Snopes posted an article yesterday stating that Operation Gotham Shield is "not suspicious" and I realized something...

185  2017-04-21 by rbsams72888

A great way to know if you're onto something good is if Snopes writes an article telling you not to worry about it.



Well said! Snopes is F A K E N E W S!!

No it's not! It is a trusted and reputable fact checking website. Just ask MSM! Lol.

Yes, because CNN has cleared it.


Oh thank goodness! A government employee!

I've been all over the internet but haven't been able to find one until now.

Pardon, sir/ma'm but: Is it still okay to fact check non-political subjects, through websites, or sites generally that are not sponsored by the goverment?

I don't want to lose my freedoms, I pay taxes and everything.

So I am new to the sub. What are some of the things I should be aware of that I am currently oblivious to?

I asked the same question about snopes, this was the conversation I had.

Train your mind & think for yourself. Don't believe. Don't disbelieve.

I just shook off the chains of Christianity and have embraced atheism. this happened a few short months ago; reforming my mind is already underway but I stumbled here and my curiosity was peaked. Just curious to see what you guys have to say...

don't abandon Christianity. Every motherfucker out there thinks Christ is bullshit. He's not. It's just Christians who are bullshit. Seriously, don't abandon Christianity. Pray patiently and stop relying on your feelings and your incomplete understanding, as though God owes you experiences, or as though you are fit to judge whether God's behavior is reasonable. Just be patient and wait on God and don't be an asshole. Nobody else here is going to tell you this, but they will happily tell you the opposite, over and over and over, and make it all look very appetizing to you. Get the fuck out of here before it's too late.

The only thing we know for sure is that we know absolutely nothing.

The only thing you know for sure?

Right. You can't know something I don't when it comes to a question of Christianity.

uh, well, I can, actually, because God allows these things to be knowable to those who obey him while deliberately concealing himself from others.

That's what you choose to believe. It cannot rest on absolute fact. You believe what you believe and that's fine. I'm not going to go into the issues with religion/its indoctrination being a regional thing. A question I like to ask American Christians (assuming you're American; if not--apply to your area) is "had you been born in a largely Muslim area to Muslim parents, do you think you'd be exactly as Christian as you are now?

Conditioned things have very little sway on me, I don't celebrate holidays or even consider my own family to be family for example, and I also rejected Christianity as a young child and believed otherwise for the majority of my life. I only came back to it by coincidence, if you can call it coincidence that I discovered Jesus to be factually Christ and was thus persuaded logically. Not everyone who believes in Christ does so for cultural or conditioned reasons. You might think so if you think there is no legitimate basis for a belief in Christ, but you are mistaken to think that.

As far as whether I would be a Christian if I was born in a majority Muslim nation, I think that depends whether I had opportunity to be exposed to it or not. However I can say for certainty that I would not be a Muslim, seeing as Muslim belief can not be substantiated.

Neither can the Christian belief. It's a belief. See how this is going to keep going back and forth?

it's not going back and forth, it's going forth and nothing is coming back.

Oh boy. I'll help you out. It's a belief. Can a belief be factually proven? No, it can't. That's why it's a belief. That's why there are a lot of them who all claim they're the correct one. And the ill-effects of that kind of thinking are divisive. The way you just discounted the Muslim belief system while upholding your own is a great example of the intolerance religion can breed.

So you're all-knowing on the topic of Christianity? That's ridiculous! Truth has no accurate words to describe it, it's your interpretation that either fits the picture or doesn't.

Whether you believe that it's Christ, or Buddha, or Ra that leads to fulfillment plays little to no role in the game. It's the question of whether or not you choose to do good for the whole (which is you manifested in the mulitude) or just yourself (which is the temporary manifestation of your current iteration) is the only choice we ever have.

Christianity, read correctly, can give you a pathway, but so can Buddhism, Islam and Atheism. It's your choices that matter. Your actions.

What you just described is spiritual openness and tolerance. Not Christianity, which is by its own admission exclusive of other faiths on matters of truth.

