Flat Earth Is a 2 Year CIA Psyop

251  2017-04-20 by smartwater-

Edit2: I've been banned by /u/intellisaurdinoalien. He claims I'm another user, which is a lie. He offers no proof. Hey reddit, this is how they silence truth. When the "attack goons" aren't effective in getting users to break rules, 'they' ban you for made up reasons.

and for anyone wondering, this is how they will ban this post. they remove OP and then remove post because OP tells the community what happened.


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

I believe we aren't allowed to have stickied discussions of the Flat Earth because the FE psyop is so flimsy that shining light on it would erase the very psyop that's being promoted. IMO I'd say it's a strong conspiracy.

flat earth propagandists can't answer one simple question:

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong.

FE is a CIA psyop


Nobody wants a stickied flat earth post. Give up. There are much more important things going on in the world than some idiots falling for this nonsense.

What makes them idiots?

  1. They believe the earth is flat.

Do you really need more reasons?

Good argument man. Never question authority. Why are you even here?

or you know.. test it for yourself...

Questioning authority us fine. Ignoring the fact that all science proves you 100% wrong is not.

Is it science, or something that people told you? What science experiments have you done personally? I'm dying to know.

Ever ridden in airplane? Don't you think people living in the countries at the edge of this supposed flat earth might notice? How flat exactly is the earth supposed to be... can we dig to the other side? Is all satellite imagery fake? Come on dude.

I've done this little tango too many times. It's going nowhere.

Yeah, apparently...

I actually looked back through your posts and it seems that you consistently avoid answering the obvious questions. I ask again, what happens at the edge of this flat earth? What countries are at the edge? Please tell me.

There is no edge. The whole Universe is flat. That's not disputed by any science. We also seems to be in the center of it. Not really disputed.

The whole Universe is flat. That's not disputed by any science. We also seems to be in the center of it.

ok come on what the fuck are you on about?

Of course it's "flat." Its flat in the sense that It's an infinite plane with no external point from which to observe it's shape.

Haha I typed out almost the exact same words... "what are you on about?" and then didn't even hit reply because I can't even deal with the non-sequiturs and sheer insanity in this thread.

Answer his questions since you seem so sure of yourself.

Answer the simple questions I have posed, I'm not going to watch a 40 minute video.

Ignorance is a choice.

Where is the edge of this flat earth? Show me a picture of the edge, show me a map. What countries are at the edge? Enlighten me shill.

I tried and your response was that you would prefer to remain ignorant than to watch a video explaining the questions you are asking.

I watched part of it, and as I knew it would be, it was a waste of time (but humorous at least). So there is an "Antarctic ice wall"... How is it possible then that I've flown around the world? Is every pilot on earth in on this conspiracy? Do satellites not exist?

You didn't fly around the world, you flew in a circle above the world. Pilots don't know, they just follow their instruments. Satellites might exist, but they are not flying through space orbiting a sphere.

Yes, I'm sure no pilot ever would notice whether they are flying in a straight line or not. Dude, you either have mental health problems or the CIA really does shill for ridiculous conspiracies like these.

Removed. Rule 10.

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

The deepest hole is 8km

You can't dig though the earth

Are you drunk or something? The question I asked was obviously not posed seriously.

"come on dude"?

let us examine you statement: you assume that there is an edge to the flat earth. you assume that the flat earth has "another side" underneath it. you assume that basic aerial imagery is "satellite imagery", and you assume that satellites actually exist. And then you say "come on dude" to further emphasis your point.


So what, the earth is a flat, infinite plane? What exactly are you trying to say?

I assume that satellites actually exist? Um, that's because satellites do exist you imbecile.

Not a denier but how does GPS / google maps work if not for satellites?

No, you're not. You will ignore anything I say that doesn't fit your narrative and keep bombarding me with more ridiculous questions just like every other brain-dead flat earther.

I only need to look at the sky or the horizon to know that flat earth is nonsense.

Present 1 single piece of evidence for flat earth.

If you can't be bothered to look up on of the 1000s of videos showing ZERO curvature on earth there is no point discussing with you.

None of those videos are proof or even evidence. It's not my fault the people who made those videos can't comprehend the size of the planet, and how high you would need to be to see the curvature.

It sounds more like you don't know the size of our globe and don't know or can't comprehend the math that shows how much an object should be hidden by earths curvature.

"Are you aware that there is science beyond youtube?" Do the same experiment in real life and you will surprised how wrong you are. [Here](dizzib.github.io/earth/curve-calc/) is a tool for those who dont understand or can't be bothered with the math.

I'm perfectly aware of the radius of the earth, and the rate of curvature. Unfortunately I also have to deal with flat earthers IRL.

Explain the celestial poles on a flat earth.

Explain why if I point my telescope across the sea I can't see the harbour that's 50 miles across the ocean from me.

Explain how a setting sun can light up the underside of clouds.

Explain how we have satellites in orbit

Explain how the ISS can be observed visually around its orbit, while corresponding with its position on the live feed.

Explain how southern hemispheres flights are possible.

Explain why gravity isn't stronger at the north poetry, decreasing all the way down to Antarctica.

Explain how winds in the entire southern hemispheres work.

Explain how early naval navigation worked.

Explain all space travel in history

Explain why every other celestial body is spherical.

Explain why nobody with any credibility whatsoever supports flat earth

I could keep on going with this list all night long.

You won't see curvature from the ground lul

Have a friend that lives a long distance from you? Call them up, have them stick a pole of some sort in the ground, do the same where you are. At the same time measure the shadow. There will be a difference in the shadows length due to the curve of the Earth. I did this with my cousin when I was younger.

Live near the ocean? Find a freighter leaving port and sit and watch it disappear over the horizon. Watch as its bottom disappears before the rest of it finally sinks over the horizon due to the curve of the Earth.

Live in the US? See if you can see the same constellations as people in Asia.

Have a friend that is half way around the world from you? Call them up at noon where you are and see if they appreciate you waking them up at night time.

Ya everyone knows about the sun and the stick experiment. No one is dumb enough to not understand that. What you're missing is in the geocentric model, the sun is much closer and much smaller.

The ships sailing over the horizon isn't valid either. Let the ship sail out of view, than pull out a telescope and you can see the whole thing again.

I'm not saying you have to believe FE, but you should really understand their model before bringing up points like this.

So then the obvious question is are there any experiments we can do to prove their model? You can look up experiments to prove the world is round, but I haven't really seen any that try to prove it isn't. Just a bunch of nonsense trying to make up stuff to disprove the experiments you can do to prove it is round. Like saying NASA are liars, or that there is an ice wall that no one can go see because the governments of the world (in maybe the only time they work together) prevent you from doing so.

Frankly FE seems to be a religious conspiracy. It always seems like those who believe in it have some sort of religious twist to it when I have actually talked with them on an individual basis. Usually a common trend seems to be that this somehow helps them believe that there is some god that they connect with.

Well just like every other conspiracy, there's idiots who make all types of outrageous claims on either side.

Anyone to claim an ice wall without seeing it is full of shit. Same with the religious angle to it. No one saw God create a flat earth. Its all speculation. Same with the firmament.

People really need to stick to the arguments they can test and verify for themselves, otherwise they're muddying the waters.

The thing that is questionable to me, in regards to the heliocentric model, is how you can see many landmarks when they should be well below the curvature. Btw, the formula for the earth's curvature is 8 inches per mile, then you square the amount of miles. That's something you or I could test for ourselves.

I've also seen videos of balloons going to 121,000 feet and show no curve, with the horizon rising with the camera. Again, that's something you or I could verify. It would cost probably $500 to do that experiment.

As for NASA, they've lied in the past, therefore they lose all credibility with me. They have a motive to lie as well. It's propaganda, showing they're at the forefront of space exploration. Also so they can extract as many tax dollars as possible, to the tune of billions per year.

You just claimed things to be proof that were immediately shown not to be proof. Is that not interesting to you?

Lol, yah, claimed to not be proof you mean. I'm not really interested in some guys revision of how the world actually is.

so why do mountains rise gradually as you drive closer to them?


if it were perspective, the mountains would appear very small and grow larger. that's not what happens. first the tops appear, then the middle, then the base. why is that happening if the earth is flat?

Ok, then why do we see ships disappear into the horizon from the bottom up, but when we pull out a telescope, the entire ship comes back into view?

I live on the ocean and have not found that to be accurate.

Lmao, right. I've done this myself with my Nikon P900 camera. Ships definitely disappear and then come right back into view with my 90x zoom.

have you never driven cross-country and watched a radio tower or some other tall object rise on the horizon? it's not hard to prove the curvature of the earth to yourself.

You're not even taking perspective into consideration here.

The Chicago skyline is visible from 60 miles away. It should be well below the curvature. There are many other examples of this as well.

Ok, then why do we see ships disappear into the horizon from the bottom up, but when we pull out a telescope, the entire ship comes back into view?

I've always seen this claim thrown around. Can you show me a video that shows someone bringing back the bottom of the ships? Or better yet, replicate a double sunset using nothing but zoom.

That isn't what I asked. Can you show me a video that shows someone bringing back the bottom of the ships with magnification? Or better yet, replicate a double sunset using nothing but zoom.

Perspective is debunked by the fact that the Sun doesn't change in angular size or speed when viewed through a solar filter. Something that would be required if the flat earth model were accurate.

I'll check out your links when I get home, but yes, the very bottom of ships are not visible when they're far away, but it's not due to curvature. It's from atmospheric lensing and light refraction. There's alot of humidity in the air, especially over bodies of water. There's also a delta T from the water to the air above contributing to this as well. You ever look at freshly poured asphalt on a hot summer day?

Let me ask you though, do ships disappear passed the curvature of the earth? If so, how far away would a 50 foot ship have to travel away from us to be 100% over the horizon?

I'll check out your links when I get home, but yes, the very bottom of ships are not visible when they're far away, but it's not due to curvature. It's from atmospheric lensing and light refraction.

The limitation in this case is the size of the pupil. Every opening has a limit to what images it can admit. Telescopes admit smaller images, then magnify them so you can see them.

I'll check out your links when I get home, but yes, the very bottom of ships are not visible when they're far away, but it's not due to curvature. It's from atmospheric lensing and light refraction.

The limitation in this case is the size of the lens of the eye. Bigger lenses admit smaller and more distant images. Telescopes then magnify them so you can see them.

The Royal Society of London - essentially the birth of modern science is dodgy as fuck

That doesn't make the earth flat.

Not necessarily.

It's perhaps noting for the "praise science" folk however

The occult and the mainstream science are closer connected than many know

I'd rather not call them idiots. Gullible is sufficient. We should try to treat each other with as much respect as possible, so as to seperate ourselves from the forum manipulators.

No, they are idiots. They still believe even when 100% proven wrong. That's not being gullible, it's being idiotic.

Just playing devil's advocate here but I'm pretty sure people have said that about me, verbatim, when I bring up the forbidden topic of "P.G."

that's completely different. people who deny pizzagate are like flat earthers. they're the ones denying mounds of evidence based off what a few people on the internet state as "facts".

Regarding PG, I have not yet seen evidence of a crime or probable cause for warrant. Nor have I seen a pattern in any of the alleged evidence.

I don't feel as though I'm ignorant for having that as my minimum standard for belief.

Regarding PG, all of the evidence so far is circumstantial, and none of it is evidence of a crime

You're absolutely correct. But let me throw this anaolgy at you.

Let's say your mother has an instagram. Let's say you don't know about it. Let's say you find out about it. On this instagram are pictures of occult art shows you weren't aware of. Let's say there are pictures of children that she claims is family yet you never see the rest of said faimly (ie the "goddaughter's parents)

Let's say she's been sending emails about food, completely out of context from the actual food, as in "can I play dominoes on cheese?" Let's say momma's got friends who all make the same jokes, take similar odd pictures of children (that are not criminal, mind you, just creepy), and all attend the same events that involve occult art and voodoo.

Now, would you say your mom is definitely fucking kids, or would you just say you want to ask her some questions?

The latter, is all Pizzagaters want. I welcome a solid alibi, even if it's a fucking lie. Anything to explain what the fuck is going on.

First, if somebody close to me had a secret life, that's very different than if a stranger did things they didn't tell me. You're asking me if I should be prying in to the life of a stranger based on these accusations.

Second, aren't you misrepresenting the evidence?

You're talking about patterns, but one of the reasons I don't buy it is the lack of a pattern.

They're not making "the same jokes", the jokes are completely different, and only made once or twice over the course of a social media account.

The only link to pedophilia is assumed in each case.

A woman is accused of pimping out her children because she sent an email where she mentions their ages and says "you'll have entertainment". But we never see that notation anywhere else, and she never sends any other emails that could be interpreted that way. Apparently she got out of the child prostitution business entirely after the one email.

That's not the case for one or two of these things, that's the case for every single example.

We don't see the same jokes twice, the same slang twice, the same kids twice.

When somebody's private correspondence is exposed and they're put under a microscope, you see patterns.

So no I don't think that's enough for an investigation, I think everything is pointing towards them being the victims and a public inquiry is just more humiliation.

First, if somebody close to me had a secret life, that's very different than if a stranger did things they didn't tell me. You're asking me if I should be prying in to the life of a stranger based on these accusations.

I would be a hypocrite if I said I didn't respect Mr. Alefantis' privacy. However, everything gathered has come from his public posts on Instagram. That's not prying, that's visiting.


You did not answer my question. You danced around it. I said there was nothing criminal presented by these photographs, emails, even the Epstein flight logs.

What I asked was, if you found that your mother had a secret life involving occult art, spirit cooking, and strangely worded emails to her friends, would you shrug it off as completely ordinary or would you ask her about it?

I did answer your question implicitly. If somebody close to me had a secret life, I would ask them about it. Otherwise, I wouldn't pry.

The critical point is that it's not simply asking that is being done. Answers are being demanded.

Again, imagine if your mother refused to answer. Her friends all defend her telling you it's fake and to ignore it.

Mother being secretive about weird things is damaging for our personal relationship, but not grounds to call the cops.

If we didn't have a personal relationship, it's grounds to consider them a weirdo.

P.G is met with either

A) it is real



or at least that's my experience

Some responses I've gotten:

"It's fake."

"The Russians doctored the emails."

"Alt right, pro Trump propaganda"

"They're kidding"

"It's literally just a black and white handkerchief with a pizza map"

It's Astroturfing and sheep parroting the current saying.

I really just say that for the handfull of users I am convinced are not shills. The majority of flat earthers are probably shills.

Sorry to be ignorant but I don't believe anything has been proven. I resisted even thinking about flat earth because it seemed so ridiculous. But when I read just a little bit I realize that there is not definitive proof of round earth. If there was proof of anything it seems that flat earth theory would just die.

Of course there is proof. Radio communications, orbiting satellites, air traffic, night/day cycles around the world, the celestial poles, space travel, visible horizons the fact that nobody has ever found an edge.

If there was no proof of anything it seems that Flat Earth Theory would just die.

That's exactly why people believe it's a psyop meant to divert people

There is significant evidence that supports round Earth that is completely ignored by Flat Earthers that you can verify yourself without needing to rely on "fake NASA" or "fake math" as they so like to put it

I assume you're in the northern hemisphere, why can't you see Sigma Octanis? If it's because of perspective, why do you see the same constellations that they see in Asia/Russia? Why do the stars appear to rotate counter clockwise around the northern celestial pole and clockwise around the southern?

In 2017, if there is two things I've learned about the internet it's:

  1. Proof means nothing - in fact, for many people, the more proof there is, the more determined they seem to be to resist it.

  2. "Proof" has, itself, become almost impossible. Because when you connect 7 billion people together, there's at least a few million who will believe literally ANYTHING at all. And now they can talk to each other and spread their nonsense, whatever it may be.

3 there are people out there who will invent proof to fit their narrative and spend a lot of time and energy spreading that nonsense. These people are not idiots or gullible but are instead sociopaths.

And then when you prove them wrong they default to "Hey maaaan Im not saying the earth is flat, I'm just saying we don't know it's round." Yes. Yes we do.

It's like uneducated possibly. I want to go through your posting history to see if your an idiot but something tells me you are very cautious and never post truly creative or original ideas. Probably you just say how others are wrong. That's the first step though. Eventually you'll be able to think on your own. I guess it's time to go thru your posting history.

Especially because your on r/conspiracy. Should be fun.

I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them.

Baruch Spinoza

I would call them idiots as every one that I have spoke to isn't just duped but is completely incapable of forming an intelligent and coherent argument. They believe in the flat Earth because they are unable to comprehend the round

So why haven't they shut down the falt earth sub like they did with the pizzagate sub?

Because the flat earth sub doesn't pose a threat to anyone, because it's bullshit.

So why are there multiple threads here with people trying to refute it? You're saying one thing, I'm seeing something totally different.

Because when Flat Earth and things like repitilian overlords get upvoted it gives this sub a bad name and an easy route of attack.

Plus, these things are obvious bullshit. You'd have to legitimately be an idiot to believe in FE, just like believing the Earth is 6000 years old, like in Creationism.

And there's no "trying to refute," it's just FE believers ignoring evidence or calling it fake, and using circular logic to defend their views. They also link to random YouTubers without any real scientific credentials as "proof."

TPTB would love for "skeptics" and "conspiracy theorists" to wade in to Flat Earth bologna and other garbage irrelevant theories.

They don't like when people are scrutinizing the day to day actions of intelligence agencies and other powerful institutional actors. Every hour spent on bologna is an hour that people aren't collecting and spreading evidence of their criminal acts.

So why are you here trying to convince me? I'll tell you right now it's a waste of your time.

I'm making the point for other people to see so they don't waste time getting bogged down in bologna.

I'm sure they'll be alright. They don't need a hall monitor. Why don't you move on to more important topics, instead of wasting your time with a meaningless topic like the flat earth? Let the idiots be idiotic! I see right through you.

You're probably right. I just saw someone I respect (Eddie Bravo) drink the koolaid and figured I'd speak up. I've certainly spent more time on it than I should and I'm going to move on.

However, in general, I think it is often beneficial to challenge shills and bad ideas publicly so that they don't go unchallenged. Good day to you.

So are you accusing me of being a shill?

oh god that was hard to watch. I love when people get interested in conspiracy theories because it shows that they have the ability to question.. but then when they fall down the rabbit hole of stupid fucking theories it shows that they don't have that ability and that they're just looking for someone to blame for their shitty life.

If hall monitors aren't needed, why are you being one?

How so?

you're directing another person in what they should or shouldn't be posting, which is hall monitor type activity, all the while complaining about hall monitors not being needed.

I really think you're thinking a little too deep about this. But if reading my posts directs someone to actually research, then so be it. I don't really give a fuck what you think.

I really think you're thinking a little too deep about this.

You may be taking me a little too seriously.

I don't really give a fuck what you think.

likewise. have a day.

Because the flat earth sub serves a purpose to discredit all other "conspiracy theories"

How so? Now you sound stupid.

Because it's obviously not true. Physics is testable and you can derive fundamental truths from it. And even the goddamn Egyptians knew that planets and the earth was round. That's not to say we don't live in a hologram or even that the earth isn't hollow, but it's just NOT flat.

I understand you like to question everything, but this is definitely an absurdity pushed by someone with an agenda. You should be questioning who has to gain from pushing this nonsense.

/r/flatearth is overrun by trolls. Any post in favour of FE there gets downvoted into oblivion.

/r/theworldisflat is the only pro FE sub as far as I know.

The globe model is the real conspiracy. Did you know the fist globe model was made in the 1400s using the flat model, almost 400 years before satellites? Newton, Copernicus, Einstein and Darwin were all freemasons using their theories to push the false globe model. NASA is a joke, using tethers, underwater tanks, green screens and parabolic flights to simulate weightlessness. We have been lied to...

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

so its a CIA psyop but at the same time they are paying for "shills" to mock and debunk flat earth for years straight? I check out the flatearth sub because someone close to me has become a flat earther and I can't help but notice there is obvious "shilling" going on in the flatearth subreddit. same users all day and every day mocking and trolling the flat earthers

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they are paying for "shills" to mock and debunk flat earth for years straight?

the CIA is only allowed to promote/not debunk? listen, if you haven't figured out the best way to control the message is to control both sides of the narrative, I can't help you. I feel bad for people who still play into this game

I check out the flatearth sub because someone close to me has become a flat earther

so? i don't care about someone close to you being duped. got a point?

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if you haven't figured out the best way to control the message is to control both sides of the narrative, I can't help you. I feel bad for people who still play into this game

I understand. I replied with my link again because I wasn't sure if you saw it or not (your comment was sent to me shortly after I edited my post and included that link)


Looks kinda like a globe to me....

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The first globe model is far older than the 1400s (which would be 500 years before satellites not 4) Aristotle and many others had proofs for a round Earth. The Egyptians even portrayed knowledge of Sirius being a three star system, which was not known by modern science until the 1980s. The ptolemaic model of a flat Earth has not been accepted as a literal cosmological by the intellectual class of any society ever, including ptolemaic egypt. If your going to deny all observational evidence and science for the past 5000 years at least get your facts straight

I was referring to the Martin Behaim globe model constructed in 1492, 465 years before sputnik in 1957. Thanks for not being a dick about it.

Still waiting for answers to what I post in every FE thread I see:

  1. Why can't you see Polaris from the Southern hemisphere or Sigma Octanis from the northern?

  2. Why do stars appear to rotate counter clockwise around the northern celestial pole and clockwise around the southern?

  3. Why do people in South America and people in Australia see the same constellations, except mirrored? If the Earth was flat, they'd be looking in almost completely opposite sections of sky.

  4. How does Qatar airlines provide direct flights from Australia to South Africa?

I have some as well.

  1. How is it that the moon and sun are both spheres, if the Earth is not? Spherical planets can be seen with consumer telescopes. Explain.

  2. What is beyond your Antarctic Ice Wall? The White Walkers??

  3. If the Earth is flat, explain how it formed. Even if "God" did it, explain how.

Regarding 1, they think the moon, sun, etc are flat disks, and that there is no proof that they are spheres. I wish I was joking.

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

Two points...
one: It's a joke you absolute plum.
two: Stop comment spamming.

Two retorts

one: It was a bad, unfunny joke. You should feel ashamed of yourself for your lack of contribution.

two: I put the comment at the top of the post. That way everyone can read the question before they comment. Now, if a user decides to ignore my content then I should be well within my rights to ask those "pushing" the narrative to back it up with facts. Correct? That's how debate works, no?

They ignore OP, OP steps in to remind them where they are.

No, that is the absolute opposite of debate, it's just laziness.

With a telescope you can see curved angle changes to the craters on the moon.

I know. But they think all satellite images are fake, and presumably telescopes as well. The level of denial they are in should be classified as a mental illness.

I'm schizo and I'm not this dumb, why do you make sweeping generalizations?

The study of mental illnesses is flawed because we never research how to live happy and enlightened but instead test different methods of treating "problems". This may also provide incentives to promoting labels of mental illness because it means money.

