It's amazing how this Illuminati has poisoned every corner of our society. They basically waged war on the people.

38  2017-04-28 by LightBringerFlex

They poisoned:

Main Stream Media

Entertainment Media

Our air with chemtrails

Our health with vaxxines

Our education through what we are taught in school

Our economy by enslaving us instead of letting us thrive

Our world with endless wars

Our law enforcement agencies

Our food, water, toothpaste, ect..

It goes on and on and on.

We are so far away from where we should be and its all because we didn't notice the elite ruining everything over the many decades and centuries. They do this all with the control of money.

The funniest part is that people like John McCain just show up to work like nothings wrong. These people are completely shameless and arrogant.

These crooks won't go down until the population as a whole is awake and enraged. It seems like a lot of people woke up in this past year but I guess we haven't reached boiling point yet because once we do, the pitchforks will come out fast.


It's all for the machine gods, the super AI the Elites worship.

it's weird. A few months ago it was Morlock they worship to. Today so much talk of AI, black cubes.

I wonder why.

Perhaps they are the same entity.

Because people are piecing the puzzle together at their own pace. You start to see bits, learn more and slowly build the picture. Pgate was an entry for people, then they learned about babylonian cults and then something new. Don't be fooled into thinking they're seperate though. It's all under one banner. Call it what you will. It's Pure Evil at the top.

Becuase soft disclosure is underway ppl are givin the truth so they are all put on notice.

Its a last ditch effort to wake the masses. SNAP ppl out of their daze.

it's gonna be a wacky war. if everything is tainted, there's no such thing as collateral damage. giddyup

It's not amazing. It's not even original. It's just an application of combined methods before it.

You can see it everywhere with marxist schools and cliques and social conditioning and people are storming headlong through the same cycles that came to Russia.

Incite the lower class to demonize and hopefully destroy or at least disenfranchise the middle class. Then murder in millions.

All the progressives, leftists, those who march against this mythical "patriarchy," who are "anti-fascists" funded by corporate money, attacking free speech and free expression, and those who vilify all examples of "masculinity" and attack tradition and the nuclear family and promote homosexuality and bisexuality and hedonism in general as the amoral pursuit of the day ... catches breath these people are just useful idiots hastening their own destruction. And they call it "progressive."

We've seen it before but they don't know.

The biblical explanation for why there hasnt been a revolution yet is because there wont be. The bible fortells in Revelation that the antichrist will appear as an angel of light and promise peace for the world. Its after this that people will be sucked in like sheep into accepting the mark of the beast (in whatever form it takes).

Because i take the biblical stance, i can only imagine people being awake but falling back asleep as well as the sheeple just getting dumber

Yeah, The Bible basically says that the elite will have won when the false messiah appears (Lucifer) and the whole world bends the knee. Only Christ will destroy the new world order.

Christ wont save us, we are self responsible. us humans have to do it. Nothing is gonna save us magically we need to stand together and rise up.

The elite have nuclear bombs, can cause hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis etc at will and are on the side of the "aliens". Yeah, humanity will win if they band together.

Not all aliens would be on their side. Infinite universe infinite possibilities yin and yang the good cant be without the bad and vice versa. If we think we are doomed we are. If we think we can win we will. Dont give up yet buddy!

I'm not giving up, going to keep fighting the good fight

Love this attitude!! Me too brother (or sister), me too.

Aliens are just the fallen angels. Its part of the deception. The illusion of outside mortal extraterrestrial forces, as well as what we know of space is made up. NASA is bought out by the Elite as well, or formed by them.

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers"

I've come to agree with this line of thinking. Care to share more of your theories and/or understanding? How do we stop this nonsense and take back mother earth? Are we imprisoned in some sense?

Thank you for your interest. Ill message you later when i have more time. But its enough to say for now that our world is in constant deception, and the prince of darkness is working hard to keep that veil over us. Stay strong and God Bless. We keep our eyes to the Lord, and we will overcome

Christ didn't rise up. He let himself get slaughtered because he entrusted himself to God who had the power to raise him from the dead. That's pretty much the same thing we are called to do if we want to inherit the earth with him. Just wait on God, and let the evil people do evil so they can be convicted of the evil. (Though not every one of us will die.)

I wholeheartedly agree. We are soon in for a unification of religion (and Pope Francis has made much headway in this area) along with a global economic system. The ten-headed kingdom of antichrist will soon appear, and then the Antichrist will replace 3 of the rulers, ultimately becoming a god-emperor himself. We'll certainly know we're close when we see the false prophet appear, but as each year goes by, things keep happening quicker and quicker. We're actually starting to see things things take shape.

Good will always defeat Evil in the end. Stay positive.

I'm just throwing this out there, why would they want to poison their slaves?

Reduce the population. Plus make money on medications.

That makes sense. Thy only need so many. And the part of the population they target is poor.

Who do you think wrote the bible, I mean I wouldn't be surprised if it is a prophecy to be fulfilled be by the elite