4/26/17 - FBI Records Vault Releases 8 New Files - Pulse Nightclub Shooting, Surveillance Countermeasures, Technology Based Tracking, and others...

305  2017-04-26 by Ninjakick666



They just posted earlier today... I'm still reading thru 'em all, but there is some interesting stuff so far... and again some confusing stuff... cause that's usually how the FBI Vault rolls.

The Pulse Nightclub - files are pretty short and not a full release, guy was apparently an Islamic Terrorist according to the 911 transcript. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of ISIL.

Zvonko Busic - is about the hijacking of TWA 355 back in the late 70s. I'm not sure sure that is an allusion to 9/11 as it might have been posted to connect to the media's involvement in "Agenda-setting theory"... one of the interviewees definitely lay some smack on the FBI about Israel's terrorism being swept under the rug by the media... Pretty long document, lots of small redactions, not an easy read... but has a cameo appearance by the Anarchist's Cookbook, and a fine blend of fake/real pressure cooker bombs.

Arnold Palmer - Yeah... that Arnold Palmer... no idea why this was posted other than to perhaps connect back to an earlier file on the FBI Recreational Association. (My pet theory is this is how the "good" FBI agents share info without tipping off the "bad" ones... Or vice-versa. Swapping secrets out on the golf course as part of an after work club.)

Sam Iacobellis - This one is heavily redacted, but seems to show off the in-depth analysis the FBI goes through concerning governmental/business owner's communications with USSR/Russian connections. Not in the files but the guy was all about engineering the B-1 bombers.

David Hahn - This one looks interesting... It's about the guy that supposedly made a nuclear reactor in his backyard when he was a kid. The Radioactive Boy Scout. Looks like a buddy of his reported he was up to his old shenanigans as an adult and running a small nuclear breeder reactor in his freezer. That escalated quickly... Too much radiation at a young age is prolly not good for your brain... dude thought psychic witches were shocking his balls. Not in the files but he recently died from alcohol poisoning. Fascinating and kinda sad to read.

Technology-Based Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Program Policy Guide - This one is only the "Policy Directive" so it is only 2 pages... tough to know the extent of the program without the actual guide... but it looks like anyone working for or associated with the FBI has been subject to some sort of tracking. I'm not sure what that would entail... Must be cellphone tracking? Or an ID badge of some sort... I think the takeaway is that they know where all their agents/contractors are or have been since at least 2014. This and the Tech Surveillance document both have mention of Amy Hess. First time I've seen her mentioned in the Vault that I can remember... but not unusual considering her position at the FBI

FBI Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Classification Guide - contains the pretty rare b(1) redaction code... denotes involvement in an Executive Order... in this case referring to The President - Executive Order 13526 - Classified National Security Information Memorandum Document is a little bit over my head... and seems to be rerouting classification duties around those that used to hold that responsibility in the past. First time I've seen mention of "Five Eyes" in an actual FBI document... technically it is called FVEYS... US, CA, NZ, UK, AU...

Phil Ochs - Protest singer that killed himself in 1976. Just 10 pages... an odd one. Contains no real information on his suicide, but I think it just is posted to pair with the simultaneously released Tech Surveillance Classification Guide... this might be here to show what communications between FBI and foreign intelligence agencies used to look like. A couple of decades back it was a more formal procedure... looked like they went thru an actual FOIA request for the UK to get info from the US... and now with FVEYS that kind of info is almost automatically pooled? Not sure if that is what they are getting at or not... anyways... Phil Ochs wrote the most excellent Love Me, I'm A Liberal that Jello Biafra covered.

If ya wanna check em out this list of FBI redactions comes in helpful... sometimes why something is redacted is as important as to what was redacted.


I'm gonna take some time and read thru the rest of the releases... if yer not afraid of PDFs you can join in the fun. I'll update if I find anything really saucy, but usually I have to ruminate and re-read these Vault releases to really figure out a reason as to why they were posted. FBI Vault seems to always have some sort of reasoning about what they post... almost like they are speaking in allegory... or a convoluted parable.


too cool. thanks for doing the reading work for us.

Gonna check these out after work. Looks exciting. Wanted to post this, but I wasn't on a lunch break.

FBI Vault seems to always have some sort of reasoning about what they post... almost like they are speaking in allegory... or a convoluted parable.

Reminds me of this:


Darmok and Jalad on the ocean, my friend.

Darmok and Jalad... at Tanagra. I think Wikileaks posted a joke in reference to this like 4 months ago... something very similar... they aren't allowed to tell us the "real" story of what is going on due to release restrictions... but they can tell us a very very similar story and let us draw our own connections... or maybe I'm just reading too much into the Vault posts... but somehow I doubt that. I follow the FBI closely and that account sticks out like sore thumb compared to the majority of their official communications... something special is going on there.

