So, how come "they" dont just turn on the Cleveland killers microphone and camera to figure out where he is?

221  2017-04-17 by soonerchad

"They" are supposed to be spying on all of us through our phones and supposedly be able to turn on our cameras and microphones to do it. Why can't they catch this douchebag? Either A. They can't spy on us like they say Or B. This killer guy is bullshit Or C. Both is bullshit.

EDIT: THIS IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION. Apparently some do not understand that concept.


Cause it's not important. As bad as it sounds. This kill was not important.

Kills* 13 or so now.

He claimed it was 13. Only confirmed kill was the old man.

The only source for that information that exists is from this twitter post.

Steve Stephens is the suspect who claims to have killed 12-13 people. Right now, Cleveland Police have only 1 confirmed victim.

— Scott Carlson (@ScottCarlson19) April 16, 2017

Which only states Cleveland Police have only 1 confirmed victim. Steve Stephens may be nowhere near Cleveland. Until then, I will take Stephens' word for it.

No. He made that claim while he wasn't still in Cleveland. In Cleveland there is only one confirmed victim, according to the police.

The first article says nothing about where the second video was filmed.

The search for a suspect who police believe randomly shot a man walking along a Cleveland-area sidewalk on Sunday before posting a video of the fatal shooting on Facebook broadened nationwide on Monday as officials acknowledged that they did not know where the man was and announced a $50,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.

This refers the the first video.

The second article says nothing about filming at all really.

The second video? Where he shows the entrance to his girlfriend/fiance's work building in Cleveland?

...Which the articles would have to have sourced here.

You are not listing sources by listing articles that include information from sources.

Video 1 Stephens got out of the car and approached Godwin, saying, "Hey can you do me a favor?" and asked him to say his girlfriend's name. Godwin appeared confused but said the woman's name.

Stephens then pulled a handgun and pointed it at Godwin's head, telling him that the woman is the reason why he was about to shoot him. Godwin's hands went up to shield him and pleaded with Stephens, saying, "Look, I don't know anybody by that name!"

Stephens fired one fatal shot at Godwin's head, and he zooms in on Godwin's bloody body on the sidewalk before walking back to his car and getting inside.

Video 2 In a second five-minute video after the shooting, Stephens is seen on the phone with an unidentified person. Stephens encourages him to go onto Facebook and watch the shooting.

He then begins explaining to the person on the telephone about why he shot Godwin, saying "I'm at the point where I snapped," and that no one ever took his problems seriously when he tried to talk them out.

"I shamed myself. I snapped, I snapped. I just snapped, I just killed 13 motherfuckers, man," Stephens says on the phone. "I'm about to keep killing until they catch me, fuck it. I'm telling them to catch me."

In the video, Stephens also mentions that he works for Beech Brook, a Cleveland organization that provides counseling services for youth. He was wearing his name badge in the videos that identified him as a Beech Brook employee.

There is another video that your extensive research into this topic has apparently missed. He shows the front of a building, showing where his girl worked. Do better.

List of Every Video Steve is Known to Have Produced

Now, link me to this video you are talking about.

Didn't he claim in one video he had bodies in an abandon house on dead end street.

Bro. Third video on this cite

He's wearing the same outfit. Same day. I don't know what you want.

Because he isn't important to them at all and not worth expending the resources

what resources? Tracking his IP and locating him should have been a piece of cake and achieved within seconds, since he was broadcasting it live on Facebook. How the hell did he manage to even leave the state? I smell bullshit.

I know - its remarkably easy to catch him and they aren't willing to do it - that is how little they care about catching this guy. Its not like he is a dissenter against the govt; he is killing other cattle

It was worth the resources for them to track down the streamer who was driving around looking for him himself. I don't think that's the answer.

its def not.. the resources are already being used, its as simple as loading a cell number that's associated with the phone, or email or whatever config the guy chose to use in order to give permissions for the video option. they just aren't choosing to bc he has ditched the phone and they know it,the act wasn't real or they just don't care.

I know - its remarkably easy to catch him and they aren't willing to do it - that is how little they care about catching this guy. Its not like he is a dissenter against the govt; he is killing other cattle

and not worth it to show the world their tracking powers for such a minor criminal

There ya go - because then everybody would go "wait- you could have stopped all of these other ones too!?"

if he killed someone important, they would have used it in a heart beat and been proud of their powers and boast about them.

