This is what I believe is about to happen. Everybody need to be ready

111  2017-04-22 by [deleted]



Trump is nowhere near that smart

FBI ANON: If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we betray the country. I am not disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are on the inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on.

I don't think Trump thought of the plan in entirety but, I definitely think he's smart enough to do the right thing when presented the options.

We'll see

To Trump the right thing is completely different than what it is to you and I. The guy is a billionaire.

I mean, he's made a life long career of ripping people off...

question then is; Can you be pro-Money/Pro-Capitalist system and also for the people/Constitutionalist?

Idk, I think in a sense we all are because we are forced to live in a such a system.

Whats wrong with a free market and gold money? Too many people conflate capitalism with our current cronyism. Gold is chains for a printer-loving politician. Middle-class can't exist in a debt-based system. Free markets and gold money IS freedom. Greenspan had it right when he wrote Gold and Economic Freedom back in the 60s

Global capitalism is ultimately unsustainable

Personally I think w need to go to gold back currency and anyone who makes over X amount of money should be paying back into helping others, along with a maximum wage.

Also limit the amount of kids people can have. The debt slave system is built on more and more people having kids so they become cogs in a debt slavery system

So says the media. I turned that shit off after the "swiftboat veterans against Kerry" was shoved down our throats 24/7.


lol, you guys will believe absolutely anything as long as it fits your narrative.

As far as I can tell, the first one was the most likely to be legit and the rest were larps.

What do you mean "you guys"?

Fbi anon is a larp

Yea. If i had a dime for every time an "FBI/CIA ANON" posted bullshit I'd be fucking rich.

We're trusting FBI ANONs still?

Yeah, people keep saying that.. yet he's the one who is President. In actuality, not one of us knows how intelligent Trump really is, or isn't.

Open your eye's, look at his cabinet and actions so far. It's always the same.

Open your mind instead. What you see is not always what's truth. We will possibly never know the truth. We are merely observers and come to our own conclusions. But rest assured they're not facts. Anything is possible and we need to be open to anything and expect the unexpected.

I completely agree with everything you're saying here. I don't really understand what I said that is contrary to that.

I respect your skepticism's, as I too am not happy with some of the choices been done so fa by him, but at the same time, are we so sure he's 100% in charge? It's his cabinet right? Maybe its not... Maybe there's alot of tension on the inside and there's a battle raging. Its possible Trump is on the evil side of things, its possible Trump is playing an act or 5D chess as some would call it. Its possible he's on another level we don't understand, and we just see him as some fat egotistical moron. But nothing is probable, and only time will tell and determine what's the more likely scenario.

Totally! Why couldn't he put regular people into his cabinet? It's full of successful CEO's and shit. No normal people like baristas, BLM organizers, Wombyn's Equality protesters, Open border globalist's, fluid-gender study professors and the such. It's almost like he's filling those positions with people with experience and not to meet equal opportunity quota's that make people feel good.

Its full of "successful CEO's and stuff" who have years and years of experience fucking over the American people and are by far the richest cabinet ever.

instead of a Goldman Sachs banker

Were you complaining so loudly when Obama filled his cabinet handpicked by Goldman Sachs?

I was 11 when Obama picked his cabinet, but I don't support him, just like I don't support any presidents for at least 50 years. I'm more libertarian/conservative personally.

Fair enough. Thanks for your honest reply. I've identified as Libertarian/Democrat for most of my life. Hillary and the DNC ruined that for me forever. While I am not overjoyed with President Trump's full cabinet I'm still of the mindset that he is honestly looking out for the future of America. He's still got my support. If he does Assange wrong I'm jumping off the "Trump Train".

His alliance with Israel sells us all out. Trump was never legit.

Look how he ran his campaign, changing the face of politics to manipulate the media into funding his campaign and tell me the guy is not smart.

Yes actually. He is.

That's not from Hillary's personal server. It's a completely different leak that has nothing to do with Hillary.

She wouldn't even know how to save something. If she somehow manged to accidentally save something, she wouldn't know how to open it. The woman can barely even use a computer.

Yes, this was the SECRET //ORCON / NOFORN files she had that the Inspector General had to get read into because even HE wasn't need to know the subject matter. Which of course are these cyber weapons and their capabilities and Targets

Which of course are these cyber weapons

Where are you getting this 'of course' from? 99.99% of classified material is not cyber weapons. Are you talking speculatively, as in, what if? Or are you trying to assert this as fact?

