IMPORTANT: Info regarding Cleveland Killer that nobody is talking about.

128  2017-04-18 by redditfuckingsucksyo

Link to OP's Post: (I did not realize the OP had made a post in /r/conspiracy and I wanted to make sure this was seen)

"I stayed up literally ALL night the night before last trying to figure this whole situation out. In a nutshell what i found out: Murtis Taylor (the company that Joy Lane works at) is a corrupt AF agency who neglects people who depend on them for mental health treatment resulting in a lot of people who end up losing their shit, killing themselves, and killing others.

Murtis Taylor also uses their power to take kids from homes for BS reasons and sues to gain legal custody of children to put into foster care

Beech Brook (killers former workplace) is a facility for troubled children, and until last year also functioned as an adoption/foster care agency/facility

These two places are within miles and in the same county as the international adoption agency that the FBI raided months ago

Children were sexually abused at Beech Brook by its staff

More than 3100 reports of missing children in 2015 in this county alone

Dozens of cases of child abuse just reopened after being ignored/not investigated for years

Beech Brook and Murtis Taylor are very short distance from Great Lakes which means children could be trafficked to Canada, New York, and through to the Atlantic Ocean

2 pastors arrested days ago in this county for child trafficking/child sex abuse.

One of the pastors wives works for the government for CPS type agency

...and lots of other shit i found out too but thats all i can remember right now, but like i said, there is a LOT more fuckery i dug up. There is definitely more to this story than meets the eye.

Why do you think Stephens kept on and kept on and kept on mentioning Joy Lane, Murtis Taylor, and Beech Brook?

Why do you think he said to let his boss know he wouldn’t be at work the next day he posted, “I’m sorry team but I’m to far gone [sic] ... I’m the #goodguy”?

Things that make you go "hmmmmm".,ru_rlst:f,ru_gwp:0%252C6,ru_q:Beech%2520brook,ru_start:0,ru_nrby:1,h_ml:list,h_bb:0,h_sb:0,h_ss:0

EDIT: Ok, so dude is dead now, but WHY IS THE PASSENGER WINDOW BLOWN OUT AND NOT THE DRIVER SIDE? Judging by the shooting vid, the guy is obviously right handed.


This is going to drive me crazy.

I feel SO fucking tinfoil right now. But this doesn't make sense. Did person 2 force him to shoot the old man somehow? Like threated his whole family if he didn't?

Was Stephens wanting to expose all the fuckery at MT and BB and was found out and then forced to ruin his reputation by murdering someone on cam? Cops finally close in and then he has to be offed by passenger#2 and found with "intentional gunshot wound to the head".

I mean seriously. What the hell is going on?"

Source /u/hj860815


1) "Not a drill! Shariablue does not want you to know that Chelsea Clinton held a campaign rally at Joy Lane's workplace. Cleveland killed tied to the Clintons! "

2) "Potential pedophile logo in Woodruff Foundation associated with Murtis Taylor."

3) The Cleveland Killer starts out his pre-killing confession video in front of, and specifically names Murtis Taylor in the beginning of his video:

4) "Lots of clues in here! VIDEO of Chelsea, Sherrod Brown and Marcia Fudge stumping for Crooked Hillary at Murtis Taylor. Chelsea talks at length about Hillary's history with adoption agencies and working with children."

5) Beech Brook now laying off 40% of their staff and closing their facilities:

"The budget cuts will result in 179 layoffs and have a significant impact on Beech Brook's efforts to help 20,000 children and their families. The organization said it will close its on-campus day and residential programs for children, including its group home and intensive treatment unit, by the end of June."

Why the need to post this from two different accounts?

Didn't realize the OP had posted it themself


toallynewperson2 - why do you waste your time to post "meh"? Go back the shill troll hole you crawled out of.

Ah, and the rabbit hole gets deeper.... Dafuq?

Nice sockpuppet collection you have there

Is Joy Lane a real personage? The name sounds about as legit as Steve Stephens.

I knew a kid named Boston Love. Was his real birth given name.

That's badass

I knew a kid named DeLeon DeBerry.

No lie. I knew a lady named Patty Burger. And get this, the was a lunch room lady for a while.

I knew a Sandy Beach. No lie.

I knew this woman named Anita Dyck

A girl at my school was named Stormy Weathers.

Isn't there a meteorologist with that name on wgn?

My gynecologist's name is Hardon J. Woody.........

I tried to be a gynecologist. Didn't work out...

There was an actual Mike Hunt in my graduating class.

I also had knew a Harry Back.

There was a Jack Meoff in my middle school class. Joy lane is not an arbitrary name by any means

What second person driving the car? Source? Please.

Read up, he removed the bad info.

Yeah I talked with him in another post. The video was mirrored.

Is everyone a fucking pedophile?

Your username confirms it.

"On her former LinkedIn page, Lane posted she worked for the past nine months as a clinical supervisor for Murtis Taylor Human Services System, where she provides “guidance and leadership to a community based team of Therapists and CPST workers.”** Human Service Systems? something is here.

