Can we get a topical exclusion option on the sidebar to remove flat earth posts from our feed?

21  2017-04-20 by ouroboric

Give them their own sub or something. These folks are not willing to engage in conversation, just blanket denials and faith-based speculations. It is one-sided everytime. Skeptic: Hey, address these questions Flat Earther: Yeah, i won't because God and the bible and shills. Skeptic: Oh.... okay.


While I disagree with Flat Earth on every possible level, censorship is no way to solve a problem on this sub. It's too slippery of a slope and will undoubtedly be the first incremental step to control the narrative here.

I agree, but unless Flat Earthers come in with an actual conspiracy theory (beyond "you're being lied to") then it's not exactly appropriate content for this sub. Cui bono? That's the crux of CTs, and if all they've got is non-standard narrative without even a hint of an agenda it probably belongs in a different sub. Some Flat Earthers have brought a theory along with them, and that's great. Most of it is just weird screeching about NASA, though.

If it breaks the rules, then it breaks the rules. I was advocating against censorship of a certain topic just for being that topic, regardless of how much evidence is provided.

Total agreement.

yes!!! this exactly. no theories, no attempts to go towards logical conclusions. cui bono, indeed! why would this lie exist? it appears that most FE folks believe that globe earth is an anti-christian fib made to denigrate the omni-whateverdom of GOD. they just don't have the balls to come out and say they think the world is 6000 years old and fossils were put there by the devil.

if something more than blind refusal of logic and scientific method (not scientific research, but methodical inquiry) were employed then perhaps the topic would not be so irksome. but it's not and irksome the topic remains.

Have you ever entertained the idea that the earth is hollow?

certainly have. seems admiral byrd might have been suffering from hypoxic delusion, imo. parts of it are hollow, no doubt. vast cave systems can be found all over the world, no doubt there are unimaginable voids here and there throughout. scientific divinations believes a giant molten core keeps the planet spinning, which seems to add up.

But that idea fits in the sub b/c it usually goes hand in hand with conspiracies about alien races and Nazis living in there. Popes and Russian orthodox leaders meeting for the first time in 500 years then going down to Antarctica for a quick blessing, etc. I haven't seen anyone give even a remotely plausible reason as to why the 'lie,' of a spheroidal Earth would be perpetrated on us.

Why would somebody willingly dismiss all seismic wave experiments conducted throughout human history?


Entertaining the concept of 'hollow Earth' would mean dismissing all seismic wave experiments that have taken place throughout human history through various institutions, researched by thousands of different scientists.

I'm asking why somebody would willingly ignore this wealth of information and entertain the concept that the Earth is hollow.

Sorry.. a few days late, but I was going back through reading responses. I've taken quite a few geology classes (started college as a petroleum engineering major) and the reality is that we have no idea what's actually going on in the core or inner mantle.

We have some really good guesses, but we've never penetrated the crust, which is extremely thin by comparison, so it's not like there is a wealth of data that can only be interpreted one way. I'm not saying I believe in hollow earth, but it's just not completely incompatible with what we actually know, or plate tectonics, or the other commonly held geologic theories. The ones about the core and mantle have more to do with explaining the mechanics of our magnetic field than anything anyway.

I only entertain the idea that it could be hollow based on the holes at the North/South Pole pictured from space, the accounts (as you rightly say) of the Nazis etc which floats well on this subreddit and an almost indescribable gut feeling that the world is not as we know it.

If you listen to Admiral Byrd in one of his only televised interviews he states there is a land "beyond the pole," that is larger than North America and has never been seen by man.

We are also all of a sudden finding "molten carbon," sitting under/near the crust. You as a petroleum engineer can highlight a bit more info on what this could mean on our understanding of "fossil fuels."

censorship is no way to solve a problem on this sub.

Translation: We can't eradicate a psyop purposefully meant for this subreddit

Do you listen to homeless people shouting the world is ending on the street? Or do you just feel bad for them as you walk by?

Translation: We won't eradicate a psyop purposefully meant for this subreddit.

Yeah, just ignore it and laugh at all the analysts wasting their lives pushing a ridiculous story

just ignore it

just debate it.

see, I can also push a narrative too. Neat, huh?