Right. As is the case with any faith. They all claim to contain the exclusive version of truth. What I called into question was your claim for some kind exceptionalism on the matter (although I may have read your comment wrong, in which case, please tell me so. This is already far beside the original topic at hand).

Haha I know. I think I should have worded what I said differently. When I said "You can't possibly know anything that I don't regarding Christianity" what I should have said was "You can't possibly know anything I don't regarding the truth of the Christian faith. You can believe things that I don't believe, but you can't know them. No one can."

My bad then. It's what I get for commenting while drunk and half-asleep. Thanks for the clarification.

I'm confused. I guess I'd better Snopes Jesus... How did Jesus get into this thread?

Just be wary of the hard line atheist materialist bullshit. There's more to this universe than what can be "proven" by our contemporary scientific methods.

To me, something has to be out there that's bigger than this. I just have no idea what that is, and that's very exciting to me.

Ding Ding Ding

I think you're Agnostic

Haha that's right. I tend to stay away from that term. People who don't know what it means tend to see it in a negative light.

Don't shy away from who you are over fear of the reaction of others.

Embrace who you are and bring knowledge to the ignorant through love, compassion and guidance.

No need to obfuscate your beliefs for others my friend :).

Most Atheists I have met would have been better off described as Agnostics anyways.

Everyone's just afraid of criticism.

Being agnostic is really just admitting that we have true way of knowing one way or another what is actually going on in this existence.

It's just honesty.

We should all just put our egos aside and be honest haha.

That shows you right there "atheism" is the new religion. It goes hand in hand with settled science is canon and Big Brother is our only salvation.

Christ told us wherever we gather is His church. And that we don't need any one to pray or interpret for us. Sadly Christianity got hijacked by the fallen Romans wanting a new empire.

I think we have a cream for that.

Have you looked into deism at all? My husband is a deist, and while you don't hear many people these days running around saying they're "deists", I think the simple definition applies to a lot more people than many would think. Something worth looking into anyway.

My thoughts are that nobody knows. Period. Not the Pope, not Joel Olsteen, not the Dalai Llama. So who are they to tell me what to think when they don't really know themselves? They believe... but they don't know any more than I do. Hence, the problem with religion.

But I have an absolute faith in a higher power and for convenience I call it God. The rest of my beliefs are a hodgepodge of mixed religions that I've pieced together from years and years of reading that work for me personally, which is all that really matters, to make sense of the Universe.

So while I admire you shedding the Christianity label, don't feel like that means you have to turn away from a belief in something. Read, explore and feel around many other's beliefs and find what feels right for you. Have fun exploring!

Definitely agree that deism applies to many more people than is acknowledged. Also you've hit it right on the head with "nobody knows".

Certainty is what has ruined religion...because anyone with an understanding of logic & evidence-based reason realizes that the metaphysical (whatever one wants to name it) can neither be proven nor disproven.

Lol you just told him to think for himself. The hypocrisy is real.

I didn't tell him to think for himself, I told him to go back to Christianity and wait on God. Whether he does it as a dumb sheep at my instruction or does it because he's woke as fuck, I don't care - God will take care of it, and proximity to God is more important than right thinking.

I'm starting to think the word "woke" is becoming over used.

yeah I hear that. Regardless, it has an established meaning, even an associated tone. So I used it on an as needed basis

He's gonna be waiting an awfully long time for "god", seeing how millions pray for their suffering to end and it doesn't.

Christianity, and religion in general, is the oldest conspiracy ever dude. Come on now lol.

I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. God freely authenticates himself to those who follow him. He isn't a genie, so he doesn't answer every prayer to lessen suffering. And he doesn't want mindless robots, he wants people who choose to follow him by themselves, so he allows himself to remain unobservable in ways, since following God would be compulsory if he showed himself plainly. But he is completely real and completely knowable, and will demonstrate as much to a sincere heart.

But why would he give us free will and then punish people with eternal damnation for exercising that free will? That's twisted.

And god is supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and all-loving, so he kind of is a genie in the sense that he can do literally anything. Why wouldn't he help starving and disease-ridden children?