S//NF doesn't require anything special clearance wise.

Yes it does. You still have to have a need to know even if your already possess the security clearance

That's not true. In the TS realm need to know is taken seriously, but with SECRET unless it holds a caveat (rare) the need to know is blanketed up to NF.

There are documents marked TS as well in this leak

Source #1

Source #2

Yeah that's a serious problem if I've ever seen one.

Holy shit dude you may be on to something, that was fucking insane, I was not aware of that, it deserves its own post.

Great video. This perfectly shows the true power and lack of control on the "agency". Thanks for this man.

Thanks for the write up and analysis. Could very well be what's going on. I'd love to see it all play out, but I've become a bit of a cynic these days. Many people don't understand that the world that hear power moguls operate in is completely different than the reality they manufacture for is. Too many people believe too much of what they see. More folks need to start thinking critically and reading between the lines.

Again, thank you it at least gives me a bit of hope. Keep it up.

Yeah but you know what they say about hope.

....everybody's got a hopeful asshole...?

Pretty sure that guy crawled through miles of shit and came out clean on the other side. I'm down. I mean hell, we're already in the shit.

Nah, we're touching comfort. People in Venezuela are just getting in to the shit now.

Giddaammittohell. Morgan's right.

Fuck hope.

Yeah I voted for hope and also change but got shortchanged.

Hope is the thing with feathers (and we all know the story of Icarus, don't we).

Rebellions are built on hope.

Is this a Star Wars quote? I know I've heard it somewhere and I've never seen the movies...

Yeah its from TFA

You mean Rogue One

I do mean Rogue One, my bad

Yeah, Its my drug of choice.

Trump HAS to give Assange a reason/excuse to use the dead man switch in a legitimate way, therefore revealing the previously sent out insurance files with all the unreacted names and targets. Otherwise Assange looks like the bad guy that cause the mess it will cause when this all happens.

This is all theatre That's why both CIA and Wikileaks were so loud about their intentions. They're setting it up perfectly considering the options

/head explodes

I believe you.

Alex Jones types crack me up

You always have a "good guy" that's fighting your good fight for you. Trump is not your savior, he's just another shabbos goy

Any narrative with clear-cut good guys and bad guys needs to get tossed into the bin of old Disney knock-offs at the nearest Walmart. That's about all the value it'll add to society.

I've heard a fair bit about Obama from a guy who knew Michelle (he isn't a fan of Barack, lol), and the difference between his descriptions and the cartoon villain floating around this place is pretty funny to observe.

I think there's a lot of young folks here. When you're young, everybody seems so big and important. Then you age a bit and realize how fucking clueless everyone you meet really is. I have a hard time believing enough truly competent people exist to pull off the kinds of machinations some people describe here.


Just look at sandy hook or 9/11. Their conspiracies are OBVIOUS, and poorly done. Only brainwashed wageslaves believe thst shit

If anyone was doing this "4d chess" bullshit, then a big event like 9/11 would be air-tight for decades... instead it was proven fake within a year

Trump is not your savior, he's just another shabbos goy

No one in this particular scenario is Jewish.

Trump is connected to jews, he even married his daughter to one of them

Trump is in real estate. In New York.

Of course there Jews around. He's not a Muslim, it wasn't an arranged marriage.

Trump is more concerned with rounding up and deporting the serious illegal criminals in the US. That's a pretty good goal to have.

What's your excuse for him doing a complete 180 on his promise...?

He hasn't. He's trying to root out the illegal criminals.

"They're rapists. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”They're not sending you, they're not sending you."

It's what he always wanted.

Rubio was focusing on the children.

Wow, you guys really have your own version of history lol

"our own version of history lol" is a verified quote, from all the major newspapers.

"They're rapists. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”They're not sending you, they're not sending you."

This actually happened.

That doesn't mean he never talked about changing the anchor baby laws, removing ALL illegals, etc

But it does mean he's only ever wanted to end illegal immigration because it was a huge source of crime.

That is not what he said lol

"They're rapists. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”They're not sending you, they're not sending you."

That's absolutely what he said.

I'm done talking to you, you're delusional

That's a direct quote.

He is acting like that's the only thing Trump ever said about illegal aliens LOL

It is, more or less.

