Communist Venezuela is finally out of food and toilet paper so the people mustered up and set off on a massive march regardless of the dangers of being shot by Maduro's men.

2  2017-04-19 by LightBringerFlex

Of course the US doesn't intervene here but they bomb Assad who is fighting ISIS.

Also, these people could have marched long before. They waited until desperation hit an all time high before fighting for their rights. Now they have to fight in their most weakened state.


freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose

Also, these people could have marched long before. They waited until desperation hit an all time high before fighting for their rights. Now they have to fight in their most weakened state.


Ah yes the powerful and influential should always help the weak and needy, that's how it goes down..surely.

I find it funny that after all that, people still want Socialism here.

It sounds like you don't understand the complicated problems with Venezuela economy. You act like US will turn into Venezuela overnight just because people want socialized healthcare meanwhile you ignore all the other first world countries where it is successfully implemented. Another fail from PLC

No, it's the inevitability of Socialism. It's not sustainable, and will decay over time. Another fail for Douggy.

Is complicated comrade, thats why it never works.

Not funny very sad

What's even funnier is all the conservatives and capitalists who sit back and go, "Oh, those thriving, happy, healthy, successful scandenavian countries? Pfffft. Not real socialism! Venezuela and Cuba, tho, that's socialism, DUH"

Alright, listen up. First of all, Socialism is not sustainable (ie. PIGS nations) in the long run. 2nd of all, the combined population of Norway, Finland, and Sweden = 20 million people. There are ~5 million (homogeneous) people in Norway.

Now, lets look at the population of the US (318 million - non-homogeneous) people. Put beside the fact that Socialism always fails over time, how in the ever fuck would think that could remotely be possible in a nation as large as the US with a such diverse population?

When people are homogeneous, they have a sense of culture and a tribal mentality. They are more likely to help one another. We, in the US don't. I don't want to pay for the libtards shit, nor do I want the government getting more money, bigger, and having more power.

Look at what the ass-hats in DC are doing now... You want more of that? Because that's exactly how you get more of it. We do not have a Republic no longer and we sure as shit do not have Free Market Capitalism, we have crony Capitalism (damn near Fascism).

People need to think logically and not with their fee fees.

People need to think logically and not with their fee fees

ironic, coming from someone who says things like "libtards"

What is even funnier is that the leftists want to lower the wages of the working class not only in America, but also in Scandanavian countries via mass immigration.

If you want a first world paradise like Sweden or Norway - you have to have a first world population.

So you communists need to stop lying - you don't care about socialism or the welfare state - your ONLY goal is mass immigration.

hahahaha, that's one of the silliest straw man arguments i've ever seen!

I urge you to go to the dictionary and look up "straw man argument" because you aren't using the term correctly.

I am, since the position you chose to argue against and mock is not a real position held by any majority of "leftists," and is thus a straw man argument because it is representative of the real positions of those you are arguing against.

Virtually 100% of leftists and leftist group support mass immigration and open borders. So, you're wrong.

lmfao, ok bud. you also think liberals want to "lower the wages of the working class"? hahaha, you are very very confused my friend.

sounds like you should start listening to, you know, actual liberals, instead of letting sean hannity and infowars tell you what to think about them.

"No True Scotsman" fallacy, typical.

The entire left from moderately liberal Democrats to far left Antifa all support mass immigration - which lowers wages. Not coincidentally so does the entire American business establishment and global corporations.

The left = useful idiots.

The US is engaged in an economic war against Venezuela, Russia, and Iran. These are large oil and natural gas producers, so the US has made efforts to lower oil prices to hurt these economies.

The US also supports the Venezuelan opposition, even attempting coups at various points. They are using economic weapons to prevent a large union of leftist countries (Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay, others) from dominating South America and pushing the US out.

Stop believing capitalist propaganda. Big rich countries like Venezuela don't "run out" of food. The US does everything possible to tighten the economic screws on leftist countries, then blames the resulting famine on socialism, rather than their sabotage attempts.

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Oh damn, that's even worst. The US is spreading misery all over the world.


That just goes to show how shitty of system is it. It requires everything to be perfect in an imperfect world.

"Your system sucks, because it can't handle when I constantly sabotage it!"

Awe, boo hoo. Poor little Commies are always the victims... It's never their fault, it's always someone else!

Right, capitalists. They want to plunder the planet of every last resource. Anti-capitalists try to prevent that, and get slaughtered. The US has supported death squads in Latin America for decades.

Think about how scummy you sound, mocking people for being victims of the death squads you sent to disappear their union organizers. The US has shattered so many lives.

Think about how scummy you sound, mocking people for being victims of the death squads

Stalin would like a word with you ;)

So your death squads are okay because Stalin did it after he staged a coup over Lenin's revolution? That's not a very strong argument.

You're missing the point, and it's quite funny if it wasn't so sad. What you think is Capitalism, is not Capitalism. What you think you know and your ideology, is not, and one in the same. It's authoritarianism. You cannot have Socialism without Authoritarians who rule over you. We do not, nor have we really every had Capitalism in the US. So yes, both have had death squads. You're just defending one death squad over the other....

So yes, both have had death squads.

Then we're agreed- capitalism and Stalinism are both failed strategies.

But Northern European social democracies have the happiest citizens in the world. No authoritarian dictatorships there.

The public owning the farms and factories just means the profits get responsibly invested, rather than being spent on yachts and child prostitutes by the idle rich.

Then we're agreed- capitalism and Stalinism are both failed strategies.

Stalinism? Dafuq you talking about? It was Socialism, ultimately to lead to Communism....

But Northern European social democracies have the happiest citizens in the world.

Are they?

No authoritarian dictatorships or death squads there. Just high quality education and healthcare for the public.

The government is, if you don't pay the tax....

The public owning the farms and factories just means the profits get responsibly invested, rather than being spent on yachts and child prostitutes by the idle rich.


You can definitely have public ownership without authoritarianism, Northern Europe proves that.

No you can't, and there countless examples which prove you wrong, not me...

Face it... Socialism does not work.

No you can't

TIL Northern Europe don't exist!

Why don't you try quoting the whole comment. Your death squad is the gov, if you do not pay taxes. What do they do to those who do not pay taxes?

What do they do to those who do not pay taxes?

Lol you think Danish tax collectors kill people?

Try and not pay your taxes ;)

What happens? Does the community get pissed off if you're a leech?

What makes one a leech over another person? You gonna kick my door down if I don't agree and don't pay taxes? Dude, you're an authoritarian... lol....

When you deliberately take more than you contribute, you're a leech.

I know that you need me to be an authoritarian, in order for laissez-faire capitalism to seem better by comparison, but it isn't. The freedom to die from factory pollution while rich people collect the profits is not real freedom, and the authoritarianism of not being allowed to pillage the landscape is not real authoritarianism.

Methinks, you're too far gone to be in "reality". Are you from/live in the US?

Namecalling isn't an argument.

Northern Europe has the happiest citizens anywhere, and their suicide rates are lower than in capitalist Alaska which is at the same latitude. If you want happy citizens, you want socialism. Not capitalist death squads or Stalinist death squads. You want Danish socialist schools and hospitals.

Alright, comrade! Don't you have class in the morning?

Right, I've got an example of a group of countries that have figured out how to keep their citizens happy, and your response is namecalling with no rebuttal. That's not an argument.

Congrats, this has now showed up on the "controversial" tab. Reddit in general is infected with Communists who do anything they can to suppress even mild criticism of their hateful and violent ideology.

So your death squads are okay because Stalin did it after he staged a coup over Lenin's revolution? That's not a very strong argument.

No you can't

TIL Northern Europe don't exist!