Anyone notice

8  2017-04-20 by [deleted]

The ever increasing posts asking this sub to elaborate on "how would this scenario go down" questions?


lol...TPTB outsourcing their evil plots ;)


that's the word i was lookin for ;)

IT's funny cause every time a suspected shill asks me the same (how would they do x or y) I feel like if I don't answer they'll say "oh see you don't know and you're speaking outta your ass" or I'll answer and it'll be like "well we haven't thought of that, but now that you mention it..."

Can't win with those cunts.

Is the CIA currently hiring?

You're over qualified.

Thanks! <3 I'm also not a traitor.

We know. That's why you don't get invited to the luncheons. Yours truly, Mike Pompeo.

Putin loves Putin_loves_cats?

I don't know if Putin loves me, but he sure does love cats... Dogs too though. He is an equal opportunity lover. But... He prefers cats, so I'm told.

OMG. Him and that St. Bernard OMG that is adorable!!!

My iq is probably a bit too high for the CIA. Or maybe the CIA wants the high iq people while regular law enforcement wants the low iq people.

I'm thinking the latter. Don't do it though! You'll be selling your soul!!!!

I'm in a profession that is soul crushing enough. I am not inclined to join the CIA.

Low iq for policing. High iq for compartmentalizations.

what would happen if we killed some civilians? you think they would mind?

You're already on the list. You don't have to try anymore.

Anyone notice all of the anyone notice threads? Coincidence?

Anyone notice all of these comments on the anyone notice threads about anyone noticing things?

Has anyone noticed all of the 'has anyone noticed' comments on the 'has anyone noticed' threads?

Sorry, but someone had to do it.

I notice that for the last few days this seems more like the, before Trump, sub.

Well MIB got their hottest tips from the Enquirer, so...

I don't think that's suspicious. It's a reasonable question if you're interested in conspiracies.

Well, things seem to get worse by the day, at least from where I'm sitting. The BAoS just moved the doomsday clock another 30 seconds to midnight at the end of January (its at 2.5 minutes to midnight now)...maybe people are starting to get worried. I know Ive certainly been wondering about possible scenarios more than ever lately...

Then again I just realized what sub I'm in so disregard that first answer and change it to 'yes'. And 'I'm not saying its aliens but.....its aliens.'

Just fine tuning the algo, it needs more input from the unsuspecting because #'s were showing certain weakness on particular subject matters, more of vamps feeding off the naive.