The Judeo-Christian god is simply logically inconsistent. When you break it down logically it becomes clear that a being of this nature cannot exist.

well, he gives us free will because free will is objectively superior. Think of unintelligent animals for example. They're alive, yes, but they can't really know things or choose things or value things, it's all just instinct and conditioning. They can't experience the same kinds of profound things that we as people can experience, and in that sense, they're missing out. God wants us to have these things, because he legit wants us to have as many good things for free as possible. Free will is part of those things.

there is no damnation for using free will, because we're intended to have it and use it. Damnation is a very specific consequence for using free will in a very specific way, which is the wrong way. When we do this, we cause the consequence ourselves. But otherwise, free will is totally fine.

it's true that God can literally do anything. However, in many cases, he does not act, because acting would take free will away from us, or otherwise take life away from us. If he magically healed children of their diseases, for example, perhaps it would publicly reveal that God was working on the earth. Now we have a host of new problems. Maybe people don't have the luxury of denying God any more, and they can't handle it. Maybe people reject God anyway, and they become more guilty, when otherwise they were excused by their ignorance. Or maybe evil people simply hide themselves and lie to themselves, and that evil only festers and worsens, instead of having a chance to come out and be resolved. Maybe they never have a chance to become repentant and reject their own evil, because they never get a chance to regret their evil. Any number of subtle things could be possible.

I don't know for sure why God doesn't heal diseased children, and there are many other things I also don't know. But I know that God is definitely not impotent. I know that he is brilliant, and that he is also good. So I can say with confidence that there is definitely an explanation of some kind for whatever he is doing, every single time, regardless of whether I know the explanation or not. And many times he will also allow me to know the explanation to some extent, and that is very awesome.

people who take positions of certainty about what is possible, as though they know impossible things, are actively bullshitting themselves and actively clouding their own perception of God. People who value some types of data highly while completely dodging other data that is freely available, such as those who adopt atheistic and hedonistic worldviews and conclude they are justified in doing so, are also actively bullshitting themselves and actively clouding their own perception of God. Repentance, humility, letting go of your own bullshit, automatically demonstrates the reality of God. I have seen that this is true, and I am a witness. If anyone has not explored these things, I find it silly that he would presume to speak about them.

No, I am not bullshiting myself. I'm not certain god doesn't exist, but using simple logical ** deduction** leads me to the conclusion that this being most likely doesn't exist. Logic has a form and a structure, and it is objective. Logical contradictions don't work.

On a side note, how do we even have free will if this kind of god exists? If he is omniscient, then he knows everything, including the future and all the decisions you're going to make. So how can you be said to have free will when god already knows what you'll do? It's not like you can do something different, god is infallible so you're actions are already predetermined.

There is a multitude of philosophical literature concerning god's existence, and I haven't even scratched the surface of the logical inconsistencies and contradictions that the Christian god presents. I would definitely recommend looking into them. Many good arguments from both sides of the issue. It's just that the arguments in support of god's existence don't really hold up.

We do have free will. We choose what we do, we can choose whatever we want. And then when we make our choice, the choice is the one God knew. There is no reason free will and God's omniscience can't coexist.

God doesn't exist or not exist because of arguments, he just exists, and the arguments are just arguments. Arguments have no power by themselves, but if you want to give them power, don't be surprised if God is unbelievable or unknowable, since that is the effect of the arguments having power.

We all do what we want, but that doesn't mean we have free will. There's a lot written on that as well.

I'm of the opinion that we can learn objective facts about existence using logic and science. They aren't just arguments. Logic exists independent of us. Paradoxes cannot logically exist.

Saying "god exists if he exists" is a cop out. It's begging the question. We have the mental capability to think critically and discuss these things. They are knowable.

