Russian, Chinese, Korean Reddit can you guys post what your news is saying throughout the day? It'll be interesting to see all the states information as it happens if something happens 4/26?

308  2017-04-26 by showmeurboobsplznthx


Russian here. Nothing. Although there was an airstrike alert system check in my city, but they do it regularly.

Is Wednesday the day if the week they regularly run the alert system?

By regularly I meant once in two months or so.

Russia here We have a very mocking attitude to conspiracy news) Daily I sit in the information flow - no news about 26/4

Are Russian troops still staged down there? Just googling Russian news from America, shows lots of war talk. Same when googling China news.

You googling specific context). We have (as well as you are in USA) much more popular themes as humor, movie, music... For example, it seems to me from the news of USA ... you has completely gone mad about Russian hackers)

Russo scare tactics. America needs an enemy to have alignment

We have an expressive journalist expert who often says that America needs Russia not as an enemy, but as an equal interlocutor (because America have no country to speak with on equal terms)).

Our government does not like to have equals. It'd ran by dumbfucks.

In Russia for a long time have learned not to associate peoples and governments

That's a good practice.

Hey Russian dude, what about this:

Some witnesses saying Russian military heading toward Russia/North Korea border

In Russia (because of the numerous wars of the past) -- large-scale work has been erected to prevent even a minimal possibility of violating state interests near the state border. Imagine a Chinese fleet near Acapulco

In earth. Literally almost any where you look.

Trying to convince Americans to do the same. The Media is against us thinking clearly about these things.

in that sense we have no equal. #1 dumbfucks

I wouldn't go that far. They might not give a shit about most people like you and me, but that doesn't mean they're dumb. They're getting away with all kinds of bullshit, would a dumbfuck be able to do that? No. Not at all. I've met dumbfucks, and they would never get elected.

They need to inherit money first.

Must be a state journalist, especially if he's still alive. All of the real ones are murdered by Vlad.

who is that expressive journalist expert?

Sounds like a bromance

Democrats blame everything and everyone but themselves

Right, and you're probably FSB or a contractor.

Does it embarrass the average Russian that Putin has a soft tender effeminate side?

As an American, I want you to know I think you guys are awesome.

much hugs to our Russian counterparts.

We have a very mocking attitude to conspiracy news

Our TV channels love to discuss them e.g. RenTV or basically any political "discussion" shows.

Jokes about RenTV are very common here RenTV really awfully

  1. There are less than 500K people subscribed to this subreddit...
    How many of them do you expect to be located in China or Korea?
  2. How many of those people do you think are willing to spend all day posting updates about... whatever the mainstream media in those countries is reporting?
  3. Wouldn't that information be fairly easy to just ascertain via a quick google search?

If something happens, it'll be interesting to see people's reactions and what their state media says. I hope it's just another just getting over worked, but if not this thread could be an interesting perspective piece. We will see.

Do you think in war time, google would control the flow of information? Would America block access to their media and vice versa?

I said it before, we need a subredit in witch we should post news articles from our countries on same subjects for bias comparison and stuff.

I have my hands full at the moment, but this is an idea I could get behind.

Check out the YouTube channel Asian Boss. They interview people on the street in Korea and Japan about current events/trends.

This is NOT an American subreddit. Those 500k are diverse.

Personal views and assertions matter. Even if it's just 1. That's why people do interviews. I personally enjoi reading the opinions of my fellow redditors (even though half of them seems to be bot/shills these day).

Google searches can't allways be trusted.

So anonymous reddit posts are what you think we should trust, rather than Google?

I don't think we should trust any of them. I don't trust you either. But OP wanted someone from other regions of the world to update him events. Those people are here and we should listen to their views. That was my point.

Oh hi, you must be new here.

Germany here. how many Germans do you think we are? and why not Russians, Chinese and Koreans?

Reddit is NOT a US website... well, it is, yes, blah, blah... America first, we went to the moon, whatever...

But we, the users, come from every single country in the world.

It's just realistic. Yes there are non-US users here, i never implied there aren't.
But percentage-wise, this subreddit (as is true of most subreddits) is predominantly filled with people from native English-speaking countries plus some from western Europe... People in russia, china and SK probably make up about 1-2% of this subreddit.

Even if that was the case, that still means a % of the sub population can do exactly what OP is asking for...

Quite a lot actually.

It benefits us all to stay connected and informed with what may be going on on the other side of the world. Connecting with people who are hopefully not associated with their respective gov'ts will help us gain truth and a stronger bond with people who we have so much more in common with than the MSM and propaganda would like us to believe.

Divide and conquer has been happening for centuries. When the people of this world start communicating and forming bonds, the corrupt and essentially evil elite society of this world will be exposed for what they are and will no longer be able to rule by fear. They will be taken out. The people of this world want peace. We have this in common. The elites want war for profits and to keep the world in disarray so that they will remain in power over this world.

