Israel and ISIS working together?

217  2017-04-27 by spacecadetmathnerd

Is it just me or is it a bit suspicious ISIS is not attacking Israel but instead attacks the enemies of Israel like Syria and Iran? The recent attack on the airport was supposedly weapons shipments for groups fighting ISIS.


That has been noted many times. I think ISIS is a CIA/mossad creation.

They are

Ty. Smart cookie here. Everyone should google isis vs isil.

bagdadi is mossad, if he werent mossad would have killed him

ukraine and syria are proxy wars, which is the new thing

Yeah it's just really complex hit and run wars.

bagdadi sounds like iraq's number 1 male porn star

Israeli Secret Intelligence Services

kinda like the good ole' cia, but kosher.

Israeli Secret Intelligence Services

You think? They ARE and the information's out there. The Mujahadeen became Al Qaeda which became ISIS. It's all the same. We, Israel, and Britain fund ISIS. Read the emails.

but what are the ISIS guys fighting for then? i mean they are muslims who are fed up with the US bombing them, and they wan't the "pure" quran? why are they fighting for Israel then?

I don't think the guys on the ground would know that. I don't know, this is all speculation though.

Yep. They guys on the ground are the pointy stick,not the person holding it.

Google Rita Katz and her ISIS video production studio.

Already there.


Holy shit. I honestly expected to shown why I was wrong.

And I believe ISIS sent a formal apology to Israel after unknowingly getting into a fight with their soldiers

Well I see you have awaken. Welcome to reality. Godspeed my friend.


ISIS is clearly funded, armed, and trained by the CIA, Mossad, and the Saudis. It is a creation of the jewish-controlled Western powers. That is why they never attack the jewish state.

A high level Israeli official has come out and said that ISIS once apologized to the Jews for attacking the IDF by accident!

See here:

And that's why Flynn is going to jail.

Not a reputable source

RT has infinitely more credibility than the Western jewish-controlled Establishment media like CNN, BBC, and NY Times.

Your still a faggot for thinking that its acceptable

Removed. Rule 1, 10.

The Daily Stormer is merely reporting on what was reported in the Times of Israel, and now Newsweek.

PROTIP: Always link straight to the primary source.

Linking to sites like DS just gives the whiners who seek to censor and shut down this sub more reasons to point and scream WASIST!!!

Besides, you can BET that most sites like Daily St0rmer are nothing but HONEYPOTS run by Crypto-Zionists to work their agenda.

I won't even go there.

The Israeli Intelligence Chief recently stated "We do not want ISIS defeated in Syria."

I mean, if ISIS was truly an Islamic State they'd be attacking Israel nonstop. But you don't see that happening the only reason that makes sense is they're aligned

ISIS is Israel's proxy army to destroy nations. The weapons used during the Libyan over throw of Gaddafi was sent to Syria for the rebels. This is why the Bengahzi murders were covered up. Ambassador Stevens was there to make the weapons gun deal. Sending the Marines in and potentially creating another Mogadishu "black hawk down" event would shed too much light on the deal.

Careful, getting into the forbidden red pill zone that no-one lets you talk about.

Lol yeah I'm getting down voted to hell in r/worldnews. Apparently loan gunman attacks count as a full on ISIS invasions of Israel.

In /r/conspiracy you are safe to talk this things, outside of it you are labelled crazy, conspiracy nut, when you try to show evidence or documentation backing your claims, they just don't bother reading or even researching themselves, it's like they want to be blue pilled for life.

They call you a crazy conspiracy nut in here at times too

If you're being called crazy in here there might be some truth to it lol

Well, not saying it was directed at me, but I just seem to notice that tone overall in here. Yea, I may be a little nuts myself, but the good kind of nuts.

once you understand the entire existence of r/worldnews is to prevent intelligent americans from being aware of mossad operations like 911 and isis, reddit makes more sense

proudly banned from the zionist agitprop that is r/worldnews


wait until they start saying ISIS is in Gaza ect ect


Is there any doubt? Israel even gives them medical care when injured so they can get back out there and prolong the conflict. The whole thing sinks to high heaven.

Is there any surprise a big rebel stronghold is on the Israeli border where they can give them air and ground support and prolong the war. They try to spin the treatment they are giving as compassion for their enemies which is just a bold faced lie. They arent enemies, they are allies. Here is the former head of Mossad caught on his own hypocrisy.

Holy shit look at that.

Down there in Tasil.

Interesting map.

Daily fail is not a reputable source

Do a quick Google search. Pick a source you trust a come back and link it.


Israel is a racist state too.

Israel is clearing the land promised to them. Nile to Euphrates.

And they have no shame in calling Iran state sponsors of terrorists


Israeli State Intelligence Service

Since conception

Multiple countries are in on it. USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UK.... the list goes on.

