Fluoride does not clean teeth,water, nore prevent tooth decay.

68  2017-04-25 by RaakamB

After some extensive testing I have concluded that fluoride does not clean teeth, purify water, or prevent tooth decay. I think the the combined chemicals that we intake Can make us more susceptible to psyops or tracking if needed. another thought is that it is more of a prep for something.


Even more studies...


After some extensive testing I have concluded that fluoride does not clean teeth, purify water, or prevent tooth decay.

I can verify that. If Fluoride prevented tooth decay then I would still have all my teeth.

Also, wouldn't it be cheaper to just use fluoride toothpaste. Why do we need to bathe, cook, and wash our cars with it?

Also, wouldn't it be cheaper to just use fluoride toothpaste. Why do we need to bathe, cook, and wash our cars with it?

Use Baking Soda and salt. Toothpaste is useless, and, even creates problems. Bathing in fluoride does no harm, as far as I know.

My point is why add it to the water. Makes no sense.

My point is why add it to the water. Makes no sense.

It has been said that fluoride in the water creates a docile public. Handy for the ruling class.

That's the only thing that makes sense.

Adding fluoride to the water supply was a cheap and easy way a local government could prevent dental diseases among its citizens. It was introduced as a practice when people still routinely died from tooth infections. Fluoride binds to enamel and creates a tougher compound that is harder for bacteria to wear away. Cmon guys use your noggins.

Well that is how it is packaged and sold anyways.

Fluoride actually has a rich history of conflicts of interest, corruption, and even eugenics. It is actually a toxic byproduct of aluminum production and phosphorus mining.

For instance: https://youtu.be/gAg8saQWhi

Look deeper than just what you've been told, cmon use YOUR NOGGIN.

There are different kinds of fluoride for one. For two, peer reviewed articles trump YouTube videos.

If you want fluoride go ahead and drink it then. But again if you dig a little deeper... here is meta analysis from 27 peer reviewed papers showing the dangers.


Also, here is the type of fluoride most commonly used for fluoridation.


Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper than what you are told for the truth.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexafluorosilicic_acid

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Harvard study published last year showing fluoridated drinking water is linked to major drop in IQ among developing children.

Need I say more?...

The dose makes the poison. The study acknowledges that levels of fluoride in drinking water (in the US at least) are far below levels that lead to these results. Read it.

For a significant IQ drop. The real point is this should be a choice. If you feel you need fluoride you should take it. Why force everyone to take it when it poses a risk? That goes against the idea of informed consent. Also why bathe in it? Skin absolutely allows fluoride into the blood, just read the mds, probably in much higher dose than ingestion. And we got no benefit. Almost every toothpaste has fluoride in it. So why bathe in it?

Then fuck off to a town where the water isn't fluoridated. My university's town doesn't have fluoridated water, God knows why. It's the same reasoning as vaccines. The social benefit outweighs the individual risk by magnitudes. And if you don't like situation, you are free to not partake in the public school system. Makes perfect sense.

Look up what happens during a flouride spillage. It dissolves concrete...your shower is the diluted version, but it's the same chemical...think about that for a long while.

What's your point? Chlorine is a poisonous gas, and sodium explodes when it comes in contact with water. But put them together and it's delicious on your chips. Think about that for a long while.

You're truly a fool.

what it does is produce fat slow compliant populations. ask nazi germany.

I'm curious, what exactly is your diet? Because unless you have a disease of some kind, you aren't supposed to lose your teeth at all until you are old.

Get to a doctor.

Thanks for the concern. I was born in 1961 making me 55 and counting. I have had rotten teeth all my life due partly to a pharmaceutical drug my Mother was prescribed before I was born and partly due to too much sugar (most kids have this issue) and partly due to smoking cigarettes for 40+ years (which I gave up a year ago). I am much relieved to be free of the tooth aches, root canals, fillings, abscesses, x-rays and all of the other multiple horrors that accompany the "Dentist" experience. I had the misfortune of having to have a tooth pulled at the age of five years - while I still had other "baby" teeth. So, this would be about 1966. A Dentist office in 1966 looked, to young me, like Frankenstein's laboratory. That experience traumatized me severely for the rest of my life. So much so that needles (which I am not fond of to start with) to inject local freezing don't work on me at all - much to the amazement of many Dentists. But, I don't have to worry about all that horror any more.