We have to go with logic and reason. Otherwise we are just playing dumb and ignoring valuable information.

the validity of your logic and reason does not hinge on logic and reason in itself, but on a claim of authority, one that presupposes that you and your faculties are fit to determine what is what, and that they are honest.

whether you give this prerogative to yourself or give it to God, it is the same prerogative, and it is a decision that you yourself are making. It is not made on the basis of careful consideration or substantiated judgment, it is made on the basis of will only. This is what faith is, and this is the reason faith is the only thing God asks.

bedtime for me. Ciao.

He gave us free will bec we are created us in His own image. He did not want robots but a real relationship. Man is a very special creation of His bec of this, and probably why Satan hates us so much. (Spirit cooking)

God does not punish us for using our free will. There are consequences to making choices when you have free will and God warned us (through Adam & Eve) that making a certain choice would result in "you will surely die." And we did and tumbled through the portal into our current 'fallen' world. So this making of choices that are contrary to our nature and what we were created to be results in harm to ourselves and to those on the other end of our bad choices. Thus we have suffering, loneliness (removed from Him) and our beautiful world was cursed.

But... He did not leave us like this. In order to take us back from death (spiritual separation from Him), He made a way to reverse our curse. It was an extremely costly way --it required the death of someone else to "surely die" in our place. Someone who was not cursed, someone perfect in all their choices --Himself. And so, the unthinkable came to pass and God the Son was born and lived in His own creation. He came to die. And His death was spectacularly evil and humiliating, at the hands of those He formed from the earth. Through this death, He tasted death for us.

But... we are still creatures with free will. Even though we died spiritually, we were made to be eternal, as He is. Again, we have a choice, choose His sacrifice, choose Him, since He longs to bring us back to life with Him forevermore. Just as God raised Him from the dead, so He will raise us. Or not.

Don't know about logic, this is what His word says about it all. Makes sense to me. May He open your eyes and heart to choose Him.

But he is completely real and completely knowable, and will demonstrate as much to a sincere heart.

I have belief and practice the tradition in which I was raised. But from the standpoint of speaking from certainty like this, consider: What has God done, caused, or placed in this world that would not be evidenced in the same exact way if there were no God?

If I'm not mistaken everything in your post is an example of this philosophical question. All the characteristics of your view of God can also be explained just as well with no God acting on the world. (Atheists would say no God explains it better, but I don't agree.)

But I believe all conversation on the topic, from the religious and the atheists, would be more productive if all sides would admit there's simply no certitude philosophically speaking. Because if God exists, then the design is one in which the world can pass for a world without God. And if God doesn't exist, the world can pass as a world in which a creator could absolutely be the answer to the biggest questions in the universe.

no, that's the thing, he definitely does speak specifically and demonstrate specific agency that can be differentiated from random chance. But not to you he doesn't.

The church today is nowhere near what it was supposed to be, or how it started out. But even that was prophesied by Jesus. Make no mistake, these are the last days and we are living in them. This sub will show you pre-fulfillment of end time prophecy if you pray for discernment. All the pieces on the chessboard are in place.

Research the great sign fulfillment of Revelation 12 that is fulfilled on Sept 23 of this very year.

It's NOT about a religion, it is about a RELATIONSHIP!

be careful friend. The psyop is extraordinarily thorough and there are plenty of traps laid out for Christians. I agree we are in the last days. But take extreme caution that your beliefs are independent from what the world is telling you. There is no doubt that we will see at least one variety of a "false end times" scenario in our lifetimes and I am sure it will be extraordinarily convincing with as much forethought and work must be going into it.

This. shit. right. here.

The only thing I hate more than prophecy is self-fulfilling prophecy.

don't abandon Christianity.

/r/conspiracy confirmed for Christo-fascist shills

Organised religion is bullshit.

Fuck all religions. Its all the same claptrap. All of them. It's so sad that everyone needs a bogeyman to be a good person. Sorry to sound bitter but i went from living to Seattle to living in Indiana and frankly I am sick of the religious fervor. Its maddening. If you read the holy bible or quran or any of it front to back cover to cover and you still believe in the madness then you got issues.

This is me, I abondoned christianity, but I still FULLY believe in God. Humans have mucked with the story of God and who he(it) is.