Because other quotes from Trump on illegal aliens is also very "pro-law and order".

Look at all those arrests being made...

Children or not, their actions were illegal, thus they are criminals.

No, you misunderstand. Rubio was focused on children of illegals (and thus illegal themselves) staying in the country because they had no choice in the matter. Rubio wasn't calling the children (or any of them) criminals.

I'm responding to this:

He's trying to root out the illegal criminals.

They're all "illegal criminals" the second they illegally cross the border, regardless of age.

He means rapists, druggies, etc.

You either restore the rule of law, or you don't. There's no in-between.

great, this is Trump restoring the rule of law.

He's allowing people that illegally immigrated to stay.

For now. First, he'll deal with the criminals.

This is going in circles. They are all criminals. Rule of law will not be restored until they are gone. It's sad that youth got caught up in this mess, but it's not our fault and they are not our problem. What next, their parents can stay?

That's a Rubio talking point, not a Trump talking point.

Rubio wants to protect the families, Trump wants to root out the criminals.


This also means that Assange will become like William Colby - he'll give up the one thing keeping him alive.

For those unaware, Colby was a previous CIA director who was too candid in his replies to congress. He was later (allegedly) murdered long after he'd retired.

maybe, maybe not! Assange is working in a differrent 'world' and has the instantnet to spread the news, unlike Colby, who was one of the very first very high level spooks to speak of the things the CIA had done at the behest of their masters ..

But with this event, things could happen so quickly that the info Assange releases 'takes out' all the people who would want to kill him in the first place!

y'know, this just could work and it's a crazy idea!

Thanks for bringing it to our attention OP

Keep in mind also that 6 weeks ago on March 9th 2017, "Julian Assange of Wikileaks and Nigel Farage, the champion of Brexit and a well-known emissary of President Trump."

This meeting took place just days after the Vault 7 leaks started

In an arrival the author says "Leaks like this will give the President increasing authority to reign in the rogue elements of the Deep State and subject it to the will of the American People. "

But this shadow war will have many twists and turns and the outcome is far from certain. In this endeavour Assange is a vital ally. It is therefore good to see that efforts between Trump and the Australian super hacker are being wisely coordinated. "

I heard crooked Hillary is right now on a plane headed to Bahrain, trying to escape from Jeff Sessions. But Trump is going after her in his private jet, and he intends to personanally lock her up. When he's done with her, he'll proceed to rid the world of all Evil, and we can all enjoy unicorns and rainbows while we shout MAGA and praise the God Emperor and his Goldman Sachs "anti establishment" deep state cabinet.

Lol Trump and Hillary are friends.


You forgot the part where he nukes Israel and Saudi Arabia after shooting down Hillary and then resurrects Hitler's hidden corpse and ushers in the 4th Reich. We're all given a billion dollars of the new non federal reserve Trump notes and our proud Aryan children all weep with joy at the mere thought of papa Trump. Then after Trump's personal fighter jet touches back down on American soil every single natural born citizen in the country stands and applauds our God Emperor. The world has never seen a more just and perfect leader. Bald eagles swoop down from the sky and lay a wreath upon Trump's head and alas, we are all finally so tired of winning we die while clutching a framed portrait of the greatest man who ever lived Donald Trump, the guy from that reality show who also had a cameo in Home Alone 2.

Why would a grandmother who is barely computer literate be storing CIA malware on her private email server?

Some combination of greed and hubris probably

My point is that it usually takes some skill and knowledge to use software exploits. A person with very little computer skill such as Hillary wouldn't be able to use a CIA level piece of software. Such software is designed for experienced users.

she wasn't usning them ,, she was selling them to variou people

Again, any proof of that beyond wild speculation?

I know this sounds crazy but any good theory has to have at least one actual fact somewhere in there that makes it plausible.

You can't just make everything up. That's called writing fiction.

there's heaps of 'facts' in this story

even the characters are real!

Because Hillary is somehow the evil mastermind, and a complete buffoon at the same time

Let's face it - the geriatric harlot that said "pokemon go to the polls" isn't storing any CIA "cyber weapons". She's a horrible person connected to over 90 murders, but she's not a fucking CIA hacker

When I say Hillary I mean the team of people who work under her.