Do you honestly think they couldn't just make up a phony witness to cover their tracks or even wouldn't?

oh that's what they'll probably do.

I don't think it's that easy tbh, it's not just a switch. who knows the system they have, I imagine you have to go pretty high up to tap someone's phone.

A murder really isn't really enough, and that's good it's not meant for the average person. I'd rather it available and not used then used frivolously.

Dude "they" say "they" spy on everyone like this. Like I said SUPPOSEDLY.

I doubt it's constantly active though, they probably have the ability to spy on everyone (disregarding computer power and storage), but it's probably on select VIP individuals.

Well I pretty much agree with what you said here. I was under the assumption they say they spy on everyone all the time. If that's true I don't believe it. I'm sure they could, like you say selectively. I think mostly its a rule by fear tactic. Or could be another group putting it out there to have people go against the government. A lot of different things really but I'm kinda off topic so I'll shut up now lol.

See my reply to RIP above. All comm is vulnerable and further, all phone/email/texts are stored.

See my reply to RIP above. All comm is vulnerable and further, all phone/email/texts are stored.

See my reply to RIP above. All comm is vulnerable and further, all phone/email/texts are stored.

See my reply to RIP above. All comm is vulnerable and further, all phone/email/texts are stored.

See my reply to RIP above. All comm is vulnerable and further, all phone/email/texts are stored.

See my reply to RIP above. All comm is vulnerable and further, all phone/email/texts are stored.

I imagine you have to go pretty high up to tap someone's phone.

All communications are tapped. The question is: why aren't they attempting to access this information to stop this? The answer is: because it wasn't meant to stop crime, it's meant to keep us in control.

ok well I'm just going to pay along but i think you're a nut.

So how do "they" keep us in control?

I'm just going to disregard when you say all communications are tapped because I think you lack an understanding of computers to realize why that is highly unlikely

All communications are pretty much "tapped".

WaPo ran an article in 2010 that stated everyday th eNSA intercepts and stores 1.7 billion texts, emails, and calls.

Type into Google "are our phone calls being recorded" and one of the top results will be a Business Insider article that quotes the article mentioned above.

This isn't new, Ma Bell was recording all your phone calls since strictly telephonic days. With that being said, it's about time we do something about it.

yeah but there isn't proof of this

Get your head out of sand, this is wholly fact. Look it up yourself instead of being an agent of disinformation.

But there isn't any physical evidence that suggests the NSA is storing every phonecall, email, and whatever else of everyone inside the US. All 300 million people.

I know that you can't help being so stupid, so I'll try really hard to be nice.

I hope that you have a good life despite your shortcomings. Unless you are full of other stupid opinions. In that case, (because i cant tell you to kill yourself on reddit without getting harassed) I hope you die with the rest of the morons who ruin shit for everybody.

I'm sure the rest of your life is going as well as your paranoia and hate. I hope your still around in a year or even 10 because I will be. I hope you sort through your mental problems. Don't want another person to waste away their life.

according to ed snowden, when he was still employed there were at least 150k contractors with the security clearance to access any phone they wanted.

Or alternatively there's hundreds of thousands of phones for them to spy on and the chances of them just happening to be listening to a killers phone while they're killing someone is slim to none?

So in order for them to be able to do as you suggested they need to know 1) who the killer is, and 2) what his/her phone number is.

Well 1. They obviously know who it is, his name was on CNN. And 2. CNN said a detective actually talked to him on his phone at one point. And also they have talked to his mother. Surely she had his phone number.

In that case there is no reason that they shouldn't be able to track him provided his phone is turned on.

They said they supposedly pinged his phone ONCE.

He probably has it turned off. Or he has no signal. In which case they can only get his last known location.

He even said his number on one of the videos. Too many ways to get this dude. It's a hoax. Fake ass news. And everybody is falling for it.

Or he has his phone turned off.

They can still track that.

I don't think you understand how that technology works. GPS signals need an electrical source. No power, no tracking.

How about the car then?

I don't know, I'm not in the car with him. He's probably driving a stolen vehicle, which majes it basically impossible to figure out where he is.

Apply Occam's Razor here. I don't buy that this is a hoax. It makes more sense that some scumbag gangbanger psycho lost his temper and went on a shooting spree because he's a subhuman animal than it being a conspiracy, because there is no obvious agenda here. The video of one of the murders showed him gunning down another black man, so it's not to incite racial tensions. I don't see what purpose it would serve.

Since it serves no purpose, it's just random, emotionally-motivated violence.

Believe what you will.

The msm will always find an angle to push an agenda. That's the only reason this matters to them.

It being a random emotionally-driven thing doesn't explain why he wouldn't be tracked down by surveillance technology that exists and can track him down.

They battery would first need removed from the device. It can still transmit even if "off"

If he answered a call shouldn't they have been able to trace it and immediately dispatch police from the closest station to those coordinates? Something is fishy about this story, it's beginning to seem more plausible that this man is a state sponsored assassin/brainwashed by a CIA experiment and they're using him to execute 'random' people of interest.

To do that they would need to work with the nsa, doubt nsa gives a shit

This is actually a decent point.

how would stopping him, benefit "them" ?

Who's to say the entire situation wasn't meant to benefit "them"?

All I know is what the news wants me to know

If they do that, they'll have to give up their exploit in court. Like how they caught thousands of pedos but did nothing because they didn't want to have to tell the court how they got the evidence.

If they do that, they'll have to give up their exploit in court. Like how they caught thousands of pedos but did nothing because they didn't want to have to tell the court how they got the evidence.

Not at all. They drop the pedo cases because they can't prove the crime happened without revealing the exploit they used. It would be an illegal search and seizure.

They can prove this happened without revealing any exploit used to locate him.

I think that's what I was trying to say. The evidence is real, but they don't want to tell how they got the evidence?

The evidence is real, but they don't want to tell how they got the evidence?

In the pedo case, they wouldn't have a case without revealing the exploit.

In this case, they would have a case without revealing the exploit. No one would even question it, and they can just falsify a few fake tips, grab some security camera footage, and create a plausible enough cover for how they located him.

Devil's advocate: what was in the bag the man shielded his face with?

Devil's advocate: what was in the bag the man shielded his face with?

Not sure. But it seems too viscous to be fruit juice.

Dye pack could be true. Didn't think of that. I was thinking sauce or something. Good theory.

To do that they would need to work with the nsa, doubt nsa gives a shit


Obama changed privacy laws so other alphabet agencies had access to NSA raw data.

Vault 7 told us that CIA have their own hacking tools, would other intelligence agencies not potentially share or have their own?

Or D: They don't give a shit about this

Because that's not what the capability is really for.

Agreed all that collection is used to discredit you if one day you decide to speak out against the machine. Publicly humiliate or throw you in jail. Not to catch bad guys.

Makes for good television


Because "They" never let a good crisis go to waste.

Or they would have to get the NSA to do it but I doubt that give a shit.

5 star post!

Why do some OP's ask a question and then respond with lots of stuff like "yup, 5 star post, this, etc..."? Super annoying. I like how some people ask a question to truly get the communities perspective and others do it just to somehow validate their thought process.

Why do some people not understand the meaning of rhetorical question? Extra super duper annoying.

I know exactly what you mean. Probably super insecure guy.


Nope. Gotta save those funds to track down stolen Super Bowl Jerseys!

Gotta save those funds to track down stolen Super Bowl Jerseys!

Hyperbole. Every LEO from New England was ready to volunteer for that case.

It actually involved a large contingent of officers from Texas and the FBI in conjunction with the Mexican authorities. I get it that it's worth a lot of money but holy shit this worlds priorities suck - always have, really...

Perhaps that's what they want. They have the capability, but maybe they're trying to incite the public to want them to start using those capabilities more often. This could turn into a pretty comfortable situation for them. Some people aren't happy about all of the invasion of privacy. This could be a means to make the public want to give up their privacy so they could use it more often.

Absolutely! It's so sick and sad that we have been coerced and manipulated into knee-jerk reactions when this kind of shit happens, whether real or false flag. There is an agenda here, we'll see what comes of it at the end; less freedom on Facebook, more militarized cops in those areas going door to door, ala the BMB?

Great post. I forgot what book or media this came from, but there was this great quote that went something along the lines of "If you want to have tyranny, you structure the game to have the people asking for it."

Of course they can do whatever they want whether we like it or not. But deceit like this lubricates the process and makes them the 'heroes' for pursuing their interests.

They have the capability, but maybe they're trying to incite the public to want them to start using those capabilities more often.

This is one very reasonable assessment. They want us to want them to abuse our privacy to catch this guy.

I'm of the opinion that they're playing stupid. They'll point to this as evidence that this isn't CSI, and they can't actually access your phone with ease. It's not like they would let a killer possibly kill again, right?

Oh, did you think those tools were for fighting crime? Our intelligence agencies don't give a flying fuck about fighting crime. They only care about their own political machinations. Those tools are mainly for blackmailing important people and intimidating whistle blowers. And spying on their ex-wives.


He's also driving around a late model Ford Fusion that more than likely has a GPS device onboard. All they have to do is pull the VIN from registration records and get Ford to locate the vehicle. They could find him within hours of they wanted.

Really really good fuckin question

Wouldn't work unless he had some kind of carrier like onstar. Which is how they can get into your fancy Mercedes and steer you into a tree if they don't like you.

Yeah, what are you basing this factually worded statement on?

Michael Hastings and the confirmed leaks of being able to hscl card.

Yeah, I was referring to the claim that it's only if you have Onstar or similar in your car. More like any car built '92.

From what I understand, every car built since 2010 i capable of being found using the onboard stuff that comes equipped with every car, even if the owner didn’t purchase Onstar or whatever, the underpinnings are already there.

plus, every major highway system has license plate readers capturing every car that goes by.

There’s a TV show called “Hunted” where they show off how easy it is to track someone on the run. That they haven’t caught this guy is quite surprising given the tools that exist to do just that.

I seriously doubt they would neex to ask Ford.

Probably only a GPS receiver and not a transmitter. Just like your phone doesn't transmit GPS, it only receives it.

So how do they track phones with GPS then?

The GPS data can be shared through the internet. You send your GPS cords to google maps for example.

Thank you :)

Actually, Ford Fusions are trackable through a Ford app that provides vehicle location, allows for remote lock, unlock, and in some models, remote start.

That's all done through internet I'd assume. They probably use a 3g/4g network to communicate location and locking. Don't think you can even do starting and locking over GPS.

You have no idea how gps works.

Doesn't that make you feel a bit better at the end of the day, if your a nobody, nobody will ever care! Be a nobody, being somebody kills

And making sure we aren't onto any of the pedos. All that shit is for their own protection.

To bad he doesn't sell pot, they would have him in an hour.

Masonic hoax.

You are implying that the suspect is incapable of perceiving his phone as being compromised. This happening after they cut his live feeds remotely...

The guy seems quite intelligent for a psycho, so i'd doubt that he simply forgot about the powers of reverse cell phone triangulation via gps. He likely threw the phone in the back of someones pickup the moment it became useless he himself driving in the opposite direction.

Not exactly rocket science to assume that he has no common sense. The guy is a capable threat and therefore shouldn't be underestimated...

Imo hes squatting with friends either welcomed warmly or holding them at ransom and this will be another day of discovery for the general public in itself-

This guy could be an "inside job" so to speak. The more I research what's staged, the more clear it becomes that nothing's spontaneous. There are a couple YouTube videos on this guy in particular being staged. Fear-mongering


Only certain types of evidence can be submitted to the court. For example, you can't break into the horse of someone accused of a crime and steal evidence to prove they are guilty. You can, however, just spy on people

I've never broken into a horse before.

Don't be a dick. They were answering your question

Why so serious?

because like most of you liked to ignore, they cannot just tap everyones phone without every having infected it in the first place. NSA in coordination with Google or whoever his phone is from is another story, but the NSA doesnt help with police manhunts.

Lol wut

police agencies, cia, fbi, cannot just access anyones phone without first having infected it with their malware. The NSA has direct access to query companies like Google and Amazon databases, but like I said the NSA does not help with local police manhunts. Plus if they used one of these means to track track this guy down, then they would have to admit that they can do that and he would likely get off on some technicality because of how they obtained data.

You seem to know a lot about exactly what they are and are not capable of. You should do an AMA. Also, law enforcement never lie about how they ~plant,~ spot and gather evidence... Never. And if they do, they investigate themselves with the highest integrity. It's a pretty solid system.

nope I just understand the technology and the information that has become public which is what OP is referencing.

They only care to violate you for their purposes not the greater good

Small fry, nobody really cares

Because they can't. There isn't just some switch they can flip, they'd have to first infect the phone with malware - either by having physical access to the phone, tricking him into downloading infected apps, or the like. There is some real willful ignorance about just what was in the Vault 7 leaks online. Hell, even if they could, just turning his phone off or ditching it (as he has likely done, since he hasn't been caught yet) would render the whole thing moot.

