Sadly I've given up on Joe Rogan

2  2017-04-27 by [deleted]



you know he's just joking right?

For real, lol, get over it dude

Sounds like you're just butthurt about someone who lives in California making fun of people not from California, which all of them do, grow a pair.

live in California, can confirm, would totally make fun of someone living in Kansas if I have a chance.

To be fair, Kansas sucks. It's worse than North Dakota.

A coworker from South Dakota told me about some old law where if you see 3 indians in a canoe on the river its a war party and you are allowed to shoot....

Still have yet to google it.

I'm from CA, and I don't. I envy people in other states because California is such a massive shithole.

Its why my family moved... AVOID PHOENIX

I gwt thw gatekeeper vibe from him. Like hes here to passify the woke.

That's what I think, but apparently that gets me downvotes.

Downvotes here are so weird i cant never tell if its just butthurt fellow conspiracy theorist that are simply not as aware as they may have though or professional shills .

If thats all it takes to get your panties in a wad it sounds like Joe's spot on.

I hate to be that guy but how is this a conspiracy?

He is big in the community. I wanted to stoke a conversation. Not Left or Right. I like hearing others opinions.

Maybe you should have you little crying fit in his sub instead.

Maybe you should learn more about propaganda, conditioning, and control, you rude jackass.

Sorry did I disturb your delicate sensibilities by pointing out there's a more appropriate place to bitch and moan like a child about Joe Rogan?

Do you know he won't? He gets ideas for his show SOMEWHERE..........

Also lots of posts in this sub are links to his show. If you were hosting a conspiracy based internet show, wouldn't you have an account on r/conspiracy?

They would get eaten alive. I would eat them alive. Corbett as well. Ain't no hiding in r/conspiracy.

Gotcha. All good, dude. Sorry for being a jerk.

All good, I like hearing faults in my opinions and judgement, and am definitely open to learning from it. It takes a good person to say their sorry. Your cool with me.

If Joe Rogan keeps doing incredible interviews like the one he just did with Abby Martin he can say whatever he wants...

What did you like about the interview? I debated listening to it but haven't, yet.

Abby Martin

wow didn't even know this happened. Now, not coincidentally, I will listen to Joe Rogan for the first time in two years.

He's a gatekeeper for sure. He gives you a bunch of good stuff (psychedelics, health advice/encouragement, etc.) to gain your trust, then brings on an astrophysicist to tell you to vaccinate your kids.

FWIW, his relationship with Alex Jones was the first thing to tip me off, then I started noticing all the PR shills he had on his show, then consider his "Joe Rogan Questions Everything" show where he lumps 9/11 truthers in with 'Squatchers.... Yeah, not a good guy.

Your first mistake was putting faith in a comedic hack. He's a talking head. Nothing more. Anyone can tell you to work out more and eat less. Quit putting this guy on a pedestal.

Crazy elitist bullshit? You realize joe constantly talks about moving back to Colorado but won't because all his friends are in LA?

I personally have never called anyone a redneck and I have never heard him use that phrase. He bags on California nearly every episode so I don't understand where you are coming from. I'm so convinced that Joe has never called anyone a redneck because they don't live in California that I challenge you to find me the clip.

Show me his elitist bullshit where he called you a hick for not living in California. I presume you are making that completely up for karma.

Last episode with Doty, trashed the whole state of Florida. Then doubled back when Doty said his wife from Florida. Don't have look to hard.

Is there anyway he was not being serious? Was he specifically being direct and meant what he said.

True story. I lived in Florida for a few months. Holy fuck I was jumped, I was took on a weed deal gone bad, it was more redneck than anywhere else I have ever been.

I think you are taking this too hard. I also hate Kansas no reason other than the stretch of highway through Kansas on highway 70 is the most boring drive in the world.

Might be a little deranged my friend

As a general rule of thumb, assume that anyone famous in politics, conspiracy, or New Age media is probably controlled opposition. The Powers That Be will never allow someone that truly threatens them to gain a large following.

That's ok. You were a freak bitch!

Everyone thinks their state is better than all the others, especially Californians, what really has you so butthurt?

There are no heroes out here. A tough lesson to learn. I've kinda turned my ear away as well. I think he's a gatekeeper, personally.