I've been givenfree reign over one period of a government class

45  2017-04-21 by highhandedturtle

Basically, as resident conspiracy theorist in a my Government class, my teacher has gotten irritated with the tangents I take the class on and has offered me the opportunity to have one 42 minute class period to do whatever I would like with. I think my main topics are going to be the banking cabal (Rothschild's etc.) nd Zionism. If anyone has any ideas for other topics of conversation, access to resources, out tips for engaging a high school class on this topic I would very much appreciate it. Let's open some eyes!

Edit: I'm looking for things that show, in a simple manner, how their government (as that is the class) shows the illusion of choice and who truely drives policy


I think the CIA is always a good one.

Drugs? Guns? Surveillance? Messing with foreign elections? Its so broad I'd have to narrow it down to fit it I'm a class period lol

Operation Condor and how it is exactly the same blue print we are using in the Middle East.

It's easy, has sources like Wikipedia, so the masses can swallow the chewable tablets of truth.

It shows how the US keeps puppets in power and destabilizes other nations.

You can't force this stuff, just show it to them. Let them pick up the stuff. Yiu go full throttle and it'll drive them away.

Ohhhh boy, idk if I've got the time to delve down that rabbit hole

If not that, then I would choose to get into as much detail about the federal reserve act of 1913 as time permits. The who, what, when, where, how and why of it and its short and long term effects to the United States and the world as a whole.

Gl o/

The fed is definitely on my lista

I'm tired of you mother f****** trying to convince me that the earth is not a rhombus. The facts are there. /s

Yeah I dont think I'm gonna even touch that one lol

Haha i think going in full speed might not be the best course of action here, but you're the teacher here.

i'd suggest something like Shadows of Liberty

Or how corporations created a media monopoly. It may be a little easier to stomach than rothschils or zionism, and who knows, may open some eyes and plant some seeds.

Looks like I've got some watching to do, thanks much!

Not even starting with agency drug running. Nope, straight into the banking cabal. Sound like a lunatic.

How about the Fed and Fractional Reserve Banking?

They've already gotten a taste of my hatred for the fed in first semester (economics), I'm gonna really drive the point home by explaining, I'm detail, how or money means nothing and that the fed is nothing but a corporation designed to profit off debt

You might lose some people with Zionism and get labeled a racist or something stupid. I'd go with getting people to think about why the pope and the Vatican have such strong influences over American politics, and slowly reveal the fact that the Vatican is the Holy Roman Empire and show people how we're still ruled by Rome.

I live in a relatively...close minded... Area, so I'm not too worried about about the racism thing (not that I'd care anyways, I'll never see these people again after two months from now)... The area is pretty roman catholic so I'd actually be more worried about the Vatican than Zionism

Man.. that'd actually be funny as fuck then

Either that or my home phone would be ringing off the hook with angry parents for the next two weeks lol... Still.might be worth it

In my opinion, it is the ultimate redpill. The one that can't be disputed and tops all other conspiracies by miles. Digging into it changed everything for me.

Do you have some links?

^ I second this. Make sure you mention why does DC look like Rome, and why are so much Roman symbols inside the buildings. Then, you can bring up why are there Fasces in the house of representatives.

I wish the Tri-Sovereign States was more common knowledge. To me that's one thing that if people knew about it- it'd finally make everyone question everything.

Yup! That was the rabbit hole for me. All down hill (in a good way) from there. Just imagine that? Imagine if it's actually true, and they've kept this all a secret for all this time. How the fuck would the rest of the US take that? It certainly has completely changed my view of the Us. Almost to the point of ex-patting.

So far I haven't seen any reason to believe that it isn't all true. It's all laid bare in front of us, hiding in plain sight. The whole world thinks the pope is just some sweet old man and have no idea he's the first Jesuit pope.. it's fucking crazy. All the pedo stuff recently lead back to Rome, Trump leads back to Rome, every damn thing we talk about here leads back to Rome on a long enough timeline. I hope I live to see the day that someone more public than we are comes out with the info and asks what the fuck is going on.

Indeed, it's pretty mind blowing and truly my favorite theory. I'm planning on possibly starting a youtube channel or something, so maybe I'll be that person :). You know, be the change you wish to see in the world.