Australia here. Should I unsubscribe? You yanks REALLY need to stop thinking of Reddit as an American site. It's like Facebook. It's GLOBAL.

You guys get kangaroos, we get the Internet. Wasn't that the deal?

Thanks for the input.

Kangaroos are mean

Not all of us are like that! But yes a majority are.

I apologize on behalf of my country.

I'm the guy he was complaining about for "assuming reddit is only American". Just wanted to let you know there's no need to apologize for me.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland :-*

yea, fuck the yanks

You're right, germany here. No News

You yanks REALLY need to stop thinking of Reddit as an American site.

You need to re-read what you're responding to and set aside your butthurt.

That is my favorite part. I'll never forget the first time I said something that really assumed everyone was from the US and a user came back like "I live in China you idiot". And, while I don't love being called an idiot, I was like that is so cool, I am talking to a dude from China!

I've noticed that this is a very American thing to do actually.

Why is that?

Which part? Assume everyone else is from here too, or get excited at a chance to interact with foreigners?

A lot of Americans online think that other people online must be American too.

This comes across irl too - when you're meeting someone irl and you ask them where they're from, if they're American, they'll say which American state or town they're from.

This is not a criticism, it's just what I've noticed.

I think people outside the US have a great deal more regular interaction with people from other countries. The US is huge. You could go your whole life and never see all of it, get bored, or really need anything from anywhere else.

Other places there are much tighter clusters of small countries, and most of them are dependent to some degree on trade with their neighbors, and interaction in general. You are also traversing one to get to another with great frequency.

I'm speculating here, I've never been to the other side of the oceans. But probably some reasons associated with those things.

Germany here.
Where in that comment did i say i was American or that the majority of reddit is American?
If you want to tell me that the majority of reddit is not from English-speaking countries, however, then you're straight up wrong. And add Western Europe and Latin America to the mix and I'd be willing to bet that's like 80-90% of reddit, right there.
There have been a grand total of 6 people in Russia and South Korea in this thread (one of whom was American).

Eastern Europe here (Romania). Complete silence.

Let's hope it's just coincidence and our imaginations. If something comes up about war, post a link.

you're freaking out over nothing dude.

is this the first doomsday event you've freaked out over?

No but all of Congress hasn't been called for an emergency briefing like this in recent history.

Over nothing

Have you seen the list of shit that's happening?

I'm sorry but if we weren't discussing this, I'd stop reading /r/conspiracy - the name of the subreddit gives it away dude.

No I'm all for the truth just trying to save people stress.

Same in the Baltics. Nothing except the dying remnants of NATO conspiracy from months ago.

What is the deal with 4/26?

Either WW3 or larping.

Or just a basic drill here in the US.

The real answer.

Larping kinda lika antifa

Standard paranoia. Nothing really to worry about.

Or the good folks here might say that they stopped an attack from happening by talking about the attack.

It's not nearly as big as WW3, but something sketchy is definitely going on today. Can't say for sure, but something. Rather it's the 2Billion to Yemen, or a terrorist attack, who knows.

but something sketchy is definitely going on today

A government training exercise. What else is going on today that is sketchy?

Forget that Trump is meeting with all the senators today?

You think they're gonna blow up the senate building or something? lol

I think I've seen that in a was a bad movie, so bad it was funny.

No. They're meeting about North Korea today, while the military is running nuke attack drills.

Ok.....that is completely normal. What are you freaking out about exactly?

Nobody here is "freaking out", we're just paying attention.

Why are you here exactly?

Because it's one of the few subs that allows free thought.

I've just been through about 50 of these "dates of doom" and I realized it's all just bullshit.

If anything horrible is gonna happen were not gonna know about it. Just need to accept that.

Not saying false flags don't happen but there is a thing called psyops.

Ah, okay, gotcha. Thought you were one of those hostile people that only come here to mock.

I agree, nothing will happen most likely, doesn't hurt to be cautious though. I don't think anyone is trying to conjure up fear for this like they were for Y2K, 2012, 666, etc.

Thought you were one of those hostile people that only come here to mock.

Nope, I'm one of you guys. Just more cautious before I invest in something happening because I've been fooled so many times when I was younger.

The other government training exercise (there's one in DC and one in NY/NJ)

Trump meeting with the entire Senate, at the White House, no less.

War games off Korea

Sub hunters off the California coast

This sticky'd thread has a pretty good summary:

Almost 12pm AND NOTHING has happened.

I hope people didn't waste their day because of this.

You don't have to batten down the hatches and spend the day in your bomb shelter clutching your flag, Bible, and AR, but being aware of the rumors and speculation and paying attention to the news of the day is a good idea.

I am at work like everybody else ought to be, but I'm still paying attention, like everybody else ought to be.