I know you love the Vault, and I hate to punch you in the baby, but what if it is a limited hangout? Seems like if it is officially attached to the FBI, it has to be under control and direction that would not be immune to the bad things that happen at the FBI.

I dunno... could be, but I'd rather have a limited hangout than no hangout at all... in the end if the old DOJ OIG was riding The Vaults ass hard months ago there must be something more hanging out than what they wanna have hanging out.


"Allegations that decisions regarding the timing of the FBI’s release of certain Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents on October 30 and November 1, 2016, and the use of a Twitter account to publicize same, were influenced by improper considerations."

Yeah, I hear ya.

Don't limited hangouts contain factual but incomplete information?

That is my understanding.

Yes. Essentially lieing by ommission or misdirection.

"And a lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths"

  • Deep Throat

My gut says Wikileaks is a limited hangout. I always wish the best for Assange and I root for his cause, but I've come to a personal conclusion that I shouldn't trust him anymore. "TPTB" have had plenty enough time to infiltrate him and Wikileaks in numerous ways, some of which Assange would not even know about. They could coopt his friends or other Wikileaks members. It's not a fool proof impenetrable operation. Anyhow...

Pulse Night Club shooting had way more to that story than the OP mentions.

Omar worked for British contractor G4S as a security guard. 11 police officers discharged their weapons and "may have killed patrons inside the club". SWAT team took 2 hours to perform a 10-15 minute operation. Research from there, down the rabbit hole you go.

However, I will have to review the new Vault 7 stuff myself. I didn't like the OP starting off with "guy was definitely an Islamic Terrorist according to the 911 transcript. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of ISIL." That's a convenient way to write off a conspiracy if you ask me. The 9/11 transcript was shady and they haven't provided audio last I checked. Go back to news articles around that time and research this, it's shady! To me the ISIL thing is a cover story. Aha! He was a terrorist that explains everything like how he widowed his wife and left behind his son. Lol... according to the 911 transcript Omar also mentioned knowing the Boston marathon bombers or something like that.

I think prior to October 18th, Wikileaks was more or less exactly as advertised. That doesn't mean it was never fed information through intermediaries from govt sources for manipulative reasons. But I think it was attempting to be legit.

But Assange was changed that day. His staff was changed as well. And everyone expects us to write it off when every single batsignal Assange gave us to tell us when something is wrong went off at the same time, that it meant nothing.

Agree on Pulse. There is some really weird shit there. He said the CIA was programming his mind, or something along those lines. Which sounds ludicrous in a rational context, but I know they are really fond of telling the big lie. So, I am open minded to there being some truth to that.

I can agree on all points.

Great TNG episode you just referenced.

The only thing about the "pulse nightclub was an ISIS OP" thing that bothers me is that ISIS is (in a very very narrow way) like anon. What I mean is it's possible the gunman never interacted with an ISIS member online or off yet still can utter the correct words to escalate the angst of a gay kid who felt ostracized by his gay bashing father into yet another operation to be marked off on ISIS' belt.

You are correct... I'd have to look at the real deal FBI file on him to determine if he had any interactions with a terrorist organization in any meaningful way... but in the end he's still a terrorist.

They added the tracking but to scare whistleblowers.

guy was definitely an Islamic Terrorist according to the 911 transcript

No, he definitely wanted people to think he was an Islamic terrorist. Huge difference.

I'll change it to "apparently"... there... I think someone pretending to be a terrorist by actually killing people is still a terrorist though.

He was definitely a terrorist if he killed people. The Islamic part is the questionable part.

He was definitely a terrorist if he killed people

That is a sketchy premise you've got there

I'm a pacifist.

I was just saying you can't consider every murderer a terrorist.

What would they release that's actually damning to anything?

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Correction, on the David Hahn episode it never claims anything about witches shocking his balls. It specifically states he was A: studying witchcraft which [redacted individual] attempted to assure David of, was impossible and that B: people had the ability to shock his genitals.

Correction, on the David Hahn file it never claims anything about witches shocking his balls. It specifically states he was A: studying witchcraft, which [redacted individual] attempted to assure David was impossible. B: people had the ability to shock his genitals. Separate.

Yeah... thouse gangstalkers seem to focus on people that are batshit insane and horking down illegal drugs... what a coincidence.

That is my understanding.

Yes. Essentially lieing by ommission or misdirection.

I can agree on all points.

"And a lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths"

  • Deep Throat