Joy Lane Clinical Supervisor, Children Behavioral Health Services

HERE IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING: Here is her current resume.

Military background and a United Way speaker, teacher, etc. She also worked at Beech Brook from 2004 to 2016 as a FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION COORDINATOR. hmmm....

Interestingly, she started with a theological society while she was in Air Force college:

1996-1998 Azusa Ministry Training Institute Phoenix, AZ Certificate in Theological Studies Here is a quote from a founder "Dr. Beverly is truly living and exemplifying the women spoken of in Titus chapter 2, the visible representation of the invisible God (VROTIG). A mature woman of God,*

she is looking out into the harvest of women and girls* that need to hear the Word of God, be set free to do the work of the Kingdom and to be all that God has called them to be."

There is more to Joy Lane than the official story is sharing....

Azusa - Mind Controlled Black Assassins

" Azusa Street Ministry with the profane and DEMONIC Pazuza."

“Scholarly preachers spoke up about these [1906 Azusa] meetings; such as R.A. Torrey who declared that this new Pentecostal movement was ’emphatically not of God, and founded by a Sodomite.’

G. Campbell Morgan called it, ‘the last vomit of SATAN.’ “[34] In 2006, I watched some of the anniversary Azusa Street Ministry on television with a great of curiosity. I noticed that the all of evangelists pounded on the same common theme. They argued that if you weren’t rich, happy and prosperous- it wasn’t anyone’s fault but your own. It wasn’t the police, no New World Order, not even Satan. It was your fault by not giving enough money to God– their ministries as intermediaries between the people and Christ."

"The original 1906 Azusa Street Pentecostal Movement had been sponsored by an alleged Homosexual Goat Rider, CHARLES FOX PARHAM, through one of his black disciple lovers, William J. Seymour. But that’s not half the story. The real story behind the street movement is that Parham was a Freemason, and one of the leaders of the West Coast ORDER OF KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN. Parham had been Luciferic Initiated. So, that made the 1906 Azusa Street Pentecostal Movement a Lucifer Project."

Just google Azusa now movement of 2016.

The church of satan in Azusa California so much here.

source: /u/pamelais

Oh damn. Just seeing your post. That Azusa shit is crazy.

Did you see the interview his wife/kids gave on CNN w Dan Lemon (gag)? The kids were upset, wife didnt seem upset in the least.

And notice how religious they are. Like, SUPER religious. Not that that means anything, but i dk maybe it ties in with that Azusa crap somehow.

MOre on Azusa Ministires and Joy Lane. The Africa Connection. Child Trafficking? AZUSA World Ministries Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy; Christian Non-Profit Works Throughout Valley and Africa

AZUSA World Ministries, a non-profit religious corporation with locations across the Valley and in Africa, filed yesterday for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Court paperwork shows the company owes between $1 million and $10 million to creditors, with the biggest debt being to Greenfield Warner, LLC, a commercial real estate company.

The company's Web site claims at least 35,000 members spread thoughout nine locations in Arizona, one in California and "over 70 in Africa." AZUSA failed to file a timely 2010 corporate report, so it's not in good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission.

“The troopers attempted a PIT [precision immobilization technique] maneuver to disable Stephens’ vehicle, a white Ford Fusion,” Pennsylvania State Police explained. “As the vehicle was spinning out of control from the PIT maneuver, Stephens pulled a pistol and shot himself in the head.”

Bold emphasis added is my own. From RT (I know, I know)

Just imagine this hulk of a man spinning in a car and having the dexterity to pull off some call of duty spec ops shit where he could be getting whipped around in a vehicle and somehow still grab and control a sidearm to shoot himself while probably eating chicken nuggets from Mickie Dee's. I've hydroplaned multiple times and there's no way I could do anything but try and correct the wheel. No way could I have grabbed anything else in the vehicle. Not to mention he probably had very little wiggle room being on the border of 300lbs.

That was my exact initial thought.

Clinton Foundation funded program a Azusa Pacific University. p.7 and continued on page 9. A mental health suicide prevention program. " Clinton foundations that supports student well being, to offer students outside service ministry opportunities through local churches, prisons, inner-city" ... continued in article

Joy Lane b

More than 3100 reports of missing children in 2015 in this county alone !?!

WT actual F?

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Dam this is a sick post. Good work on open-sourced investigations.

Also, and excuse me if this was already addressed, but what about his second cellphone? He was live streaming to Facebook while talking to someone on a separate device.....

Fuck the wet blankets. Great job researching. Get some rest and let your brain figure out any other subtle connections.


Please link directly to the news site in the future. This keeps getting caught in the spam filter, and adds unnecessary tracking to users.

We need a blood splatter expert to weigh in on the blood trail in the video.

Totally relevant. Saved/Archived. Excellent work m8.

interesting read

Don't know if you follow George Webb but this may interest you.