Petition to autoban users who post in /r/fuckthealtright

8  2017-04-28 by [deleted]



I think that sub was made after the maintenance?

It is a brigade sub. They put a post about Alex jones and then orchestrated a brigade on this subreddit. They are trolls, and the SUV has been around for months. It's time to crack down on it, autoban them. They are trying to dissolve /r/conspiracy

So, censoring out the voices of people who disagree? I'm sure that some r/conspiracy people act like shitheads as well, but it's bullshit that I'm banned from /r/LateStageCapitalism because I post here. And, coming here to troll means they might accidentally stumble onto some truth.

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That seems like more of a petition to participate on r/conspiracy more, and not a typical brigade. I'd like to have more left-leaning voices there (though the kind that feel the need to discuss everything they hate about the "alt-right" might be a little too wrapped up in the political rat race to provide meaningful contributions).

So if I made a call to action like that at, idk, 4chan, would that be alright? How about T_D?

I am seriously tired of the partisan BS. We all have opinions related to politics, but treating this sub like a team sport is not okay.

They won't stumble on truth, they come looking for trouble. If they decide to clean up their act then they can message the moderators for a second chance. I didn't say EnouhTrunpSpam or politics, I said this specific sub because they specifically call for brigades on other subreddits.

... the hypocrisy if r/conspiracy did that would be too much.

There are no such things as safe spaces.

It's not hypocrisy. If you want to participate, make another account and do it. If you have nothing to add, bye bye. Brigades should not be tolerated, it's not to make a safe space, its to prevent this place from becoming a cesspool. I have no problem worth liberals posting here, but if your only intention is to cause infighting you have no place here

Sure while I agree we shouldn't allow open brigadier to take place I disagree with auto banning visitors of certain subs

That's not how this works.

I think we should ban albinos from posting here. Such trouble makers.

...and Eskimos. You gotta watch those guys. They're as slick as ice.

dont be anti albinoist, bro.

Right I should be more sympathetic to the 6 million albinos.

Look, I lost my mother in the Albinocaust before I was born, I dont need your sass.


Well - I propose a petition to Auto-Ban users who post in /r/the_donald because they have successfully brigaded and taken over this sub...

I don't support banning users in lefty subs, only open brigading ones like the one I suggested.

I have never seen open calls to action for brigading other subs like this...

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How about we all nust tend our own little gardens? Once you start banning things en masse, where do you stop? That is what fucked up the rest of reddit.

Yeah, nothing pisses me off more than when I get banned or shouted off a sub for posting in the Donald. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and start calling for the same kind of treatment of those I disagree with. You have a right to voice your opinion, even if I think it's dumb.

Learning how to just walk away and forget comments and posts is like the most important survival skill here imho. There is this illusion people have that there is some need for people to all believe the same thing or something. World is a big place, and it doesn't hurt me in general if someone else is an idiot, or if someone thinks I am an idiot. It just doesn't fucking matter.

And of all places, this is reddit. Who cares what other anonymous users think? I'm never going to interact with them besides a short discussion here. If I manage to wake some people up, that's cool. If you think I'm a bumbling fool, that's cool too. People are going to disagree and fight info that challenges their world view. That's the way it is, and if you can't handle that then you aren't properly equipped to discuss these issues.


As much as I cant stand those wannabe marxist pantywaisted bolshevik morons, their hebrew handlers ad the useful highminded idiots that post there, I have to disagree with your premise fully, as thats the path those limpwristed hat sniffingpoor students of history are attempting to use. I propose a different about we celebrate those pigeontoed fools posts, bring their abhorrent views to light, make them defend their verbal diarhhea? you cant supress free speech, no matter how much Id like to jam a steel toed boot into the collective rectum of those asshole.

Subs that check someone's posting history and ban them solely based on other subs they participate in should be shut down. This is how you create bubbles. LateStageCapitalism banned me for participating in Libertarian. That's stupid. That's not how you spark debate and discussion.

I'd be a pretty sad lefty if I was trapped in the liberal subs. What the hell is there to talk about among people you agree with?

Confirmation bias? haha...just kidding. I thoroughly enjoy hanging out in libertarian subs and honing my message for a particular topic. But I also like going to alternative leaning subs to defends those positions which either forces me to adjust through learning, or solidifies my stance and find that a very important part of my belief system. I have a great time getting into heated (but very civil) discussions on wayofthebern. There are some really great folks in that sub who have completely opposite political beliefs than myself.

that's a terrible idea. We have an opportunity to open their minds. They might come to troll, but they will leave with a profound cognitive dissonance.

Yep. While we're at it, ban everyone who posts on r/the_Donald too.

Man this is the Internet. Quit crying like those babies on r/the_Donald.

Petition to ban users who petition to ban subs.

In addition to the whinyness here, please show evidence of "organizing brigades"--

This might be an example, except...9 comments, none actually advocating doing that or plotting something. 32 upvotes in total, that's it. The naked truth about that post? OP is totally right, and a replier makes this astute observation I'm sure few here will actually admit the reality of:

"The newer astroturfy stuff is different. It's missing the playfulness and speculative wildness of the old stuff, but at the same time it takes itself completely seriously. It's also completely loaded down with political agenda to a much greater degree. It's obvious political propaganda.

I find it very disturbing, especially knowing that both the Soviets and the Nazis and other European fascists of the early 20th century made heavy use of conspiracy theory as propaganda. Some of the stuff that's going on today feels very much like the organized assembly of lynch mobs via conspiracy theory and witch hunts. It's being done with a degree of sophistication that suggests to me that it's being intentionally coordinated, with grassroots mobs like 4chan /pol and the various alt-right subreddits being seeded with information and led to desired conclusions."

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Confirmation bias? haha...just kidding. I thoroughly enjoy hanging out in libertarian subs and honing my message for a particular topic. But I also like going to alternative leaning subs to defends those positions which either forces me to adjust through learning, or solidifies my stance and find that a very important part of my belief system. I have a great time getting into heated (but very civil) discussions on wayofthebern. There are some really great folks in that sub who have completely opposite political beliefs than myself.

So if I made a call to action like that at, idk, 4chan, would that be alright? How about T_D?

I am seriously tired of the partisan BS. We all have opinions related to politics, but treating this sub like a team sport is not okay.