So debate it! I'm all for that, I just recuse myself from that particular debate because I don't see the point. I prefer to ignore when it comes to FE.

what a silly, easily verifiable lie! "i prefer to ignore it"

you made 8 comments on this post.

This is a post advocating censorship that just so happens to want to censor FE. I come in to make the same argument every time I see someone pushing to censor the sub for any reason.

I prefer to ignore when it comes to FE.


This is a post advocating censorship that just so happens to want to censor FE

Yet you still made 8 comments on my Flat Earth OP

You've been caught. Admit it or not, no worries on my end!

Still been arguing against censorship, you said you prefer to debate it, so I said debate it, all with the end goal of getting you off censorship. Welcome to my op.

I prefer to ignore when it comes to FE.

but you made 8 posts about FE. how can you lie like this?

You've been warned about comment spamming already.

you've recorded 8 comments about FE on my OP. You are lying when you say "i prefer to ignore when it comes to FE"

Yes, I strongly prefer it. That does not at all preclude the possibility of doing so, nor would doing so constitute a lie. I also prefer to not debate symantecs, yet here I am anyway.

I just recuse myself from that particular debate because I don't see the point.

You're lying, because you made 8 comments on my FE OP. Why lie?

I was racking my brains to figure out which obvious ban evader you were and I've got it! Whipnil. Same disresectful attitude, same attacking mods. I won't give away my methods as I'll need to deal with you again no doubt. Goodbye.

Dude, you're incoherent.

Got any proof it's a psyop or is that just an opinion

It's not censorship to offer an option to filter out content people do not want to see.

The flat earthers can still post, and people like me can still debunk their bullshit, but people like OP can have it filtered out of their feed so they can focus on the stuff they want to see.

That's not censorship.

Sounds like RES. Thats not a bad idea. Misunderstood, thanks for clarifying

Well that just sounds like censorship with extra steps.

(J/k. Had to say it)

Thank you. I was seeing if anyone said this. Censorship in any form is bad. Just because someone doesn't like an opinion shared doesn't mean it shouldn't be heard.

i am not asking to censor anything. i have seen ample evidence of different types that i myself could verify if i wanted to support spheroid earth spinning in space. watching other planets spin in real time through a telescope, using foucalt's pendulum to observe the spin of the earth, Eratosthenes' Calculation of Earth's Circumference, investigations into optical properties of light and curvature.

there are so many important and fundamental questions asked of these FE posters that go ignored, unaddressed, denounced of validity. RES was just what i needed. if you want to look at the same BS videos from flat earthers who refuse to answer to the material's content, go ahead. i just am tired of it clogging up real stuff. own up or shut up and these folks refuse to account for the fundamentals of their arguments. no thank you.

I agree that it is pointless and a waste of time to argue with them. But I feel the same way about, say, repitilian people on earth. Do I also have a right to censor them? Another person might feel the same way about 9/11 conspiracies. And on and on it goes.

When you consider banning or censoring one aspect of a conspiracy, it's a slippery slope to others.

i personally just didn't want to see the posts. i want everyone to have full access to everything. reddit enhancement suite was the thing i needed. also, don't see nearly as many icke folks talking reptiles as Flat Earthers... not banning, just personally remove from my feed

While we're at it, let's adjust those rules to dial back the bullshit politics.

Mods were suppose to act on this in a bigger way, but have done nothing but continue with individual removals.

If anything "flat earth" has a place here, even if you don't agree with it or think it's rubbish. Political agendas, and the people who repeatedly post them need to go.

He has no intention of debating points, just sent a nice hate message to my inbox.

No surprise. He should of asked how to filter out "flat earth" with the use of something like RES.

It would solve OP's issue immediately.

i will check out RES. thanks for the heads-up. i am not "technologically inclined."

Really, it makes reddit a far better place in so many ways. I'll be around if you have questions.

thank you! my reddit has been sweetly enhanced! feels like i just upgraded from a bicycle to a lambroghini!

Sure thing!