Everything in psychology seems to be studied at the angle of "this is a problem we need to fund research into and fix, we can't afford studying fascinating things". So this incentivizes scientists who are fascinated by something to frame it as a problem that needs a solution.

This can mean that symptoms of having something like schizophrenia will be diagnosed even if their life is going somewhat well. The person is conditioned to fear these symptoms for their own "sanity". Social factors lead to stigma and loads of other issues like mass hysteria (witch hunt mentality).

Nothing is a mental illness. I'm depressed daily on a chemical and external level. I actually associate my depression with society. That life is too empty, boring, meaningless, unstimulating. Like I'm forced to work such a terrible job just because society can't reach utopia already.

I think depression regardless of chemical causes, always has a realistic basis. The chemicals just make it harder for you to find a happiness bias. Honestly it doesn't make any sense how someone could be happy in this world unless they have adapted to the corruption or learned to ignore all of the very real problems with humanity and life.

Psychiatry is broken because capitalism doesn't work. It's fake. Competition is a joke.

Are you working at a desk job and browsing Reddit all day? Is it because you enjoy this aspect of capitalism? Your a slave and it's not different than communism. The same corrupt people take power and find ways to keep the working class in agreement with their plans.

Your not competing. No one likes capitalism except the really high up people. Your all in denial and your just supporting these high up people because they tricked you into being delusional that you have some shot at getting rich and famous. This is the same mentality as compulsive gambling. It also relates to religious mentality. Both of these associate with novelty and the D2 dopamine receptor. This receptor is implicated in schizophrenic symptoms, addiction, religious mentality, risk taking, novelty seeking. Not all of these are in the same direction, some having negative correlation.

People need to stop judging mental illness. The fear and propaganda of having something like schizo pretty much worsens the condition. I'm pretty sure language can be used to help most people out of their issues but we need to stop victimizing these people.

Schizo traits have tons of benefits. This comment shows my level of thinking for example. It's highly associative and perceptive in my opinion compared to what most others are like. Maybe it's arrogant to say that. But I also can't function with most of normal society things. But I've learned to take my gifts and push them to their limits.

I'm more Schizotypal so it isn't as bad. But I've had psychosis plenty times. I know when I'm in it too. I just start reducing myself. Preventing myself from concluding too many assumptions. I still feel my conclusions unfortunately. Usually paranoid.

After thinking so deeply constantly, I've actually forgotten what it's like to be "normal". I find it really hard to empathize now sometimes. I feel caring, but usually people's behavior does not make sense. Too much ego for example. Letting go of ego lets you come closer to an objective perspective.

To realize ones own potential means to stop constantly assuming a humble position for example. How come this isn't taught in therapy? Therapy just belittles people and helps them become "normal" and reject their gifts usually.

Acting humble is a barrier to true rationality. Stop caring who's better or worse and just think about how things are. Take intellectual risks. Allow yourself to look stupid or be wrong. It doesn't matter unless you harm someone.

Ok I'm done now wow. Too much.

Dude. What. It was a joke. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years and only recently crawled out of the spiral I was speeding down with a good lifestyle, exercise, and a good nootropic and supplement regimen.

Yeah, capitalism is garbage, we are all pawns, etc. Yeah. I know. Most of your diatribe has nothing to do with what I said and instead goes into a bizarre tangent because of my shitty joke. So, sorry about that.

Also, that entire post reeks of mania. Are you alright?

You used a very manic word "diatribe" are you sure your ok? I'd get that checked out man.

Maybe post on r/iamverysmart.

I am maybe manic. But I'm laying in bed all day everyday. That seems manic too right? I can't be productive. So manic.

Idk why you seem to care so much about the stuff I wrote. Because it's long? Are you so impatient that everything has to be short? That's something I resent about society. I feel like it's actually just their insecurities. Ego.

Is manic always bad? No not always.

What is actually wrong with what I've done? Maybe if you can explain, then I'll feel ashamed if you'd like and regret it and then I'll stop posting like this. lol not really.

Hey man, I'm still new around here, but please allow me to say something.

I am bipolar, and what the other user pointed out about "reeking of mania" seems on point. Not trying offend, but if you don't feel OK, there's nothing wrong with asking for help.

I know man. Thanks. I'm on drugs and stuff. Not much but coffee and tianeptine. But I had lsd a few days ago and coming off weed.

I do feel shitty. Mixed episode maybe but it's because I'm procrastinating backed up school work and I have a musical piece due soon for money and I don't feel I have time. So I'm getting weird.

I always post manic stuff tho. I even get followers for my crazy ideas. And a lot of hate. I'm used to it. I'm also conditioned now too so sometimes I expect certain reactions and just decide to react before them maybe. Just because it's common. I'm like Pavlov's dog then lol.

Maybe I'll take some lithium.

I'm on my phone so sorry about shitty format.

I'm glad that you know enough to recognize that it may be a mixed episode. That's great. It is. It shows that you are self aware. You mentioned that you are schizophrenic. I'm not, but schizophrenia and related disorders run in my genes. Just remember to take your meds.

As far as acid tripping goes, if you are going to trip, do some mushrooms...lsd is to risky.

Seriously bro, if you need to ask for help, it shows strength.

You are literally insane.

Stop following my post history. Life is boring. Stop being a boring person. Tell me the craziest you've ever been?

Look at mr sane Ronny.

Hrs got the clear, concise, cutting edge answers. We can all learn from good ol Ronny

I just wish people on Reddit would actually try discussing things that cause personal growth or are interesting. Too bad it's infested with shitty karma porn that is too easy and time wasting. Just simple addicts.

And then people always have to react to my deeper posts instead of engaging. I'm manic because you can't keep up right? Or because you care about irrelevancies because your a Nazi. Then your ego comes out and you just say "yes I'm smart I already know about everything you said" then how about you expand on it instead ? I'm sure you maybe thought a little more about it. If you want to compare penis sizes we can. But who cares about penises? It's wasting time.

Now I'm sorry if this hurts. But I'm tired of Reddit now. I just want to discuss and spread ideas. I clearly picked the wrong person. Because you need my comment to be perfectly relevant.

And now my ego is offended at your mania comment I guess. And I'm just wondering why ego had to get involved.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You're manic because you went off into this great speech about treating others equally and the state of psychiatry because of my joke. You are taking my words and going off on tangents that are not relevant in any way. I love how you think me using the word "diatribe" is /r/iamversmart worthy.

Now I'm sorry if this hurts. But I'm tired of Reddit now. I just want to discuss and spread ideas. I clearly picked the wrong person. Because you need my comment to be perfectly relevant.

Fuck me for wanting to talk about the actual topic of the thread right? And no it doesn't hurt, I'm just sitting here confused as fuck on where your anger and indignation came from.

You do not seem to be in a healthy mental state, and I am not saying that because I "can't keep up." I'm seriously worried at this point.

Why do you even assume I'm angry? Now i am because I have to censor myself and it's so hard.

Why should we stay on topic? A thread should just generate ideas that are useful to readers. They can read tons of other 'relevant' comments and skip mine if they wish. Sometimes I write comments as if they are blog posts. Not really, they are much simpler than that even.

I'm not even mad tho. Maybe I am looking for ways to interject ideas I've had lately and I felt your mental illness comment somehow justified it.

And I was joking about the r/iamverysmart. I think that subreddit is ridiculous and a detriment to people. It is like slut shaming or whatever shaming. And really they are probably posting people in mania consistently and NOT "wanna be smart people".

Your joke was shaming people's ideologies by associating them to another shameful group. Sure it's a joke yeah but why even? I don't give a fuck how common the joke is. I'm also vegan and meat eaters are common. This means nothing.

Idk I'm just bored man. Ignore this and move on. I'm clearly instigating impulsively because I crave stimulation. I'm bored not angry. I'm even being hypocritical. So just move on. And stop talking shit. It gives me reason to attack you back. Perhaps it's what I'm aiming for.

I mean I'm really not trying to attack you, my original post wasn't attacking you. You wrote a giant blog post which had almost nothing to do with what I said, and I (justifiably, since you responded to my comment).

And I honestly think that post reeks of mania. That wasn't said in a "hah you're a retard!" way, it was said in the "dude, you alright?" way. I have minor episodes of mania myself from having had depression/anxiety for so long (tends to rewire your mind for the worse, so you have to use mindfulness to teach your mind to snap out of common loops), so I know what it looks like.

Anyway, sorry if I offended, just wanted to clear that up. I'll leave you alone now.

I already am used to being manic. I'm manic all the time. I'm a psychonaut and I chase manic and psychotic states and then write loads of journals about the pharmacology and many relevant ideas. To me everything can seem relevant. It sometimes appears like others are trying hard to stay boxed in lol.

I'll probably take some OTC lithium soon though. I've been putting it off cuz I'm hooked on tianeptine pretty bad and I'm having finals and I'm way behind. I'm scared I'll get even more sleepy and lazy and apathetic. I reached a state of dysphoric anhedonia.

I'm already cut down to 20mg 2x per day now of tianeptine. This stuff barely even works right now but it's hard to function if I'm not taking it.

I think it might also relate to me using salvia in hopes it would cut down my tolerance because of its kappa agonism.

Sorry this is my last lengthy reply lol.

Yeah I'll try to stop being manic. I like posting manic sometimes tho.

I'm into nootropics also, and actually that's where I got somewhat popular as a psychonaut. It's why I have my karma level I have tho.

Just want to say regardless of the relevancy of your post and however you are feeling right now that you are great just the way you are. Sounds like your experiences have helped you in finding the awareness to live your life and make decisions according to your own free will, without concern about judgement from others which is admirable. I personally don't think it's anyone else's responsibility to diagnose mania or illness in another person, especially because words can hardly justify the truth of actual experience. Furthermore, would anyone have come to the conclusion that you might be manic had you not mentioned personally having a mental illness? My guess would be no. You don't have to accept what others say is your truth, especially strangers online. I appreciated reading what you said and connect a lot with it myself. Be well friend :)

To the first sentence here. Reddit is too Astroturfed. Asleep people see their comments and get thrown off, and as you see people are repeating the same talking points they have been programmed to say. I won't say much else other than that I hope you have an excellent night, and you are not as alone as you may feel. Relax and be happy!

I hope your night is good too :) thanks

I feel ya bro. Sometimes if a thread gets me going I kinda just pick a random spot in the comments and rant.

Keep it real hopefully with some cooperation and work we can develop lifestyles that are actually sustainable, fufilling and inspire others.

Yo... Bro....

Not all comment reply rants are directed at you specifically. He was thinking about what you said and started going. He's not blaming you for the problems of capitalism.

Lol yeah we cleared that up. I just was confused :P

Lol yeah we cleared that up. I just was confused :P

I basically agree with you, ignore the users who are levelling accusations of mental illness at you because you're questioning the concept of mental illness--you're right.

The whole paradigm is government-enforced. The reasons are obvious. You're fine.

Thank you :) yes. Government but also I think the common ego is part of it. It's like everyone is perpetually stuck in self-conscious high-school mentality and their biggest concern is to not look dumb or suck. Competition of who sucks worse arises. Lol.

But yeah the gov seems to promote this mysteriousness about things like schizo and drugs. When it's a lot more down to earth in my opinion. Schizo only seems to make someone break from typical assumptions. Like religion isn't schizo because it's typical. But lots of people view science with a religious mentality even tho science is not as religious. People don't read studies much. And they definitely aren't skeptical as much as they should be about studies. Even tho it's corrupt and lots of scandals occurred. Specifically because of the incentives provided.

"Should be classified as A mental illness" not The mental illness. You seem to be projecting the standards and limitations you have imposed on yourself onto a universal backdrop of mental illness. Do I agree with your assertion that our society lacks a common or accepted path for genuine fulfillment, I do. And I agree that we stigmatize mental illness in an incredibly unhealthy way that leads "sufferers" to take on unfair identities that not only do not serve them but lead to greater feelings of isolation and "otherness". Just look at the fact that the first Psych wards were in abandoned leper houses in the 1400s or that the US government was sterilizing psych patients (particularly schizophrenics) as undesirable not even 100 years ago.

How ever to say that society is responsible for you being in a job and life that bored you to the point of depressive mania is exactly the attitude that keeps you in that state. You a responsible for the career path and lifestyle choices you have made. If it's not working for you go live with fisherman in Panama or nomadic farmers in the Mongolian steppe. Maybe those examples don't work for you but the point is if you're not happy about the conditions of your life and who those conditions make you become the changes you need to make to free yourself have to happen in YOUR LIFE not society, your friends, your lovers and certainly not in the rhetoric of an anonymous Reddit user.

I wish you all the best in your quest for freedom

I don't really have a job. I just realized that I can't be a neuro-theorist because everyone incentivizes products and fake productivity.

I don't work an office job and I don't browse Reddit at a job. I'm generalizing to others. It's a common theme of the working class. It's a meme even.

All mental illness is mislabeled. Illness is the wrong word. There are cases maybe where things become too extreme. Mostly like parkinsons or huntingtons. Other problems seem like genetic variations that were excluded from society as a functioning demographic. The stress of being rejected socially destroys their ability to be useful on any level. Eventually isolation will lead them to being almost retarded.

I am going to function well in my life eventually. I already make money producing music so partly I am successful at having what is normally considered a "fun" job. But yet I am still upset. Because of the election. Because people are in mass hysteria. Because I can never meet people on my level of energy for intellectual topics, in real life. Sometimes I do. But often people get weird. I've been told I'm just arrogant. I get linked to r/iamverysmart. I was bullied as kid for this too somewhat. I was hyperactive. I got diagnosed with ADHD. Essentially society deemed me problematic early on.

But yet when I got diagnosed I scored as 99th percentile on every topic except spelling. After being bullied I went psychotic from the loneliness. I grew paranoid and distrustful of my peers.

Later I snapped out of this and have not returned to the full degree that it was before.

But now I get musicians who want to work with me and suck so it gets awkward and tense. I try to talk about psychology with some people but everyone gets pissed eventually.

I feel forced into conversations like "hi how are you doing? Oh same as always? Oh hi how are doing now? Same again? Hi how are you? Ok".

It's like why? Who actually opts for this kind of existence? Then they are always insecure too.

I'm afraid to meet people now and I am starting to lose any personality I had. But I'm constantly thinking deeply about things and writing them down in journals.

I'm just pissed at how lonely I feel forced to live. So now I resent people and judge them without even knowing them probably. I'm sure there's tons like me.

It's just annoying that I basically have to keep my mouth shut all day with people because my ideas are too irrelevant to them or they are jealous. I've had people tell me they are jealous and I've had others tell me that people are being jealous or egotistic. I don't even care tho. I'm sick of this. Their ego is a mental illness which prevents intellectual growth and causes intellectual 'hiding'.

Anyone could do what I'm doing but they just want to be 'normal'.

I'm not meaning to General ALL mental illness. Why did my autocorrect capitalize the General?

I also came from foster care and a homeless drug addict mother who died in recent years. Now I'm even more alone.

Mental illness? Or circumstance?

I will do fine in my future and my end goal is to be a theorist in neuroscience and to help birth AI and push for the singularity. It's all I truly care about. I'm just annoyed because I suck at taking the steps to get there. I got impatient and researched on my own about neuroanatomy and pharmacology. No One is going to believe me or care. Most people even think it's too abstract of a subject and that I'm wasting time in society. It ruins me tho. No one values me except internet strangers. Teachers I talk to seem to get uneasy and insecure. So now I fear talking to them cuz it's so shameful and awkward.

I'll get over all this once my life is stable tho.

Wow I'm really venting.

Everything is going to be ok.

Yes, yes it will

I'm schizo and I'm not this dumb, why do you make sweeping generalizations?

"The level of denial they are in should be classified as a mental illness" does not imply "people with mental illness are dumb and/or in that level of denial", just as "missing a limb should be classified as a disability" does not imply "people with a disability are missing a limb".

It's not a hugely helpful statement (though I suspect it was intended as a joke), but I don't see it as a sweeping generalisation either.

Well it is an implied generalization. Not that people with mental illness is in denial, normal people are in denial constantly. The whole society who judges mentally ill are in denial. Denial is extremely common.

The idea is that mental illness is something you can be classified as. Which implies a lot. The use of mental illness in this context is the generalization.

You could replace their sentence as "wow these people are really like crazy people".

You could get technical and argue that they actually see mental illness not as a category of human but it seems implied.

This categorization is ridiculous tho.

Missing a limb may be a disability automatically but depression, mania, psychosis, anxiety, are not necessarily a disability until the environment is a thing. It's usually a lack of control or lack of fitting in or simply being upset with the status quo. Mental illness arguably is a problem with the status quo.

And the status quo is surely broken. Moreso than the people who suffer from it. The status quo creates problems. Our environment for all of human history is tough and creates these issues.

But what is really the issue now, is that humans who lack empathy or intelligence are the environment that sickens these people.

And it's worse that we deal with the sickened people directly rather than deal with their causes.

Then we even convince people of this "chemical induction model" for illness. Which CAN be a case because I've experienced this BUT it's not so simple. Usually chemicals are preventing us from realizing that we are upset or have helped us cope. The difference with chemical induced depression and anxiety is moreso that we lose our coping chemicals.

I think it's undeniable how bad society is currently. The lack of utopia is evidence. In utopia, could mental illness still exist as a chemical model? I don't think so. I think extra chemicals or lack of chemicals simply changes our sensitivity to the environment and control the biases, positive or negative, to which we see the world.

The problem is always going to be the world for the most part.

This excludes maybe someone who is depressed for their own body but then, why would that ever happen? If someone lost a limb in utopia, would it even matter? Do they need their limb? What if we created a society that associated your ego and reputation to your limbs? In fact we do have this society.

Now the person without limbs might be heavily damaged by social and workplace factors. Everyone gets sensitive and awkward about it too. By giving extra concern and sensitivity it simply makes the person more aware of their "problem". Then all of society is designed with limbs in mind.

But it's still not comparable. In early humanity, most of these mental illnesses could arguably be beneficial traits. I've written about this a lot in the past.

I use animals as a way to show the genetic benefits of schizophrenic traits. They are intended to be rare individuals who function as the "hyperaware" person. The prophet of society. Meaning scientists too. Pattern finders, but not necessarily patterns. Simply being aware will show you patterns without effort. Most of us go numb to our environment.

In psychology this measure is called latent inhibition. Schizophrenics and ADHD people lack the latent inhibition. This means they will constantly perceive the environment as un-learned. There is many benefits to this.

The problem is our society decided to drop these people out. Our society is built for numb people. And they might even be convinced that being numb is superior. Then the schizo goes insane simply by not being able to understand the number existence. Can't empathize. Or else it becomes paranoia. When we assume others will think highly theoretical and associative. Because people appear simple on the outside. So they must be secretly hiding their deep thinking side. Or you assume they are in fact, simple. Making you grandiose asshole.

Both grandiosity and paranoia are symptoms of schizophrenia. And bipolar. Maybe this dichotomy of choice is exactly why. The dichotomy of empathizing with "normies".

Don't be one of those people. It's offensive to you, and nobody else gives a damn, and they shouldn't.

You don't have a right to not be offended. Express your opinion about it all you want, but you're coming off as a tool.

How is this offensive to me? What type of people? I was bored man. I bet your bored all the time hypocrite.

capitalism doesn't work. It's fake. Competition is a joke.

Ayy I feel you

It's a psyop. The only mental illness here is the sociopathy of those who are catapulting this crap.

Pigeon-holing people as having a 'mental illness' in the case of flat earth is a too harsh a way to categorize someone's conviction. It insinuates that they should be institutionalized.

Flat earthers are just people that don't believe anything anymore because of so many government lies etc.

It was meant as a joke, but I can see how I came across like that. Sorry.

No need to apologize, it's done quite often, and I can see you didn't mean any malice. All good 👍

One more to add:

  • Why does any object that is free to choose it's shape, chooses to be round? (e.g. bubbles?). Hint: it's because the circle is nature's most equal distributor of pressure.


Related note, why couldn't the Earth have formed like this (with a "bubble core")?

The earth has stupid amounts of internal pressure.

but braaa...Eddie Bravo says it's like a tennis ball and he looked at science on the internet /s


Cool video.

Because then Gravity would not be required. There is a hollow earth conspiracy theory. And the fact that according to globe theory the center of earth is zero gravity which means it must be hollow, but hollow center can't hold the rest of the mass together using a gravity pull, it would have to use surface tension or something like a balloon, so the whole thing falls apart whatever way you want to look at it. The earth actually formed more like sand falling to the ground.

This is a great argument! I actually don't claim Flat, Sphere, Dome or Virtual until I experience it myself but I love this argument. It is observable!

This is a great argument! It is observable!

How is it a great argument? What is observable, bubbles? I can name countless things that are not round, I don't get what you are calling proof? Even if things that were "free" somehow always turned into spheres, where is the proof that earth is "free"?

Last one:

How is babby formed?

No seriously though -- Of all the regular shapes a sphere has the lowest possible surface area to volume ratio -- there is a reason bubbles are fucking spheres. If FE ppl agree the moon and sun are spheres, they have to at least see the absurdity.

I can't see how they could believe the sun and moon are spheres but the earth is flat. It's just too absurd. They must think the moon and sun are flat... which is even more absurd imho.

I actually met a real life flat earther yesterday and she claimed that the moon was a flat disc that is also transparent and INSIDE the bubble of our atmosphere. She said that if you look at the moon during the early morning hours, it appears to be transparent. Obviously pure insanity.

Well no, this is only for gases. This is why a balloon is round, but if you drop sand to the ground in the medium of air or water, it falls in a flat manner and forms a flat surface on the ground, hence flat earth.

Why doesn't sand form a ball then? because of the weight of the particles pushing down as weight pushes down due to the net buoyancy being negative with an acceleration of 9.8m/s2. The earth doesn't pull us but rather pushes things. Weight pushes on earth and earth pushes in reaction. Earth also repels things due to its magnetism. It never pulls things just like a carpet doesn't pull a person but a person stands on the carpet. A toy windup car is not being pulled by a wall for example. It's like when you push a rock it pushes back in reaction. The rock doesn't pull you. Only a psychic rock could possibly manipulate your free will in order to make it push you which could technically be considered the rock pulling you, but I don't like quantum physics because that's mostly bullshit and philosophy should stay in the realm of philosophy. Gravity is false. Earth is flat. The sky is also flat as perspective makes the earth and sky appear curved to us as distant objects appear lower. Science is wrong.

The flat earth model is a circle. It's disc-shaped

What's at the edge of the universe.

A restaurant?

Comet ping-pong pizza


Wow I haven't seen anyone say lawl since runescape

Ask for Skippy

Holy fuck you win this thread. 🏆🏅

You have to try the fish.

I can answer 3 for you as I have read someone's explanation for this before. It is constructed. Think of a giant experimental habitat complete with dome (the firmament). The sun, moon, stars and everything celestial a like a mobile that hangs over your childs crib only project against the dome. Waves, earthquakes and other natural phenomenon are controlled deep within said construct my advanced machinery or something. With that they already admit that there must some actually depth to the FE model but how much I don't know.

