With 4/26 approaching, and doomsday level theories buzzing around... What do you guys have for "just in case" survival? Water/Canned good? Or maybe something more elaborate?

13  2017-04-25 by Lives_With_His_Mom

For general prepping, the "What if" bunker.


Are you asking for general prepping?

Or prepping specifically for nonsense?

General, or both! Lol

/r/preppers might help you out with this one

I would stock up on Marijuana. That's all you need to survive the coming Armageddon,

SO TRUE. If armageddon comes and my glaucoma is giving me problems....I'M GONNA BE PISSED.

Trade in seed and crop like your forefathers.

I just have a very light oh shit bag with the basics to make necessities available for a long period of time, or consruct them as needed. And enough food for a couple days. I value mobility and agility over great preparedness. But if bad shit went down I think the stupidest thing to do is go wander off immediately into the desert or something. There is this kind of lone wolf survivor urban male fantasy that is popular that I don't think is super useful.

I believe all those prepping to survive in the woods aren't expecting the 60,000+ other people from neighboring cities who are going to show up to do the same.

Damn Joe, these are some crowded ass woods!

No bunkers but several natural water sources and grow/raise our own food.

Bourbon, plenty of bourbon!

What's happening on 4/26?

New Moon Party!

"Everyone tell us what you have, where you hide it, where the keys are, what type of weapons you have, and your address."

You got me!

In fact, I did. Real users who live with their mom are too ashamed to make it a username.

Spiders trying to simulate normal users, however ...

I'll need your credit card number and pin, hell you won't need it much longer right? Right???

Potassium Iodide, god forbid there would ever be a nuclear attack/plant explosion. But the iodide soaks your thyroid gland which is most susceptible to radiation.

32 quarts of moonshine check.

5 gallon water jugs canned food, jerky, .40 s&w walter ppq. Survival knife. Flashlights. Matches lighters iodine tablets

My rudimentary supply is a 20lb bag of rice, 5 gallons of water, 12 cans of beans, matches and candles, plenty of books, some lead acid batteries/backup power unit and some solar panels and a Faraday shielded am/fm radio just in case. Also a small electronics lab and a balcony garden/community garden plot (primarily for hobbies but who knows). It's not much but it gives me some peace of mind in any sort of disaster case. I'm an apartment dweller do I don't have a whole lot of space.

I have nothing prepped and neither do you. This is OPSEC.

Never tell anyone your preps.

A plan. "If we are all out of the house and something happens and we can't communicate where are meeting points A, B, and C?"

Picking up a half ounce of chronic and some frozen pizza after work. That should keep me safe and sound lol.

Several boxes of analog porn.

Too late for me, I only found out about this today.