I think you are mistakenly identifying with what I am saying. I recognize many, many Christians live with all kinds of wrong mindedness and wrong beliefs, but there is one God, and Scripture describes him, and Scripture is supernaturally kept from being tampered with by humans - which can be seen by the ancient prophecies of Christ preserved throughout history in Scripture.

You can leave religion without going athiest. Just because religions are bullshit doesn't mean the universe is devoid of meaning. I'm not advocating a god in anyway or that no God exists. I just hate the word believe. Because honestly. No one has the right to believe anything because no one can have all the facts

This is what I was trying to say. Thanks mate.

I noticed that most people who practice religion act holier than thou.

No matter your religion, you should use your moral compass. religion doesn't make someone better than another.

personally, i do not believe a certain religion≠spirituality.

If you are running down rabbit holes looking for truth (which is what we do around here), it will lead you straight back to God in the end.

No, no it does not.

For many, it does exactly that.

Why do you think it does that? Do you think that spending time focusing on the horrible evil of the world makes people feel hopeless after a while and they just want to cling to something that gives them their hope back?

I think that's very likely in many cases.

It was not feeling hopelessness so much as synchronicity for me.

I'm not religious at all but I have faith. I see the beauty.

Oh for suuuure. I am in total agreement. I didn't mean to come off as atheist or non-spiritual. I happen to believe that organized religion can be damaging on its face, but there has to be something more out there. I just don't know what that is.

Maybe, but my theory is that it comes from being directly confronted with the very real, very blatant probability of powerful supernatural evil, and the ways such evil is propagated through the very small percentage of people with enough power to get masses to do their bidding, and to control the direction of our collective existence, down to minute details like what we put in our bodies and our minds on a daily basis.

Almost every conspiracy theory on the face of it just looks like a group of people acting shady for some selfish purposes. You dig deeper and it then that circle widens to a larger group of people acting shady, and it goes up a chain of command. You learn that things are not as they seem or are portrayed to us on TV. Then you wonder how people could be so inhuman as to do such things intentionally. Then you look into the history behind those people and what they're into and realize there's generations of this weird back story that drives them. You wonder why people could do or believe such crazy things. You realize almost everyone in power has an affiliation or direct link with such evil beliefs. You look into the beliefs themselves and then recognize their signs and symbols literally everywhere around us It's creepy as shit. You wonder if earth is actually a form of hell and if the stories of old and new have been telling us something.

Now for the God part:

But there's also good in humanity, and so much love that exists in the unlikeliest of places. You recognize the human capacity for truth, and justice, and greatness. The core of your being craves it. You know it comes from somewhere, some Creator maybe. So you look into God's word and see that much of what you've observed about the world is written there. The word resonates with you, fills that hunger for righteousness. You experience supernatural things yourself that line up with a good Force. The good force that you know will end up on the victor's side.

You realize this life is just a short trip in the matrix, and that the Real world exists in another dimension. The place where we all came from and where we're all going.

Agreed, and annoyed with the implication that mysticism is the inevitable end result of skepticism. Rationalism can also emerge from the search for truth. (Aaaaand here comes the fightin' words....) I think people who end up finding god at the bottom of that hole have less than fully functional critical thinking skills. The human brain likes to impose patterns on whatever the senses take in - doesn't mean those patterns exist anywhere outside of neurons and synapses. God, synchronicity, divine order...these are just your brain throwing patterns together to help you make sense of the input, as well as your ego finding a comfortable place to hang out. Mortality and random evil are hard pills to swallow. Not hard to imagine that "conspiracy theorists" might occasionally see patterns that don't exist.

That seems to rely on people's interpretations of what they experience, and their own interpretation of what God really is, and what the implications are.

I guess some people lose faith altogether because they connect scriptures as more dogma of the same type they see in their political environment.

Personally, I'd say man has a spiritual side, but I wouldn't call it religious.

Everybody has their own perceptions of what God is or is not, but there is an objective truth to be sought. That's what we're about, right? Seeking that ultimate Truth.