What are white walkers?

What are white walkers?

You know nothing.

Are those the white things with two legs? If so I didn't know they were called white walkers. Not 100% up on my Cryptids

Ah, Game of Thrones. Never watched it. Thought you meant this

But what do I know?

You know nothing J.S

That would have been a completely accurate thing to say.

Damn, missed that one.

I rarely notice people's usernames myself to be honest. Lol

Particles settled to the bottom.

Because billiard balls are spheres does that make the pool table a sphere as well?

That's a pretty shitty analogy.

Sure is, especially if it doesn't conform to your beliefs.

You're right, it doesn't conform to my beliefs. You haven't explained why the Earth, which formed from the same material as the rest of the planets in the solar system, at the same time as the other rocky planets, is flat, while everything else isn't. You've provided a shitty analogy about billiard balls, which has nothing to do with planetary formation. Or do you have an alternative theory for the formation of the solar system?

A theory is a theory, just because it sounds good to you doesn't mean it's true. I have a theory about why you are the way you are but that doesn't mean I'm right.


It's a straightforward question.

It's kind of not. A planet is a planet. A moon is a moon. A sun is a sun. A ball is not a table.

That's because you assume this pile of dirt is a ball, and you make up theories to validate that theory, but you're not grounded in axiomatic truth, neither flat earth or round earth is. That is the whole point.

Instead of just the Moon and Sun, why not ask why literally every planet and star we've ever observed is spherical? Seems more impactful than just the two you mentioned.

For number one I've heard this during an argument. They are also flat just like earth. Nasa and space programs are a lie, can't leave the dome surrounding earth. The moon looks the same all the time because it's flat like earth and so we obviously see the same thing all time. The sun may look round or sphere like but it's a flat circle pointed towards us as well.

The mental gymnastics do answer the question and support the laughable theory, so they at least tried.

Well, #3 is kinda dumb, honestly. Someone can disbelieve one body of evidence without having to provide their own.

PS: I believe we live on a globe. The evidence is very strong.

  1. really the moon and sun are spheres? because you have been there. btw we only see one side of both the sun and moon.
  2. no one knows.. it's scary isn't it.. now you know why people lie to make you feel safe. like when you were a child.
  3. we don't freaking know some things. it's scary I know.. deal with it grow up.

really the moon and sun are spheres? because you have been there. btw we only see one side of both the sun and moon.


no one knows

Me: "You say you have proof of this. Please explain." You: "No one has proof. Spooky!!!"

we don't freaking know some things.

Again, there are some pretty good theories that are backed up by legitimate science. They may night be 100% correct but it's what we have right now.

it's scary

No it isn't

I know

You just admitted that you don't.

.. deal with it grow up.

Grown ups research their claims instead of going with, "Shit, I guess I don't know, but I'm not willing to look it up because I can't trust what I read, other than Flat Earth blogs."

  1. Why is a nebula galaxy flat as a pancake? By that logic if those nebula pics are real,can't the earth be flat too then if its in a flat galaxy?!?

  2. Yes. Winter is Here.

It's really just darkness and ice due to lack of sunlight, as the sky is flat so you won't run into any dome or stars etc. even if you went really far.

  1. Well okay, so science doesn't know. Scripture says it was first reddish smoke then this came together due to forces of nature and formed the earth first, then the stars and sky objects were created from that and are held aloft without any physical support or pillars. All the sky objects like stars and sun and moon have their own circular orbits and measured paths. The world is like a skyscraper with seven star layers and earth is the bottom ground floor.

The earth and sky layers are actually flat planes but appear curved to us due to perspective which makes distant objects appear lower, so the distant ground and distant stars appear lower than they actually are. You are welcome :)

No galaxy is "flat as a pancake." They take on certain shapes that seem "disc-like," but they are very large three-dimensional objects containing a shit-ton of stars -- I believe that's the scientific term :P

The bible has some interesting verses where it compares earth multiple things being flat. like "clay under a seal". think if pressing down on molding clay with a seal ( in the bible, seal means ring). The bible says there are four horsemen, red white black pale. The pale horse, or the horse of death, controls a quarter of the earth. but pale in greek, the language the bible first translated too, is chloros, which means green or pale. they never saw a green horse so they put pale. there are many words that were mistranslated, as the bible was not written in english. Also islam's sacred color is green, and the earths population is about 25% of the earth. coincidence? i think not. so if you dont think the bible is true, then explain how this coincidence was out in the bible thousands of years ago.

The pale horse, or the horse of death, controls a quarter of the earth. but pale in greek, the language the bible first translated too, is chloros, which means green or pale. they never saw a green horse so they put pale. there are many words that were mistranslated, as the bible was not written in english. Also islam's sacred color is green, and the earths population is about 25% of the earth. coincidence? i think not.

What the fuck is this word salad?

I wish it was that easy

Flat Earthers probably won't even click a NASA link tbh

You're one of the most ardent flat Earth posters on this sub. I've posted the same questions I posted at the top of this comment chain in at least 3 flat Earth threads that you were either the OP of, or participating in, and I've never once got an answer from you or any of the other 5 or 6 Flat Earthers I recognize. Why?

I choose to ignore those questions because the answers to those questions are all based on perception. Except for the Qatar airlines flight, which I would presume is either faked in some way or its not a conventional airplane.

The flights from australia to Africa direct is a real thing

I misread that, I thought it was Aus to South America

No Problem

Stupid globe heads

Isn't the very idea of a flat Earth based on perception though?

Also, if I can't use math, NASA, telescopes, or perception as evidence, what is even available? What evidence would be acceptable evidence to you, so I can present an argument that you'll actually acknowledge instead of ignoring?

This is why people meet this theory with hostility and dismissal, the arguments are never countered, only dismissed as "fake" while everyone keeps saying "prove it's round"

do the research yourself. get a laser. find a large body of water. stand on the shore and point the laser across the water to the other shoreline. you will be surprised.

which I would presume is either faked in some way or its not a conventional airplane.

Jesus Christ

"i choose to ignore those questions because that high a level of cognitive dissonance is causing my dinosaur brain to melt"

Are you upset at my ability to think outside the paradigms of a manufactured reality?

Although a lot of it is, the entirety of reality isnt manufactured...unless of course this is all just a computer simulation

I love how people are easier convinced our existence is a computer simulation before entertaining the possibility we are on a flat earth.

I just said that because then it would be literally "manufactured."

r/iamverysmart is that way.

He ignores all calls to back up this obvious psyop. I've sent him 6 messages asking for a picture of the "edge."

He isn't here to debate. He's here to steamroll this thread w/FE nonsense.

hilariously, because the earth is a globe only a small piece of south america is visible. if your stupid flat earth bs was accurate, south america would be visible, africa, europe and asia also. fuck you're stupid. or paid well. y'all hiring?

Removed. Rule 10. Final Warning.

hilariously, because the earth is a globe only a small piece of south america is visible. if this stupid flat earth bs was accurate, south america would be visible; africa, europe and asia also. man that is a stupid thought. or a well-paid for one. y'all hiring?

I guess South America huddled over to the night side of the globe with all the cool continents.

What if that picture was taken from quite close to the Earth? There is a good reason why Antarctica doesn't get satellite internet for the whole day but for some hours only. A geostationary satellite won't have line of sight. In a flat Earth scenario it would.

When you can see the perimeter of the ENTIRE GLOBE, that is not possible. You cannot "zoom in" while also showing the extremes.

This is yet another NASA massive fuckup.

No? Made a cool CAD drawing with MS Paint showing the situation, as you see the image would see a full circle with atmosphere surrounding it, while still not seeing a full 180 deg face of the Earth.


I found this photo explaining the appearance of a globe based on distance, makes it simpler to understand than any article.

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

How are you so sure it's the CIA tho

I was a flat earther for a while. Trolling, because I thought everybody else was doing it as a joke. It was a fun game, and some people got frustrated. Then I understood that some of these people agreeing with me weren't actually joking. If I knew CIA could have paid me all that time....

"The Flat Earth fad is a 'conspiracy theory' designed to distract, divide and discredit those who understand modern society has been enslaved by the Judeo Masonic (Satanic) conspiracy. It creates cognitive dissonance, and make us question all our assumptions, especially those which are True."

Spot on.

Do you have enough money power to go for a trip to an Antarctica on your own limitless trek across the ice and see what out there

Distance. I can take a fish-eye picture of the entire earth seen from the perspective of my face but you don't see anything other than my body, the road, horizon and the sky. No south america in that picture either.

I can see the northern coast of Columbia and Venezuela.

Can you show us where you think South America should be on that picture?

North America Should be considerably smaller with South America taking up the majority of the bottom half. Are you serious? It's obvious that NA cannot be as large as it is being portrayed. Its a composite image.

Can you show us where you think South America should be on that picture?

Come on. It shouldn't be that hard to show where you think South America should be in this pic.

They do have a long history of being nazis.

NASA too hire many artists and cgi guys which makes one doubt them then further

They do have a long history of being nazis. (literally)

Hugo Boss, VW, Fanta, etc.

Just because they happened to be scientists in Germany when that lunatic seized power doesn't mean they're Nazi's.

Op- paper clip nazis were nazis

Adidas, bayer

They do have a long history of being nazis. (literally)

So do Flat Earther and Hollow Earthers.

I think the operation paper Clips nazis have a longer history More illustrious history than the fe variety.

I think the operation paper Clips nazis have a longer history More illustrious history than the fe variety.

Hollow Earth is central to Nazi Occult beliefs. Thule, Shambhala , Agartha, are all parts of the same Aryan mythology Nazi Occultists and their precursors believed. Flat Earth is a variation of the Hollow Earth conspiracy. Both go back centuries. In fact, many Flat Earthers believe also in the Hollow Earth.

We're nazi Germany flat earthers?

They were Hollow Earthers. There are people on here who think the Nazis escaped into the Hollow Earth. Some of the same people also think the Earth is flat. Don't ask me to explain how these things are possible. I think they believe in this model of the Flat Earth.

Dam that's interesting

they did more research than you, most definitely.

if you did the research with an open mind then you too would know the truth.

they did more research than you, most definitely

And yet not a single answer to any of the questions I presented. I have a very open mind, and I've given Flat Earth it's time, and I have no reason to believe it's true at all.

See it's a flat disk I knew it!!!! /s

Open that in photoshop, flip horizontally, then flip vertically. See where they wrote "SEX" in the sky, like it's a beer advertisement?

why would a 12 year old be in charge of NASA's photoshop department?

because the 12-year-old is trump's highly qualified son?

that kid knows how to cyber

Wow, I was able to easily see it with the plain image. That is kinda blatant lol.

I just tried it and I do not see any such thing. Are you sure you're not seeing what you want to see?


As the other commentator said, you can see it without flipping it. Maybe you should seek medical help.

Fisheye lens

A fisheye lense wouldn't just show two continents if the earth was flat.


FYI, I'm not a flat earther, but if I took your reply here and applied it to the video I just linked, clearly a fisheye lens creates an artificial horizon.

was that picture moving or am I high?

that's just your schizophrenia kicking in.

No I would know if I had that by now

you'd be surprised. being delusional (believing in flat earth) and being depressed could get you clinically diagnosed as schizophrenic.

I'm neither. this is over now. You sucked any attempt at making a joke completely dry. You must be a blast at parties

before you go, how old are you?

Before we go, think about this

I made a joke about the clouds moving (look at what day it is) and you use it to analyze me? You're really weird.

lol i'm not analyzing you, nor do I actually think you're a schizo... paranoid much?

that came from NASA, they don't believe in NASA. Case closed.

Yo nice photoshopped earth comps of nasa

  1. using goverment facts to debunk an anti gov theory XD
  2. stars and what we know as "stars" is not factual, its all theories, stop trying to debunk a theory with another theory lmao.
  3. ???????? the sky is formed as a dome u fucking moron
  4. try book it and film it, thanks.

i don't believe in flath earth, but neither of ur statements debunk this theory. using pseudo facts as arguments is sheeps biggest mistake.

The fact that you can see Polaris in Kansas but not in Australia is a government fact

Which one? That's been true since we've started looking at the stars, surely the US Government isn't behind a thousand year old conspiracy

sky is formed as a dome you fucking moron

Lol what is this supposed to dispute? On a flat Earth, Australia and South America are on opposite sides of the North Pole, and somehow see the same stars, which would indicate we're on a round Earth..

book it and film it

Buy me a ticket, you can get them online right now

If everything is a pseudo fact to you, Im not sure how you're hoping to learn anything. You haven't even made a counter argument to anything I said except to say that "stars are a government conspiracy"

Don't forget that they sky is a dome, u fucking moron /s

do u undestand how a dome works. lmfao u must be sub 10 iq bro

I'm assuming you're trolling, because I don't understand how this isn't clear, but I'll play along

look at this

If the Earth looks like that and is surrounded by a dome like this, how do people at A, B, and C in the first picture see the same constellations?

I'm assuming you're trolling

Standard procedure, use a 'clean sheet' account to promote and several troll alts to create drama in the thread, psy-op disinformation by distraction 101.

If you think you see who's behind it I'll remind you of rule 10. Downvote, don't comment and move on.

coz space not work like u think maybe? if a space ship go into air and u on other side of globe u not see it either. its about the reflection this why it works both ways lol

other side of globe

That's my point

It doesn't have anything to do with "reflection", I have no idea what you're going on about at this point

Thank u for talk so simple. When said so simple conspiracy much easier to see. I now know space not work how i think but u made that fixed. How u talk simple like me made me see it better thank u.


Bro you would be perfect for /r/flatearth

You should come on over and tell us some of your ideas.

using goverment facts to debunk an anti gov theory XD

These aren't government facts. They're verifiable by the common man. Furthermore, these are scientific facts that we've known for thousands of years, across multiple governments. It's very simple astronomy.

yep very verifiable how the space is formed. tell me how u verify that space is just a vacuum instead of formed in specific ways. tell me please how u verify it.

We weren't talking about that, we were talking about the positions of stars in the sky.

However, if you want to verify space is a vacuum you can send a weather balloon to altitudes higher than they're supposed to go and wait for it to pop. Which some people do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpr61EfVcso

And guess what, you can also see the curvature of the Earth.

try book it and film it, thanks.

I flew that route multiple times 2005-2008 while studying in Australia, so I'm convinced. Maybe you should try booking it and filming it since you seem to be the person that literally believes the earth is flat.

This is a conspiracy theory that's even more stupid than the delusional stuff that many seem to often believe here. Normally, a conspiracy theory has a reason for its existense, there's visible unexplained smoke, and people try to theorize how the smoke is generated and come up with conspiracy theories. JFK is killed, people theorize about a government cover up assuming they are covering their own tracks. What I don't get here is: where's the smoke that makes you imagine a flat earth 'fire'? Why would governments spend enormous amounts of rsources to keep this 'fact' from the public? What are they protecting by conjuring up this unbelievable story of the earth being a spinning sphere? Simply put: what is the motivation for this conspiracy? what do the conspirators gain? Cui bono?

here's mine: Are there any inconsistencies in the alleged distances between south arctic islands? A single case of 2 islands that are said to be X distance apart, but krill fisherman or random explorer dudes saying they are actually X+Y apart?

1-3 Because a dome will mirror images through diffraction and perspective.

Like this

But that would reverse the image for everyone, not for people passed the equator.

If you go by what the FE people consider the true earth map it makes sense. The closer you are to the north pole, and the upper lattitudes the less distortion there is, because there's less refraction through the dome, the further away from the center of the dome, the more refraction you see until that critical point where the image reverses itself.

But have you ever seen a concave mirror, or looked on the inside of a spoon?

Yes, from a certain point of view there is no distortion, the distortion happens when perspective is not direct. If you get really close to a concave mirror there is no inversion.

Sure have, in fact that is how your retina perceives images which are then filtered by your brain.

Yes, and that all has to do with the perspective of the viewer and the distance between them, the lens and the object of focus. It's either all upside down or all right side up.

The distortion is not seen until the tropic of capricorn.

Even if that's the case, why doesn't anyone actually see it. You'd have lines of light rather than points.

Not true, that's an assumption on your part. Let's not deal with what ifs, but only what can be plainly observed.

Okay, what's the proof of the distortion. If you can travel from north of the tropic of Cancer to south of the tropic or Capricorn on the same longitude and see the same starts not flip then where is it?

Looking for a direct flight from Perth, Sydney to SA and couldn't find one on a Monday. Not saying there isn't one on some other day, just not sure what cities and day, though. Do you which flights are direct?

1) The earth is so large that you can only see certain parts of the sky while in certain areas.

2) I have never seen southern Pole research that says this. I would need to see the primary sources for the researchers as well as who funded them to determine a correct answer.

3) Same as answer one. The earth so so big that people see different images in the sky based on where they're at.

4) I have not seen that they do this so please source. Still doesn't explain why there are no direct flights from South America to Africa without connecting flights.

May I ask a question? In what way do any of these things prove we are on a spinning ball? I would like concrete proof that the earth is a spinning ball.

I would like concrete proof that the earth is a spinning ball.

Here you go


To be quite honest I don't take anything from NASA as proof just how it is. The movie gravity is more realistic than that and I know that's not real. I also did not see the earth spinning whatsoever. Also thank you for not refuting any of my points and just going directly to something you know will be rejected by someone who questions the globe model.

I'm not the person you are responding to in the original comment and I have nothing to say about your "points" which ironically didn't address the points he made.

To be quite honest I don't take anything from NASA as proof just how it is.

Well that's silly considering the ISS is a multinational cooperative project. For example here is a look at the Russian side of the ISS:


Pretty ridiculous to just hand wave proof off because, "Just how it is"

The movie gravity is more realistic than that and I know that's not real.

No it isn't that's ridiculous. I don't believe you actually believe that. No CGI ever made is good enough to make the video I linked.

just going directly to something you know will be rejected by someone who questions the globe model.

I thought perhaps you hadn't seen the video before and it's my favorite video to show globe deniers because it stands up to every criticism other video/pictures receive because it's unedited and uninterrupted and long enough to not be on some parabolic flight or underwater.

I also did not see the earth spinning whatsoever.

That would be because the ISS is going extremely fast in the same direction as the Earth.

Regardless if the Earth IS round as seen in the video then it also has to be spinning for everything we observe to be true. Sunrise, sunset, stars moving around, etc.

Sorry for trying to address and give you :

concrete proof that the earth is a spinning ball.

I guess short of sending you into space yourself nothing will ever convince you because "NASA always lies" and "Anything I see can be CGI". Fair enough

I do believe Gravity looks much better than that video I truly don't think that's ridiculous. Even if ISS was going extremely fast you would still see some spinning because it doesn't stay over the same place at all times I mean the clouds weren't even moving. Obviously IF the earth is round I would concede my point but I do not. Do you think tptb would create an international space station if they didn't have the technology to make fake videos IF the earth is not a globe? It sounds like you've refuted people who question the globe before so I really don't understand how you could possibly think one video would prove to me the earth is round.

I do believe Gravity looks much better than that video I truly don't think that's ridiculous.

Gravity looks obviously fake and CGI I don't know how this possible except through extreme confirmation bias. CGI is not good enough to be completely "real" yet, close but come on

Even if ISS was going extremely fast you would still see some spinning because it doesn't stay over the same place at all times I mean the clouds weren't even moving.

The planet is in frame for like 20 seconds....and the ISS is moving faster than the Earth's spin actually. You can tell in the video they are moving in relation to Earth.

Obviously IF the earth is round I would concede my point but I do not. Do you think tptb would create an international space station if they didn't have the technology to make fake videos IF the earth is not a globe?

Why do they do such a bad job making the "fakes" you guys love to harp about if they have such great technology? If it is CGI why didn't they make the clouds move? Is it not more likely that that is just what it looks like to look out the window of the ISS and your little nitpicks probably come from ignorance? If they are doing a coverrup conspiracy why are they so bad at it that the Eric Dubay's of the world can suss them out?

Shit what about all the scientific advancements that have come from the research of space travel? They just fake that shit too?


It sounds like you've refuted people who question the globe before so I really don't understand how you could possibly think one video would prove to me the earth is round.

Because there is a whole thread's worth of people doing all sorts of trying convincing. I didn't see this video and I have turned some people off from FE with this video and discussion before. My hope wasn't that you would see the video and instantly believe but at least if you hadn't seen to perhaps give you something that is pretty rock solid.

The only deflection possible from the video is "NASA is evil and CGI's everything". If that is where your head is at then there is nothing that will ever convince you other than going to space yourself.

Well...maybe a private space company taking a picture from space like SpaceX? If SpaceX showed a picture of the Earth from space would you believe that or are they in on it too?

To be quite honest I don't take anything from NASA as proof just how it is.

Discrediting a source because it contradicts your bias?

What's that called...

I'm not discrediting it I am outright refuting it. I have seen too many doctored and contradictory so called "pictures" of earth to ever trust a source that I don't know personally.

Same thing.

It's called confirmation bias, btw. That's you. That's what you're doing.

It's not the same... I'm saying it's falsified. That's what I believe. I can believe that if I want to. It in no way effects you whatsoever.

I don't see anyone confirming what I say. Trust me I ask questions. I've been asking many people I know with the resources to do experiments to determine who is right in this whole debate because I don't claim to know one or the other. Thanks for attacking me instead of what I say. You think through "confirmation bias" I suddenly decided to change my entire view of the cosmos in such a way that I cannot talk to anybody I love and care about when it comes to my view. This is because I would get the same response as what you give me here. No one wants to listen but I'm sure it's cuz I only listen to sources that I agree with. Just so you know I have a hard time believing any true human who questions the globe was raised that way. So we, who questions, obviously don't look into sources that just confirm our biases.

You need to go back to school pal.


Because you're a flat earther. Super easy to figure out where I'm going with this, but then again you are a flat earther.

You gonna pay?

That explains it. You were too poor for a proper education.

Wow... what to even say.

That's what I believe.

Feels over reals.

If it's fake, prove it to be so. Just insisting it is because you "believe" so just proves you're ignorant.

1) But why can Australia see the same sky as South America, which is clear across the world on the flat earth model, yet not see polaris?

3) Same a 1

4) There are.

Still doesn't explain why there are no direct flights from South America to Africa without connecting flights.

That's literally disproved with 2 seconds of Google searching.

Don't forget why do toilets flush backwards in the southern hemisphere?

fe is a CIA psyop yes but earth is still flat. It's a psyop in the fact that the CIA wants you to think that FE is a joke. Thats the PSYOP!

  1. So they're both closer, and not stars? What are they then?

  2. First of all, the constellations do move. Second of all, the question was about the rotation of the Earth, which you completely ignored. Heres a link for your reference.

  3. Okay so how do people at A, B, and C on this flat Earth map see the same stars?

Even better, if they can't see the North Star because of perspective, why does it only apply to things on the opposite hemisphere of the viewer? Australia is very far away from both Africa and South America on the flat Earth, but "perspective" doesn't effect that..

