If all of the free thinkers in this sub could take a minute or more as you read this post, to meditate and set your intention to mentally co-create a fair and just and peaceful planet, we could collectively help change the world for the better

99  2017-04-20 by [deleted]



So what you are saying is that "happy thoughts are gonna fix the boo boo"?

It's the sign of an intelligent mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it

Wouldn't the sign of an intelligent mind by consideration of the available facts and build a world view that best mirrors that reality rather than just accepting every warm and fuzzy sounding assertion?

Science has proven that group meditation can change the world


What you don't seem to understand, or choose not to, is that there are truly "evil minds" out there. Happy thoughts aren't going to stop them from projecting evil. I personally believe in the power of prayer, but the most I can hope for from prayer is to be able to accept and endure the evil that is out there...not that projecting happy thoughts is going to make the evil go away....because it wont. And if you think it will, you are living in la la land.

Use the force, Luke

This isn't a movie...and ftr...Luke got his hand chopped off and had his new jedi academy and pupils destroyed; Yoda died, all but alone, in exile after losing to the Emperor, the chosen one fell to the darkside and Alderaan was blown the fuck up.

"Luke... Luke... do not... do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor or suffer your father's fate you will."


Man, you're a buzz kill

The truth hurts sometimes bud...but go back to sleep if you want.


He did blow up the deathstar so there's that..

This is true. and don't get me wrong...im not saying there is no hope...but to suggest that happy thoughts are gonna fix the world is not only absurd, but pretty dangerous imo.

Have hope and keep your wits about you. Don't ignore your surroundings and run around aimlessly with scissors.

Science has proven that group meditation can change the world


Well if science says its true...then it must be true...


Science has proven that group meditation can change the world


Methinks, I still need another ride on this roller coaster...

I can still get my kicks without the evil parasites...where's my flying dragon?

Is that a dragon in your pocket or are you just happy to see me :) ? Seriously, though... I get what you are saying and agree. We are all connected to the Aether, I just think not enough people know or care, hence my comment...

What is the Aether? Like a collective conciousnous thing, or a reincarnation type thing?

I have no idea, just theories based on "alternative" research. IMO, it's the universal conscience mind. Our minds are all connected to it, and are minds are transceivers, imo. We transmit energy and receive energy. There is a reason why there is a saying: "When you close one door, another door opens", and "let it go, if it returns to you, then it was meant to be". I'm a strong believer in karma, but not in the religious sense...

Ah cool. There is a documentary called DMT: The Spirit Molecule, and several people describe seeing the same thing/place and one lady is just dead sure she had been there before and would return there to be reborn. Obviously, they were heavily dosed with hallucinogens, but it's curious still.

There are completely sober kids and adults who talk about past lives. Which is why I have my opinion on the topic. Truly a fascinating topic.

I really want to do what OP is talking about on a small scale. I just want to start a small farming community with friends. Everyone pitches in, get some renewable energy going on. Fish ponds, live stock, enough to feed everyone and pay for the property. It worked for my ancestors for many years.

Voluntaryism, my friend.. Just got to be careful to not let it turn into a cult. I have acres of land up in Alaska, but I would worry about it "becoming" a cult, or being infiltrated... I find it horrendous, most "liberals" and "libertarians" talk about the same thing, but it whooshes over their heads. This may interest you: http://www.liberstad.com/.. I could do it here, but that would be a sure fire way to get the FEDS at the gate....

"Out of the crooked timber that is man, no straight thing was ever built." I don't want a city, I want a homestead for a very small group. Like 3-4 households. Obviously....we will need to find "mates" outside of the community lol. I'm going to check out this link.

That is a very fascinating idea. Do they have running water and sewage? It says they aren't connected to public water and sewage, but do they have their own? I do like running water.

Well and septic tank, mate... Velcome to self sustainability...

You don't have to deal with sewage if you use composting or combustion toilets

Both those things are quite simple to attain if you have the knowledge (I could teach you quite easily)

But this is the whole idea about an ACTUAL community, you share knowledge to make your lives easier.

I want to go lol

This may interest you: http://www.liberstad.com/

Fuck yes! I'd join in a heartbeat man.

What a simple, yet groundbreaking idea that is! No religion, no bullshit, just an ACTUAL community. You'd have to draw up a pretty bulletproof constitution to stop the power-hungry individuals (it's human nature)


Ommmmmmygodtheyregoingtostartworldwar3....this is an accurate presentation of my current thought process.


Don't hertz your brain, friend.



The dankest frequency.


Intention --> Thought --> Action --> Manifest Change

Just sitting around hoping don't do shit. That's a New Age psyop mind trap.

Every little bit helps, no reason to create a negative vibe

Not being negative, just being real. It's a good first step, but not the last step.

Never said it was

I agree. Prayer and meditation are action words and are not passive. Action in the world of maya is also necessary.