Religion is a word that cages faith


Which is why I (as opposed to before) don't find religion ridiculous any longer, because I think these religions are touching the truth to certain degrees. They'll (religious followers of any demographic) acknowledge themes that are echoed through various ones, such as the trinity which is worded differently throughout texts, and that there is a spirituality to mankind.

I'd say the problem begins when people adopt a vengeful god and live their lives under the impression that they must be good and pure in order for a fatherly figure to not punish them. So therefore they're required to adopt certain ways.

It's like a child with an abusive step father that he wants to appease, and spends alot of time trying to earn acknowledge, but thinking they're not always worthy of it, and lesser beings.

Not attributing this to you or the majority of followers of any religion, but conveying that there's a downside when you take an inherently zealous person looking for a cause or purpose, and he is introduced to an idea that he is constantly being judged. Maybe in a sense we are, but I think we're being observed mostly.

If many are convinced, because their particular belief lead to some epiphany or spiritual experience, then they're all potential roads to attaining some type of enlightenment and truth, sure, if you ask me.

The God i follow doesn't expect purity from us because He acknowledges we belong to a corrupted race of beings. That is the issue He has provided a solution for because, and only because He loves us.

We choose to hurt one another, kill one another, lie to one another, cheat one another - as a race humanity really doesn't deserve what God's offered unconditionally. That is not a vengeful deity at all.

Truth is always subject to enemy propaganda. Earthly things are a shadow of spiritual truths.


Thank you!

You seem like a very nice dude. Best of luck to you.


Don't get caught up in the antithesis phase of the Hegelian Dialectic. You've abandoned one position and swung all the way to to the other side, but don't through the baby out with the bath water. Just like there is no evidence for a Christian god, there is also no evidence that no god exists. Agnosticism is the true path. Always keep a skeptical but open mind, and not just with religion and spirituality.

That was brilliantly put.

Snopes is no different to any other online company. They are profit driven and are not arbiters of truth. Here's an interesting insight into snopes courtesy of court documents.

If its mainstream, popular or trendy its most likely propaganda.

Nothing's spontaneous, rich psychopaths run everything (everything) from behind the scenes and the end is nigh

While I'm not one of the old timers of this sub, I have been a lurker for a couple of years. You're definitely jumping in at a weird time (post-election), so if anything turns you off, don't write it off for good. There are some really great breakdowns of theories, ideas and discussions that are really thought provoking.

That said, take anything "political" here with a grain of salt, it seems there are quite a few new members with agendas on both sides. There's a ton of great information about other things, though, so don't let that turn you away.

Pizza gate is a hole you may want to jump down, if only because it's the perfect conspiracy theory: pedophilia, witches, creepy art, pizza, hot dogs, symbolism, code words and secret messages. If Dan Brown doesn't run with it, he's a fool. This sub seems pretty divided on it, however. If, like me, you don't buy it, or question any other theories, be prepared to be called a shill. But don't take it personal, it's just this subs way of giving you a fist bump and saying "agree to disagree".

"Well said! Snopes is..." *Propaganda.


While I agree, the beauty of "fake news" lies in its simplicity. Believe it or not, many people exist who believe that the news is complete truth. To whom propaganda was something the communists and nazis used a long time ago, at least from what they remember from history class...

Putting the term on their radar introduces the concept that propaganda exists RIGHT NOW. It is simplified to the point where children don't need the term explained to them.

To paraphrase the brilliant KRS-one:

Any chance you get to make a new word for something, take it. Then you own it.

So fuck pedophile-protecting-ass Chuck Todd, "fake news" isn't what he wants it to mean. It's ours now. And it means fake fucking news.


I like your more optimistic look in regards to the term.

However I can't feel like we are all just being dragged down to the level that these swamp monsters want to play the game on.

They are restructuring language in a way that is allowing them to slip through the cracks even though their incompetence is on display for all too see.

Greasy fucks, the lot of them.

I'd rather keep the ball in my court I guess if that makes sense.

I suppose their is probably a wonderful middle ground here somewhere.