  1. They do though. Kinda a big selling point of theres.

I have a photo of a Qantas flight over Antarctica if you'd like?

  1. You can see polaris down to the tropic, but you can't see sigma octanis even on google images or anywhere. It doesn't exist in reality. If it does please show me a southern star swirl around sigma octanis.

  2. This can actually be measured using the moon as a reference point although one has to be careful of orientation. To answer your question, this perception of opposite directions is untrue. How would that work on a globe?!? There is no southern celestial pole. If there were two poles then the stars revolve around the earths axis so how could the universe not be geocentric even on a globe model?

  3. They see them side mirrored as those constellations are between the continents. They obviously can't be looking at constellations on opposite ends to each other at the same time as one would not be visible from the other, so you're talking about constellations in the middle which would be side mirrored.

  4. It flies in a straight line.

you can see Polaris down to the Tropics


You can't see Sigma Octantis anywhere

I mean, besides that it's on the Brazilian flag and all lol, you could see it if you were in the southern Hemisphere yourself if you wanted to. This wiki page has its coordinates.

The perception of opposite directions is untrue, how would this work on a globe??

I dont understand why you all say this, it's a commonly observed fact and is actually only explainable using a globe. Here's a diagram for your reference.

Take literally any object that spins around an axis. If you observe it from one side of the axis, it will rotate clockwise. If you view it from the opposite side of the axis, it will rotate counter clockwise. This isn't some magical concept, you can observe this with literally any spinning object.

You know there are a lot of videos of the star trail in the southern hemisphere on YouTube? And would you look at that, clockwise rotation.

They obviously can't see the same constellations

And yet, they do. Almost like the world is a globe, seeing as that would easily explain it..

it flies in a straight line

Disregarding the technicalities of that, if it flew in a straight line over a flat Earth map, it would fly over Saudi Arabia and northern Africa. Why does it route near Antarctica? No plane has a fuel capacity that would suit that flight, and it would be considerably longer.

all that stuffs just projected duh

simply google these questions. for question 4, why wouldnt we be able to? look up the picture flat earth

Google the questions that all support a round Earth? None of these are possible on a flat Earth unless you wanna throw in some bullshit you can't prove like "MUH dome projections"

why wouldn't we be able to?

Because no passenger airplane has the fuel capacity to do that on a flat Earth model. It's significantly further away. Also, they fly near Antarctica on that flight, which would only make sense on a round Earth. If it was flat, they'd fly over the Middle East area.

I've looked at many Flat Earth maps. And there's another problem, if the Earth is flat, why is there no maps that are accurate to scale on a Flat Earth? The ones you guys keep using have South Africa almost twice the size of Europe, and none of the distances between continents match up.

Apparently Im high as fuck since we got people actually believing the Earth is flat. Its fine to question authrority, just dont be an idiot about it.

Look into it. Watch history of flat earth. I wish it was a psy op. The heliocentric model is a psy op

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

I've been around this sub for years, 9/11 times and I can confirm this only cropped up about two years ago. With the fury of a thousand headless bots.

You have to change it to Flat Earth as a topic rather than a search term to get results for me

Same results though, huge spike at the end of 2014


Come on down to /r/flatearth and share those ideas with us.

No one has been able to prove a flat earth yet, maybe youre the chosen one the prophecy speaks of?

seriously though while you might make a compelling case in one or two examples there is no unifying theory for a flat earth. There are always gaps that cant be filled in.

Most FEers rage quit after a while.

Lol what a circle jerk of pseudointellectuals and shills.

Youre thinking of /r/OurFlatWorld

But how are you going to call bullshit on the idiots that are going to look at it as if you're throwing stones between glass houses?

Like this - To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

FE is a CIA psyop

I don't think you understand your audience very well. I don't believe in flat earth. I'm saying the kind of people that do aren't exactly playing with a full deck to begin with.

Awfully brave of you to say on a computer about people you've never met. Your probably holding all my jokers!

People believe in god without proof. People believe in flat earth without proof. Clearly hard evidence is not a factor when you believe in something unsubstantiated.

People believe man landed on the moon using technology equivilant to a modern cell phone.

Lots of people believe stupid shit.

To be fair it's more of an oblate spheroid.

I was wondering if someone would mention the CIA'S moon landing hoax psyop.

I've always wondered if the guy who came up with FE is the same guy that invented the moon hoax bullshit.

I wanna see someone do the math for bypassing the radiation belt in their head.

I'm sure there is some math geek or idiot savant who can calculate escape velocities in their head but most people use calculators or old fashioned pencil and paper.

What I want hear is someone explain how a magnetic field can affect beings that live on the surface of a humongous magnet.

People believe man landed on the moon using technology equivilant to a modern cell phone.

This is such a dumb statement. Are you talking solely about computing power alone? Or are you generalizing all of the various technologies in the space shuttle and equating it to the modern cell phone (rocket science, etc)? Because obviously modern cell phones don't require any of that other technology required by a space shuttle. And why do you feel that a space shuttle should require more computing technology than was available to them at the time? Do you even know enough about the science behind the shuttle in the first place, or are you just being intentionally ignorant about it when you make a statement like that?

Okay Mr. Astronaut.

Tell me, why are the equations for gravity unfinished?

While you are at it, please explain to me how you bypass that radiation belt.

Then you can explain the clearly doctored photographs of man on the moon.

When you are done you can explain why we only observe one half of the lunar phase.

Get to work!

I'm simply talking about your statement comparing the space shuttle to the modern cell phone. Why did you make that statement? Can you please explain to me why it is that the space shuttle requires more computing power than the modern cell phone? I'm guessing you would only make a statement like that because you know enough about the topic...so I was hoping you could enlighten me.

I can admit to not knowing enough about astrophysics to explain those things to you. But as a computer programmer and someone who has studied the history of personal computing pretty extensively, I was struck by your statement and am curious to know more about why you feel it wouldn't have been possible with the computing power at the time.

Again. The tools we have now make the task far easier.

We have super computers, the average PC gamer has 3.8GHZ computer and my cell phone is probably FASTER than what they used to get to the moon.

The cost of build a shuttle efficiently has obviously gone down, and interest in space travel has gone up.

My point was, with more computer power now, better resources now, more interest now, travel to the moon is INFINITELY more viable than it was when we did it.

So why is it not currently occurring?

So why is it not currently occurring?

Perhaps because they have no real reason to repeat that same mission again at the present time? Maybe they'd rather spend their resources doing different things in order to learn new shit about our solar system...like exploring Mars or the moons of Jupiter or something.

Just because computers now are much more powerful than they were back then, doesn't mean they didn't have enough computing power at the time to achieve space travel.


Not a bad spread, tbh. The order is in magnitude of difficulty to explain, as well. Although, I'd probably steer away from that last argument. Spreading arguments works best when you know there's only one or two good defenses to the attack: explaining the EFEs, radiation, photography, and tidal locking. But, the last can be answered with anything ranging from IR to financing, meaning someone could try to spin it on its head. ex: the arms race gives credence to manned flights, as the fall of the USSR in '91 leading to little more than Mir and ISS crew rotations from RUS proves the USA succeeded in dismantling the Soviets, and therefore had no need to press its expeditions further.

I don't really have any want to answer these questions, just the format of that comment struck a little nostalgia from when I debated in school.

Well, man has not returned to the moon because there is nothing indicative of anything worth going there for. We see all parts of the moon but something called a lunar eclipse happens every month, weird how light can be blocked by objects huh? Gravity equations are "unfinished" because we do not know what causes gravity besides it being correlated with mass. There are safe zones between the belts and you can fly through the thinner ones with no damage. GGEZ

Wow I'm so convinced by your incredibly scientific answer.

Are you convinced by pictures or peer reviewed articles or data produced by people with doctorates? You don't strike me as someone that is.

Not as much as I believe in lying politicians, arms races, media propaganda, and the enslavement of humanity.

You can believe in all that and still believe that we can put people on the moon. Just like you can believe that DNA is transcribed into RNA which is translated into proteins which do pretty much everything that is keeping you alive. A lot of science might be funded by shitty politicians but data from reproducible experiments can't lie.

I'm not even saying we can't put people on the moon now, moreso that I don't believe they did it during an Arms Race and propaganda war with Russia.

It's called being a centrist I guess.

Being centrist has nothing to do with science. NASA may be funded by the government and the space race was real but the information gained from the process of putting someone on the moon furthered the arms race. Wanna know what is better for propaganda battles? Actually achieving what you say.

Lol! Nobody flew the shuttle to the moon. Nor does anyone claim to have.

And you call others ignorant. Lol!

I don't know nearly enough about the moon mission or technology at the time to make a statement about whether or not we had enough computing power to achieve it. But since the person I responded to clearly thinks it's a ridiculous notion, I was hoping he could shed some more light on the matter for me so I can understand. Why is it not possible? Can someone point me to a more detailed technical explanation as to why there is no way we had the necessary computing power at the time? Is that the only reason he compare it to the modern cell phone? Is it because the cell phone in my pocket now isn't capable of going to the moon?

But hey, its a perfectly round sphere. Don't forget about Mount Everest!

That's honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Obviously Earth isn't "perfectly" round. Neither are ball bearings, marbles, bowling balls, and literally anything else that we call a "sphere". A perfect sphere only exists mathematically.

Seriously. The highest point on Earth (Mount Everest) is about 20 km higher than the lowest point on Earth (Mariana Trench). The diameter of the Earth (at sea level) is roughly 12,700 kilometers, give or take some for the bulge at the equator. This is a variation of 0.16%. A billiards cue ball has a maximum allowable tolerance of 0.22%. Even with the mountains and oceans, the Earth is smooth enough to be a valid cue ball.

got him fucked up with mathmatics. good shit

The earth is an oblique spheroid technically.

I think the word you are looking for is 'oblate'. Its a logical fallacy to say 'oblong spheriod'

People believe that justice exists and that governments have your best interest in mind.

What morons.

Who is the bigger moron, the one who has rigid beliefs that don't change despite the evidence presented? Or one who does not let one particular idea define them, and considers multiple points of view based on the available evidence?

It's an infinite flat plane. There is no edge.

Isn't part of the FE theory that the sun rotates around the earth? How does the sun rotate around an infinite plane?

No. That's all disinformation (the real psyop).

I am completely lost as to what you are saying. What part is disinformation? That FE theory says the sun orbits the earth? Is the sun itself disinformation?

There's all these ridiculous "Flat Earth" statements like that it rises upwards at 27mph, has an edge/icewall, etc. that are easily disproven.

This keeps people away from the truth because they see flat earth as a joke.

I'm not clear on what you are saying is true and what you are saying is "ridiculous".

You believe the earth is an infinite plane, correct? I am asking what the theory is as far as the sun, since standard FE theory says the sun orbits the earth and that obviously doesn't work if the earth is an infinite plane

The sun doesn't orbit the Earth - it orbits the North Pole parallel to the flat earth.

I'm still not following, the north pole is not part of the earth? Do you have some kind of diagram or explanation for what you are saying?

I see. I'm curious as to why you consider an icewall easily disprovable and not an infinite plane, they are both disproved in the same way, by traveling continuously in one direction and ending up back to where you started

You're not getting anywhere with this. You're merely seeking to confirm your own beliefs.

It is better to question the beliefs you have than to question beliefs you don't have.

Thank you for both ignoring any questions I raised while also raising a really terrible point of your own. The heliocentric globe theory has held up to any question I have asked or seen asked. Your post is a pathetic attempt to distract from the fact that you are lacking any answers

stop trolling there is no edge it is an infinite plane. Prove the Earth is a globe. You all have been had by baal worshiping jesuits.

You all have been had by baal worshiping jesuits.

Or you have.

Why would God create an infinite flat plane with a limited space on which we can live? Why would God create the "heavens and the Earth" and the heavens aren't even real? The thing I do not understand about the religious angle of the flat Earth is that it puts God in a very tiny box. It says he basically made a giant snowglobe and cool light show at night. How insulting.

My understanding of FE theorists is they argue that there are no actual photos of earth from space, flat or round. And among their supporting evidence is an article from NASA from its graphic artist who says that he takes hard data collected NASA and turns that into a graphical representation suggesting that all photos of earth from space are artistic representation of data. So can we non-believers prove that any supposed photos of earth from space is an actual unedited photo or artistic representation?

So thousands of pictures from many weather-satellites are faked every day?

The theory is that those are snapshots taken of a computer simulation. Like taking snapshots from Google Earth.

For what purpose? Seems like a waste to run a real earth simulation just to take pictures and say "See! Everything is fine!"

Control of the masses. Like how false flags and black ops are used to deceive the masses to some end.

But isn't the flat earth heavily steeped in religion? The original control the masses tool?

The first weather satelite was launched in 1960, how would they simulate the weather in 1960 while matching the images with the real weather?

Your comment made me have to confirm which subreddit I was in. One theory is that a satellite was not launched. I'm sure there are other theories though.

The NASA nazis claim they take small pictures of little pieces of earth and wrap then around a ball. Like the famous blue marble photo.

As opposed to real pictures of the Pear shaped earth

The idea is that Antarctica is actually a rim that holds in the oceans, but Antarctica is also guarded by NATO. It is illegal to independently explore Antarctica, that is why there is no picture of the edge......if you buy into FE

The idea is that Antarctica is actually a rim that holds in the oceans

Pics or you're lying...what an obvious load of horseshit

Wouldn't there be more than one edge? If the earth was flat, wouldn't it have at least four corners?

The flat earth map is a disc.

So, does Antarctica go all the way around the disc? What holds the ocean in everywhere else?

That's the theory.

At the same time, no one has produced a photo of the globe earth that isn't a photoshop composite. Now I'm not saying it's a globe, or oblong spheroid, or pear shaped, or torus shaped, or a bubble, or what have you. Not a single person in this thread can verify it either way, with the constant fish eye lens on space fairing vehicles, to the absurdity of the ISS, to the minute amount of the population that even "visits" low earth orbit, we really can't say one way or the other.

We don't really know, we can only take people's word for it, the Michelson Morely experiment gave evidence that the Earth doesn't move as fast as it's calculated to. You can't see the curvature of the earth from any vantage point, and you're also not allowed to go rummaging through Antarctica.

I have no bone in this fight, but to claim something without proper verification is silly, not to mention for all practical intents and purposes, the world may as well be flat, we do not feel it's motion, nor does it affect us in our ability to navigate it. Aside from some superficial astrology our interaction with the cosmos is limited.

Why does it matter to you what the shape of this pile of dirt is? Does it stop you from being a human work unit if it's flat or round? Does it stop you from questioning things if it's flat or round? What evidence do you have for it being a CIA psy-op?

I will agree we are being lied to, for what purpose who knows, maybe the solar system is smaller than we've been led to believe.

Maybe it's bigger and like North Koreans we are lied to and kept from communication outside our "sphere" to keep their hold over us.

The best evidence available to me for debunking the FE theory is the sheer volume of people who are required to lie to uphold the conspiracy.

Kind of like how many people lie to keep cannabis schedule 1?

Way, way more people. Not just Americans this time.

How about all those lying even today about the massive shooting hoax psyops being continually perpetrated?

Your argument is weak AF.

False equivalency... it's nowhere near the same scale. Everyone who has ever worked on a satnav system is in on the conspiracy?

Sorry for replying to and old comment, started re-reading these after I got a reply in this thread too.

How come you clain the curvature is not visible from any vantage point? Just the other day I was filming shooting stars and was near the ocean. There was a city 20km from where I was standing (around 20m above water) and for some reason it was not visible though the weather was great, very good visibility. Unless of curvature, what would hide it?

It's much easier to fake than to actually do it, especially with the technology of the time(60's 70's)

How come you clain the curvature is not visible from any vantage point? Just the other day I was filming shooting stars and was near the ocean. There was a city 20km from where I was standing, with a theoretical line of sight above the water, (plus I was around 20m above water line) and for some reason it was not visible though the weather was great, very good visibility. Unless of curvature, what would hide it?

The same effect that allows Chicago to be seen from Detroit(atmospheric lensing), I suppose it works both ways.

Where is the curvature here? https://youtu.be/sQw_C5KLhFM?t=46s

According to NASA you can see it at 40,000ft this went 3 times as high.

I'm not saying the Earth is flat, or round, I'm saying we're being lied to.

A flat earth would affect our ability to navigate it. It would be very hard to fly beyond the edges. Another huge practical effect would be that the sun would never set.

The sun would set if it moves far enough away from you, it wouldn't set if you assume the sun is really 93 million miles away, if it's closer and smaller than we've been told then yes it would set if it moves far enough away.

How many commercial flights fly over the south pole again? You may be right, however 100% of all flights do not cross Antarctica, so it's a moot point.

The one expedition that tried to fly past Antarctica (Admiral Richard Byrd) said they discovered a land mass the size of the United States.

Just something that raises some questions. Again I'm not saying that one is true or the other, rather what they tell us has the flavor of bullshit. I'd like to know more, but it's not practical for me to find out. "Astronauts" are unique company, there are currently more people that cry tears made of glass than there are astronauts.

Alright fair, I can't prove, at least not now, that the city was not visible due to curvature, could've been some other phenomenon.

About the sun. In a FE model, what explains the different angles we see the sun from different points on Earth? Close to the equator it pretty much raises up vertical, overhead and then sets vertical too. Where I live, up North, the angle is very shallow, and in mid summer it never sets.

Here in the northern parts of the Earth that'd be easier to explain, but what kind of movement of the Sun above a FE would explain both?

In the video you gave you can see the horizon is not straight, but is straight shortly after launch (not during, the mountains skew the view). There are many moments where the horizon is quite level with the camera horizontal so it should not be the lens, also the curvature would be identical in lower altitudes if it was the lens.

No doubt we are being lied to, I am not just even a bit sure this is one of the lies. I haven't seen any evidence that points to a FE model, or anything close to it. You're right though flights over the Antarctica don't happen that often (if ever assuming FE).

I'm not outright saying the Earth is flat, flat as a pancake, but it's not a sphere either. Probably some other shape, bubble? Maybe there is a dome, maybe the solar system is smaller than we've been led to believe. Maybe we have a much more advanced space program and some of it involves trans-dimensional travel. Who knows, it's not as if we can easily verify it.

Or maybe this is just a lonely insignificant rock spinning through space and time, and we're one in a quadrillion worlds that has life with the potential for metaphysical intellect.

I didn't see any curvature in that camera, at all. And why do they insist on using fish eye lens? Let the round earth speak for itself without special effects.

But you are saying it is not a sphere?

Here's a screenshot of the video with a frame that is the most level horizontally so a fisheye lens should have minimal effect: http://i.imgur.com/NnsivRW.jpg

Not conclusive, it still could be the lens.

Why wouldn't Felix be able to flip his visor up? I would assume it was pressurized close to 1 atm so there would be no trouble doing so. If you mean if it was a dangerous design to even allow for that then I don't know, maybe I would've had another layer of glass behind the sun visor.

Would you say a non spherical Earth model is likely because of all the circumstantial evidence, or is there something concrete that you know?

If the Earth was flat or a dome (not sure what you meant with a bubble) flight routes close to Antarctica should be a lot longer in length than they are. As far as I know they are the exact same length as a similar route on the northern hemisphere.

Okay so people on the conspiracy sub can believe the entire history section of their text book is a lie, but their insane for thinking its possible that science could a lie to. How generous of the authority to tell us the truth about science even though they tell their version of history.

Our overlords are most gracious.

Praise be to them

And also with you.

Thank U catholic

I can easily demonstrate that the flat Earth model doesn't work and a round earth is the best explanation using nothing more than two eyes a functioning brain and maybe a watch and car.

With all due respect if this was an easy thing to debunk it would not have the traction that it does. I have a family member that was a commerical pilot for several years and is now an engineer. He thinks the world is round, but admits its debatable.

It is debatable, if you insist on calling into question everything we know, starting from scratch, and ignoring any evidence to the contrary. I've talked with many flat earthers. I enjoy it, but they have reasons for believing in a flat Earth that aren't based on logic and fact.

Correct, you basically have to revaluate everything you have ever been told by the authority. Those who own the platform and distribution of information control the narrative of the masses.

Well im their defense I understand the drive to disbelieve everything coming from proven liars. Doesn't mean that is correct. But it isn't unreasonable.

The degree that they take it to is unreasonable because they aren't exercising any degree of skepticism regarding anyone who agrees with them.

Some guy making YouTube videos has more credibility than the astronomers, cartographers, and explorers who have given us the modern world, just because of half assed references to the Masons, Illuminati and NASA. I can very easily point out how the people they are listening to are liars but they would rather break basic physics than question themselves.

Yeah well samr could be said for me and JFK assassination and 9/11. Because I know the officials lied and the experts are either in kn it or very carefully refusing to allow themselves a moment of doubt and get labeled heretics.

Moon landing also. Joe Rogan had a great show on his new belief that at least part of it was faked and so he too joins our camp of deniers who go against the experts and authorities.

GPS, satellites, and basic Newtonian physics. There is literally no way the earth could be flat. If you believe the earth is flat do the rest of us who have a brain a favor and take a shot of cyanide.

You mean the global positioning system designed by the government? Lol

Please share YOUR understanding of newtonian physics, not someone elses. Your own explanation as why Newtownian physics is proof to you that we without a doubt live on a ball.

You mean Newtonian approximations. Also, what if the people you're insulting are borderline suicidal and they actually go through with it, you want that blood on your hands?

Removed. Advocating suicide. First warning.

Probably because he found out that altimeters rely on gyroscopes and flat earth physics.

FE is only difficult to debunk to people who have a hard time grasping the science. It's easy to ignore data and evidence you don't understand, and from there it's easy to insist that sort of evidence is categorically false. But what that boils down to is: "any evidence I don't understand is false" which is just not how science fucking works. It's not how evidence or knowledge work, either.

Literally zero scientists argue for FE.

Well I'm glad a tried and true scientist is joining us on the conspiracy thread 😂

Well, there's all the proof I need that you can barely parse English. Goes to show how you fell for FE, I guess. Good luck not walking into any trains on the way home, genius.

I hope going on a thread for the sole purpose of shitting on people brought you something resembling happiness. Cheers.

If it's so easy go ahead and prove it.

The flat Earth model commonly has the sun orbiting above the plane of the earth. However we can clearly observe with any sunset that the sun is, while remaining the same size (barring relatively minor changes due to atmospheric moisture) that it was throughout the day, passing behind the visible horizon. As this occurs a shadow is cast by the occluding land which be observed on the clouds above us moving towards the horizon well after the sun is no longer visible.

Record the time of sunset and travel west as far as you can, or just enlist the real-time observation of someone you trust who lives much further east or west. The sun will be visible to them when it is not visible to you.

These two easily observed phenomena cannot both occur on a flat plane. They can occur on a cylinder or a sphere.

I agree that it's presumptuous to declare FE-theory as dumb by default, but there is a difference between the science of physical laws and measurements and the study of history.

By its very nature, history can only be interpreted by what was written about and what we can extrapolate from archeological relics. This makes it pretty easy to omit crucial pieces of information and to spin information into a misleading narrative.

