crime scene?

(Receipts, records, chain of custody for biohazard cleanup?)

1.Why is there not even one lawsuit by a Sandy Hook parent against SHES for negligence? Halbig has never ever seen a school shooting without parents suing the school for negligence.

2.Why are there so many fund-raisers for the Sandy Hook shootings? Halbig: “I’ve never seen so many fund-raisers” in the case of Sandy Hook. One fundraising alone, by United Way, netted $17 million, from which “every [SH] parent got a big chunk of money.”

3.Alleged shooter Adam Lanza, 20, is said to have Asperger syndrome — a high-functioning (in academics) form of austism. Halbig points out, however, that like those with autism, children with Asperger have “very very poor motor skills” and “very poor muscle tone.” How did Asperger-afflicted Adam Lanza with “very poor muscle tone” carry a rifle, a shotgun, a handgun, and bullets? How did Asperger-afflicted Adam Lanza with “very very poor motor skills” shoot 26 people dead — not wounded — in less than five minutes, firing one bullet roughly every two seconds?

(An amateur shooter, with no formal training or experience, and adrenaline pumping, would not be able to shoot, lethally hit targets and reload quickly, while cycling between 3 different weapons. Below is a link of Keanu Reeves shooting for time in a '3-gun trial' while training with professionals for John Wick 2; essentially, this is how Lanza would have to be moving)


I know the OP! He paid me not to reveal his agenda! /s

why do you put so much prestige in upvotes and getting gilded? maybe if you didnt care as much about fake internet points, it wouldnt bother you as much.

I see people claim shit all the time. I don't believe it. Especially if they are getting 2nd hand information and spread it.

What the hell are you trying to pull here OP?

You conveniently didn't include a link to the comment you're referring to, probably because if people checked they'd realize that "I met a guy who was injured" was just the intro. u/cryoshon then went on to go through the article point by point and offer his own attempts to refute them. It was an incredibly high effort comment, and that is very obviously the reason it got so many upvotes and gilds.

a person upvoted into the thousands and gilded multiple times, solely for starting their comment with "I personally know people"...

There is no way you wrote that without knowing it was BS. Why did you make this post?

There is a great write-up about the Boston Bombing on this subreddit right now and the top comment is a random online account


you may refer to me as "the destroyer"

and the anecdotal bit of my post-- that's just the kale decoration in the pizza hut salad bar. the rest of my analysis clowns all over everything. i could have left out the bit about knowing someone. it still would have exploded the OP's crap.

You can write anything you like here. It does not make it true. You cannot believe anything that people say.

Tell that to my aunt that died in the Bowling Green Massacre

I jumped from the tower on 911. Trust me a plane hit the Pentagon.

We didnt see the same threads then ... People claiming to be relatives is nearly systematic, or used to ne at last

Really? It was so common that it's what made me research the topic to begin with. It was so unbelievable to see so many people who knew victims of an attack in a town of 20k people.

I've seen people say that they're friends of a family that lost a child.

what, no mossad?

There might be 400k+ subscribers

Globally and not just from the US, makes the probability rate of people from SH being on this sub (of all the places on the net in general) that much more unlikely.

Even more unlikely when you compare the demographics of those people against the typical person that joins (let alone browses, hi to the lurkers) Reddit.

My opinion is that most are talking themselves up to appear to have higher social standing in the sub on the topic in question (if not simply trolling), while in reality they are of lower social status and inflating their egos by impressing strangers on the Internet. Similar to how on FB people post highlight reels whereas the reality is most are in debt to the eyeballs and struggle to pay the bills.

Real victims of crime don't dwell on it as much online by comparison; looking instead to get on with life the best they can and very rarely try to claim victim status for social points (real rape victims don't make porn films about the rape, like a mattress wielding graduate for instance).

In short; after a cursory process of elimination I deem the possibility that there are genuine people related to victims of SH infinitely small.

This observation is regardless of any reservations for or against SH being a hoax or otherwise.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc