Eartquake watch- cali and japan. Today 1/17/2017. Final update from earlier post...

13  2017-04-17 by [deleted]




Original post. 13 days old. We've been rebounding between 400km and 700km/s since then. Sorry if todays events dont pan out. Curious to see none the less -

shake it all to hell.

Learn to swim.

Thanks for the warning.

Whether you are right or wrong every step towards your goal is more experience and lessons learned. Your goal is a noble one and I wish you the best globalhell.

Seriously, don't give up.

I mean..Japan did have a 4.8 today

Time 2017-04-17 13:39:01 (UTC-04:00) Location 34.580°N 140.401°E Depth 76.5 km

They actually have had a few around that size this past week.

I keep this page open all day everyday. I like keeping an eye on it


*I noticed that as I sent it. I imagine the series will heighten this evening. (depending on solar winds).

Is that you, Kevin?

N/ No kevin here :/

@ Global Hell

your fearmongering is disgusting.

You need help!

*fear mongering implies one wishes to scare another party.

My posts are based on specific data principals all outlined by myself. You would be able to make your own assessments with the data sets Ive gifted the community.

I will continue testing. Yet the very results of this test (6.5) will maintain the difference of my public placement.

So please don't be critical of me for taking my own time and liberty to analyse seismic solar relationships.

You can easily close the tav and simply not care at all. One could argue your persistent attempt to thwart my work ethic signifies your own personal need for introspection.

Eitherway. I have never attempted to create fear in any individuals.- I simply asses aolar relationships to seismic events.

Take the data into consideration or not-

Your Theory is based on Pseudo-Science and i told you this since years. The speed of Solar Winds have nothing to do with Tectonic Movements, for a Mag. higher than 7 you need a lot of Pressure from the Plates, this Pressure need Time (> than 500 years) to build up and not Solar Winds!

Do you ever try to discuss your Interpretation with a Geologist? Please do it and fix your Theory.

The theory, is a theory (because I am arrogantly in disagreeance with it).

We assume the process is pressure related. We are linking solar activity to seismic activity more now everyday.

Its not against my understanding of good behaviour to have a work ethic and dedication to an idea that one holds passion with.

Please stop telling me how to live my life in respect your own personal philosophy- thats what the nazis did afterall-

Please stop telling me how to live my life in respect your own personal philosophy- thats what the nazis did afterall-


We can't fight "Fake News" as long as we are unable to be self-critical!

This isnt a news aggrogant. Its not media.

I am a user that tracks solar wind streams that factuslly exist and explores the rooted symmetry of the phenomenon.

Your pestering me is your own choice. Yet, at least I am the bigger man to call it what it is. Which is intentional critism of a subject you have no interest in exploring.

Your the contributing cause of this relationship warranting critism by that standard. Sumimasen and make no trouble for others-

Your ideology is welcome, yet don't blame me for the attacks that you yourself have sought to deal.

That has absolutely nothing to do with me.

Honey, i am living close to Fukushima and your permanent Fear-mongering is harming me!

Last Time you promised that you will stop it when you fail, like all the other Times before but you continue like usual.

Look, i know your Posting since the 3/11 (Fukushima Topic) and i think that i am able to say that you are without any scientific Substance.

This is the same test- (solar winds we're heightened above holding speeds for several days prolonged to the original testing levels) https://youtu.be/MkjwFnSrUUs

This is the very test 6.5 which I stated to be the last test that is public; should it produce no conclusive results.

Don't read my posts if you feel they are insignificant. There are over 30 billion articles in circulation on the internet... Don't blame me for exploring a science that you feel that 'you' are sensitive to. That is your own personal choice to read my content- (which is nothing more then exploratory)...

We can agree to disagree yet I will not consider my actions as villanish because I simply propose an alternate model to seicmic relations in the field. If they are such irrelevant views then your wasting your time after all. Again, a dmall fact that had little, to anything to do with myself.

Update the Original Posting instead of creating a new Thread?

Ahhh, you don't like it that you get no new "Karma"?

Exclude the Word of "Fukushima" and i am fine with your "Pseudo-Predictions" because our People have enough fear already and postings like yours create suffering.

445am (self note to self) pz componet wide open 1hr mark)

Dude I love how committed you are to exploring this type of science theory! Its always interesting to read your posts and how you break it down for us :) Looking forward to more tests from you :)!

6.0 figi 6.0 peru

6.0 figi 6.0 peru

This is a bit far, far away from California or/and F'Shima, don't you think?

"Pseudo-Science is Bs."!

about 3 hours ago 5.0 magnitude, 38 km depth Namie, Fukushima, Japan about 3 hours ago 4.6 magnitude, 22 km depth Takahagi, Ibaraki, Japan about 5 hours ago 5.0 magnitude, 13 km depth Naze, Kagoshima, Japan about 9 hours ago 4.6 magnitude, 10 km depth Bonin Islands, Japan

Pretty close actually-

A Mag. 7 is 300 Times bigger than a Mag. 4, so you are not nearly close.

We have more than 6.000 Quakes above a Shindo 3 in a Year,

Kumamote saw 130.000 Quakes in the last Year!

Kumamoto Pref. sees 130,000 quakes since disaster: meteorological institute

Can you please help me? I am interested in learning more on the subject and studying solar wind and the affects on our environment. Perhaps even help towards your cause, do you have any advice as to a starting point with regards to this subject?