Physical sciences function on observations, predictions and experiments that are falsifiable and repeatable. Some observable phenomena can be explained with conventional cosmology as well as within the FE paradigm (the typical experiment of the differently long shadows thrown by obelisks in two separate places works with a distant sun and a round earth as well as with a close and comparatively tiny sun and a flat earth), while other phenomena still evade explanation in either paradigm.

Things such as the round shadow during a lunar eclipse, however, make a ball-earth simply more likely.

Still, it's not unreasonable to assess that most of our history is distorted while dismissing FE theory based on empirical observations.

It's funny how most of these science critics have zero comprehension of the differences between the soft and hard sciences. Natural sciences are based on experiments that can be repeated by others at other times and in other locations and still achieve the same results. Social sciences on the other hand, including history, are more like pseudo-science and don't have the repeatability of natural sciences. So yeah, history is based on subjective interpretation of limited information, often from dubious and disputed sources, while astronomy is a matter of measurable data with far less room for subjectivity. They are not comparable in any meaningful way.

Science can be controlled, but what about guys Krill fishing in the antartic? They'd have to be in on it, and know that instead of 800km between small random islands it's actually 3000 km

theres a globe on every teacher's desk of every school when youre a kid. indoctrination is fun!

But then what of the flat map on the wall!

Fun thing about science is that it's observable and testable, history isn't.

When consumer space travel is available then the round earth will be truly testable. Internet showed up in the mid 80's and just about every human being is connect to it now. Apparently we went the moon in 67 but you still can't get a joy ride around the planet, really?? As far as what Elon says about space travel I will believe it when I see it, never panned out for Brandsen.

You have a GPS, You have the internet. Get a few people together and try to form a triangle where the sum total of the angles are 180, if you succeed the earth is flat, if it's more than 180 it's convex.

I've been trying not to fall down the flat earth rabbit hole. I was too advocating that it was a psy ops. But maybe it is their intention for us to believe that it's a psy op to distract us from the real truth. (Which honestly none of you redditors are probably ready to handle if I told you flat out right now) lol

Reasons I've been thinking this 1) it works with astrology ( I'm an amateur astrologer and I looked up to see how the planets would work or be a factor if the earth were flat 2) the Simpsons have that one weird episode where the baseball hits the globe top (glass sky) and water comes pouring in (something that references to FE) 3) Tila Tequila has been (scaringly enough) making more sense to me in her 2017 vlogs on her YT channel (I started watching it after she addressed Kanyes Mk ultra breakdown) And in some of her videos she does reference the earth is flat (but there are also multiple parallel universes/earths) and that we are under water.

She is also super up to date with pizzagate. I think she's some next level shit though because she's been talking about government and CIA stuff since 2013.


I know this is a lot to take in and people don't want to believe in this stuff but the truth will make sense to everyone soon anyways so take it as you will

bro don't be an idiot

On a flat Earth the sun would never set.

I think their theory is the sun rotates around earth..lolz.

It orbits the north pole on a circular pattern parallel to our flat earth.

is there visuals? it's hard to visualize that.

I believe a lot of conspiracy theories. Gas chambers are a myth, Roosevelt knew about pearl harbour, etc. Even the alex jones 'elite worship transdimensional vampires'.

Flat earth is psyop. It indeed can sound convincing, but...

If the earth was flat normal people like fisherman and oil exploration companies would constantly be finding out. It's not something anyone would shrug off. They're expecting the coastline of antartica and the southern islands to be the way it is on all maps, but instead it encircles the globe? The distances between all locations would be wrong. If you were krill fishing, landed in the south georgia island and then headed towards anouther island it would be much farther away than you expected.

Look at the lsit of islands. A flat earth means that ALL the distances between them are drastically underestimated. Satalite photos of the antartic ocean would all have to be doctored.

If flat earth is true, I'd expect there to be lots of inconsistencies. Is there a single example of satallite photos showing different relationships between these islands?


Look at long distance flight patterns on a flat earth map.

show me

Here something you may not be ready for, what if FE theory has been waiting us for years and was pre-programmed in a lot of instances... Same of your initial logic.

I'm reaching the point of, "You know, maybe you shouldn't question authority.


At least familiarize yourself with the concept of the flat earth model.

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

600 year psyop, you mean

Either if it's a CIA psyop or not... Not only make you "believe absurdities", but diverts attention from real covert crimes perpetrated by the same intelligence agencies.

I think the term "flat earth" is the psyop personally. Even the folks who study and discuss the place we live know it isn't "flat". There's mountains and valleys, not a flat plane.

It's better described as a frisbee with the edge being an ice and snow ring keeping the oceans inside. And theres no magic glass globe over us. The "firmament" is just the frequency resonance, or maybe the edge of the magnetosphere where the torroidal field ends.

I'm not a flat earther, or a ball earther, or a concave earther, or an innerearther (possibly a simulation theory-er, maybe a believer in electric universe). But I sure do enjoy the mind candy that is THINKING of what it all COULD be. When we get into conflict is when we try to say with certianty what we live on. Not even the all powerful NASA can give us 1 simple unedited, non composite, taken from a camera, photo. None exist. CGI and composites are all we get.

Doesn't that make the folks sure of a ball just as "gullible" as flat earthers? Afterall, nobody goes out to prove the globe to themselves unless something happens to make them question the globe to begin with. Why would they? They were raised to believe we live on a ball, no need to question.

I remember 4th grade in the south, teacher said there are two ways to view the Earth. One is heliocentric and one is geocentric. She said both are equally valid and correct, but "you believe this..." She then went on to explain the heliocentric model.

The way I see it, the slave class is taught the heliocentric theory, because it makes you feel hopeless and alone. Elites are taught the more accurate geocentric theory, because it makes them feel important to be the center of the Universe and put here by God.

Yes!!!! I agree whole heartedly! I have a 2nd grader and I explain both to her as well. I encourage her to use her own eyes and brain to discern the world around her, and that is good to ask questions you have. Too many brains are stifled and shut down under lock and key...in the cube!

bro you're teaching your 7 year old to be stupid

Broseph. She's honestly, hand on my heart, a full grade and then some ahead in math. Her reading has been off the charts in a literal way since kindergarden. Her teachers consistently tell me how she's more of an assistant than a student. She mentors her fellow humans who need guidance. I teach her to THINK. To use her brain, imagination and intuition. I don't say believe this or that, I present her with all possible options that science and great minds have concluded are viable options.

Many would say, I'm teaching her to be awesome.

Why teach an impressionable young child lies though?

Oh no, I don't lie at all. To a fault actually. There's no easter bunny anymore cause she started in with the questions hahaha She's an intellegent young lady who is capable of hearing many ideas and kicking them around. School tells her we're on a ball so that's what I go with for now.

Because she's 7.

You just said you teach her both though, which I'm guessing is flat and round earth? What point is there I ever teaching your child about flat earth when there is impossible amounts of data and math that stack against it? Unless your a fundamental or creationist chrisitian, there's not really a point in ever bringing up that a small sect of people randomly believe in a flat earth, despite every observable celestial body being round.

No we aren't affiliated with ANY religion, thanks for checking.

I didn't say I taught her flat earth and ball earth. I said I've explained heliocentric vs geocentric theories. Big difference friend.

Yeah, or it's a lot more likely that your elemtary school teacher had a poor understanding of astronomy and completely mislead you. If a geoocentric view was "equally valid and correct" then there would be no need to split from that into a heliocentric view. Geocentric theory has major flaws that were evident centuries ago

So says the foreign agent? Please, list your major flaws.

Lol foreign agent, that's a new one.

There are tons of flaws that any rudimentary knowledge of astronomy would have provided you (since they have been discussed for hundreds of years by people such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler)

Some really obvious ones would be:

*We can observe moons orbiting other planets, like Jupiter

*It can't explain why planets are brighter when opposite the sun in the sky

*Cannot explain the phases of Venus

*Elipsies explained planetary motion far better than retrograde motion

These are all very simple observations that anyone can make themselves and has been for a loooong time. I didn't even get into gravity and how there is no solid theory for a mechanism behind geocentric motion

Lol foreign agent, that's a new one.

Just looking at your username.

All that sounds reasonable, until you get yourself a $500 camera with a 300x zoom lens, and see that it's a complete fabrication.


Then you realize that Galileo was an occultist, and Newton was wacko, and you see the BS for what it is.

I don't need to buy a camera just to get extremely shitty footage of the stars and planets, and some hilariously sketchy video won't change that.

What you should do is spend your $500 on an actual telescope instead, or even a good pair of binoculars which you can get for under $200. Seriously, go borrow someones. The phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter are extremely easy to see.

It's hilarious to me that people will trust a grainy video of a digital camera over what they can personally observe with relatively simple tools.

You are arguing a point that is objectively invalid.

You saying it is objectively invalid doesn't make it objectively invalid. You haven't offered up anything besides a hilariously bad video made by people who don't understand what digital zoom is. You also have made no response to why a digital camera would be more reliable than telescopes or binoculars with (and note how I am using this word for future reference) objectively better zoom and resolution

Nope, you are.

The flicker that is viewed in the video is caused by the earth's atmosphere. You can replicate this effect by turning on a lighter and then look through the flame, whatever object you look at will also "dance" as the light reflecting off the object is getting scrambled by the gasses being emitted from the lighter.

There's no flicker in that video. You are arguing an objectively invalid, and frankly absurd, point.

How would you describe the effect then? Because the "dancing, bouncing, light changes" can all the attributed to the earth's atmosphere and the camera's sensor/lens not being sophisticated enough to generate a proper image.

I seen his name as foreign agent too....did he go change it?

Hm. Biggest one that comes to mind here is the proximity of mercury and venus to the sun.

Also, planets are brightest when we're looking at the side facing the sun.

In a geocentric model planets would be opposite the sun at midnight, instead they get smaller and brighter for the size when they're on the opposite side of the sun.

This is Venus.


It's not terra forma.

You can see that, right? You can verify it yourself with a camera, if it doesn't disappear like Pluto.


The same wiggly patterns appear when he takes pictures of things that are on Earth.

In this video they are using a relatively cheap camera with a small sensor and inferior optics when fully zoomed out.

Compared the video to these pictures from a photography enthusiast who has spent over $5,500.00 on equipment.

Are you suggesting that I have a small sensor? I've never been attacked that way.

Let me tell you, there is no problem with my sensor!

Are you suggesting that I have a small sensor?

Yes. Your camera has a 1/2.3" sensor. Compare your sensor to other camera sensors, and you'll see that your equipment could use a lot of improvement.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_sensor_format

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 58653

I went to probably the most (maybe top 2) elite elementary/high schools in Washington DC. Billionaires and famous politicians kids were there. They taught us the heliocentric model. I can't believe I'm actually taking the one to type this lol.

I don't currently side with the flat Earth idea but if they find evidence, by all means I'm listening. It is quite suspicious that the Earth has never had a full photo taken of it, that is not a lame CGI/composite. For people to dismiss other theories so quickly may be a mistake. I'm open minded to different ideas as long as there's reasonable doubt against NASA.

I currently think the Earth is a globe but considering NASA can't be trusted, I'll be researching other theories that could explain why the hell NASA hasn't given us a proper photo of the Earth.

A decent guess could be that the Earth is spherical but we can't get past a certain point, hence fake Moon landings. Or it could be even more messed up and be both that the Earth is not spherical AND we can't get past a certain point. I remain open minded, I don't trust NASA but I also don't trust the Flat Earth idea (for now, since it sounds sort of psyops-ey) but I don't know for certain yet.

but if they find evidence, by all means I'm listening.

the evidence is overwhelming. why do they have to find the evidence? do the work yourself, and confirm for yourself.

It's not difficult to prove with lasers and a large body of water.

Explain the laser thing you keep posting about.

Here's a guy who did one. It's a little lengthy and wordy, but he explains everything he did, and shows the math.


His math is bogus.

How is this not a proper photograph? https://www.nasa.gov/content/blue-marble-image-of-the-earth-from-apollo-17

Or more recently https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-captures-epic-earth-image Yes, the latter is a composite in the sense that it combines red, green and blue channel pictures. But combining channels is how every digital camera works anyway.

I researched those a while ago and I'm almost positive they're both composites. Not sure what you mean about combining filters but stitching together photos to bring about the blue marble is not the same as taking a full real photo from a good distance above the Earth. If NASA wasn't even bothered to take a photo of the Earth when going to the Moon, that makes me think either they couldn't due to it being impractical somehow or a conspiracy relating to either the shape of the Earth, it's position in space, and/or how far away we can actually go beyond the atmosphere before radiation and other hazards get too high. I don't believe humans landed on the Moon. It looks like a good fake, perhaps using Kubrick's method of a fake background (can't remember the name of this technique) but I did wonder something....

If the most reasonable explanation was that the Earth is spherical but humans can't go past a certain radiation threshold.... maybe that links with flat Earth. Perhaps flat Earth is a psyop to discredit people who think the Moon landings were fake? (By associating the two, making them both sound like crazy ideas).

Just a thought. Considering I've gone down the Saturn Moon matrix theory, I remain cautiously open minded to any theory with some logical basis.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Earth rise is a photo of earth from the moon and there's a bunch like that.

If the Earth is so much bigger than the Moon, why is she so tiny in that Earth rise photo? Earth should be HUGE from the moon.

It looks pretty unconvincing and my point was that there's a lack of a full image of the Earth. Why not take a photo of the Earth half way to the Moon or some shit? Lack of good Earth photos is very suspicious.

And screw the Moon landings, I believe they were fake. IF the Flat Earth movement is a psyop, then maybe it's for the very purpose of discrediting people who claim the Moon landings were fake.

Fuken right on! That's what I mean. Photos are like the most important thing. Hieroglyphs anyone?!

I'd like to see your argument why the both of them are composites because they are supposed to be full pictures. The first one was taken by an astronaut on the way to the moon. The later is taken by the deep space climate observatory at a distance of one million miles. The former was afaik taken by an optical camera. The latter is three separate black and white pictures on the different wavelengths, combined together for a color image.

There's also at least one full image of earth from much further taken by one of those spacecraft visiting other planets (the pale blue dot image).

You are aware nasa has said that they cannot get passed low earth orbit because of the vanalin radiation belt well the moon is past said belt

It's a trick question. Dude expects you to photograph both sides of an object in one frame. It's fucking mental.

Nobody means both sides of a ball, obviously. People are referring to the fact what we see from NASA are composite images stitched together, sometimes 'enhanced' with easter eggs like the word sex spelled in the clouds. Composite photographs are many different images put together to create one.

You should look into the cameras being used and at what distance. It's not a conspiracy.

Here's a Japanese satellite that takes constant streaming imagery of the planet. https://himawari8.nict.go.jp/

Obviously is right. That flat lander user seems like a shill, claiming I meant "a photo of both sides of a sphere in the same photo".... LOL. That is either a retarded assumption or some shilly mockery. Oh well. I ain't even mad. Lol.

Combining channels isn't creating a composite, those are 2 different processes.

It is quite suspicious that the Earth has never had a full photo taken of it, that is not a lame CGI/composite.

How can you take a single picture of both sides of a sphere? Think about it...

Also, here: https://himawari8.nict.go.jp/

This thing is always running. Educate yourself a bit.

Full image as in a fullscreen shot, at a good distance away. Also, what you posted is not a one photo shot, but a CGI or stitched composite.


Delivered. What I posted is a feed from a Japanese satellite that takes a picture of the Earth every few minutes from 22k miles up.

Jesus, people. Honestly.

One of the images looks like a composite with how the edges are stitched together. Not sure about the other one.

Go to the link, https://himawari8.nict.go.jp/ ...not the wikipedia page. Watch the images stream down to Earth. If you think the entire scientific and political community conspired to fake images, then you're as gullible as they come. Why would anyone dig themselves a hole that deep? Why not just have the big lie be that space flight is impossible? Why would anyone make a lie that forces them to produce imagery and other data on this scale? It's utter fucking nonsense that no truly thinking person can believe.

If you really have to go back to the cliche "you really think they got enough people to pull this conspiracy off?" argument, then you must be new to /conspiracy and conspiracies in general. Not a good argument. 9/11 was still an inside job. And as I said earlier, I don't know why NASA would not provide full scale one shot real photos of the Earth from a good distance away.

a) I didn't ask that question at all. I asked why they would create a conspiracy that would be this hard to defend?

b) I've provided links to a constant stream of full-bore images of the Earth.

I guess moving goalposts and employing strawmen is the only way you FE people can defend their ideas.

Great reading comprehension, btw. No wonder you're a sucker.

I never claimed to be pro-FE. Now you're just shilling.... And no goal posts were moved. Your posts serve no purpose and your tone sucks ass. Take a hint.

If you're no a FE'er, then why waste all this energy combating my posts? More goalposts? Do you even know what that means? Good luck not getting hit by a car out there.

Judging by the pretty messed up last bit of your comment, I think you need to get off the MKUltra before you turn into a psychopath. :) Or you know....get some fresh air outside....

Deflection fail. Christ, what a dumbass you are.

Actually a moderator deleted it.

Fuckin lol.

Removed. Rule 4.

I removed his comments, as did I yours. This is your final warning against insulting other users.

It's my first warning. Do you only give one?

Hmm. Thought I had given you a first warning for the other one. This will just be your first, then.

Removed. Rule 10.

I would argue that their "good luck getting run over" or whatever comment was 10X worse than me calling flatlander a shill. :/ Harrassment is far worse than a non-agressive evaluation of whether someone behaves like a shill or not.

Agreed. I've removed it as well.


It's not a cliche. It's a conspiracy that would require literally millions of people over thousands of years participating. And all those millions of people would have to never speak out. You cannot compare it to 9/11, where it would require only tens or maybe hundreds of people. How dense are you?

"It's a conspiracy that would require literally millions of people over thousands of years participating."

Don't waste my time, moron.

Good response. Glad you added something insightful for me to think about.

When I talk to shills or rude people, I think not of advancing the conversation, but just ending it before I lose brain cells. It was your choice to be rude (or a shill if that's the case).

But whatever, I hold no grudge.

Dismiss me by claiming I am a shill. Good job. For someone who talks about cliches, I find it ironic that you fall into the "You're a shill, and I don't want to waste time explaining things to you" cliche. All that translates into is that you don't know what you're talking about.

You made a stupid comment claiming conspiracies require millions of people over thousands of years have to be "in on it"....for it to be successful. Yeah, the corrupt banking system sooooo required thousands of years to work. ....Why are you even on /conspiracy?

How is that a stupid comment? It's true. A spherical earth has been something known for thousands of years. The amount of people who have worked on this subject and researched it are in the millions. It would require everyone to be in on it. It's not that far of a fetched claim.

"Yeah, the corrupt banking system sooooo required thousands of years to work. ....Why are you even on /conspiracy?" I don't know exactly what you're talking about here? Are you referring to some sort of global bank that dominates the world? If so, that is definitely different. The "corrupt banking system" hasn't been the same exact concept and entity for thousands of years. Additionally, it's a completely different subject. It's not something supported by thousands of scientific conclusions, many of which have been discovered independent of each other.

Why don't you stay focused on the topic at hand? A better comparison, would be to find something else agreed upon in the scientific community for thousands of years, with independent conclusions, that has been proven false.

You're making it sound like I was pro-flat Earth....

Not even the all powerful NASA can give us 1 simple unedited, non composite, taken from a camera, photo. None exist.

This is just plain wrong. The majority are composites because obviously that gives the highest levels of detail available, but here is a picture from the Galileo spacecraft on December 16, 1992 taken 6.2 million kilometers away from Earth.

There is a probe that sends back pictures daily of the full Earth. Here is shows the far side of the moon passing in-front of us.

There's also a geostationary Russian weather satellite that takes full pictures.

See, as a photographer with full understsnding of aperature, lighting, contrast and exposure; I find those images oddly lacking any stars. Am I to believe they only exist inside our atmosphere, visible only from Earth and L.E.O.? I have not come across one compelling image. ISS footage included.

And for the record that last one with the moon is CGI AF.

If you had a full understanding you would know that capturing a picture of a brightly lit object in the foreground means you require a very short shutter time and therefore dim objects in the background won't be visible?

And for a photographer you take bad pictures. Got a link to any of your work? I don't believe your credentials.

No, I remain anon on reddit, sorry. But your disbelief in my credentials, and pulling a silly snapshot (off my phone by the way) does not negate the fact NASA is bullshittery and fuckery. If you believe them, that's on you.

There is absolutley ways to capture stars from space with a camera. Get me up there, I'll show ya 😉

There are absolutley ways to capture stars from space with a camera. Get me up there, I'll show ya 😉

..Not with a brightly lit object in the foreground. You need short shutter speed otherwise it'll overexpose and the whole picture will just be white. If you want a photo of the earth, you're not going to see stars.

Remain anon? White guy from Duluth Minnesota, talking about your kid, pics of kid, detailed posts about childhood... come off it man you don't care about anonymity and you are lying about having any knowledge of photography.

Ooohhhh you can check user history, aren't you the edgy one. I don't feel the need to prove my knowledge or qualifications to you, reddit stranger. But since you are becoming so obsessed with me I'll share one nugget of photograohy knowledge for you. Just a nugget tho.

Dodging is a thing. So are actual glass filters. I don't claim to know the details of photography while in space, but if they can get film up there (past the radiation), high enough to see all of earth in her glory ( I haven't even mentioned the fact it sure looks like a perfect ball although it should be slightly bulging in the middle, a la oblate spheroid everyone likes to quote) then they ought to be able to try a few different techniques and camera settings, no?

Photography and video seem so unimportant on these missions, when in actuality they would have been the MOST important things to bring back, along with rocks and dirt.

Edgy? I just wanted to see if you had any good photographs to prove any photography knowledge. Then I checked to see if you cared about anonymity. Neither of which seem to be remotely true.

a la oblate spheroid

"the Earth deviates from a perfect sphere by only a third of a percent" you're not going to see that with the naked eye, no way.

they ought to be able to try a few different techniques and camera settings, no?

No because they're trying to take pics of the Earth, the stars don't matter. I grant you that dodging would be good, and it would be a beautiful picture with the stars too.

Photography and video seem so unimportant on these missions, when in actuality they would have been the MOST important things to bring back, along with rocks and dirt.

Why? As far as NASA is concerned any reasonable person knows the earth is spherical (why do boats disappear bottom up? I've had people say perspective, fog, waves combining... all extremely flawed explanations) with their very limited money, there's no point in doing that.

Not even the all powerful NASA can give us 1 simple unedited, non composite, taken from a camera, photo.

here you go

The CIA came up with the term "Conspiracy theorist".

Flat Earthers are a Psyop to make us look like crazy.

We don't need flat earth theories to make us look crazy in their eyes. Frankly I don't care what they think of me and nor should you.

The UN symbol is an azimuthal equidistant projection centred on the North Pole, not a map by any means

Try to use that to navigate and see where you end up.