Let's not forget that if he's done a single software update since 2013 then the vault 7 malware doesn't even work

Because WL released old versions of the malware means that the malware has never been updated/improved?

It's more of a case that the vault 7 stuff shows that the CIA was consistently behind the curve, sortof pointless having a iOS 2 exploit being added to your arsenal in late 2009. Look at the dates, of when things were added vs what the state of the art was at the time.

I have no doubt that the NSA has some really really excellent capacity, but alas the CIA really does not. The bombshell hidden in vault 7 was really that the CIA is very very behind the curve.

Don't the CIA and NSA work very closely with each other?

Nope, since the patriot act now they have channels to communicate with each other but it's more likely to have KFC and Pizza Hut have a joint venture. Sure both may release the new Mountain Dew flavour, to give the appearance of a joint operation but getting a pizza and a bucket of chicken from the same delivery driver requires a unheard of level of corporation which requires staff to be able to communicate laterally, and that just doesn't happen.

These programs tend to be executed and ran from lower tiers of both agencies, and intelligence of interest filters upwards.

the NSA is more of a wholesale sigint operation meanwhile the CIA will focus on specific targets and areas of interest.

If the NSA gets some groundbreaking intelligence stating that there is a goldmine of information on a 'air gapped' network that the CIA might be able to gain access to it can take years for that intelligence to filter through, even though the CIA might have had an operative in the same building for years. ( and the nsa would never even know that )

When you look at something like stuxnet that's light years ahead of the cia's technical capacity ( although definitely within their human capacity to get the implant installed ) so if it was them then its most likely that they used a third party contractor to build the worm for them.

Nope, since the patriot act now they have channels to communicate with each other but it's more likely to have KFC and Pizza Hut have a joint venture. Sure both may release the new Mountain Dew flavour, to give the appearance of a joint operation but getting a pizza and a bucket of chicken from the same delivery driver requires a unheard of level of corporation which requires staff to be able to communicate laterally, and that just doesn't happen.

These programs tend to be executed and ran from lower tiers of both agencies, and intelligence of interest filters upwards.

the NSA is more of a wholesale sigint operation meanwhile the CIA will focus on specific targets and areas of interest.

If the NSA gets some groundbreaking intelligence stating that there is a goldmine of information on a 'air gapped' network that the CIA might be able to gain access to it can take years for that intelligence to filter through, even though the CIA might have had an operative in the same building for years. ( and the nsa would never even know that )

When you look at something like stuxnet that's light years ahead of the cia's technical capacity ( although definitely within their human capacity to get the implant installed ) so if it was them then its most likely that they used a third party contractor to build the worm for them.

You're shortsighted regarding this. That's all I'll say.

Because it's still trending.

Did it ever occur to any of you that he no longer possesses the phone?

I keep wondering about this.

I was on the run once. Had the US martials after me.

First thing I did was toss my phone.

local police departments can't do shit. they're just a bunch of meatheads with dangerous toys.

controversy creates cash. And hey, maybe they'll get some more racial division out of it!

I haven't really been following this but it reminds me of the manhunt for that cop a couple of years ago - Dorner?

They want to keep up the front for the people who don't realize that it can actually be used to find people. They want to keep the illusion that it just a "conspiracy theory"

Also he could have ditched the phone shortly after and they already know it's on the side of the highway...

Wouldn't they have told us if they found the abandoned phone? At least I hope they would.

so they can incite a panic?

It's not legally valid evidence. Exposes too much in public.

I went down the rabbit hole. Predictably, a whole hoard of nonsense shill theories are being upvoted. This was interesting:

Lol I love how everyone is spitting out explanations so they can avoid the more reasonable and obvious explanation that this is a staged hoax.

Edward Snowden's NSA leaks were a Corbomite Maneuver; it's much, MUCH, easier, and cheaper [this is the big one] to say you can do anything than actually implementing the ability to do these things.

Especially when it comes to science fiction mass surveillance. Obviously I've got no evidence... other than the inability to find one god damn man. This event is showing ISIS how easy it would be to get away with this shit. The US admin is caught in a web of lies.

The camera and computer control goes into a cloud archive of text.

It's not easy to Suss out just from text. Complete control and it's useless except for controlling a country.