From Wikileaks

As an example, specific CIA malware revealed in "Year Zero" is able to penetrate, infest and control both the Android phone and iPhone software that runs or has run presidential Twitter accounts.The CIA attacks this software by using undisclosed security vulnerabilities ("zero days") possessed by the CIA but if the CIA can hack these phones then so can everyone else who has obtained or discovered the vulnerability. As long as the CIA keeps these vulnerabilities concealed from Apple and Google (who make the phones) they will not be fixed, and the phones will remain hackable.

"The same vulnerabilities exist for the population at large, including the U.S. Cabinet, Congress, top CEOs, system administrators, security officers and engineers. "

Having these tools would give the Clinton mafia power and that's exactly why I believe they stole them.

Isn't most malware kinda tiny? You don't need a whole server to store such a thing. A common USB flash drive would be a better choice. That way you can place it in a secure location and keep it away from the Internet and potentially having it stolen by a hacker.

But to communicate with the people they extort, they would have needed the personal server to circumvent FOIA.

Why not just use Gmail?

Didn't stop her from smuggling CIA weapons in Benghazi.

The nation is being ruled by the Tea Party network billionaires.

They aren't Democratic or democratic.

I hope you're right.

He's not

Hope is a wonderful thing... Until it becomes delusion.

So, in essence, this is just another one of those delusional "Trump is playing 5D chess." displays of mental gymnastics that has absolutely no basis in reality.

Then again, it is common knowledge that centipedes have very primitive brains. Thanks for displaying such compelling evidence for those of us here in the Critical Thinking class. I found your display to be most convincing.

Umm have you not heard of the CIA using mind control drugs on Trump? They're going to weaponize mosquitos with a HIV and Zika virus blend and then release it on Christians in North America and Europe. Once they've infected a substantial percentage of the population, they're going to use the same mind control drugs they used on Trump on the CDC. The CDC will convince the government that Christians are a threat to humanity, and the government will grant them a second tier citizenship that forces them to use separate facilities. Once the Christians become a minority, America can be taken over by the deep state created by Obama and Soros. This has already started and the is currently in phase 2 based on some leaks I've read online. Bernie is also going to insert microchips in Ivanka and Jared so that he can force them to support abortion and climate change. Luckily for us, Putin has hired a team of secret bodyguards to protect his assets.

Lol. This reads much like OPS post.

Seems to be a right winger's wet dream post.

I thought Assange was gonna turn himself in. I mean it's fair that Chelsea Manning isn't out for a little while.

The rest of this banks on CIA being the devil. Could be true, they've done a lot of fucked up shit.

FBI Anonas a LARPer repeating all the theories that were already accepted by the internet in one. He wasn't real. This is confirmation bias

I love the fear mongering here "2nd rome"

Bro I like the write up but the fear mongering has to stop. How many times do we have to hear "OMG WORLD WILL END"


I didn't write that. That was a quote from the FBI anon thread of last year.

Good post. Interesting to see other theories on this. This is definitely possible and I hope its the case. I've been questioning Trumps 180 turns on positions lately and I'm ignoring that there is still a silent war going on behind the scenes and its highly possible Trump is on the good side of things and playing everything really carefully. Here on this sub we just view and come to.our own conclusions. Like what we see is what we get, but are not being open minded enough to what's possibly going on behind the curtain. Who knows, but good post.

Trumps on the good side of things? Just like every politician (Dem or Republican) his decisions are based on personal gain or because TPTB said so.

Reading comprehension strong. Read the comment again, then after read once more.

This makes a lot of sense. Everything that's happened since the Syria (false-flag) retaliation gives a surface indication he's playing the Cabal's game, but he's only changed strategies. It's trickery. Most people assume that Trump has no idea what he's doing, but you don't become one of the top businessmen in history by being an idiot.

I think N Korea is mostly theater, as they are one of many Cabal proxy states against the ropes lately. We do need to be allied with China and Russia to clean up the mess once and for all.

>one of the top businessmen in history

LOL what?

I love me a good fanfic

This theory is ridiculous based on the first two words. Hillary Clinton does not hold any elected government position. She has no power. She is an irrelevant loser. How much longer will the Trump cultists on this sub continue to frame her as the ominous Boogeyman behind the scenes when she is a complete non-factor? Why is it so difficult to accept that the President is not the faultless savior that you expected him to be?