I don't see why anyone thinks this is in any way accurate, South Africa is bigger than the entirety of Europe in this map

It's not meant to be a navigational aid, unlike THIS map from 1892 which the UN map represents.


Thanks for that !

Just look at that coastline of antartica compared to what everyone says it is! To navigate anywhere in antartica you would need the "real" distances between points on the coastline.

The Ross sea is 10x larger in the flat earth model than what it alleged to be. People go fishing there.

That's just a type of map projection. The point is to have the Pole in the middle, because everyone is equal. North America isn't really 4 times the size of South America.

And Antarctica is missing.

Flat Earth as a psy op goes back futher then that im going to say 2011 or 2012. Check out the Concave earth guy on youtube, he was putting stuff out about concave earth before flat earthers

I completely agree. Morons that believe this stuff are making everyone and everything else look worse, I actually think flat earth bullshit should be banned from this sub.

nothing should be banned. you don't get to decide the content. no one else does either.

What if we put it up to a vote, and if we got 2/3rds? I understand banning content can be a slippery slope but the reason people laugh at stuff like PG is because people that believe in it get grouped together with nuts that believe the earth is flat.

Suck on David Brock's diseased commit maggot some more Sharia shill

Not everyone agrees this is a "psy-op" - check out /r/theworldisflat for the other side of this baseless and unproven accusation :)

I would but they ban anyone who doesn't agree with them, and their arguments are utter crap.

Why did china believe the world was flat until recently?

Before Jesuit influence

Are the Chinese stupid?

Yin and Yang. Sun and Moon. Light and Dark. Positive and Negative.

17th century isn't exactly recent. The US was founded in the 18th century...

The model of an egg was often used by Chinese astronomers such as Zhang Heng (78–139 AD) to describe the heavens as spherical:

The heavens are like a hen's egg and as round as a crossbow bullet; the earth is like the yolk of the egg, and lies in the centre.

Source: Needham, Joseph (1959), Science and Civilisation in China, 3, C.U.P., p. 219, ISBN 0-521-63262-5

Over tr course of known human history, it's very recent

Well yeah, everything we know now is very recent compared to recorded history.

Why doesn't the US believe in evolution and man-made global warming?

Are the Americans stupid?

The point I was attempting to convey; is that such an illustrious / smart culture (the Chinese) thought the world was flat and still for many 1000s of years. Up until 'quite' recent times.

Remeber they were inventing stuff and sailing the (flat) world much earlier in some cases than Europeans

Yeah and the point I'm attempting to convey is that people believe all sorts of stupid shit. E.g. doctors only realised they should wash their hands before surgery recently, because we didn't know what germs were.

Why does a boat disappear bottom first at the horizon if the Earth is flat?

Cause perspective, fog

Watch it with a telescope

Perspective doesn't change? How is that a reason if you're still?

And fog is a cop out too. Clearly no fog here.

Human eye isn't perfect either

Of course not I need glasses but what does that have to do with boats disappearing bottom first over the horizon?

The lens of the eye is too small to admit images of that size at that distance.

What? That's just a lie.

Go to the coast yourself and look. Your conspiracy videos are wrong, you can see things on the horizon with your eye and you cannot bring them back into view by zooming in.

That just means I can watch it longer ti the bottom disappears. What's your point?

The fact that you can watch it longer means the boat goes farther, which means it's not going over the curve because the curve doesn't move.

The fact that you can watch it longer means the boat goes farther, which means it's not going over the curve because the curve wouldn't move.

The fact that you can watch it longer means the boat goes farther, which means it's not going over the curve because the curve wouldn't move.

A very good chunk of the population is yeah, and it certainly cross party lines.

dizzib.github.io/earth/curve-calc/ Buy a telescope or camera and find a suitable spot and see for your self. Don't be surprised when objects that should be hidden by earths curvature is completely visible. Either earth is flat or it is much biggern than what NASA claims. NASA says earths radius is 6371 km.

Videos related shows the magic of zoom:






High altitude balloons showing no curvature:




People have a hard time to give up on the concept of space.

NASA fraud videos related:



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp9Y8I6v_Ds&t=1s Astronaut(actor) Chris Cassidy says this: "...ACROSS THE UNITED STATES FROM WHERE WE ARE TALKING TO YOU RIGHT NOW..."

More frauds:

https://webmshare.com/8y3Xg Chris Hadfield in what seem like a harness. When he bends forward you can clearly see he is hanging from something. It make me wonder if this was filmed in space.

https://webmshare.com/zWj1K Something that looks like a scuba tank in the hatch.

https://webmshare.com/9no4D More astronauts in harness

https://webmshare.com/GZrVE lots of hairspray

https://webmshare.com/QYyw1 spacewalk with airbubbles. It's not space debris as people will try and rationalize. Plenty of videos on youtube showing airbubbles if you actually go do some reseach.

Hold on. I only got like 2 minutes in to the first magic of zoom video.

They measure islands to the left of the view on google maps, and take images of islands to the right of the view. They aren't even looking in the direction they measured.

And also- there's a part of the video where they are manipulating the photo to match the image below it...as in moving the horizon down to match. The photos are significantly different before the manipulation.

Obviously didn't bother to watch it all. Islands to the left should not be visible if the earths radius is 3671km. If you can't comprehend that stuff should be hidden by earths curvature I don't know what to tell you.

I just don't understand any of these points. How do you explain seasons? And seasons in so many ways like temperature variances and hours of sunlight?

And also- just why? Why are they lying about the globe? For thousands and thousands of years people believed the earth was flat and that we were the center of the solar system/universe...then we believed we were a globe...don't you think NASA would jump all over the chance to say Hey!! Dudes had it right we are flat?

And also, if this theory that the horizon is an element of perception...doesn't that mean that one would technically be able to take a telescope and see Hawaii? Australia? Africa? Where's that footage?

So with a really powerful telescope I can see Europe from America? Cool!

If the earth is flat, you still wouldn't be able to see Europe through a telescope lol.

Pesky atmosphere and perspective will keep you from that view. Dang.

But with no atmosphere and a reaaaallly powerful telescope I could see it right? Perspective means nothing if the earth is flat and the telescope is powerful enough (provided no atmosphere).

So I propose we settle this. We build a vaccum tube from America to Europe and put a telescope on one end. If I see Europe I'll concede. Case closed once and for all.

Videos related shows the magic of zoom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4oT2EbDONs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvcJ8XumBig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DN1077saQ0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouEiDGyfM50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do3wTRg5BwU

All of these people just seem to be really shit at maths... i.e. take a look at the description of the second video. The guy uses 'Dubay's formula' to calculate the curvature. Now, google that. Zero results, it's not a real formula, he's plucked 32 ft out of thin air. The Earth is gigantic, obviously over just 7 miles the curve is tiny.

High altitude balloons showing no curvature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnzUgKZ8m2k&t=69s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQITXbcz2hg&t=93s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMlLCKj85Ro&t

Again, the Earth is huge. You have to get into space before the curvature is clearly visible to the naked eye for example the ISS live stream.

NASA fraud videos related: https://youtu.be/9X0HgFWsNlk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhzjx8TsuQk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp9Y8I6v_Ds&t=1s Astronaut(actor) Chris Cassidy says this: "...ACROSS THE UNITED STATES FROM WHERE WE ARE TALKING TO YOU RIGHT NOW..."

I don't understand half of the points made in the first video, the bubbles just look like dust, 'turn off the earth' what? Actually I don't understand ALL of the points made. The Russian section of the ISS is literally another country, of course they have different protocols.

Watch the second vid, it's really stupid, particularly at 5:29 when they claim 'the zero g plane is climbing' huh?? And the toy, mic, hair, necklace, etc. still as as if they're in zero g while it climbs? Dumb point. Plus zero g planes only experience zero g for ~30 seconds at a time before having to climb again.

And hairspray? Hair looks nothing like that with huge amounts of spray in, it goes crispy and stays in place - it wouldn't wave around like that. Washing hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOIj7AgonHM

"idiot" "morons"


why are people so triggered by flat earth discussion?

I saw this the other day in response to that:

Remember that episode of Spongebob where Man Ray keeps trying to give Patrick his wallet back, but Patrick keeps saying it's not his wallet despite it clearly being his wallet?

It's kinda like that


Astroturfing and lots of really comfortably asleep folks.

Because any person with any semblance of rationality and common sense can determine the earth is round. It's literally testable by simply looking at the starts in the northern and southern hemispheres. I have not seen a single FE theory explaining the difference in constellations between the 2 hemispheres.

I posted elsewhere in this thread too. It's just that the evidence supporting a round earth beats out FE evidence (because the FE evidence is all baloney). Anyone who continues to believe in a flat earth is both an idiot and a moron.

Because people are sick and tired of obvious bullshit.

Why is it night time in China when it's day time in the US? If the earth was flat we would all have the same days and nights during the same hours.

someone didn't research.

It's not really hard to explain this.

So the lunar and solar eclipses are fake? Trying to wrap my head around this.

I did read this page: https://wiki.tfes.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions

It's explaining that the sun is a spotlight and never crosses the moon, yet offers no scientific explination as to how that works. You don't need pictures to see the earth's shadow move across the moon, or to see the moon cross the sun.

Is there anywhere that offers a scientific explination of these theories?

there are many questions left unanswered, in both the globe and flat earth theories.

for example, the tides have never been explained adequately by the globe earth model. nor do they explain why the light of the moon has differing qualities to that of the sun. Why are sun and moon the exact same size in the sky? globe earth theory says that it's "pure coincidence" and that has no other meaning.

as far as eclipses are concerned there are many possible explanations. It is an assumption to say that the darkness on the moon during an "eclipse" is the shadow cast by the earth.

Can you link to this research? I am skepital but enjoy reading the theories.

The tides are fairly understood, if the moon is over head or on the opposite side of the planet odds are you're at high tide.

The moon reflects light from the sun and just as a wall doesn't light up as bright as a light it still reflects that light.

Sun and Moon aren't the same side in the sky and that's obvious because when you see a total solar eclipse you still see a ring of light around the moon where it doesn't completely cover the sun.

No that's not how tides work. There are 2 high tides & 2 low tides per day some parts of the month, depending on what phase the moon is in. Source: I live at sea level on the Gulf. The moon also makes it's own cooling light. You can replicate that experiment yourself during a cloudless, full moon night and two identical thermometers. Put one in moonlight, one in shade.

Spoiler alert: shade will be warmer.

Yes, and those 2 high tides happen when the moon is above and the other when it's on the other side, since the earth rotates you get that. The phase of the moon only effects it in that it will occur at different times of day.

I've also never heard of the moonlight cooling anything, though depending on where the shade is it could be it's a more isolated area with less wind, thus retaining the heat of the day.

There is no such thing as cooling light.

There are four tides per day. How do you explain this?

The moon reflects light from the sun and just as a wall doesn't light up as bright as a light it still reflects that light.

Objects reflect light? thanks for that. Didn't think of it.

The light of the moon is cooling. It is warmer in the shade of a full moon than being exposed to the full moonlight. How do you explain this?

The sun and moon are the same size. And you can look it up or measure it yourself. The viewable size of both the sun and moon does fluctuate in small amounts. Depending on time of year/month/day.

There is high tide and low tide. For instance I know on parts of the Atlantic coats high tide was around 4am and then 4pm while low tide was around 10am and 10pm.

The angular diameter of the sun and moon are the same. This is observable fact. An incorrect explanation fort this: "The sun and moon appear the same size in Earth's sky because the sun's diameter is about 400 times greater – but the sun is also about 400 times farther away."

Have you ever seen a harvest moon? How is that the same size as the sun at high noon?

We already agreed that the apparent size of the sun and moon fluctuates slightly throughout the year. The size of the sun and moon will not always match up perfectly. Why are you splitting hairs?

No, what I said was the sun and moon are much larger at the horizon than when at the zenith. That's visible every day for the sun and can be visible on certain nights for the moon.

Yes, that is true. The perception of the size of the sun and moon depends on the observers relative position and viewing angle.

But that doesn't explain why they are the same size on a flat earth, and why they appear larger when they should be farther and smaller when they could be closer.

What is more plausible? That the sun and moon are the same size because it was intentionally designed that way. Or, despite the sun and moon being separated by a hundred million miles, and despite the sun being four hundred times larger than the moon, it all just happened, by pure chance coincidence to line up just right so that for an observer on earth they are both the same angular diameter down to a fraction of a degree?

To be quite honest, the latter, because the implications of the former are astronomically implausible.

Don't ever use the flat earth society as a source. They're shills and most likely a CIA asset.

Can you point to something that makes a bit more sense than?

Is there something specific you're looking for?

I usually reference Eric Dubay and Rob Skiba for information. Alot of the others seem to just spew FE rhetoric. There was a mechanical engineer who had an awesome YT channel with actual science, but his page was removed by YouTube.

The explanation is that the sun lights the earth in a perfect semi-circle, but why? Why a semi-circle?

The Great Pyramid is flat.

divide and conquer

I don't think the CIA is behind flat-earth theory, I think it is a product of fringe hardcore religious thinkers (mostly christian and muslim that I have seen).

They all have parts of scripture that they see as support as flat earth theory, and they see heliocentrism and round earth as a tool of the devil to discredit religion.

If you really look into what the major flat earthers think and believe their whole point is that a flat earth couldn't have formed naturally and it is proof we were created

I grew up only going to church a few times when I would stay at a friends house and go with them in the morning. I was never really told what to believe, but around the age of 12 or 13 I had decided for myself that religions were created to control people to be "well behaved". I identified as agnostic for a long time and as an atheist for a 5 years or so. What lead me to flat earth inquiry was all of the fake nasa footage. Fake moon landings, fake space walks (filmed underwater, you can see the bubbles), tethers, green screens, composite images that look fake as fuck. Most flat Earther's were probably space fanboys growing up. I know I was.

Ok but fake footage ≠ flat earth is real. My point was more that there is no way for the flat earth model to have developed naturally, and interestingly enough if you actually see that point raised to the "prominent" flat earth thinkers that there is no way to develop naturally their model alot of them more or less say "Exactly!". There whole point is that the earth being a globe is a hoax to turn people away from God and holy scripture

Flat earth eclipse


Thanks for bringing such insight to the conversation.

It's actually pretty good insight because the photo is true. If the earth was flat that's what a eclipse would look like

If you believe they only lied about the shape of the Earth that might make sense. But the heliocentric vs geocentric models have more discrepancies than curvature.

What does anyone have to gain by lying about the shape of the earth?

Control, thats easy.

Control of what exactly?

People and resources.

How is telling people lies about the shape of Earth going to control them and resources.

You don't understand how hiding resources can be used to control a population?

What does flat earth have to do with hiding resources

If you put everyone on an imaginary ball, it removes the idea of discovery because everything has already been found and if you go off exploring you will just end up where you started.

I'm beginning to think you are mixing up hollow earth and flat earth... Because admiral Byrd had nothing to do with flat earth. He was investigating a hallow earth under the earths crust....

It has nothing to do with hollow/flat, Admiral Byrd spent 30 years exploring the Antarctic.

Yes exactly. The Antarctic. Nothing to do with flat earth at all.. He says nothing about flat earth at all in any of his findings or research. You're legitimately trying to spread well known information and stretch it to fit over your flat earth theory.

That's very accusatory. Nothing I said was false.


I don't buy the idea it is designed to "discredit all other conspiracies". Some of you guys act like 9/11 or p-gate would explode into mainstream if it weren't for FE, which is bizarre rationalization.

You have to ask yourself "what does each model imply?"

Flat: Earth is the center of the universe, we are created, Biblical contexts make sense (Tower of Babel, for example), life has purpose and meaning, heaven above, hell below

Spinning Globe: Earth is a speck on the galactic map, atheism/evolution is truth, life is meaningless/morality is subjective, so consume consume consume, for tomorrow we die. Oh, and hey there might be "aliens".

Which model do you think the elites want their population thinking? I'm not saying I completely buy into either model (which is why I love the theory), but when I see people rail so much harder against it than for it I always have to stop and ponder why it bothers them so much on a personal level.

Considering the elites were once the religious orders and the divine right of kings is very much reliant upon a geocentric model...I'd say the former.

Care to explain? There were still Kings and Queens long after Copernican Revolution. And those same elites are still very much in control. Modern day debt-culture isn't so far removed from the feudalism of the past, albeit under the guise of freedom and choice.

The divine right of kings is the belief that royalty inherited their right to rule not from might or public approval but from divine appointment as a part of the natural order of reality.

It's a bell weather, to measure the progress of the dumbing down of America/the West.

Modern day debt-culture isn't so far removed from the feudalism of the past

Which is perhaps why they're using flat earth as a bell weather, as they guide the West back towards feudalism.

How is a fringe conspiracy theory a bellwether for the main populace? If anything, climate change is a bellwether (pardon the pun).

How is flat earth a bellwether for the main populace? If anything, climate change alarmism is a bellwether.


Again, how is a fringe conspiracy a gauge for the stupidity of a populace? I've only ever seen FE stuff on fringe sites, youtube or this sub. And it's not well received either - often very rudely, as you can see in the comments here.

Climate change alarmism is an attempt to unite the population under one world government.

So for some reason a spinning globe automatically calls for atheism and somehow translates into "life is meaningless?" I really dont follow you. If your a pessimist anything can be negative. Example "wow im living on a flat earth surrounded by an ice wall and some angry judgmental guy in the sky rules over me. Life is meaningless."

Great response man. May I copy and paste this? Credit to you of course.

life has purpose and meaning

How does the shape of the earth give or take away meaning?

The theory goes if they claim you are just an ant like thing in an infinite universe with aliens and the like then it's easier to be a capitalism drone

Yet if god loves you and created the earth for us then it's special and much different as opposed to what we are told

The theory goes if they claim you are just an ant like thing in an infinite universe with aliens and the like then it's easier to be a capitalism drone

Yet if god loves you and created the earth for us then it's special and much different as opposed to what we are told

The theory goes if they claim you are just an ant like thing in an infinite universe with aliens and the like then it's easier to be a capitalism drone

Yet if god loves you and created the earth for us then it's special and much different as opposed to what we are told

But then why are the religious often the biggest capitalists?

Because 'religion' is actually just a cover to be wicked in gods name. Think about all the children victimised by religious leaders. And countless horrible things on top of all that. That's not what we should be. We aren't meant to victimize and hurt eachother.

What they are hiding is our divinity. We are all creators of our own realities. Thoughts matter. Words matter. Feelings surely matter, the wrong ones feed the beast so to speak.

Great point

I don't understand.
Have YOU yourself gone to space and seen the shape of the Earth?
That's my first question with those who are on either side of the coin. "You're dumb, you're stupid, you're a troll, you're a shill..."
Cognative dissonance kicking in?
It's an extremely easy question.
Have YOU seen the shape of the Earth yourself?

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

My question doesn't seem to have been answered.
Have YOU yourself seen the shape of the Earth yourself?

"They have yet to produce a photo of edge of the flat earth"

That doesn't make me give me undeniable proof of the shape of the Earth. All that tells me is that someone doesn't have a picture of the edge of the earth if there was one.
"There's no pictures of Cleopatra!"
So, she automatically never existed?

show a picture of the edge. I'll believe you if you do that. But you won't.

No one will because this is a CIA psyop

do you have any evidence of it being a psyop? Those links you included do nothing but debunk it. Is there any physical evidence the CIA is behind it?

I never said it was 100% flat.
I never said I have a picture of the edge.
All I ASKED was have you seen the shape of the Earth yourself.
A simple question.

You don't need to go to space and see the earth with your own two eyes to know it's round.

Imagine you're in the kitchen and your friend is cooking. You can smell the chocolate and whatever is cooking in the oven. You see flour, sugar, eggs, and chocolate chips on the counter. You see the oven is on at 350F. By all intuitive measures, you can assume your friend made some chocolate chip cookies and he sure isn't making a salad.

Same thing with the Earth. The constellations are different between the Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere. Stars appear to rotate clock-wise at one pole and counter clock-wise at the other. Planes have direct flights that cover the least amount of distance traveled assuming the earth was round (e.g. look at a flight from South Africa to Australia. It flies over the South Pole. Apparently you'd be flying over the giant ice wall with a flat earth model into the great nothingness beyond it). GPS and satellites. The ISS (which you can literally see with a telescope). Every other observable heavenly body that reaches a certain size is spherical.

The fucking MOON. The flat earth explanation for moon phases are a god damn joke. You'd be able to see BOTH sides if the Earth was flat.

What about seeing a ship come over the horizon (or you can even see this with large buildings from a long distance).

Fucking space travel Fine, the moon landing's fake. But are you telling me there's a giant conspiracy between every single person involved in space travel and Newtonian physics? If the Earth wasn't round, none of this would work. This is seriously high school level physics.

The issue that I (and, I'm assuming OP) take with flat earther's is their unwillingness to think critically and rationally. FE probably is a CIA psy-op so they can figure out who's stupid enough not to worry about. God damn, I fucking hate flat earth conspiracy morons.

Stopped reading after "You don't need to go to space..."
Just a bunch of blah blah blah this and that.
You haven't gone to space.
I haven't gone to space.
We BOTH don't know 100% what the shape of the Earth is.
Like... LITERALLY, you and I both don't know.
Neither of us has seen it ourselves with our own eyes.
Would love the option to actually have the opportunity for both of us to go to space together and once we know together at the same time the shape of the Earth, then we'll know without any assumptions.
But that won't happen and we'll just keep proving why it's round/flat without just using our literal eyes or NASA.

You could just take in the massive amount of evidence since the beginning of written history and infer that the Earth, like all planets in our solar system, is a sphere. But oh well, you haven't seen it for yourself so I guess it's flat?

I never said I knew 1000% that it's flat.
Another assumption.
What I am saying is that with all the evidence that you mention, I can see how the Earth being round is more probable. But for myself to know, the keyword here is KNOW, that it's round is insanity.
I just don't KNOW it's round. You and I can BELIEVE all day long that it's round, flat, donut, hollow, etc but until we see it for ourselves, we just don't KNOW.
So I admitted that I don't know whether the Earth is 1000% round, flat, hollow, donut, but you can honestly say you yourself "KNOW" that it is?

Because I can assume that it is round to predict things. Regardless if I "know" it or not a spherical model of earth is more powerful and useful. As far as I'm concerned, that means it's correct or at least, correct enough to use.

And your assumptions could be wrong. In youe example the evidence can point to many things. Cake, brownies, scones etc. You won't know until you see some other proof or the end result =)

It doesn't matter if the assumptions are wrong if the model works. It can only be replaced by a model that is better at predicting.

That's how science works.

Yeah so when the oven dings you will see if you assumed one thing and it was another that both had the same clues.

Sadly we cannot get that big reveal at the end. We are all just blind men feeling up an elephant.

Sadly we cannot get that big reveal at the end.

But we can. A spherical model predicts all sorts of testable, and tested phenomena. Tests that you yourself can do, like going out at night and observing the circumpolar stars during different times of the year.