Wait there are days where you dont pay attention?

Why is today special? Cause the internet said so?

No, because of all the reasons I cited in my original comment. There is more suspicious stuff going on today than most days.

Eh nothing will happen.

Nothing happening would be WONDERFUL. You think people are sitting hoping for a false flag/terrorist attack/war?

That's not the point.

You think people are sitting hoping for a false flag/terrorist attack/war?

I KNOW people are.

That's not the point.

Yeah yeah I know, remain vigilant. Feels like they're pulling some chicken little "the sky is falling" shit. When it actually is it will be too late.

That's very true but is probably dependent upon the situation.

I would expect something like this in the lead-up to an event like invasion of North Korea, but not in advance of a false flag or terrorist attack.

But - more probably - it's to make North Korea scared. There's a lot of sabre-rattling going on, I suspect this is more of it.

I assume this is about the war drills in Capitol Hill and manhattan

Gotham shield, it's a nuke response drill

Nothing about 4/26 in /r/South_Korea

This is the only response I care about in here. They will know first.

Russian here, news as I was leaving for work: Guy got drunk and hit his wife. It was a pretty wife thought

Waste of drink and wife.

haha did they really say "it was a pretty wife" ? HAHAHA

Guy hit his wife? That's like keying your own car, man.

If it could give me lip it would be going down.

Russia: This is a Google Translate version of perhaps the best Russian news site, it's neutral and comprehensive. The titles will give you the idea what is interesting to Russians.

I live in Seoul South Korea. Nothing is happening. Trust me you guys are being so paranoid.

Coming from someone from a country that just overthrew a cult worshipping leader...I'm sure paranoia led to that.

This is different. North Korea threatens to destroy us on a daily basis. This is the time of the year that they stage military shows as a sign of force. Nothing to see here, move along.

Yeah I get that, but belittling people for being aware and skeptical is stupid.

I don't care if every day is a "prediction" at least people are waking the fuck up and watching the world around them.

So calling someone paranoid is belittling? Stop being so sensitive ya conspiracy nut


So ignore my comment on conspiracy nut, can you tell me why you think calling people paranoid is belittling?

Because it is belittling. You're being dismissive and invalidating all their concerns and research by saying 'you're paranoid'.

Nobody was dismissive or made any research invalid. That is you assuming, which isnt far from belittling

I hope you're right. We'll see what the united States corporations decide today when our Congress and president get together.

Ahh yes the great larp of 4-26-17

How many people will be thoroughly disappointed when nothing happens? Like every doomsday prophecy that is told.

You should be happy when nothing happens.

I am not saying I'm not happy. But these events are for told all the time from different sources. There are many every year whether the be religious or conspiracy related.

Houston, TX chimming in. Police are out in force today. Don't know if they are trying to meet their quota for the month or if it's 4/26 related. Posting here to see if others notice the same.

I saw 4 cops on the way to work on my 10 minute commute in Buffalo, NY. I usually see 1 in a week. Weird.

I'm in Hawaii by a military base and am keeping an eye out. They did a bunch of larger scale training these last two weeks with Japan and Guam. But there's always that going on. I just hope they don't choose Hawaii again as the reason for war.

Also, hpd got a larger Grant from the Federal govt for fighting immigration. I grew up in Houston but had to move due to police harassment. I was being done nearly 5000 a year which turned into 3 weeks a year in jail. Same cops, same judges, same lawyers. They used me as a source of income even though all charges were nonviolent nondrug offenses. That City is a lawyer judge jail debt prison. If you don't pay you sit so they can charge tax payers and the roads never get completed.

I live near an air base in Texas and there have been a bit more flights then usual.

Wtf are they gonna do drive 1,000 tanks through the ocean??


This isn't just about tanks is it?


I wish. However, I think we are the aliens...

russian here: Two-Headed Pigs of Chernobyl: How the catastrophe affected wildlife

American living in south Korea. Nobody is talking about it. Nobody really cares. My good buddy is an officer in the Korean military and says they're making plans for counterattack should something happen but nobody feels too tense about this situation. Just have their ears perked up a bit more than usual.

Exactly what they would say, this is troubling. :)

Lol I guess you could read I to it a bit more, but I've brought up a few times with friends and neighbors and everyone basically answers with "don't care", "I've got more important shit to do", "northies been talking shit for over 50 years" n such

I was mostly joking, I highly doubt anything will happen today and people are just taking significance in a series of probably normal events.

We should do threads like this on a regular basis regardless of whether or not their is supposedly impending doom, it would be interesting to regularly compare and contrast how information is or isn't being disseminated across the globe.

r/newsbias start it

I was in the Air Force and was stationed in Korea 03/04. Anytime anything happened PACAF pulled the public websites down. The websites for Kunsan and Osan Airbases are both down. and Probably just an exercise though.