ISIS isn't a threat to Israel - Iran and Syria can be. If ISIS tried anything against the Israeli government, like the combined Arab armies during the Six-Day War, they would be utterly crushed. ISIS knows this so they leave Israel largely alone.

Israel lets IS, the rebels, the SAA/NDF/Iranians, etc. all fight each other because it ties up their resources and costs Israel nothing. People read into this kind of thing too much when it's pretty transparent realpolitik.

There's an ISIS stronghold right on their border but they are bombing Damascus... just doesnt make sense sorry.

The stronghold you mention is like 2000 guys controlling a dozen or so towns on the boarder of Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. They're of no concern at this point to Israel and actually doing anything about them would require an invasion, not just a few bombings.

Surely a few surgical strikes would help?

You do realize that the easiest way for Israel to unite the Arab world in support for a group is to attack it, right?

Iraq hoped to provoke a military response from Israel. The Iraqi government hoped that many Arab states would withdraw from the Coalition, as they would be reluctant to fight alongside Israel.

So they should probably do it with a proxy.... like... I dont know.... ISIS?

You want them to attack an ISIS stronghold through ISIS? I wonder why they haven't come up with this idea.

fer fucks sake.... thats some dumb shit

No asshole they should attack Iran and Syria through a proxy.

Are you really this fucking dumb?

Didn't you suggest surgical strikes on ISIS in Syria?

Sorry I cant fix dumb.

Oh so you didn't?

Help what? A decade+ of wasted time in Afghanistan and Iraq has shown that you can't bomb your enemies out of existence - as you kill more civilians(fighters will hide among civilians as we've seen in Aleppo and Mosul) you create more enemies.

As for the hospital issue, they do what any civilized nation would do - take in people in need of medical attention and treat them.

And yet Israel keeps bombing people(see recent news story). Nor do I actually want them to bomb people. It just highlights certain.... inconsistencies in their propaganda and strategies.

Didn't you suggest surgical strikes on ISIS in Syria?

Israel doesn't just "let" ...they provide medical care to ISIS and Al-Qaeda "rebel" terrorist. Basically enabling the terrorist that are killing innocent civilians in Syria and Iraq.

Then Israel uses the terrorist threat excuse to gain sympathy for their illegitimate cause. Same excuse that will justify the IDF dropping DIME bombs on the innocent children in Gaza...

Isis is Anonymous for tptb.

Right you are ken

Big question: Why is the US military used to crush Israel's enemies?

it isnt. thats just propaganda. the US-bombings in syria are not to fight ISIS - they suppourt ISIS

States ISIS has directly attacked:

  • Syria
  • Iraq

Partial list of countries ISIS has not attacked

  • Portugal
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Oman
  • Burkina Faso
  • Israel
  • Peru
  • Monaco

Oh look. Someone taking the argument to a logical extreme to discredit it. You know what thats called right?

I dunno, logic maybe? Despite all the fear mongering, ISIS/ISIL/DAESH operates in a very limited area between Syria and Iraq. They rarely, if ever, even come close to the Golan Heights (Israeli occupied Syrian territory) which is extremely closely monitored, defended, and patrolled. So, despite their constant anti-Israel and anti-Jewish propaganda, they are next to powerless to actually attack Israel in any sort of way.

Pretty sure you have a large stronghold on your border that you keep giving medical aid too that is surrounded and protected by American backed rebels.

My border? They have a stronghold in Canada or Mexico? Heck they don't even have a stronghold near Israel (which I'm sure you meant). The closest rebel groups are FSA affiliates who hate ISIS and Assad equally. The closest ISIS stronghold to Israel is in a Syrian place called Manqura which is separated from Israel by miles of FSA and Syrian troops.

Israel had a policy (I don't think it's in effect any longer) to give medical aid to any wounded person left at the border in the Golan Heights. That's all. Other than the humanitarian effort, they gained intelligence from whomever they pick up so it was advantageous to Israel in order to keep tabs on the rapidly shifting borders and alliances of the various factions fighting in Syria.

Hahah yes thank you for clarifying.

Israel had a policy (I don't think it's in effect any longer) to give medical aid to any wounded person left at the border in the Golan Heights. That's all. Other than the humanitarian effort, they gained intelligence from whomever they pick up so it was advantageous to Israel in order to keep tabs on the rapidly shifting borders and alliances of the various factions fighting in Syria.

I would 100% agree with you if they had the same kind of strategy with Hezbollah fighters but they didnt.

On top of that it just doesnt make sense that every knife wielding maniac is an existential threat to Israel that makes the front page of reddit while actual genocide is going on yet the stronghold on their border is not.