If the event hadn't been staged, they likely would. They had no problem tracking down the man who was using Facebook Live while driving around looking for the 'killer', with Facebook tracking data. If this had been legit, they'd have shut that shit down pretty fast.

EDIT: THIS IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION. Apparently some do not understand that concept.

Then why post it?

Here let me spell it out for you:

rhe·tor·i·cal ques·tion noun a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.

And this is reddit where people discuss things and answer questions.

Ok. And? You just asked me why I posted this then you replied with the answer to what you just asked. I'm not going to respond to this any more. This is ignorant.

Because they are not done with him yet.

EDIT: THIS IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION. Apparently some do not understand that concept.

That's bullshit. This is a forum. Nothing you said implied the question was rhetorical. You can't ask something potentially inflammatory and then act like it was all rhetorical when people give you answers you don't want to hear. Rhetorical questions are for people who don't want to have their beliefs questioned but who want to live in an echo chamber where people blindly agree with them.

I think he's killed himself somewhere already. Don't know why just have a feeling.

As soon as I read they disabled his ability to live stream, I realized they were not all that motivated to catch him.

Actually they looked up his location using his phone. It's in many of the articles. Cops can do this.

Because that won't work in court

I mean they should already be in trouble for breaking the law, but if they break the law to catch some guy in a typical run of the mill murder, it will just be a mess. You're forgetting that black people shoot each other every day in these cities; this is nothing out of the ordinary for law enforcers

Maybe he ditched the phone?

Because it's theatre, a psyop of some sort.

Because one more serial killer doesn't phase them. It's the future revolutionaries and social leaders we wanna spy on. Can't have someone thinking they have moral high ground. That's the government's.

You ignored the simple fact he could of thrown the damn thing away.

Fuck me right? Gd you're so smart. I'm so stupid. (Is this what you wanted to hear?)

If they used this tech to bring someone to trial in a US court, then they could be forced into full disclosure of how those tools work.

The government already dropped a child porn case for this very reason:

This is actually a decent point.

In that case there is no reason that they shouldn't be able to track him provided his phone is turned on.

If they do that, they'll have to give up their exploit in court. Like how they caught thousands of pedos but did nothing because they didn't want to have to tell the court how they got the evidence.

how would stopping him, benefit "them" ?

He even said his number on one of the videos. Too many ways to get this dude. It's a hoax. Fake ass news. And everybody is falling for it.

To do that they would need to work with the nsa, doubt nsa gives a shit


Obama changed privacy laws so other alphabet agencies had access to NSA raw data.

Vault 7 told us that CIA have their own hacking tools, would other intelligence agencies not potentially share or have their own?

The first article says nothing about where the second video was filmed.

The search for a suspect who police believe randomly shot a man walking along a Cleveland-area sidewalk on Sunday before posting a video of the fatal shooting on Facebook broadened nationwide on Monday as officials acknowledged that they did not know where the man was and announced a $50,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.

This refers the the first video.

The second article says nothing about filming at all really.

I don't know, I'm not in the car with him. He's probably driving a stolen vehicle, which majes it basically impossible to figure out where he is.

Apply Occam's Razor here. I don't buy that this is a hoax. It makes more sense that some scumbag gangbanger psycho lost his temper and went on a shooting spree because he's a subhuman animal than it being a conspiracy, because there is no obvious agenda here. The video of one of the murders showed him gunning down another black man, so it's not to incite racial tensions. I don't see what purpose it would serve.

Since it serves no purpose, it's just random, emotionally-motivated violence.

Believe what you will.

The msm will always find an angle to push an agenda. That's the only reason this matters to them.

It's more of a case that the vault 7 stuff shows that the CIA was consistently behind the curve, sortof pointless having a iOS 2 exploit being added to your arsenal in late 2009. Look at the dates, of when things were added vs what the state of the art was at the time.

I have no doubt that the NSA has some really really excellent capacity, but alas the CIA really does not. The bombshell hidden in vault 7 was really that the CIA is very very behind the curve.

If he answered a call shouldn't they have been able to trace it and immediately dispatch police from the closest station to those coordinates? Something is fishy about this story, it's beginning to seem more plausible that this man is a state sponsored assassin/brainwashed by a CIA experiment and they're using him to execute 'random' people of interest.

It being a random emotionally-driven thing doesn't explain why he wouldn't be tracked down by surveillance technology that exists and can track him down.