Do it. I've followed your posts for a long time on my old accounts u/stereoblind and u/fringetheories (RIP) and I know you've got enough to blow some minds. I'll be right here cheering you on!

Thanks, and I just might!

do it up putes

I don't suppose you've got any nice intros? I'm not familliar with this one.

Can you sum it up for people that don't know about it?

Hmm never even heard of a significant amount of this

Most people haven't, tbh. I made a post here about it, if you would like to check it out: https://np.reddit.com/r/AlternativeHistory/comments/5pg2e0/the_two_bloodlines_of_cain_and_abel_the_flavians/

You could just skip to the Tri-Sovereign States, but really you would need to go through it all to understand better.

fasces in the house of reps

on the capital building <---i find this the most interesting because the president at the time actually forbad the sculptor from putting a Phrygian cap on top of the so called freedom statue.

on the Lincoln memorial

anyone got anymore?

Nice, I was unaware of that. Hate to go off topic, but I know you been looking into more Eastern European things, on which topics have you been going down? I've been look more into coats of arms, and think I may have come across something very interesting. I'm coining the Eastern cabal like the Black nobility has been coined. Not ready to give out too much, but was just curious...

I look forward to your future analysis's

As far as the eastern bloc I would defer you to Philipp Druzhinin.


I don't mean to pass the buck but he seems determined to connect the historical manipulations we've been seeing with the current geopolitical landscape and his analysis is always unique and informative.

lately I've been scrolling through this website


Following the links to the historic archives and saving everything that I find to be anomalous.

I've also been keeping a close eye on the research being done by;




and these fine folks


Thanks for the links, mate. Will def check em' out.

I would start with this video. It does a good job at laying the groundwork that the people are not in control of our government.

From there, you can talk about your theories.


go with something safe like 9/11

If you want to go with the Rothschilds, the older info has quite strong sourcing. One topic to consider is how academia in the US was influenced by Opium money.

On the one hand, you have David Sassoon who was given a monopoly for opium sales to China. The Rothschilds helped to arrange the monopoly for him as financiers to the East, shareholders to the East India Company, and close associates of the Royal Family.

David Sassoon's heir then married into the Rothschilds family uniting their fortunes. He was said to be the world's richest man, thanks to the monopoly created by the Rothschilds for him. He took only Jewish lieutenants and they became very wealthy and powerful.

An idea of how powerful can be seen in the set up. The Rothschild's are at the apex, and below, David Sassoon carrying out the trade, using people like Russell and Co to run the opium.

The CEO of Russell and Co was the grandfather of Theodore Roosevelt. The main guys at Russell and Co helped fund ivy league schools.

Also, it wasn’t just England involved; many Americans in New England also made their fortunes in the opium trade after the slave trade was outlawed. For example, Franklin Roosevelt’s grandfather, Delano, made most of the family fortune in the Chinese opium trade.

He was not alone. Many of the wealthy New England families built their fortunes on slave and opium trading. In fact, most of the American Ivy League universities were funded to a great degree when dirty money from the slave and opium trade was washed and then use to build new reputations for these families.

For example, John Cleve Green donated much of his opium profits to Princeton University, Abiel Abbott Low used his opium fortune to finance the construction of Colombia University, John Murray Forbes financed the Bell Telephone Company, Joseph Coolidge’s son organized the United Fruit Company and his grandson was the founding executive officer of the Anglo-American Council on Foreign Relations. This is just the tip of the iceberg in showing how many among the power elite made their fortunes with the China opium trade.

If you think of it from the perspective of the Triads, who were the local Chinese agents for the Western opium traders, the head of the triad would be the Rothschilds, David Sassoon would be the public faces, and Russel and Co the capos, and the Chinese Triads the underlings.

From this, we have things like the Skull & Bones, founded by the cousin of the CEO of Russell and Co., which of course spawned many leading members of the media, intelligence agencies (Angleton) and government (Bush and Kerry).

From the opium war group, you can find research quite deeply.

This-this is what I'm looking fit

Show them the 10 parts of key evidence from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Go with something simple like how money isn't real and how wars are based purely on geopolitical opportunities for the wealthy central banks. Gen. Smedley Butler is an easy pitch.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to talk about 9/11 truth it will be a big shame.

There is this JFK quote.

This documentary is excellent. Won a bunch of awards.