No the closest ISIS is to Israel is centered on Tasil,

Are you talking about ben Waleed and the Yarmouks? That's not ISIS, it's just a warlord who pledged allegiance to them. They are pretty isolated from the main body of ISIS and not exactly what I'd call a "stronghold". They probably haven't attacked Israel because they probably spend most of their time and energy fighting off FSA, Al Nusra and the Syrian army just to keep a handhold there.

I would 100% agree with you if they had the same kind of strategy with Hezbollah fighters but they didnt.

Because Hezbollah pledged the destruction of Israel as their main creed. The FSA and Al Nusra (who were the troops that Israel lent medical help too) focused on the overthrow of Assad who has technically been at war with Israel since 1967.

every knife wielding maniac is an existential threat to Israel

It's not so much that every one of them is a major threat, but that there are large and powerful factions among the Palestinians and other Arab and Muslim nations that encourage the behavior and praise it.

actual genocide is going on yet the stronghold on their border is not touched... in fact medical aid has been rendered.

Ehhh... Syrian Civil War links make it to the front page of the news all the time. And they don't touch the border because they know that it would mean starting a war with an overwhelmingly powerful enemy on a new front while their already fighting on at least 2 others. And I haven't read any stories about medical aid recently. It's possible Israel stopped it last year when the Yarmouk Brigade came close the the Golan.

I mean, face it. The entire "Israel controls ISIS" argument rests on a single fact: that ISIS has never directly attacked Israel. A far better way to explain the fact is that ISIS has no military strength near enough to Israel and they know that if they attack it would be a pointless suicide mission.

A truly well constructed response. To bad it breaks down when you consider that people still attack Israel despite the overwhelming military might.

It makes perfect sense! America is bombing Syria because of the perceived humanitarian threat. Israel doesn't want to touch the war because they are pretty much hated by both sides. ISIS isn't a threat to them at the moment, Syria though is. So Israel occasionally bombs a Syrian base that's been sending support to Hezbolla or whatever and keeps a close eye on ISIS with the hopes that they don't make a move and force Israel into a pointless war.

The simplest explanation is often the best. Since the only way you have to explain your version of events is by increasingly convoluted conspiracies and plain weirdness, isn't it simply easier to explain it by saying that Israel just doesn't want to get involved?

The simplest explanation is that they are allies.... yours is actually more complicated...

Let's say for arguments sake that there are only two possibilities: they are allies or they want nothing to do with each other.

To argue that they are allies, you would have to show that they actively work together. So far, the only "working together" that there was was a period where Israel gave non-violent medical aid to a completely different group that was in the same region a year ago. In other words, nothing.

To argue that they ignore each other, all you have to show is that they never had any contact. Which seems to be exactly what's going on.

Your argument that they sit on Israels border and yet don't attack is very weak for all the reasons I stated earlier. You literally have no other argument so pardon me if I take this entire thread with a huge grain of salt.

This thing?

In a nearby room sits a seven-year-old Syrian girl, her mother by her side. She was hit by shrapnel from a mortar shell about two months ago and suffered life-threatening injuries; her internal organs and three of her limbs were badly hurt.

"In the first weeks we try not to ask them many questions because we are afraid that it will be more stress," said Issa Fares, an Israeli Arab Christian social worker at the hospital, where many of the staff are native Arabic speakers.

Israel has not formally taken sides in the Syrian conflict. It opposes the presence of Iranian forces and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah ranged alongside Assad, but is also alarmed by the hardline Islamist groups fighting against him.

Yeah this proves that Israel works with ISIS


  • Israeli
  • Secret
  • Intelligence
  • Service

ISIS hold a part of the Syrian Golan heights with their back to the Israeli occupied Golan heights. Israel wont shoot ISIS but will shell SAA positions if a stray round comes in even if its from ISIS. they also send in the IDF to collect injured fighters and take them back to Israeli hospitals for treatment.

also you should sub to southfront on youtube. they give good daily updates of the situation on the ground

Yep. Why do you think ISIS always wears those Balaclavas? They're Israelis, Saudis and Turkish army soldiers. Syria has captured them and said so many times.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Is it just me or is it a bit suspicious ISIS is not attacking Israel but instead attacks the enemies of Israel like Syria and Iran

Devil's Advocate here but may be they know they have no chance in hell going against Israel's military force in their current state. Better to attack and absorb the other Middle Eastern countries before going against the big dog.

they have no chance in hell going against Israel's military force in their current state.

makes no sense when at same time do terror attacks in europe, russia or america.

they both have a lot in common, they're both a bunch of cult fanatics that "believe" god has commissioned them to control the world because, you know, what could an all-powerful omnipotent sovereign god do without the help of a bunch of twisted ignorant ego-maniacs?

now that i think about it, there are a lot of those kinds of assholes, some with nuclear diarrhea.

This isn't just a rumor any more. Israel, US, and ISIS are on the same side.

I don't think the guys on the ground would know that. I don't know, this is all speculation though.

Oh so you didn't?