Wow, that doesn't sound pleasant at all.

Though, I don't imagine smoking cigarettes for 40 years did your teeth any favors. Congratulations on quitting!

And local anasthetics don't work anymore? Anasthetics aren't affected by trauma though. Maybe your dentist was just really shitty. Though what was the reason for the removal of your teeth at 5? Could it have been a disorder or maligned growth?

And local anasthetics don't work anymore?

They never have. One Dentist had to use 9 needles before my jaw froze and I could still feel the pain.

Anasthetics aren't affected by trauma though.

Not on most people, no. But I'm not "most" people.

Maybe your dentist was just really shitty.

Some where, yes. I have also had some very good Dentists. I have seen countless Dentists of all types of quality.

Though what was the reason for the removal of your teeth at 5?

To be honest, I don't remember the reason. What I do remember was walking into a horror show, and leaving scared to death and in (to me at the time) much pain. You have to remember that in 1966 there were no computer aided equipment, no air assisted equipment and everything was real "old school" - just like to see in Western cowboy movies.

Could it have been a disorder or maligned growth?

I really can't say. But being just a wee five year old, I just did what I was told - and regretted it.

Welp. I'm sorry for your misfortune.

Welp. I'm sorry for your misfortune.

Thanks. But in the end (now) I am happy to report that I have only 5 teeth left, all bottom teeth. I have learned to manage without my Dentures (which, in my case, suck). So - life is good. No more "Dentists". No more tooth aches. No more root canals. Life is finally good. Cheers, mate.

Another thing is this


Sodium Fluoride PET/CT for the Evaluation of Skeletal Cancer

The study was terminated before completion due to no funding.

So then it's inconclusive

New and Improved Radioactive Fluoride!

It also calcifies the pineal gland

sadly you cant fully circumvent it, the water with lowest flouride i can buy is 0,08mg/l

In this video of a guy testing different bottled waters. Smartwater was the only one with 0ppm.

I've also read that rainwater, and reverse osmosis water both contain no fluoride.

Also that turmeric can be used to reverse the effects of fluoride on the brain

Smart Water...funny, I wonder if they're called that for a reason.

Isn't Aquafina also very low? It's purified by reverse osmosis.

I like the animals in the smart water bottles...

rainwater may therefor contain aluminium particles and whatnot. i guess smartwater is distilled water? im not from US. ppl claim distilled water is toxic tho.

I have heard that distilled water is not good for you, especially if you drink a lot. But I've also heard people say that you should only use distilled water in things like coffee makers

I have no idea either. I've been trying to clean fluoride and metals from my diet and have seen incredible changes in my health(mostly due to it being a healthy diet in general) but I can't find a good way to completely eliminate certain things.

No soda, meat that wasn't raised and slaughtered locally, home grown organic vegetables(especially greens), no fruits, no processed foods, no bread or sugar.

In 4 weeks i've lost 20lbs, doubled my sleep quality, become more spiritual, and have the energy to exercise.

I still feel like I could be doing more.

Why no fruit?

Just for my initial weight loss goal, fruits are very high in carbs. I've maintained ketosis for three weeks by cutting my carbs down less than 5g a day. I also eat <1800 calories a day.

6,3 230lbs, my target is 190. As I approach 200 i'll start to re-introduce sugar and maintain the caloric deficit.

I have found Tom's of Maine brand toothpaste is fluoride-free though.

what u think about using salt(flouride free unrefined salt ofc)

Here is a list of studies. NOtice a trend.


I notice that these are all clinical trial listings without published data or conclusions, so I can't infer if the hypotheses are confirmed true...

Could you please detail your extensive testing re: "fluoride does not clean teeth, purify water, or prevent tooth decay" please?