You quote KRS-One and later go on to say fuck Chuck Todd, a pedophile. Coincidentally, KRS-One defended pedophile Afrika Bambaataa over his pedophilia. Just a funny coincidence :)


is an invented term.

To me I just see it causing a wave of confusion and light hearted jokes over matters that should be taken a bit more seriously.

It's one thing for the people to rabble but action is where things get accomplished.

We need to peaceably find a way to start holding people accountable on all sides.

"Bullshit" works too.

Indeed good sir!

Can you give me an example of a story like this that exposed their lying?

Try typing something such as "9/11 building 7 controlled demolition". A fair answer would be "unproven", but watch how quick they are to name it patently false.

Do you know of any verifiable false claims that they made? I've been looking..

I agree that this is bullshit but I'm looking for stuff that is verifiable bullshit.

If they call something as pivotal as that patently false, I think their bias is pretty clear.

he is looking for stuff that is verifiable bullshit, not just bias

Supporting the official report on 9/11 is verifiable bullshit, or have Newtonian physics been replaced on Earth by some different natural laws?

fckin gotem dude. roasted

They said naked photos of Obama's mom weren't her. Then when a doco came out proving them wrong, they deleted their "debunking" and also removed it from the way back machine.

  1. wat/??

  2. how tf do you remove stuff from wbm?

Thanks Z, I just saw that you replied to this. I had absolutely no idea about that. Wow.

I don't think you will find examples of them objectively lying, saying the number was "X" when you can research to find out its actually "Y" instead. At least I haven't seen anything like that.

But what you will find, in great numbers, are opinion pieces (the opinion of one Snopes writer, presumably) being used as the measuring stick of objective 'truth'. For example, the article linked below. I found the contents of Bill Ivey's email to be reality changing. I take the honest interpretation of that email very seriously. Snopes 'debunked' it by reaching back out to Bill and asking him to clarify. "Hey we have this email that you sent a while ago. It makes you and your friends look really bad. Take all the time you need to clarify appropriately. Thanks, Snopes". It is very clear to me that Snopes as 'fact checker' is just another malleable media tool, not a pure arbiter of truth.

I completely agree, thanks for the explanation

This is an example of them explicitly using a fallacious argument:

I did a write-up on it somewhere around here, but basically they try to disprove the documented fact* that the Amish, who have low vaccination rates, have very low rates of autism.

They do this by saying that since most Amish have has at least one vaccination that means their low autism cannot be attributed to low vaccination.

The fallacy is that at least one vaccination includes people who have had just one vaccination. Just one vaccination per person is far, far below the typical vaccination rate in the USA.

Yes! That's the story I was thinking of, thank you

How is Gotham Shield any different from Jade Helm, in regards to a false flag happening simultaneously?

Snopes is still going?

Federal Funds help ;)

And the support of both Google and Facebook.

When did Snopes turn from an urban legend site to what it is now?

$$$$$$$$ = Propaganda Machine

A rich Hilary supporter bought it.

it was always leftist propaganda.

When did Snopes

its always been a propaganda outlet.

No it hasn't

hijacking comment to link to my thread about Project Gotham and all the recent happenings:

You have a point. And you know whose salad they're tossing so that should give you an idea of who's behind it.

While I believe Snopes is a joke of a website, it still doesn't mean that this operation is anything other than a standard military drill. I've seen threada speculating about military preparedness drills on this subreddit multiple times; these drills have always been blown way out of proportion.

I sincerely wish that conspiracy redditors would stop treating every single event/thing as some legitimate conspiracy. It's counterproductive to the subreddit and diverts attention from the real conspiracies that are more than just speculation.

This subreddit is beginning to look a lot like Godlikeproductions at times. That's something I never expected five or six years ago...

Yeah, make up your own mind about Snopes content, just like everything else - but it being on Snopes doesn't make the opposite true.

Of course it doesn't. Theres a 99.9999999% chance that next week comes and goes without incident. I was just pointing out the fact that its sort of odd for Snopes to jump on something this quickly and stomp it out. That's all.

