Here is a doozy.
5 2017-04-23 by come_on_sense_man
So what if Brexit,Trump, and LePen are all orchestrated by the bankers cabal. If France leaves EU the Euro could die too. The Russians are being demonized heavily and the Chinese are being called down on the carpet about North Korea. Could the Rothschilds be behind all this in order to start another world war and afterwards implement a world currency?
n/a ElderPhoenix86 2017-04-23
Does it matter? They want us researching their complex games. Why don't we just develop integrated communal living and not let anything leech off of us -_-
n/a Definitely-Not-CIA 2017-04-23
Because I enjoy not having to farm my own shitty food.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
Then barter for it.
n/a lily_levasseur 2017-04-23
When the monetary system we have now collapses, guess what we'll have? Trade. (That's still capitalism, y'all.)
Learn to produce something meaningful. That's basic human 101 anyway.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
Right! Then what we have will actually have value. The dollar is pretty much worthless because it has not value. They print as many dollars as they want, and it keeps losing value. Pretty soon the minimum wage will be $30 per hour.
n/a lily_levasseur 2017-04-23
Lol maybe, but the price of bread & gas will keep pace, so it won't matter.
n/a Putin_loves_cats 2017-04-23
Correct. It's all a wash, which the uneducated/ignorant do not understand.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
Damn! We will never be able to get ahead.
n/a lily_levasseur 2017-04-23
You are ahead if you're growing something or making something of value.
There are two defining traits of being a decent human:
1) having something to offer spiritually,
2) having something to offer materially.
The rest is just the rat race, friend.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
Yes, it is the experiences in life that make it worth living, and those experiences include other people most of the time.
I had a high paying job at a law firm, but I left it several years ago and could not be happier. The money is meaningless if you do not have your health.
n/a islandofdelight 2017-04-23
I like some solution-based thinking.
n/a LightBringerFlex 2017-04-23
Anything is possible. The system is broken though and needs to be replaced. Rothschild and his goons need to be in jail and we need to put them there.
n/a come_on_sense_man 2017-04-23
Jail wouldn't work with the Rothschild's without a nearly worldwide revolution.
n/a rolexpreneur 2017-04-23
Yes, they even said a new world currency "the phoenix" would happen in 2018
n/a Tinkeringhalo10 2017-04-23
Any links to this?
n/a mcmacsonstein 2017-04-23
It's possible, maybe even likely that this is happening. Let's see if a "terrorist attack" boosts Le Pen even more before the next round of voting.
n/a come_on_sense_man 2017-04-23
2018 seems a bit fast but I would not rule it out.
n/a deagalprojection 2017-04-23
from 'Labour Leader', 1891
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
It would be a huge step backwards for the Globalists if the EU fell, right?
n/a krazeesheet 2017-04-23
no. is a step forward.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
How do you figure that? The Globalists wanted the EU in place. That way they can control the member countries by controlling the EU.
It is the same reason they want one single currency for the US, Mexico, and Canada. By controlling that one currency, the can control three different countries. They way it stands now, they need to control three currencies.
Does this make sense?
n/a krazeesheet 2017-04-23
eu was a step forward towards breaking economies like greece/spain/iceland(failed) by subjugation. the next step is to dismantle eu to replace with a larger structure.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
Well, OK. I was not aware of that. Do you have a source?
I thought that Brexit was a blow to the Globalists. You think not?
n/a come_on_sense_man 2017-04-23
Not if they could replace it with a global currency.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
Well, sure, but forming the EU is a step closer to having a global currency.
It is why each country needs to have a separate currency-to make it more difficult for a small group of people to acquire too much control.
n/a come_on_sense_man 2017-04-23
Or maybe have a precious mineral based system? The EU has not been as much of a success as the globalists had hoped so they want war between Russia China Iran maybe a few others against NATO. When the dust settles they introduce world government and currency.
n/a pby1000 2017-04-23
Yes, a gold standard. That way, the cannot just keep printing money to decrease the value of the money already printed.
n/a Snow445 2017-04-23
Or were just as fucked as any other given decade since the agricultural revolution. I mean hell if the punic wars did'nt make a world currency nothing will.
n/a krazeesheet 2017-04-23
no. is a step forward.
n/a come_on_sense_man 2017-04-23
Not if they could replace it with a global currency.