What predictions does a flat earth model predict that the spherical model doesn't?

You can see the shadow of the spherical earth on the moon during an eclipse.

What I can honestly say about your comment is that during an eclipse, I can see a shadow on the moon.
That's it. Knowing that the shadow from my point is actually Earth's shadow, is not 1000% true.
If I myself was in space, let's just say somewhere between Earth and Mars, and can literally see that the Earth's shadow is indeed the same shadow that is on the moon during an eclipse, then viola, I now know 1000% myself it is and can honestly say the Earth really is round. But having all of this faith in others' proof and experiences are not good enough.
It's like Schrödinger's cat. Yeah someone else other than me opened the box and says the cat is alive and there is no need for me to look, maybe have a camera inside the box showing that the cat is alive and I'm able to see the monitor displaying the video footage, and whatever other proof but why can't I just remove the box myself and see for myself if the cat is alive or not?

But what causes the eclipse? If you want to disprove something you have to provide evidence that it's something else. Otherwise you're just going "Nuh huh!" and not being really constructive. How is it can we can accurately say when and where eclipses happen if the model isn't accurate?

We BOTH don't know 100% what the shape of the Earth is. Like... LITERALLY, you and I both don't know. Neither of us has seen it ourselves with our own eyes.

Coupled with "Stopped reading"

That's your problem. You should read more. I do know that the earth is a sphere, because it's experimentally provable several different ways. Just because I can't "see" electrons with my bare eyes doesn't mean I can't make observations about their properties.

Are there any flat earth believers that have been to space? Nah.

That's the point about us all.
Other than the few that have "gone to space," the rest of the human race has not.
Flat earth believers, round earth believers, hollow earth believers, etc. all of us have not seen the shape of the Earth ourselves. The fact that this topic keeps coming up is because all of the "proof" we have been given is not good enough.

But what's going to continue to happen nonstop? Those that question what the true shape of the Earth is are going to be told by others who haven't seen the shape of the Earth with their own eyes that they are stupid for even bothering. Hah, insane.

There comes a point in every persons life when they have to grow up. You need to actually use your brain and think logically and thoroughly about things. Simple things, and not so simple things, regardless, you can't just merely look at something and then form your entire opinion of that thing without also applying some thinking about that thing.

What i'm trying to say is, the earth has been around for like over 4.5 billion years (unless theres another conspiracy you'd like to enlighten us all with), and during those 4.5 billion years, every 24 hours it has been rotating at 1000 miles per hour. Gravity at that magnitude will sculpt anything of such a vast diameter over such a gargantuan time line in to a sphere. A sphere on which we all live.

This comment proves the shape of the Earth and that I need to grow up. /s
Don't understand why you have to be condescending but if it makes you feel better, knock yourself out.

Actually, you kind of just proved a disc shape. If you think of the bulge at the equator slowly expanding over billions of years as it spins, it could be plausable. I have no idea if FE believes that or if I just thought of it right now hahaha.

Ah.. Yeah man, I've been on an airplane before.

Something something fish eyed effect from curved glass window. At least that's the excuse they told me...

But I have seen Polaris the north star. I have seen the northern circumpolar constellations, and that they revolve around Polaris.

I've been closer to the equator in several states, and have seen that certain stars are hidden during different times of the year.

How do you describe the motion of the stars without me being on a mostly (for all intents and purposes) spherical object?

Everything is centered on being anchored which sucks. Even on a plane as someone else condescendingly mentioned is still "anchored".
According to the Flat Earth model, Polaris is the "center" of Earth and that's why you see the pictures of all the stars revolving around it. But that's not a good enough reason to prove the Flat Earth. I just want like ABSOLUTE UNDENIABLE proof about the shape of the Earth. All these other proofs are centered on having faith on others' discoveries.
I can believe with all my heart that Guam is real and that there are pictures and videos of the country but at least I have the option of going myself today/tomorrow if I wanted to.
I just don't have that luxury with the shape of the Earth. Anyways, I've gotta go on to having a life (or not according to others)

What the fuck is "anchoring"?

I mean you can have your personal beliefs on anything. But what happens when you apply your model to predict things?

If you aren't willing to disprove something yourself, then you don't have the ability to say that it is wrong.

The flat earth model is that the Sun and the stars move overhead at speeds consistent with your observations.

A better use of your time would be to question your own beliefs.

That doesn't explain why certain constellations can only be seen at certain latitudes.

Yes, I have seen the round horizon

Some people think the Earth is flat. Some people think that the CIA wants people to think that the Earth is flat. Go figure.

Some people think that the CIA wants people to think that the CIA wants people to think the earth is flat.

All the while the truth (Hollow Earth) goes ignored! Perfect distraction!

flat earthers: watch this five minute video. proof is at your hands. try the experiment here, unless you are a fearful pussy. use your faith to beseech god to stop foucalt's pendulum from demonstrating the planet's rotation. deny your existence and find the promised land early. don't worry, if you off yourself it's all part of god's plan!


Flat Earth is a 2 year CIA Psyop

thread FLOODED in 2 hours with hysterical posters spamming how you're just stupid if you believe the earth is flat

Nice dodge, nice tactic. The OP is saying it's a Psyop, an injected meme to propagate through the culture. But, if you only went by the comments, you'd imagine he was saying HE believes in a flat earth.

Obvious astroturfing is obvious. Obvious brigading is obvious. Obvious sliding is obvious.

Saying its a CIA psyop is almost as Ludacris as the FE theory itself.

I just see people with common sense debunking a ridiculous and juvenile flat-earth theory. I see no brigading. Flat earthers are hardly worth the effort.

lol I've grown up on the water and it's always fun telling people that think the earth is flat that landmarks end up below the horizon for a reason.

Huh...I wasn't aware the CIA existed in the 1600's.

Pythagoras lived till 475 bc. And calculated the curvature of the earth. Then the church came along and dumbed everyone down.

Pythagoras lived till 475 bc. And calculated the curvature of the earth.

Nope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes

Then the church came along and dumbed everyone down.

Church was always there. Monks were scientists. Gregor Mendel, etc.

It wasn't "dumbing down", it was "we'll only teach science that doesn't conflict with our understanding of Creation"

If you want real cringe, watch the latest JRE with Eddie Bravo.

Nice try globe head elites. I have been cleansed of your false visions of a round earth.

The only people I've met who think the Earth is flat are 2 idiots I used to week work. Both used to be in the military

is there any evidence for this being a CIA psyop? all the links do is debunk it...

Very little evidence as far as I can see.

Like how little evidence there is for a globe shaped, simultaneous fast moving earth

It's more of a distraction psy-op... Keeping everyone off of the Hollow Earth scent. It's working pretty well too, but the truth will come.

if they get people to believe in a flat earth, we are fucked to begin with. there si no reason for fancy cloak and dagger, pcyops, shadow government, cia programs to take over and control. In that case, people are too dumb to take care of them self, and actually need someone controling everything they do!

what's the name that flat earthers give to people that think the earth is round? Ive been trying to think of it for days now. All I remember is that when I heard it, I laughed like crazy. Anyone know what it is?

Spinning ballers

Brainwashed. Your welcome.


Haha. I think that's it. Thank you.

flat earth well predates 2 years ago friend

Spinning ball earth is a relatively new theory. Since recorded history for thousands of years, ancient societies all over the world believed some version of a flat, unmoving, domed earth. Globe earth has been a scientific hunch for only a few hundred years.

Uhhh I think a few ancient scholars would like a word. Earth as a globe is a few thousand years old.

They've been wrong before.

So when they thought it was flat, because you think it's flat, then they were ancient and wise. But when they believed in the globe, because you don't, they were wrong.

I'm not certain of the shape of the earth. The dogma insists globe but I believe most evidence leans towards flat. Different societies from different times and far distant places believing the simple, observable, and apparent shape of the earth long before complex assumptions like gravity and relativity, helps bolster the argument for flat earth.

Not really. Just because something is nice and neat and simple doesn't mean it's correct. And if anything when you understand gravity the globe is very simple. Why is the earth flat? Why are things attracted to the ground? With gravity you get both answers. The reason the earth is round is because that's the simplest shape all things collapse into when subjected to a force. The reason being a sphere has the least area for the most volume.

But that's the thing: gravity is not understsndable because you can't say why it does what it does and where it comes from. If you consider that gravity could be a mere invention to explain globes, it all falls apart: the big bang, balls of fire, spheres floating out there, earth as a sphere spinning 1000 miles per hour.

Why is the earth flat? Why did the big bang happen? What is the meaning of life? It just is (if it's flat). I have creation theories, but you would consider them too out there, and nobody can be sure why the universe exists anyway whether flat earth or globe. Dense objects fall, bouyant objects float. As far as simplicity, this model is far simpler than the model preached by main stream science.

But the thing is we learn more and more about the universe. Sure we don't know everything and that's why we keep funding science, to find out those answers. Problem with people who believe in the flat earth is they are the type to throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because there is 1 thing that doesn't fit then it must all not work. Worst of all is they will throw away things that we understand only to go to a theory that has even more holes an makes less sense.

We might not have all the specifics on gravity but we sure as hell know how to account for it as far as engineering goes.

Very false. Empirical evidence for the spherical earth was recorded back in 330 BC by Aristotle, but they knew back in 6th century BC.

Ever heard of the Mayan calendar?

The Mayans thought the earth was flat.

Astronomy does not prove the earth is spherical, if that's what you're getting at. The objects in the heavens have been predicted for millenia, and if anything, it suggests we're not zooming 600,000,000 miles per hour through space while the stars have not moved in the sky not even a little bit.

The Mayans thought the earth was flat.

Yes and that it had 4 corners and was actually the back of a huge crocodile, resting in a pool of water lilies...

while the stars have not moved in the sky not even a little bit.

Edmond Halley (of Halley's comet) first noticed that stars move almost 300 years ago. A few stars in charts made by Greek sky watchers were not in quite the same location anymore. Those charts were more than 1600 years old then, and even over that time, the bright stars Sirius, Arcturus, and Aldebaran had shifted position only slightly. Still, it was enough for Halley to realize that those stars must have moved.

The stars move perfectly around Polaris (which does not move) as do the planets, and comets, which prove only that these things are simply observable in the night sky, and that the earth itself absolutely does not go warp speed at 600,000,000 miles per hour.

And the Mayans had it wrong. It's turtles all the way down.

Polaris (which does not move)

Red shifted - it's definitely moving away from us. And I don't understand what you mean by "move perfectly around Polaris" like everything orbits it? That's not right at all.

Why do boat disappear bottom first if the Earth is flat? Why is every other planet we see an oblate spheroid? How is there day and night on a flat Earth?

I mean the stars rotate around Polaris, predictably and in perfect circles:


Boats appear to disappear over the horizon, when in fact you can zoom in with a camera and see them again, and see coastline beaches over a hundred miles away, which would be impossible on a globe. The bottoms of the boats appear to disappear into the water because of an illusion: you are looking across thousands of little waves; the bottom of the boat is not actually deeper in the water, but covered from view because of the crests of all those waves averaging, blocking part of the view.

The planets are round, just like sun and moon, but that does not prove the earth shape, only that those objects are round.

The flat earth sun is not 93 million miles away, but much closer and moves around right above the earth in circles, while night is where the sun isn't. Time zones and seasons are possible on this flat earth model.

Those are timelapses from earth, that happens because the earth rotates around an axis. You don't really believe that every star in the sky orbits polaris once per day? Watch them, you can see they don't.

Crests of little waves averaging? If they did that, it would just block a tiny part of the boat (lets say the average wave is 1 foot, it would just average out to block a foot of the boat) and not the whole thing.

Do you believe matter attracts? aka gravity?

Like this? I don't understand, you would be able to see the sun and the moon the entire day, and the moon would not have phases it would always be full moon?

Speaking of boats, I'm afraid this where I get off, because I'm not even going to get started on the Moon. Suffice it to say, the Moon (and lunar eclipses, etc) on the flat earth is nothing like you think it is. You'd have to research on your own and take your own red pills. Youtube flat earth sun and moon for a simple animation showing day and night. All ashore that's going ashore!

If the sun is always overhead like that, then why on earth does it come over the horizon at sunrise?


If it looks like that, anywhere I stand on the flat earth I could always see the sun and moon? But I definitely can't see the sun now, why?

It's not waves it's the size of the lens of the eye. Lens size puts a hard limit on the size and distance of images that can be admitted. A telescope or camera can admit them because the lens is larger.


Yes..lol you know i agree with you right?

Paging /u/styleofzen /u/8mark /u/tonyflint

Im just kidding 8mark, no one expects you to respond.

Paging /u/styleofzen /u/8mark /u/tonyflint

Im just kidding 8mark, no one expects you to respond.

LOL... You sure are desperate for some human interaction.. now you on r/conspiracy aswell trying to find someone to talk to? Btw do you like Justin Bieber?

Says the CIA psyop agent lol

You know my stance, belief in a flat earth is bad for humans as a whole. Since youre a pretty special little snowflake you refuse to debate your batshit crazy points and sit in your safe space. Are you afraid to debate lol?

You know my stance, belief in a flat earth is bad for humans as a whole.

Why is it bad?

Its science denial at its worst. It teaches people to have an idea and then find info to support it. It takes us steps back in our understanding of the world, it keeps people from being inquisitive and teaches a poor scientific method.

You can believe it but as soon as you start trying to convince others you can expect resistance.

Its science denial at its worst.


... it keeps people from being inquisitive and teaches a poor scientific method.

So what are you trying to do if not silence us? We are inquisitive as we don't buy the official story, majority unfortunate are gullible.

You can believe it but as soon as you start trying to convince others you can expect resistance.

So you force everyone to like what you like? Do you go to Justin Bieber subs and resist?

So what are you trying to do if not silence us? We are inquisitive as we don't buy the official story, majority unfortunately are gullible, including you.

All roads lead back to a globe Earth. You can ask questions if you need anything cleared up (But you wont, again with your safe space).

If you really were inquisitive you would see what is right in front of you. Flat Earthers are solipsists at heart. Instead of figuring out why you find evidence to support your previous notions. Every single one of your arguments is pretty easily debunked which is why you refuse to debate it anymore.

You cant defend your points so you dont even bother anymore.

So you force everyone to believe what you believe?

If you think having the flaws in your argument pointed out is forcing anyone to do anything then you are already lost. Im not forcing anyone to do anything but dont shit out pseduo science then have a pity party about no one listening to you when its pointed out how wrong your logic is.

Do you go to Justin Bieber subs and resist?

I dont give a shit about beiber, why do you keep asking this? Im not a fan but they arent doing anything wrong.

All roads lead back to a globe Earth. You can ask questions if you need anything cleared up (But you wont, again with your safe space).

They don't actually, if anything it's like opening a can of worms. Also if NASA with its billions is unable to close this subject what can you achieve with your feeble brainwashing?

If you really were inquisitive you would see what is right in front of you. Flat Earthers are solipsists at heart. Instead of figuring out why you find evidence to support your previous notions. Every single one of your arguments is pretty easily debunked which is why you refuse to debate it anymore.

Once conclusive proof of a globe earth is provided we will shut up, in the meantime there is no point debating, I have heard it all before.

You cant defend your points so you dont even bother anymore.

I also can't defend that Justin Bieber is shit and I don't bother with that either.

If you think having the flaws in your argument pointed out is forcing anyone to do anything then you are already lost. Im not forcing anyone to do anything but dont shit out pseduo science then have a pity party about no one listening to you when its pointed out how wrong your logic is.

What flaws? It's a matter of choice what you believe or don't and how much convincing you need based on your mental capabilities. I don't know your background, you could be a thicko who actually believes there is a African prince waiting to send you millions and that earth is a globe.

I dont give a shit about beiber, why do you keep asking this? Im not a fan but they arent doing anything wrong.

Aren't they? Spreading Bieber love is bad for the world, it needs to be stopped!!!

They don't actually, if anything it's like opening a can of worms. Also if NASA with its billions is unable to close this subject what can you achieve with your feeble brainwashing?

It has closed the subject you just dont believe in the data provided. We have a literal webcam in space filming the Earth, we have satellites with tons of data and you just dont believe it. The company I work for rents time on a satellite and I guarantee the data we get from it would not be possible unless there was a satellite flying around the Earth.

Once conclusive proof of a globe earth is provided we will shut up, in the meantime there is no point debating, I have heard it all before.

Watch rocket launches, observe other planets, travel, keep asking questions and finding answers. Youve stopped asking questions, a while ago.

I also can't defend that Justin Bieber is shit and I don't bother with that either.

Following this incredibly bizarre analogy... Believing in Bieber doesnt hurt anyone, belief in a flat earth is science denial and I will not support it.

What flaws? It's a matter of choice what you believe or don't and how much convincing you need based on your mental capabilities. I don't know your background, you could be a thicko who actually believes there is a African prince waiting to send you millions and that earth is a globe.

No matter how much you want to believe 2+2=5 it wont, ever. Science doesnt give two shits about your beliefs just what is observable and provable. I have never seen a FE theory that can answer even a fraction of what the current model can.

Again the fact that you cant or wont debate Flat Earth is very telling in your insecurities. So which is it are you scared of having your points challenged or are you simply unable to defend them? I mean you banned me for literally asking a guy to explain why he thinks nebulae cant exist, he wasnt able to answer so you banned me lol.

That shows exactly how close minded you are.

Aren't they? Spreading Bieber love is bad for the world, it needs to be stopped!!!

I dont care

It has closed the subject you just dont believe in the data provided. We have a literal webcam in space filming the Earth, we have satellites with tons of data and you just dont believe it. The company I work for rents time on a satellite and I guarantee the data we get from it would not be possible unless there was a satellite flying around the Earth.

Yes you could get this data via baloon based satellites you haven't described anything groundbreaking.

Watch rocket launches, observe other planets, travel, keep asking questions and finding answers. Youve stopped asking questions, a while ago.

What makes you think I haven't done all the things you have mentioned. Just a year ago I was a globe head like you, marveling at the vastness of the universe, lapping up all the BS from scientists unquestionably. Then I clicked on a flat earth video.

Following this incredibly bizarre analogy... Believing in Bieber doesnt hurt anyone, belief in a flat earth is science denial and I will not support it.

Do you support the musical brilliance of Bieber?

No matter how much you want to believe 2+2=5 it wont, ever.

Come on now, you are oversimplifying things here a little.

Science doesnt give two shits about your beliefs just what is observable and provable.

The globe model does not allign with what is observable, that is the main issue here. Proving stuff on paper is pretty easy if you are making up all the variables.

I have never seen a FE theory that can answer even a fraction of what the current model can.

Irrelevant point. The multiple governments with their space agencies are unable to prove a globe earth, I don't care how many answers the globe model has.

Again the fact that you cant or wont debate Flat Earth is very telling in your insecurities. So which is it are you scared of having your points challenged or are you simply unable to defend them? I mean you banned me for literally asking a guy to explain why he thinks nebulae cant exist, he wasnt able to answer so you banned me lol.

Did I ban you?

That shows exactly how close minded you are.

Oh no...

I dont care

In the same way we don't care about the globe theory you subscribe to. You are the equivalent of a lady gaga fan who keeps on turning up in the Bieber sub praising the true musical skills of gaga putting down everyone else, when the rest of world doesn't give a crap about your love for gaga.

Yes you could get this data via baloon based satellites you haven't described anything groundbreaking.

Nope, find me a balloon moving 17000 mph around the earth then we will talk. Seriously we track this satellite (I dont want to go into too much detail) and have it take readings at certain points. There would be no way that I can think of to falsify this data. Again I can see exactly how fast its moving.

What makes you think I haven't done all the things you have mentioned. Just a year ago I was a globe head like you, marveling at the vastness of the universe, lapping up all the BS from scientists unquestionably. Then I clicked on a flat earth video.

Yeah I would avoid youtub videos... Ive seen a few FE ones and they are dog shit for fact finding. There is a reason you wont find any papers written on Flat Earth, they are too easy to pick apart. Seriously you dont think its a bit odd that no flat earther has clearly and concisely written it out using supporting facts and proofs? You dont think its weird that youtube videos make up the preponderance of evidence?

You dont have to believe what scientists say, you can prove most of this yourself. youve also fallen into the issue of "You cant trusst scientists but I can trust strangers on the internet!"

Come on now, you are oversimplifying things here a little.

Kind of but the point still stands. Look at the fucking seasons argument FEers use, that is pseudo science at its best.

The globe model does not allign with what is observable, that is the main issue here. Proving stuff on paper is pretty easy if you are making up all the variables.

It absolutely does. Can you give an example?

Irrelevant point. The multiple governments with their space agencies are unable to prove a globe earth, I don't care how many answers the globe model has.

Not irrelevant at all. There are multiple FE theories, none of them agree and none of them can come close to explaining the phenomena we see everyday. You might have a few good points but as a whole it is lacking.

Did I ban you?

Yep, for asking 8mark why he claims its impossible for nebulae to exist. He couldnt answer and you banned me. Which I find hilarious considering this is in the side bar of your safe space

We here at OFW are comitted to giving everyone a voice, if you are a flat-earther or a globe-earther we respect your right to an opinion and are open to civilized debate.

You should really remove that. Just browsing your sub I see barren threads where all comments have been removed and simply asking questions gets you banned.

In the same way we don't care about the globe theory you subscribe to.

Thats fine but Ill continue to correct your claims.

It has closed the subject you just dont believe in the data provided. We have a literal webcam in space filming the Earth, we have satellites with tons of data and you just dont believe it. The company I work for rents time on a satellite and I guarantee the data we get from it would not be possible unless there was a satellite flying around the Earth.

Yes you could get this data via baloon based satellites you haven't described anything groundbreaking.

Watch rocket launches, observe other planets, travel, keep asking questions and finding answers. Youve stopped asking questions, a while ago.

What makes you think I haven't done all the things you have mentioned. Just a year ago I was a globe head like you, marveling at the vastness of the universe, lapping up all the BS from scientists unquestionably. Then I clicked on a flat earth video.

Following this incredibly bizarre analogy... Believing in Bieber doesnt hurt anyone, belief in a flat earth is science denial and I will not support it.

Do you support the musical brilliance of Bieber?

No matter how much you want to believe 2+2=5 it wont, ever.

Come on now, you are oversimplifying things here a little.

Science doesnt give two shits about your beliefs just what is observable and provable.

The globe model does not allign with what is observable, that is the main issue here. Proving stuff on paper is pretty easy if you are making up all the variables.

I have never seen a FE theory that can answer even a fraction of what the current model can.

Irrelevant point. The multiple governments with their space agencies are unable to prove a globe earth, I don't care how many answers the globe model has.

Again the fact that you cant or wont debate Flat Earth is very telling in your insecurities. So which is it are you scared of having your points challenged or are you simply unable to defend them? I mean you banned me for literally asking a guy to explain why he thinks nebulae cant exist, he wasnt able to answer so you banned me lol.

Did I ban you?

That shows exactly how close minded you are.

Oh no...