You've linked to information about a 2007 study recruitment by the University of Toronto. There's no further information on this study, wether it took place or not, nor any results.

Were you in charge of this study yourself?

Treadmill time

I was a participant in a study. I can't go into to many details as i have a nondisclosure until the study is published.

So you did not actually perform the "extensive testing" that allowed you to conclude that "fluoride does not clean teeth, purify water, or prevent tooth decay?"

Did this study in which you claim to have participated (with a highly unusual NDA) cover all of that at least?

Well the purifying water is a known fact, i just threw that in there to nullify another argument. but fluoride on its does not clean teeth, the abrasive texture of the toothpaste is what cleans teeth.

The study was focused on reversing and strengthening tooth enamel and dentin decay by using tablets of Sodium fluoride. The sodium fluoride effects were nil to minimal. Whereas the calcium magnesium group had moderate to significant enamel and dentine strengthening.

So you haven't done an "extensive testing" and you threw in straw men?

What about the NDA you mentioned before? And u/a_trashcan makes the good point that you wouldn't know anyone else's results. Surely if this was a study where they decided to use an NDA, because it sounds like there were super-secret substances involved, them telling you all that is odd.

A participant in what capacity?

If you participated in a study there is no way you know anyone elses results but your own. All you know is the data on you. I'll wait to see the full published study.

If they did not get the results they wanted, the results likely will not be published.

Another quality conspiracy post with zero facts

I like how he said he did extensive testing but doesn't elaborate on that point at all

Sounds like something an autist would say

if fluoride prevented tooth decay we would rarely need dentists. The degenerative condition Alzheimer's has recently been linked to the calcification of the brain or build up of plaque. The number of people encountering this condition at a younger age and in general has risen dramatically since it was introduced to the water supply. It calcifies the Pineal gland. And HITLER thought it was a good idea.

if fluoride prevented tooth decay we would rarely need dentists.

This is only true if it 100% prevented it. It's not true if it merely slows or inhibits it.

There is a lot more to dentistry than tooth decay.


No one has ever claimed fluoride cleans teeth or water. There are very many peer reviewed studies, hundred of them, showing that fluoride prevents cavities.

The one study you linked, has no results posted. It is an unfinished study, therefor meaningless.

The recruitment status of this study is unknown. The completion date has passed and the status has not been verified in more than two years.

So fucking moronic. Use a swig of ACT fluoride rinse, and you'll feel your teeth get harder. You're don't need a scientist for this one.

This is the important thing right here https://youtu.be/wUC78jxxqJ0

You linked to a study that has no results posted.

I mean, look where you are

is it true that its a byproduct of waste?

Who ever claimed that fluoride cleaned teeth?

Smart Water...funny, I wonder if they're called that for a reason.

Isn't Aquafina also very low? It's purified by reverse osmosis.

I like the animals in the smart water bottles...

rainwater may therefor contain aluminium particles and whatnot. i guess smartwater is distilled water? im not from US. ppl claim distilled water is toxic tho.

Thanks for the concern. I was born in 1961 making me 55 and counting. I have had rotten teeth all my life due partly to a pharmaceutical drug my Mother was prescribed before I was born and partly due to too much sugar (most kids have this issue) and partly due to smoking cigarettes for 40+ years (which I gave up a year ago). I am much relieved to be free of the tooth aches, root canals, fillings, abscesses, x-rays and all of the other multiple horrors that accompany the "Dentist" experience. I had the misfortune of having to have a tooth pulled at the age of five years - while I still had other "baby" teeth. So, this would be about 1966. A Dentist office in 1966 looked, to young me, like Frankenstein's laboratory. That experience traumatized me severely for the rest of my life. So much so that needles (which I am not fond of to start with) to inject local freezing don't work on me at all - much to the amazement of many Dentists. But, I don't have to worry about all that horror any more.

What's your point? Chlorine is a poisonous gas, and sodium explodes when it comes in contact with water. But put them together and it's delicious on your chips. Think about that for a long while.