Trump cultists


He's not wrong. Shit like this makes the sub look bad.

What? Your comment is getting brigaded. I love it.

Fuck, I voted for Trump, and I flipped on him as soon as he sent 1,000 troops to Syria, way before the air base attack, when everyone was calling me a faggot and a shill for it

It's not that hard to admit you were wrong about something. I got caught up in the narrative and the theatre of it all - lost my way, voted for him. Doesn't mean I have to support the fucker for the rest of my life

No. Nobody believes Trump can even play 2D chess anymore. .

He just shows up to the chess match, kicks a ball in your face and says Sorry folks, ww agreed it was gonna be a soccer match.

More or less what the X22 Report had been saying

Trumpets are delusional lmao

bunch of nonsense. Trump is a shill in a long line of shills. You think they would just roll over and give up POTUS to an outsider? regardless of which suit is in the white house the agenda doesn't change.

Americans just can't be helped


You guys are delusional. Just admit he fooled you already lol.


Nobody is talking about how Obama fooled anyone, even if he did. Stop deflecting

That's sort of the problem...

Stop deflecting

Not deflecting, just making the comparison (which already stands, as every anti-Trump article is comparing him to Obama anyways).

Assange is already captured.

Probably safe to ignore OP. Yesterday he posted something about how President Obama was not the same person who was the son of Stanley Ann Dunham.

That's a crackpot theory, as the personal resemblance between Barack Obama (the President) and Stanley Ann Dunham is very strong. He is obviously her child.

The mental gymnastics yall cultists go through to justify dear leader would be hilarious if it wasnt so terrifying.

There is no power play by Trump to "drain the swamp".

So I looked though every link on the vault 7 Directory and on one of them titled, **Helpful Tools" it reads ('children' missing) see here

I wonder if that's a message or I'm just reading too much between the lines


Anyone care to speculate?

My good friend, wikileaks is rothschild funded. Clinton as well. Trump also thru kushner. All sides are one at the top level of financial elite plotting ww3, dont fucking kid yourself. Breitbart was conceived of in israel and thus allowed to flourish. Alt right, Soros left. It's a rich man's club and you ain't in it. They sacrifice people like you.

That's most likely referring to the parent/child hierarchical schema of the database, not children in the typical sense. Other pages have it:

I wanted to think that as well but off you look into the other pages of the leak they don't use the word "children" like they did here idk

I'm convinced Trump could murder a toddler and his dickriders would weave the narrative that he saved us from the anti-christ

They would say it was Hillar Clinton in a Trump disguise

Is this what Stockholme Syndrome is like?

This is Stockholm Syndrome + American exceptionalism

I must say, that is pretty thorough thinking right there.

I'm trying to understand what world you live in where a person can honestly believe that Trump isn't corrupt, let alone take a chronic shitposter on 4chan of all places seriously.

If you're still in the left/right dynamic you're being played for a fool.


Welcome to America...

A man by the name of Bill P.Was left un-redacted could be a clue for us. Every other user is Anonymized with a #


Lol you fucking people still think Trump and Hillary are playing for different teams

The election was theatre - nothing more

Fun read. And while I love that Assange gets his pardon in your fantasy, unless it's done under the premise that he's dead and lives out his life in total exile, neither side is going to allow it.

That is the most uplifting conspiracy theory in a long while. Thank you, even just for the read.

Wonderful story. If it doesn't happen. Make a screenplay and sell it.

More FBIAnon LARPing? He's already discredited.

There's one thing that won't happen for sure and that's the US taking out fat boy Kim. China would never let the US have bases along their border.

This is almost exactly what I was thinking would go on, except in my version the DMS doesn't get triggered, but rather they get assange, he turns state's witness and they go about these actions from within the DOJ... but now that you mention it a general DMS trigger would work, and the compromised deepstaters could be taken out extrajudicially by other actors (or patriots posing as other actors) that have a beef. nice post.

My money is on the vault 7 leaks being the globalist arm of the IC preparing to move on to private-sector independence, and they're just salting the earth behind them on their way out.

my brain is a bit fuzzy :( what are option A and option B?

I thought Assange was dead.

Wow, that's quite the imagination you have. Let me know when you can prove any of this.

That's an interesting theory but why would Pompeo be falling for this trick? He knows about the DMS, right?