You have good intentions. However the implementation is a mute point. Although this medium helps generate cohesive consious interaction. The resistance it encounters actually inhibits those interactions and can harm the energy itself. Even separated from the inhibitors or technology; you run the risk of encountering that energy. The resistance comes from something as simple as someone's negative reaction to your post. I'm sorry my friend but there is no true peaceful resolution. I wish it wasn't so. But we are gaining ground in the fight to free out minds.


I'm a trickster though. Ive got my feet planted in the dark and the light. Saying that, its better to start looking for real estate on some other planet.

Or go underground, say, Agartha?

Fuck the mole people. They need to be exterminated.

Victory is achieved through war; not peaceful thoughts

That's hippy bullshit and pseudo science. Give us a plan of action for taking back control from the Khazarian Mafia.

This is the ethos.

Everyone here is welcome at /r/voteflux.

We're a new digital direct democracy(with a twist) coming out of Australia. Not a true direct democracy, more like a fusion of direct democracy, liquid democracy and a kind of meritocracy. Get involved!

We are the revolution. We.

Were you guys on the ballot for the previous (federal or local I can't remember) election? I think I saw a couple of parties that advertised an online component for representation.

We ran in last years Federal and earlier this year we contested the WA State election. Nearly got a seat in the Upper house too.

This year I believe we have elections in some form in most Australian states. Internationally, Holland & Brazil to look forward to as well.

As well as anywhere there are humans that want to set up a chapter.

to mentally co-create a fair and just and peaceful planet,

Has anyone here heard of the Hundredth Monkey Effect?

it's not 'hypothetical' as it's been observer in all sorts of animals, especially groups of the same species of birds who live hundreds of miles apart so they couldn't possibly have 'shown' their cousins how to peck through the foil caps that used to be on milk bottles, and then they'rd drink the cream! lol And this started with starllings in the UK iirc but it spread across the world!

And do I even have to mention 'crows'? What amazing birds they are!

Anyway, we too 'create our world with our thoughts' by sharing them with each other and by 'natural selection and themn the support of the masses, the People, the 'best ideas go viral'

Same if you look at your life, you realized with all the plans you have,you think about them first, before putting those thoughts into actions. And the ones that worked you stuck with and discarded the ones that didn't. This is how most people think things work ...

But, the next level up is where you realize "everything begins with the thought" which is follwed by the actions which 'bring that thought into reality'

On this level, "we" the people, literally do create the world 'we' live in.

Now look at all the 'groups' of people who have 'agreed to think the same things'- all sorts of things from discussing books or religion all the way through to groups who are arranging military coups and trying to take control of countries using a variety of tactics.

Most if not all the "main groups" (we often efer to as TPTB) have very self centered actions and behavior, and use violence to get their way, BUT we can go one better, and that's If we "join our minds to direct our thoughts "coherently" about the peaceful and prosperous world we could be living in IF we didn't sell our souls to the man and let our thoughts follow

Remember as a kid how you would think about something .. and not long after it would happen around/to you by what you then called 'bizarre co-incidece' But it was no 'coincidence', it was your Pure thought and desire which made those thing become manifet in yout reality

Let's go back to 'dreaming like kids' and "imagining like ohn Lennon suggestec"

Honestly, if enough people actually did that (how many is enough you ask? Good question. I have it from a very good source that that number is the 'square root of the population/group at the time'

You only need the square root of a group of people to agree with you and things will go that way! i.e. In a room with 100 people and a table in the middle, it would only take 10 people to effectively move the table where they like, while the other 90 people in groups of 2 to 5 have no 'power' to stop *just the 10, which is the square root of the people in the room! Sweet huh?

And the more people who agree to Do the same thing the more powerful that group of people are.

we could collectively help change the world for the better if we *sincerely did our best to treat other people as we want to be treated ourselves"

and if you're feeling biblically strong, lol, you should "go with your brother twice as far as he asks!"

Great OP OP! Thanks for bringing up the "IDEA"! Ideas can go viral and virus' can severel affect 'systems' (and groups) in both good and bad ways, depending on the "thought behind it", so, we must "out decent human being" those cunts out of power, by "joining our thoughts of Peace Love and mung beans mates!

I love you guys.

maybe we should create a society? gather power and money until we are big enough to do something?

144,000 people co-creating peace together through meditation would instantly change this reality.

When did this sub become so religious.
Prayer isn't going to change anything.

Meditation is not prayer.

to meditate and set your intention to mentally co-create a fair and just and peaceful planet

This is prayer, and it's about as useful as arguing on the internet.

No, it's not.

Greatly said tesla!

If you ever get asked for the "science" behind group meditation, feel free to link to these research articles


May it be so! A'ho!

Are you kidding me?

You're high

Is that a dragon in your pocket or are you just happy to see me :) ? Seriously, though... I get what you are saying and agree. We are all connected to the Aether, I just think not enough people know or care, hence my comment...