[Discussion] Why did science educator "Bill Nye" sell out?

2  2017-04-27 by [deleted]



Blackmail or money or needed work or just doing his part to advance the agenda.

the agenda

What agenda specifically? The vision for the United States Democrats have? Or something more ominous?

Satanic One World Order

I suspect Bill Nye is a fan of Pizza.

Good point.

Bill Nye The Pedo Guy lol.

can I ask why? just curious what leads you to that claim.

because he tied his bow tie too tight for too many years

Just like everyone. A sniff of fame and "power/influence" can drive even a sane person crazy. We are not biologically capable of avoiding folding our morals when you get so much bullshit/groupie fanfare. He's just spineless. Always has always will be. I've said it before. Fuck Bill Nye, you're not even a real scientist.

Fuck Bill Nye, you're not even a real scientist.

Don't think most people over maybe age twelve think he is. It's likely the fault of his writers and producers pushing this new angle, and Nye is just complacent with it, or maybe some of things you mentioned.

I agree. Bill Nye has a real ego on him, which is fine but I do think it's driving a lot of him going along with anything to keep the dream alive.

I would like to know who pays Nye and NDT. Who gave them their millions, and who gives them their subversive orders.

I never heard of him before

How did he sell out? I'm not in the know on this one.

Said there are more than two genders and that he buys the science behind the safety of gmos. Horrific, right? /s

What a monster. /s

Well, he IS promoting a mental disorder and shitty food.

I thought this was the conspiracy sub? You people sound like...conformists.

He sold out a few years ago, he was criticizing Monsanto and GMOs before they invited him into their research centers for a private tour. After that, he started being more vocal at spouting some of their PR lines and genuinely changed his tone.

I figure it's because he was on the fence about some of their negative consequences and just doesn't see those anymore. Evil doesn't know it's evil, and all that.

What did he do?

The only links I can find are to YouTube.

Did a 180 on Monsanto, started shilling for them in 2015 when they where getting a lot of shit for glyphosate when the bee debate and monarch butterfly population thing was just entering crisis mode.

That's how it started.

I've only noticed it blowing up in the past week: what happened?

His new show on Netflix with their dire tion in pushing moral issues into it's programming, combined with viral marketing and nyes's image created a platform for a very broad viewership.

Naturally, the audience has noticed overall themes lately, and are collectively picking a side early in a big fight that's been going on for a while with progressive agenda's, i'm not surprised by the backlash.

His new show on Netflix

Ah, right. Thanks, this is the answer I was looking for.

It's a bigger debate unfolding, bill bye just has such a broad appeal that it became a platform watched by all. Hence why we are skirting around the bigger debate of what format is correct for pushing ideologies, and what ideologies are off limits.

It's very interesting seeing this happen and frankly, I hope the debate evolves past bill nye, he's just a face. Some chatter has surged on the topic, and more so recently, but I haven't seen it enter the mainstream yet.

Hopefully something useful comes out of it instead of us tearing ourselves apart. Who knows. Already had it on reddit quite a few times, first with fatpeoplehate. Quite interesting times.

Hess probably still under some contract with Disney or something. Theyre a powerful media orginization

"Tthe first sip of science makes you an atheist, but once you get to the bottom of the glass, you find god."

Somewhat relevant quote that I think turns me off from Bill Nye and Neil Tyson.

Seems like they insult anyone who offers a spiritual explanation for anything. That usually wouldn't be an issue, but the more I research the more I find out that science doesn't really have an explanation for 99% of this world and experience.

5 years ago this co-opting of popular media figures went into high gear. MSM saw that their own august, respected teleprompter readers were losing eyeballs to kids with a youtube channel and investigative journalists working out their bedrooms. And wen those talking heads at the networks were exposed as being just parrots paid to sell and say whatever they were told, having the top social media influencers ready became a priority. So we saw many getting book deals, meetups with the Washington chosen, hawking advertising and social awareness campaigns. Seems it has gone that well and now Youtube is bowing to advertisers' pressure to censor them. Whether it's due their challenge to mass media due their massive audience numbers or because of their unwillingness or failure spreading the intended messages is not clear yet.

Same with Nye and others. It's pathetic to watch this actor with an engineering degree become, along with DeGrasse, part of the Science Priesthood, ready to debunk uncomfortable questions and defend corporate products & practices. And smear non-aligned opinions as those of tinfoil losers.

Why does he do it? Money. Also ego, I guess. And that show with the blatant agenda pushing is sure to cause a shitstorm amid both conservative and liberal alike. Which of course is what his handlers expect.

Has a mortgage, is a bad actor without ethics


I don't know what clip you saw but if it's the mainstream reddit one then you are getting lied to

the agenda

What agenda specifically? The vision for the United States Democrats have? Or something more ominous?

I suspect Bill Nye is a fan of Pizza.