Eh, I'm not surprised by their rapid turnaround, it's their whole concept. Debunking a story after it's run out of gas is missing the point. In the end it's just one more source of potential information and another opinion. It isn't suspicious that someone wants their opinion heard while it is still relevant. There could be other reasons to be suspicious, though I agree that this is just more Jade Helm 13 fear-mongering, but this is basically like being suspicious because they didn't keep their mouths shut.

That's not what you said in the OP. It's not odd at all that snopes would address something if there's a public interest, you can even go to the forums and find the people making the requests.

So many strange events have coincided with 'drills' happening the same day in the same area. If anything funky goes down next week, hopefully a lot of people will be able to see through the lies.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.

Why is this suspicious? Why are disaster drills suspicious? You think it's strange for people responsible for public safety to run simulations? How the hell else are they supposed to test their response plans?

You guys. You're so worried about the wrong stuff. Its like youre smart enough to know youre getting fucked, but not smart enough to figure out by who, or why. Keep it coming. The comic relief you guys provide is well worth it.


Holy shit we even made it on Hannity.


Hahaha fucking fox

Take something you really know about, and fact check snopes or any of these sites, wikipedia etc. You'll quickly see what's going on.

Right you are

I don't know guys, I really trust the whores at Snopes to know what's what.

I do too tbh. I just posted this to see what you guys would say

I'm sure if there really were something fishy going on with the Government, the whores at Snopes would know and tell us. After all, they're professionals in the oldest profession there is. Now that's respectability!

For sure dude. I'm only on this sub to troll until someone at CNN or New York Times sees one of the multiple resumés I've sent and calls to schedule an interview.

This guy gets it.

This is just another Jade helm or whatever that rambling was lol

No, no it does not.

It was not feeling hopelessness so much as synchronicity for me.

I'm not religious at all but I have faith. I see the beauty.

Maybe, but my theory is that it comes from being directly confronted with the very real, very blatant probability of powerful supernatural evil, and the ways such evil is propagated through the very small percentage of people with enough power to get masses to do their bidding, and to control the direction of our collective existence, down to minute details like what we put in our bodies and our minds on a daily basis.

Almost every conspiracy theory on the face of it just looks like a group of people acting shady for some selfish purposes. You dig deeper and it then that circle widens to a larger group of people acting shady, and it goes up a chain of command. You learn that things are not as they seem or are portrayed to us on TV. Then you wonder how people could be so inhuman as to do such things intentionally. Then you look into the history behind those people and what they're into and realize there's generations of this weird back story that drives them. You wonder why people could do or believe such crazy things. You realize almost everyone in power has an affiliation or direct link with such evil beliefs. You look into the beliefs themselves and then recognize their signs and symbols literally everywhere around us It's creepy as shit. You wonder if earth is actually a form of hell and if the stories of old and new have been telling us something.

Now for the God part:

But there's also good in humanity, and so much love that exists in the unlikeliest of places. You recognize the human capacity for truth, and justice, and greatness. The core of your being craves it. You know it comes from somewhere, some Creator maybe. So you look into God's word and see that much of what you've observed about the world is written there. The word resonates with you, fills that hunger for righteousness. You experience supernatural things yourself that line up with a good Force. The good force that you know will end up on the victor's side.

You realize this life is just a short trip in the matrix, and that the Real world exists in another dimension. The place where we all came from and where we're all going.

$$$$$$$$ = Propaganda Machine

A rich Hilary supporter bought it.

Of course it doesn't. Theres a 99.9999999% chance that next week comes and goes without incident. I was just pointing out the fact that its sort of odd for Snopes to jump on something this quickly and stomp it out. That's all.

When did Snopes

its always been a propaganda outlet.

hijacking comment to link to my thread about Project Gotham and all the recent happenings:

That seems to rely on people's interpretations of what they experience, and their own interpretation of what God really is, and what the implications are.

I guess some people lose faith altogether because they connect scriptures as more dogma of the same type they see in their political environment.

Personally, I'd say man has a spiritual side, but I wouldn't call it religious.