I was mistaken, previous comment deleted and apologies distributed. It was another user

Only on PC?

Hey dude! (I have you tagged as a friendly)

Unfortunatley, yes. What platform you on?

Android. Yeah we have talked a couple of times.

Personally, I use reddit is fun on my phone.

Ill try it. Thanks

Sure thing, and be sure to enable the dark theme. It's easy on the eyes.

And a huge battery saver.

That never even occurred to me and I do some IT work. All of my stuff is dark, though. My explorer windows/themes, youtube, google, reddit. Anything otherwise gives me headaches.

that is interesting. i didn't send a hate message to anyone

agreed that this is not r/politics and there was a lot of shitposting in that regard since before the 2016 election. i am not asking for censorship (i.e. removal of flat-earth posts wholesale), i am asking for a method to declutter my r/conspiracy page view.

and i don't have a problem with flat earth itself. the methods of discourse are not productive and i keep seeing the same names post the same things without addressing other users' questions towards their ideas. "i choose not to recognize those questions as legitimate" is not a rebuttal. maybe there is a sub r/beatingadeadhorse and Flat Earthers can all just head on over yonder

See the edit in my other post. If you need help, lemme know, as I'm very knowledgeable with this add-on.

Does that include pizzagate?

In what way? Banning a 'theory' outright, or just filtering things out at the user-level?

Because it is political in nature.

At some point, most theories get to the level of govenmental structures, politics, and power-brokers of other sorts. The problem with pizzgate (and many other theories), is that people are presenting "what ifs" as truth, then shifting the burden to others to disprove that which has no substance to begin with. I've been shredding people that do this since it began.

The problem I have with general politics is that people are coming here to exploit the users and the open nature of this sub. To discuss politics at the lowest possible levels because their nonsense would get destroyed out among more politically astute people. New accounts that do nothing but spam 2-3 other hardcore political subs...then here. Nothing further with them. It's all politics, all the time. They adjust titles and context to slip by the lax rules here and most people do not notice. As you can view in my history, I call these people out each and every day.

Fair enough

Post your replies in chain instead of doing it in a PM

did you really get a hate message from my user name? can you post a screencap? i haven't PM'd anyone in ages.

No sorry, someone saw this post and messaged me. So sorry I didn't double check the user name. I'm deleting my defensive comments accordingly. Damn, that's embarrassing sorry!

it's cool. i thought we had a real conspiracy on our hands for a second!

No no, just me being distracted

Afraid you're gonna catch a bad case of the flat earths? Just ignore them drama queen.

As a flat earther, I hate religious flat earthers.

I would like to remove flat earth debunking posts from the sidebar. And cake on Tuesdays. Thanks guys.

Is this the flat earth debunking post you'd like removed from the sidebar?

Oh. That looks like a must read. And the cake? Can I get a half chocolate half vanilla? I like to mix mine all up.

If you give a mouse a cookie...

Why do people get so triggered by flat earth claims? If the earth is so round and spinning, why don't you let the science speak for itself and relax?

I think flat earthers are hilarious more than anything but when have you seen facts win a war? The winner is the one with the best disinformation.

They really act afraid of anyone entertaining the idea...present post included

The more you and the shills push against it, the more I want to investigate. I guess you don't have a curious mind

The logo of the UN raises many questions

sure, like how can argentina exist, it's not on the UN logo? the thing is a convenient representation of the UN organization--not some literal map that is rubbing the grandest lie in our faces.

The blue that appears in the background of the insignia was chosen to be "the opposite of red, the war colour",[5] although the exact shade has never been officially specified by the United Nations.[6] The original colour the group chose in 1945 was a gray blue that differs from the current United Nations flag. The globe used in the original design was an azimuthal projection focused on the North Pole with the United States, the host nation of the conference, at the centre. The projection that was used cut off portions of the Southern Hemisphere at the latitude of Argentina, which was acceptable at the time, as Argentina was not planned to be an original member of the United Nations.[7] The projection was later altered so that no country will be at prominence within the flag. The new logo was now designed so that the globe is bisected in the centre by the Prime Meridian and the International Date Line.