Check out Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins. Here. He also gave a Ted talk.

Also G. Edward Griffin talks about the Quigley formula.


Air America

Good little round up of theories.

Talk about the Creature From Jekyll Isle. if you don't control the purse, you don't control the house.

I think it's important to stress the mass mind control and propaganda laws that were passed after ww2, but repealed by Obama. History is written to reflect the narrative and there's no law to stop them, which means they can lie about GMOs, vaccines, and anything else they want.

Also [for the "muh science" crowd]

The Lancet, a prestigious medical journal, admits that at least half of the scientific data they have on record is falsified


Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), which is considered to another one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, makes her view of the subject quite plain:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine”


Talk about the American System of Economics. It's the biggest threat to the banking cabal.

If you somehow work Operation Northwoods into your lecture, it could help to legitimize you because there is proof that US Intelligence was plotting a false flag before JFK stopped it.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods

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Oh, so you're that guy in class huh? Heaven forbid I get an education without your opinionated ass interrupting every other minute. You're right up there with middle-aged mothers returning to college who just have to preference every comment with "as a mother..."

I try my best not to be that guy but sometimes its gotta be said

It's an often overlooked topic but I've got a really great idea. The government has so successfully covered this up in the media that nobody talks about it anymore. You ask kids or even adults today about this and they have no idea what you're talking about. You need to get the word out son, you need to get the word out about Roswell.

Pizzagate, then the jews. Please please film it so that the rest of us can be educated as well. What a waste to put in a ton of effort only for 30 something students to see it, share it with millions. please

Show them some short clips of 9/11 discrepancies to get them warmed up to the idea that their government might actually be capable of plotting against them, and tell them to watch https://youtu.be/NO24XmP1c5E and https://youtu.be/-NlJQJUUqR4 for homework

North Korea is connected to the Rothchilds

The holohaux.

I would start with WTC7 Then NSA and CIA leaks, then maybe ease into the world jewish banking cabal. . .

just put zeitgeist the movie on and sit there.

9/11. It's about the most blatant, obvious provable lie ever. You can calculate the minimum time for a buidling that height with uniform weight distribution to fall, assuming no air resistance and that the building was made like a house of cards and the lower floors provided no resistance at all to the upper floors falling on them, etc, and you get around 40s, vs the 9s for one and 11s for the other as seen on TV. Be careful to take into account conservation of momentum. When the upper 10 floors pick up an 11th, that 11th is not moving yet, and the total momentum of all 11 needs to stay constant, which means that 9-10% of the speed the upper 10 floors were falling is lost at the instant an 11th floor was picked up. (for the instant of collision, there is a steady rate of increase from gravity). This of course applies to every floor.

Pure freefall from the top floor with no air resistance would be closer to what was seen, because it is what was seen. The interior and the lower floors were actually started on their way down first as part of a controlled demolition.

In reality, the mass of the building was not uniformly distributed - there were 3 vertical sections with the strongest and heaviest section on the bottom made to support more weight and the lightest section on top, so really the collapse should have taken several minutes as a minimum. And of course there was more structural integrity than a soap bubble, making the idea that it wasn't a controlled demolition even more ridiculous.

Another great thing to cover, which people seem to be more open to, is JFK. It's not just the CIA involved, there was a meeting of 20 people who met for coordinating this at a hotel the night before, including the heads of several mafias, some major corporations including Ford, and Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and George H. W. Bush who went on to become president after him. Must see documentary on this: https://youtu.be/U1Qt6a-vaNM

Interesting -Jekyll island and the creation of the 'federal' reserve - also some people who we're against it died on the titnaic

If you could record it and post it that would be cool

Unfortunately not, the school allows no one to be recorded/posted online without a signed official release from district headquarters

Alright that kinda blows hope you open some eyes

Hah please don't use any of your ideas. You'll come off sounding like Alex Jones and people will dismiss you.

You could easily spend 40 minutes about 9-11. Which has legit facts.

talk about allen dulles and his and his brothers hijacking of american democracy; they helped the bushed launder nazi money and did mk ultra and so many other coups and shit. def start there to red pill hardest

Man.. that'd actually be funny as fuck then

Either that or my home phone would be ringing off the hook with angry parents for the next two weeks lol... Still.might be worth it