The entire U.S. Senate will go to the White House on Wednesday for a briefing on the situation in North Korea, senior aides say - Reuters

148  2017-04-24 by TJG01


Has this ever happened before?

Can you source some links please?

Non-Mobile link:

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Thank you good sir!

Gotta stock up on my popcorn

Remember to fill up your vehicle with gasoline too

I've always also kept a few gallons of gas on hand (if only to use in the mower), a dozen gallons of water in plastic containers ($1 each at Safeway) and a bugout bag with the ten essentials, a hand crank radio, several changes of clothes for everyone in the house, a few weapons, flashlights, tent, sleeping bag, device chargers (never know when outlets are going to be available), some MREs for a week, bivvy sacks, etc. on a shelf in the garage.

I don't consider myself a "prepper" by any means, but getting all that set up took less than $100 and about an hour or so. If $100 is too much for someone, I'd argue that a sparser bug out bag could run as cheap as you want it to using mostly stuff you already have in your house (example: say you have a first aid kit already - just split everything in it into 2 and keep 1 half in a bug out bag). In my opinion, even if you're not a conspiracy theorist, there's no real reason not to have stuff like that ready to go. I mean, ignoring all end of the world scenarios, what if your house catches fire and you need to evacuate quickly? Wouldn't you want to be able to just grab a backpack, GTFO of there, and know that no matter what comes in the next 48 hours, you'll be okay?

Sorry for the rambling.

Smart to be prepared in my opinion.

Whenever I tell someone IRL (I would be utterly surprised to find any of my friends on /r/conspiracy, just to provide context) that I've got a bug out bag in the trunk of my car, the response is always something along the lines of, "oh, preparing for when the reptilian alien secret government nukes everything and you have to go Mad Max?" Like I'm some kind of weirdo.

So I ask them why they keep a spare tire in their car. If having a BOB is tin foil, maybe, for consistency, there's no need for a spare tire either, right?

Plus my region is long past overdue for, supposedly, the biggest earthquake in the history of ever. Maybe it'll never happen in my lifetime. But why would I not take an hour of time to make sure I'm not trying to fish supplies out of my collapsed house?

My wife thought it was weird too. Then she saw I'd filled a compartment in the bag with our photo albums. That's another thing I forgot to add - memories can't be replaced, so if you got physical copies you've never converted to digital/cloud - wedding videos, etc. - get those in there, too. First thing my wife did when she saw that was, well...NSFW.


Oh good

My nerves weren't frayed enough

I bet nothing will happen


Nothing ever happens

That's a bold statement

Translation: Go to sleep, goyim, while we Jews rob you blind.

This same situation, or rather, the "drill", happened on 9/11 and sandy hook.

Most of the time nothing happens.

This one seems more likely than most. Trump is calling a special meeting - that part is objectively true. We know he's extremely militaristic. Fighting against NK, which Trump probably perceives an "easy out", might well be one of his objectives.

I'd still give 5:1 odds that nothing will happen - but probably not 10:1 odds...

I don't know man, there's just been so many "it's gonna happen" that I don't buy it anymore. There's a lot of weird shit happening, I recognize that. But yeah I'd put it at 5:1 that nothing except the weird shit is gonna happen. Maybe something else that was planned, but I doubt it'll be a big bomb.

they don't care about the literal fall out. the uber rich have been building underground palatial bunkers lately. it's all the rage.

they are winning tho. there is no need for them to flip the game into the air like a spoiled child.

But they are spoiled children. We all lose.

I think we win. Just do your best to enjoy life while ya have it.

Is there significance to this? Does this kind of thing usually happen? I'm a Brit and I don't really know anything about the Senate or how it works. Would it be similar to our PM calling in parliament or calling a Cobra meeting? (A Cobra meeting is usually when they discuss raising the terror threat level or something about national security)

It's a pretty rare occurrence

super rare, never happened in my lifetime that's for sure. I think they are going forward on an attack on the Norks, but hopefully this is just a ploy for Trump to have the entire senate in one place so he can lock them all up for corruption and then replace them, that would be fucking amazing

Do you want a dictator? Because that's how you get a dictator.

maybe, or maybe all of senate is super corrupt deepstate globalist treasonous shills that need to be jailed and replaced by We the People. It's a fine line though isn't it

I'd like it if Sanders could not be arrested he seems like a genuinely nice dude.

He and Rand are probably in the clear.

Rand "we dont investiagte republicans" Paul is in the clear?

Well, Bernie also rolled over for Hillary... if we go by a pure purity test, none are guiltless.

Forget it. 4d chess was never played

maybe, maybe not, we'll see

Is this satire?

Trump also has a flair for the dramatic so I won't assume that this is something until it actually is something.

They're not allowing any staff people. Does that mean the senators are going to be pressured into making some decision on the spot without their staff to help them?

No there just weren't enough hotdogs to go around.

They can just get some pizza, however there will be only a few slices to we need to know how to thinly slice it

I heard Chicago has the best pizza. I bet John McCain will dig some cheese pizza.

I don't care what side of the political isle you are on. How does this email not make you go


I'd assume $10,000 would be plenty for some Weiners!

Seems really odd...

Why not just address them, in the fucking senate.

Public records.

Something big is likely going to go down. This has been some really crazy past year within our government. You have Trump/Russia, N.K., CIA wikileaks, Clinton's email scandal, etc. Technology has been advancing faster than the intelligence agencies can keep up.

Is this the plot of Designated Survivor?

The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950 - 1960

American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea -- that is, essentially on North Korea --including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II.2 The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war’s end approached three million, ten percent of the overall population. The majority of those killed were in the North, which had half of the population of the South.

Prelude to war is what we are seeing. Trump needs a "Win" and North Korea is where I bet he thinks he can find it. Surprisingly the AUMF my not legally cover North Korea so I bet we get a "Iraq has WMDs" style media blitz from Trump and supporting senators after the meeting.

Surprisingly the AUMF my not legally cover North Korea

Interesting! Why is this?

How big is the bunker under the White House?

President Xi Jinping planted something distressing in the mind of President Trump regarding North Korea, but cautioned against unilateral action. One or more bits of difficult to obtain and alarming information. Either the Chinese are truly worried, or they are playing Trump into solving a complex and expensive regional problem for them. Trump is sharing this info secretly in a classified briefing by proxy, with the help of generals and cabinet secretaries who can speak much more eloquently than him. He doesn't want to be the only one considering options on what to do, because he's afraid he'll go down as that most hated and despised leader ever, if he makes the wrong decision. Eventually, the far off hope of being admired and gaining monumental praise is something he will not compromise. All this is purely speculative on my part.

He and Rand are probably in the clear.