Because maybe it's planned and he's prepared to take the fall? He will be the face of the "evil CIA" who goes after journalist therefore giving Assange the ability to save face when the DMS gets activated.

So you're saying Pompeo is covertly fighting the Deep State?

It's possible Trump placed him there to overtly vocalist CIAs intentions in order to draw attention. Just speculating

I hope that's true because lately i've wondered if DT even is allowed to choose his own breakfast. He's acting weird and it gives me a sinking feeling.

As opposed to the bastion of sanity he was previously?

Whether or not you considered him sane before, he was different. I personally didn't hear anything i'd call insane before he said Assad carried out a chemical attack.

No offense, but you sound like exactly the type of person that somehow gets duped "for the last time" every four years or so :)

I'm so not that, though. There's never been a time before 2016 that i would have had any expectation of a president doing anything different than their predecessors. I couldn't even have anticipated doing so. I've only been persuaded to be open minded this time because i've seen a number of things happen in the last 6 months i would have said "never ever" about a year ago.

Yeah I hear you brother

I have been left of the left for almost all my life (and here in sweden being left of the left ACTUALLY means something)

But even I was buying the trump stuff for a while, thinking he was finally going to be some kind of trojan horse.

With or without him i think the world is on the verge of something very interesting. So.. all hail the underdogs. May the people of the world win.

lol @ OP thinking Trump will drain the swamp. He has already filled it back up and continues to overflow it.

Weiner laptop is part of this as well? What if Weinertop has RUS connections as well or is part of the investigation?

Could a JA case be shown to have connections and delay Russiagate? Or completely conceal it by the nature of classification?

Can't leave this out as well

it half explains why Trump still hasn't chosen about 85% of his staff ... yet

It's always significant to remember that the Clinton Foundation was originally NOT the Clintons' idea. It was a concept developed by their friend (convicted pedophile) Jeffrey Epstein. See here:

It was Epstein who had the idea, and Epstein who used his own lawyers to draw up the papers.

So this gets to a point the Original Poster made: How the Clintons managed to acquire so much leverage over world leaders.

The reality is: Most of them were invited to Epstein's Pedophile Island and filmed having sex with underaged girls and boys.

THAT'S how they acquired control over them.

When you peel back the layers of the onion, the Clintons don't even appear to have been running the Clinton Foundation. They were frontmen for Epstein. Epstein used the Clintons for their name and their rolodex.

The Clintons gave him (and his shadowy associates) entré to all the major parliaments and palaces of the world.

To believe persistent rumors that are coming out from law enforcement people, the Clintons themselves are blackmailed by the very organization that Epstein founded.

This is ridiculous. Let's stop with the "46D underwater Korean StarCraft" LARP.

He's just another neocon Zionist at this point. Give it up.

I can tell by the comments and the voting dynamics on this post that it cut deep. There is truth here.

this post was submitted on 22 Apr 2017 107 points (63% upvoted) 411 votes

Considering this is r/conspiracy and this thread is getting this much downvotes.

Is this an acid trip in writing?

A large number of these tools are available on the dark web and have been for a long time. A while back someone on Reddit tried to bait me into providing a link to them so watch your ass. I may be mistaken but I'm pretty sure an "anonymous" type hacker group released a zip file with most of the tools a few weeks ago. I was on vacation at the time so didn't download it. I'm not sure what all it contained.



Assange/Wikileaks has already been compromised by the CIA. This reads like disinfo. Even if it isn't, it should still be taken with a grain of salt.

Keep in mind also that 6 weeks ago on March 9th 2017, "Julian Assange of Wikileaks and Nigel Farage, the champion of Brexit and a well-known emissary of President Trump."

This meeting took place just days after the Vault 7 leaks started

Update: Entire senate to report to White House for South Korea Briefing

Why this sub was deleted? I read it in google cash. Very interesting theory.

There are documents marked TS as well in this leak

Source #1

Source #2

What? Your comment is getting brigaded. I love it.

Yeah its from TFA

I'm responding to this:

He's trying to root out the illegal criminals.

They're all "illegal criminals" the second they illegally cross the border, regardless of age.

I was 11 when Obama picked his cabinet, but I don't support him, just like I don't support any presidents for at least 50 years. I'm more libertarian/conservative personally.

With or without him i think the world is on the verge of something very interesting. So.. all hail the underdogs. May the people of the world win.