I dont care

In the same way we don't care about the globe theory you subscribe to. You are the equivalent of a lady gaga fan who keeps on turning up in the Bieber sub praising the true musical skills of gaga putting down everyone else, when the rest of world doesn't give a crap about your love for gaga.

Why doesn't everyone who believes the earth is flat start a kick stater and raise funds for a plane flight to the "edge"? Case fucking closed.

this kills the CIA psyop

Military-enforced Antarctic treaty would prevent that. You couldn't try to go to the edge, so you'll never know. You'll just have to take their word for it that everything is as they say it is.

Or we just have to take your word....

Let's say the earth is flat, domed, and created by some entity which wants to keep all of life enclosed and preserved here. If that's true, you would not be able to get to any edge. If the earth is domed, there are increasingly difficult barriers to all edges in all directions. Even if the United States military would allow independent exploration of Antarctica, which they would not, you would face increasing altitude, and increasing extreme weather (cold and wind, thin air), and you might never reach the edge, if there even is one.

But you wouldn't be permitted to try. If the earth is flat, somebody has learned of this already, and has kept the masses ignorant of the truth, as usual. You must take the word of the Powers That Be, who would never, ever lie to you, am I right?

Surely it would be as easy as sailing around Antarctica. Something I'm sure fishing boats do regularly (no, I don't know for certain, haven't even bothered googling, nor will I, because the entire topic is too foolish to bother wasting more time than I am right now).

Though... I DO personally know a lady who has been to Antarctica, and unbelievably wasn't detained or turned around by military.

Captain Cook sailed 60,000 miles around Antarctica, exactly what you would expect on the flat earth map. Early circumnavigation of Antarctica took months longer than expected, exactly what you would expect if they sailed around the flat earth map. Fishing boats sailing along Antarctics coastlines prove nothing.

Yah, and Abel Tasman sailed all the way around Australia without discovering it. Your point? Cook never sighted Antarctica. I could sail around the equator and claim to have "sailed around Antarctica". I thought it was pretty clear I meant sail around it, while keeping it in sight the whole time.

James Clark Ross sailed 69,000 miles along Antarctica's coastline, while keeping it in sight the whole time.

So... Cook sailed ACROSS Antarctica at some point? I'm done talking to you, you can't even keep your own lies straight for more than a paragraph.

I also find relating back to episodes of rick and morty, like the world in the battery rock created for example, and different parallel universes. Just to name a couple.

Here is where I personally stand:

Do I believe in a Flat Earth? No. I believe the spherical/orbit model is prevalent on many levels in science (atoms, etc), it only makes sense that our planet would be spherical

But I also believe that we have been lied to such an extent, that I wouldn't be totally surprised to find out we actually do live on a flat earth.

Wow guys, stop talking about this flat earth garbage.

Why is this idiotic? Have any of you looked into any of the possibilities? maybe if you understood astrology a little and on a spiritual (and extraterrestrial ) level then you would have the answer to all your questions .

Please stop giving these people any more time and attention. The willful ignorance is insulting.

Why can't you guys acknowledge that you attract a lot of weird/mentally ill people.

People are still talking about flat earth people? Let it go, they will disappear

Jesus christ. How fast is the Earth supposed to be moving upwards? How do they explain gravitational acceleration?

Lmao the theory i heard from these nutjobs is the "flat earth" moves up in space at 9.81m/s LOL. Its actually fucking hilarious. Also why do they think earth is flat when they can clearly see every other planet which is round.

Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto = Round. Earth = Flat?

Nope...just such a waste of time. I went to visit Ephesus, and that area dates back to 10 BC. There's a statue of Emperor Trajan has his foot in a globe, as he was known to "rule the world". They knew the earth was round back then.

FE is a waste of time! (And here I am wasting time of the subject...it gives me an instant migraine!)

Anyone listen to yesterday's Joe Rogan Experience with Eddie Bravo?

It was embarrassing seeing Rogan constantly deflect on basic questions. Eddie held his own pretty good given the circumstances.

That just seems like a complete waste of time. Who gives a shit if the Earth is flat or not. There's other actual important matters to deal with.

To me it's very simple. If you think the Earth is flat then you're a moron.

I've said this elsewhere on Reddit...

This is the new breed of conspiracy theory, a complete rejection of science and everything we've done since the Enlightenment. This is how the elites are going to take us back to the Dark Ages. Failing school systems gives us people with uninquisitive minds that lack critical thinking skills who find information on the Internet that fills in the blanks with bullshit that reinforces beliefs that make the people feel good about themselves. One day when all of civilization is completely stupefied, when we're entirely dependent on our electronic brains to Google all the answers, the elites will turn the Internet off and the people will have no clue which way is up.

Also, all of this, be it Flat Earth, Mandela Effect, the belief that biology is fake and we humans are something different from other animals, all of it is about making us, and by extension the individual, the center of attention. Increasing alienation from a modern, technologically advanced society has left people feeling as though they lack meaning, all of these conspiracy theories we're discussing pertaining to a false reality, or the true nature of existence, put us at the center of something much larger and emphasize our importance. Notice none of these theories suggests the universe is chaos, flying apart in all directions as we're hurtling into infinity. Instead these beliefs organize the world in a way that reassures us everything makes sense and has a purpose, that suggests only what we can experience ourselves is real, that "We're on a Flat Earth where we are at the center of the universe, we are all there is," or "Reality is a 'Matrix,' a simulation for me to explore."

In short, there are real conspiracies, this bullshit that rejects science, logic, reason, this is all meant to discredit us and to turn this community and the rest of the world into drooling idiots.

It is used to flood this sub with bullshit.

good argument...how have you not been banned for being a shill yet again?

Because we are on Reddit.

good point!

Good response.... Much better than his argument.

I really like how, in your argument, you addressed zero arguments, zero sources and provided zero sources of your own.

I also like how you made a shill accusation so unironically.


So you guys are telling me that the people known to be liars would tell us the truth about where we live and theres no reason to question it?

Well answer me this, why have we see the same stars that ancient civilizations have seen , also on numerous occasions nasa has said that the cannot get passed low earth orbit because of the vanalin radiation belt this is current so how did they ever get to the moon and where is the iss really at, why are all the pics of the globe earth photoshopped oh yeah they said it has to be?

NASA has never said they can't get passed the Van Allen Belts... and also they are much higher than low earth orbit. We see the same starts as ancient civilizations because although the stars are moving and so are we... the distances traveled would have to be tremendous for us not to see them anywhere. Also, the fact that the stars move is observable, they change position in the night sky over the course of years.

lol the globe is a psy op.

The best psy op on the plane

Tricking the people into thinking the earth is flat stinks of a globalist ruse.

They already tricked you that its round

This should be stickied. Out of all the stuff we sticky, what is so wrong with this notion? FE is a mindfuck meant to distract.

You can fly in a commercial airliner, look out of the window and see the curvature of the earth.

The thing that makes me believe the flat earth frenzy is a psyop, is solar wind from the sun, and or CME's. It usually takes between 24-48 hours for for ejecta from the sun to reach earth and interact with the magnetic poles. If the sun were closer, as flat earth pushers state, CME's should affect us much sooner. I just find it hard to believe that all of the space weather satellites and tools are just made up. Militaries around the globe defend against solar wind all the time. It's the primary reason for the use of chemtrails.

It's actually shaped like a halfpipe- the spooks, the squares, and the those beyond the veil of the ice wall are all wrong.

Really working to discredit this sub...

Flat earth seems alot like a distraction. One thing i also notice from flat earthers is they c an never tell me exactly what benefit TPTB get from lying about the earth being round.

Control is pretty powerful, no?

Control of what? And how many millions of people are in on it? Is every airplane pilot in on it? Every physicist and scientist? Give me a break.

I wasn't saying I'm a believer whatsoever, bro. Just giving you a plausible answer. Mind control is a powerful drug, yo.

Ok then for the sake of argument, how does saying the earth is round correlate to mind control?

I suppose hiding the truth would be the giant mindfuck that opens the door to control. Then it's the act of fooling folks into participating in the matrix as they say. We are told we need to consume, spend our time working to making a corporations profits soar instead of our own conciousness. Who knows, maybe theres more land beyond antartica and that's why they turned us into a globe, to hide the rest.

For what it's worth, it's really something to look at flight paths on a flat earth map. Emergency landings line up perfectly. And the whole gyroscope to keep level thing. Who really knows, ya know?

Just arguing here gives it more credibility than it ever deserves because it is a detraction with BS.


Please let this thread die.

The Flat Earth theory might be a psy-op, but that's not necessarily bad. As with everything else, we can use that narrative to shake up the people and redpill them about the nature of the universe.

It's true, for me FE was just a gateway I passed through to learn how deep the rabbit hole really goes. Folks just need discernmemt nowadays. Not enough to go around.

So is "project blue beam"

Seriously... how is possible that in the year 2017, there are still people who think the Earth is flat!?

I think this is a great observation. To anyone who has been on this thread and man others for a while will notice that the flat earth stuff was always there. But it really wasn't as prevalent a topic until fairly recently. Now you see these threads a lot more since many other conspiracy theories are becoming conspiracy fact. I can't even tell you how many times I have heard people with good facts start to red pill someone, and then they start with the flat earth shit. You can actually see the person who they were about to red pill roll their eyes and think "this person is a fucking lunatic". I think it is being pushed as a way to get people to discredit themselves.

Could easily prove the world is flat or round by mapping extensive and accurate survey data on whatever shaped surface you want to use to describe the shape of the Earth.

It hardly needs to be that complicated. A consistently sized sun passing below the horizon yet still being visible at all times somewhere on Earth is impossible on a flat Earth. There. Done.

A consistently sized sun passing below the horizon yet still being visible at all times somewhere on Earth is impossible on a flat Earth.

Without defining the shape of the Sun as itself a sphere, is that even true? I've never before seen it offered as evidence, let alone seen a proof of it.

Mapping survey data onto a globe or square would produce more immediately understood results.

The flat Earth model relies upon "perspective" to explain the sun and sunsets. I put that in quotes because they just don't understand perspective, yet reference it constantly to hand wave away issues.

The common flat Earth model has the sun orbiting in a circle parallel and above the plane of the earth by some 3-4000 miles (it really depends upon who you talk to. There's no real consensus and challenging them on a particular point results in a pivot of the argument)

This has several problems. The first being that the sun, being higher than any object on Earth should always be visible from anywhere on earth. At 3000 miles up, and, to put it as low in the sky as possible, a full circumference length of the round earth away (so basically standing on one edge of the earth and looking at the sun above the far edge of the earth opposite you), the sun will still be 6.88° above the horizon, and the angular size of the sun will be .07268°, just the tiniest dot, whereas directly above you, its angular size would be .61°, 8.39% larger, which is slightly larger than the angular size, .53°, listed on Wikipedia.

The second being that because the sun is never below the horizon, if your view isn't obstructed by any foreground object with an angular height greater than 6.88°, then the sun should be visible.

Flat earthers have a variety of explanations for this, including the sun being a giant spotlight that doesn't shine on some parts even though it should otherwise be visible. As the sun is always a circle, even when setting, this is clearly not the case. Add in the sun still illuminating the sky well after it is no longer visible and the argument just falls apart.

Regardless of the shape of the sun being a sphere or a circle, it maintains a consistent size, with some variation for atmospheric effects, and being perceived as larger when near the horizon due to there being something to compare it to.

Frankly no self respecting flat earther would accept the results of any cartography expedition, as it is too easily manipulated by whatever sinister forces are responsible for the deception. This is a very simple argument that anyone with two eyes and the ability to apply basic reasoning can understand.

Yeah, never have trusted INTEL-lisaurDinoAlien.

If you haven't already figured it out, this sub is an online gulag controlled by intelligence agencies. Fuck, they hide it in plain sight. Let's look at the above mentioned redditor. At first glance it appears to be a seemingly​ ambiguous, random username. But if you take a closer look and notice the first word (Intel) in combination with the initials IDA, another picture emerges.

I'll just leave this.

For fucks sake...if you see bullshit just leave it on the ground, don't pick it up!

When did Barack Obama first mention FE?

OP's post is a psy op. Flat Earth is the real deal.

Here's my question for ball-earthers: which came first? Gavity or the sphere?


FE is a CIA psyop

So they time traveled to start it several centuries ago?

Pool balls are round but the table isn't. Why assume earth is round just because lights in the sky are also round?

If you shrunk the earth down to the size of a cue ball, the earth would be smoother.


Do you really think flat earth can only mean the one thing you are thinking of and are seeing images of? All evidence has pointed me towards that the earth indeed is flat but everyone imagines it being a circled pancake in free space. PSY-OP worked for those people.

Yes earth is indeed flat, boats for example (which is one of the biggest globe proofs) is that they DO NOT go behind a curvature when you see them "disappear", they gets hidden behind mirage and get very small because of the distance. This is the truth. If you observe this with instruments as P900 or look at footage of sun where you can see a clear line where the mirage is on top of the water and sun is disappearing behind the sun, and being honest, you can see that this is the case.

Now- there is many FE's pushing azimuthal projection with ice walls on the sides, that is the wrong model, it doesn't work because sun&moon isn't doing circles like that, this is where the PSY-OP is, this is the falseness to FE, which will just confuse people and make them just leave this. And also, celestial south pole is completely ignored and/or very bad explanations, because it doesn't work.

All this is probably a simulation, where the sun and moon enters into the visual field of everyone. And the celestial "roof" is indeed rotating by its own.

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they are paying for "shills" to mock and debunk flat earth for years straight?

the CIA is only allowed to promote/not debunk? listen, if you haven't figured out the best way to control the message is to control both sides of the narrative, I can't help you. I feel bad for people who still play into this game

I check out the flatearth sub because someone close to me has become a flat earther

so? i don't care about someone close to you being duped. got a point?

I'm schizo and I'm not this dumb, why do you make sweeping generalizations?

The study of mental illnesses is flawed because we never research how to live happy and enlightened but instead test different methods of treating "problems". This may also provide incentives to promoting labels of mental illness because it means money.

Everything in psychology seems to be studied at the angle of "this is a problem we need to fund research into and fix, we can't afford studying fascinating things". So this incentivizes scientists who are fascinated by something to frame it as a problem that needs a solution.

This can mean that symptoms of having something like schizophrenia will be diagnosed even if their life is going somewhat well. The person is conditioned to fear these symptoms for their own "sanity". Social factors lead to stigma and loads of other issues like mass hysteria (witch hunt mentality).

Nothing is a mental illness. I'm depressed daily on a chemical and external level. I actually associate my depression with society. That life is too empty, boring, meaningless, unstimulating. Like I'm forced to work such a terrible job just because society can't reach utopia already.

I think depression regardless of chemical causes, always has a realistic basis. The chemicals just make it harder for you to find a happiness bias. Honestly it doesn't make any sense how someone could be happy in this world unless they have adapted to the corruption or learned to ignore all of the very real problems with humanity and life.

Psychiatry is broken because capitalism doesn't work. It's fake. Competition is a joke.

Are you working at a desk job and browsing Reddit all day? Is it because you enjoy this aspect of capitalism? Your a slave and it's not different than communism. The same corrupt people take power and find ways to keep the working class in agreement with their plans.

Your not competing. No one likes capitalism except the really high up people. Your all in denial and your just supporting these high up people because they tricked you into being delusional that you have some shot at getting rich and famous. This is the same mentality as compulsive gambling. It also relates to religious mentality. Both of these associate with novelty and the D2 dopamine receptor. This receptor is implicated in schizophrenic symptoms, addiction, religious mentality, risk taking, novelty seeking. Not all of these are in the same direction, some having negative correlation.

People need to stop judging mental illness. The fear and propaganda of having something like schizo pretty much worsens the condition. I'm pretty sure language can be used to help most people out of their issues but we need to stop victimizing these people.

Schizo traits have tons of benefits. This comment shows my level of thinking for example. It's highly associative and perceptive in my opinion compared to what most others are like. Maybe it's arrogant to say that. But I also can't function with most of normal society things. But I've learned to take my gifts and push them to their limits.

I'm more Schizotypal so it isn't as bad. But I've had psychosis plenty times. I know when I'm in it too. I just start reducing myself. Preventing myself from concluding too many assumptions. I still feel my conclusions unfortunately. Usually paranoid.

After thinking so deeply constantly, I've actually forgotten what it's like to be "normal". I find it really hard to empathize now sometimes. I feel caring, but usually people's behavior does not make sense. Too much ego for example. Letting go of ego lets you come closer to an objective perspective.

To realize ones own potential means to stop constantly assuming a humble position for example. How come this isn't taught in therapy? Therapy just belittles people and helps them become "normal" and reject their gifts usually.

Acting humble is a barrier to true rationality. Stop caring who's better or worse and just think about how things are. Take intellectual risks. Allow yourself to look stupid or be wrong. It doesn't matter unless you harm someone.

Ok I'm done now wow. Too much.

but if they find evidence, by all means I'm listening.

the evidence is overwhelming. why do they have to find the evidence? do the work yourself, and confirm for yourself.

It's not difficult to prove with lasers and a large body of water.

If you can't be bothered to look up on of the 1000s of videos showing ZERO curvature on earth there is no point discussing with you.

To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth. - See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/2016/02/Flat-Earth-Psyop.html#sthash.hSBKysdN.dpuf

go ahead, prove us all wrong. FE is a CIA psyop

Thanks for bringing such insight to the conversation.

There's no flicker in that video. You are arguing an objectively invalid, and frankly absurd, point.

Come on down to /r/flatearth and share those ideas with us.

No one has been able to prove a flat earth yet, maybe youre the chosen one the prophecy speaks of?

seriously though while you might make a compelling case in one or two examples there is no unifying theory for a flat earth. There are always gaps that cant be filled in.

Most FEers rage quit after a while.

Wow I haven't seen anyone say lawl since runescape

They do have a long history of being nazis. (literally)

Hugo Boss, VW, Fanta, etc.

Just because they happened to be scientists in Germany when that lunatic seized power doesn't mean they're Nazi's.

Op- paper clip nazis were nazis

Stopped reading after "You don't need to go to space..."
Just a bunch of blah blah blah this and that.
You haven't gone to space.
I haven't gone to space.
We BOTH don't know 100% what the shape of the Earth is.
Like... LITERALLY, you and I both don't know.
Neither of us has seen it ourselves with our own eyes.
Would love the option to actually have the opportunity for both of us to go to space together and once we know together at the same time the shape of the Earth, then we'll know without any assumptions.
But that won't happen and we'll just keep proving why it's round/flat without just using our literal eyes or NASA.

I'm not clear on what you are saying is true and what you are saying is "ridiculous".

You believe the earth is an infinite plane, correct? I am asking what the theory is as far as the sun, since standard FE theory says the sun orbits the earth and that obviously doesn't work if the earth is an infinite plane

They do have a long history of being nazis. (literally)

So do Flat Earther and Hollow Earthers.

You all have been had by baal worshiping jesuits.

Or you have.

Why would God create an infinite flat plane with a limited space on which we can live? Why would God create the "heavens and the Earth" and the heavens aren't even real? The thing I do not understand about the religious angle of the flat Earth is that it puts God in a very tiny box. It says he basically made a giant snowglobe and cool light show at night. How insulting.

I'm beginning to think you are mixing up hollow earth and flat earth... Because admiral Byrd had nothing to do with flat earth. He was investigating a hallow earth under the earths crust....

How is this not a proper photograph? https://www.nasa.gov/content/blue-marble-image-of-the-earth-from-apollo-17

Or more recently https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-captures-epic-earth-image Yes, the latter is a composite in the sense that it combines red, green and blue channel pictures. But combining channels is how every digital camera works anyway.

Over tr course of known human history, it's very recent

It's a psyop. The only mental illness here is the sociopathy of those who are catapulting this crap.

The flat earth map is a disc.

It is quite suspicious that the Earth has never had a full photo taken of it, that is not a lame CGI/composite.

How can you take a single picture of both sides of a sphere? Think about it...

Also, here: https://himawari8.nict.go.jp/

This thing is always running. Educate yourself a bit.

Edgy? I just wanted to see if you had any good photographs to prove any photography knowledge. Then I checked to see if you cared about anonymity. Neither of which seem to be remotely true.

a la oblate spheroid

"the Earth deviates from a perfect sphere by only a third of a percent" you're not going to see that with the naked eye, no way.

they ought to be able to try a few different techniques and camera settings, no?

No because they're trying to take pics of the Earth, the stars don't matter. I grant you that dodging would be good, and it would be a beautiful picture with the stars too.

Photography and video seem so unimportant on these missions, when in actuality they would have been the MOST important things to bring back, along with rocks and dirt.

Why? As far as NASA is concerned any reasonable person knows the earth is spherical (why do boats disappear bottom up? I've had people say perspective, fog, waves combining... all extremely flawed explanations) with their very limited money, there's no point in doing that.


FYI, I'm not a flat earther, but if I took your reply here and applied it to the video I just linked, clearly a fisheye lens creates an artificial horizon.

I love how people are easier convinced our existence is a computer simulation before entertaining the possibility we are on a flat earth.

But with no atmosphere and a reaaaallly powerful telescope I could see it right? Perspective means nothing if the earth is flat and the telescope is powerful enough (provided no atmosphere).

So I propose we settle this. We build a vaccum tube from America to Europe and put a telescope on one end. If I see Europe I'll concede. Case closed once and for all.

I just said that because then it would be literally "manufactured."

Adidas, bayer

Even if that's the case, why doesn't anyone actually see it. You'd have lines of light rather than points.

Full image as in a fullscreen shot, at a good distance away. Also, what you posted is not a one photo shot, but a CGI or stitched composite.

To be quite honest, the latter, because the implications of the former are astronomically implausible.

I would argue that their "good luck getting run over" or whatever comment was 10X worse than me calling flatlander a shill. :/ Harrassment is far worse than a non-agressive evaluation of whether someone behaves like a shill or not.

Wow I'm so convinced by your incredibly scientific answer.

Pigeon-holing people as having a 'mental illness' in the case of flat earth is a too harsh a way to categorize someone's conviction. It insinuates that they should be institutionalized.

Flat earthers are just people that don't believe anything anymore because of so many government lies etc.

Thank you for both ignoring any questions I raised while also raising a really terrible point of your own. The heliocentric globe theory has held up to any question I have asked or seen asked. Your post is a pathetic attempt to distract from the fact that you are lacking any answers

I'm not outright saying the Earth is flat, flat as a pancake, but it's not a sphere either. Probably some other shape, bubble? Maybe there is a dome, maybe the solar system is smaller than we've been led to believe. Maybe we have a much more advanced space program and some of it involves trans-dimensional travel. Who knows, it's not as if we can easily verify it.

Or maybe this is just a lonely insignificant rock spinning through space and time, and we're one in a quadrillion worlds that has life with the potential for metaphysical intellect.

I didn't see any curvature in that camera, at all. And why do they insist on using fish eye lens? Let the round earth speak for itself without special effects.

"It's a conspiracy that would require literally millions of people over thousands of years participating."

Don't waste my time, moron.