In 1946, a UNO committee got the task of making a definite design, which was presented December 2, 1946, and adopted by the plenary session of the UNO on December 7, 1946. The earlier version had the globe 90 degrees turned eastward compared with the present flag, which has the Prime Meridian and the International Date Line forming the vertical diameter. According to press statements, the change was made to move North America away from the centre of the emblem.[8]

Sounds like someone is getting afraid. Going to copy paste my previous post: Buy a telescope or camera and find a suitable spot and see for your self. Don't be surprised when objects that should be hidden by earths curvature is completely visible, any day and weather. Either earth is flat or it is much bigger than what NASA claims. NASA says earths radius is 6371 km.

Videos related shows the magic of zoom:

High altitude balloons showing no curvature:

People have a hard time to give up on the concept of space.

NASA fraud videos related: Astronaut(actor) Chris Cassidy says this: "...ACROSS THE UNITED STATES FROM WHERE WE ARE TALKING TO YOU RIGHT NOW..."

More frauds: Chris Hadfield in what seem like a harness. When he bends forward you can clearly see he is hanging from something. It make me wonder if this was filmed in space. Something that looks like a scuba tank in the hatch. More astronauts in harness lots of hairspray spacewalk with airbubbles. It's not space debris as people will try to rationalize. Plenty of videos on youtube showing airbubbles and other inconsistencies if you do some reseach.

Do you have a source for the entire Toronto skyline - from POV of 20 + miles to the docks/sidewalks at the base?

That is: POV from water level across to where water level is lapping at the foot of the Skyline?


I do not. If I stumble upon it I'll let you know.

Much appreciated and thank you!

It has been pointed out to you multiple times, including by me and your own github link that your online calculator does not account for atmospheric refraction.

Your links are all ridiculous, the "harness" links use jump cuts and weird editing along with drawn lines to try to make it look like there is a harness when really therea nothing but lumpy clothes that fold strangely because of a lack of gravity.

Your video of "bubbles" has two indistinct white spots moving in straight lines unlike bubbles which have some random motion and generally travel in short trains, but quite like a small piece of dander travelling in vacuum without gravity.

Actually take a closer look when he bends forward, ignore the obvious harness, and look at the motion his body does.

hard to do when your video repeatedly bounces back and forth and pauses at that point.

it appears that the person becoming afraid is you, mate.

Hard to let go of the fantastic fiction that is space. But that's all it is.

No to censorship

I'm happy to have a civil and intellectual debate on why the earth is not a globe. Yes flat earth is the mother of all conspiracies, but the evidence speaks for itself. We do not require faith, just an open mind to realize you have been deeply lied to all of your life. I was anti FE for many years until I looked into it with an open mind.

Entertaining the concept of 'hollow Earth' would mean dismissing all seismic wave experiments that have taken place throughout human history through various institutions, researched by thousands of different scientists.

I'm asking why somebody would willingly ignore this wealth of information and entertain the concept that the Earth is hollow.

sure, like how can argentina exist, it's not on the UN logo? the thing is a convenient representation of the UN organization--not some literal map that is rubbing the grandest lie in our faces.

The blue that appears in the background of the insignia was chosen to be "the opposite of red, the war colour",[5] although the exact shade has never been officially specified by the United Nations.[6] The original colour the group chose in 1945 was a gray blue that differs from the current United Nations flag. The globe used in the original design was an azimuthal projection focused on the North Pole with the United States, the host nation of the conference, at the centre. The projection that was used cut off portions of the Southern Hemisphere at the latitude of Argentina, which was acceptable at the time, as Argentina was not planned to be an original member of the United Nations.[7] The projection was later altered so that no country will be at prominence within the flag. The new logo was now designed so that the globe is bisected in the centre by the Prime Meridian and the International Date Line.

In 1946, a UNO committee got the task of making a definite design, which was presented December 2, 1946, and adopted by the plenary session of the UNO on December 7, 1946. The earlier version had the globe 90 degrees turned eastward compared with the present flag, which has the Prime Meridian and the International Date Line forming the vertical diameter. According to press statements, the change was made to move North America away from the centre of the emblem.[8]