Is magic real?
42 2017-04-28 by hippienonsense
I know I know, but we entertained flat earth last week so just hear me out haha
Of course not your rational mind says! We are skeptics looking for truth and that's nonsense!
But why is it nonsense? Who told you that? Have you ever tried it yourself? What is magic anyway? Do you trust mainstream science that much? What do you actually know about physics? (no judgement just be honest with yourself no one really knows 100%). The end of the fe debate was that you can verify round earth for yourself...
Ok, so wouldn't someone be using it?
The answer is yes, absolutely. One of the most common conspiracies I see is that the elite are satanists (see bohemian grove). Why would they bother doing that if they didn't get anything out of it? Also where did you hear that was a bad thing? From the Christian church? What does that even mean? What do they really believe? (not what you project on them from the preconditioning they installed in your subconscious) It is possible to find the answers, the knowledge is there. Hidden under the guise of tin foil hat insanity. Just like any good conspiracy theory.
I honestly believe this is THE conspiracy. Combined with Graham Hancock style theories about a previous epoch of human civilization (starting to see more and more corroborating evidence that our view of history is off base) it seems to me that sometime in the distant past a group of people used magic (can be thought of as advanced understanding of subconscious psychology) to affect our psyche. A subtle form of mind control to make us believe that this is how the world must be, and that they should be the ones guiding the poor masses. When a thought becomes lodged deep enough in your mind your imagination loses the ability to reach outside that framework for solutions. All new ideas become permutations of possibilities inside that structure
I am possibly entirely insane but hey, hopefully some new lines of questioning if nothing else :)
n/a Melmelcom 2017-04-28
I know it may sound crazy and I get that, but I sort of believe that it actually exists, although evil. I don't care what others say calling me crazy, that's them. They can believe what they want.
n/a instabiili 2017-04-28
Xendrius in YouTube has great series of "demon magicians". On mobile so can't link right now
n/a Melmelcom 2017-04-28
Yea my brother told me about this a few months ago.
n/a Smoothtank 2017-04-28
The nature of everything is that it has a counterpart. The yin yang. Light and darkness. If there is magic, it wouldn't be good or evil. It could be either. A shadow.
n/a TJG01 2017-04-28
Anything is possible
n/a scholarsystem 2017-04-28
But only if you believe ;)
n/a mmaisprettycool 2017-04-28
"Magic" is real. Thoughts, words, and actions influence and alter the universe in strange ways. You can direct reality but not change it necessarily. There are many ways it can be done, making symbols that people project thought onto, words and phrases used by many people, and even focused meditation and visualization.
If you look into this be careful. It can be used to better your life to an extent but without guidance you can easily make things very bad.
n/a hippienonsense 2017-04-28
This is my experience as well, and kind of what I was getting at. People lack appreciation for the subtlety of their mind and emotions. I have been playing with it for the last 6ish months or so, very much appreciate the words of warning as they are well founded hahaha! Personally I lean more toward the approach of meditation and astral projection for controlling your mind, but this was a line of questioning that changed my view of the world so I figured others around here may enjoy it
n/a RDS 2017-04-28
I've posted it a few times on this sub, but have you seen the video of Grant Morrison (famous Batman comic writer) talking about sigil magic and the power of symbols?
n/a TheMadQuixotician 2017-04-28
I'm so glad you said this. Are you familiar with Masaru Emoto?
n/a bombsaway1979 2017-04-28
What? Does frozen water not look like that normally? wth
n/a TheMadQuixotician 2017-04-28
Supposedly the ambient mood has an effect on the shapes in which the water cryatalizes. The general idea is that positivity, happiness and the sort generate beautiful symmetrical shapes, while anger and hate create jagged, asymmetrical structures. I'm not sold on it, but it's fun to ponder.
n/a downisupp 2017-04-28
yeepp..think about it. what was the main purpose of magic in all the movies you have watched? "to make somebody do something that they really dont wanna do" so magic is not real in the sense of harry potter.. but probably true when it comes to manipulate people
n/a RDS 2017-04-28
I think something "magical" might happen when you take a thought that arises out of your subconscious, and put it into material reality through speaking and taking action.
n/a scholarsystem 2017-04-28
In my experience, yes. Magic is a system of describing the unknown in different, but similar ways to science.
Chaos magick isn't the only form of "magic", but it's not "bad" magic. Just like how white magick isn't always "good", either.
This is a comment from another redditor, I would tag them but I can't remember their username! But I think it accurately describes the phenomenon :D
n/a john_the_baptist_ 2017-04-28
No human knows 1%. Relativity was published a few years before the Model-T went into production. QM is nearly as old. No, we didn't figure out the universe before we invented the first transistor.
I have no reason to believe in magick but it's something I refuse to rule out.
n/a islandofdelight 2017-04-28
Magic is used by everyone everyday without realizing it. It is literally the process of manifesting based on thoughts/beliefs/intent... When we put them into practice by action, this is what magic is.
With an understanding of multiple dimensions of reality, using tools like crystals or sacred geometry, or with a group of people, we can intensify the effectiveness of the magic through co-creation.
White magic is based on love, empathy, connectedness to the universe. White magic is always more powerful because love is the essence of true Divine Source of the Universe. All else is temporary illusion of lower densities.
Black magic is based on fear, trauma, separation from the universe. Sacrifice, or blood magic is always of the Dark.
n/a Kricketier 2017-04-28
I like this idea of magic. With it being heavily rooted in emotion, and with magic just being a word to describe a phenomena and not like movie magic.
That being said, I don't thing that "white" magic is necessarily more powerful, it's just easier to use, both intentionally and unintentionally.
n/a RDS 2017-04-28
Positive and negative polarities.
I had an amazing revelation my first time trying LSD about postive and negative influences.
Negative vibrations actively coalesce, pursuing their agenda further and further. Covering a lie requires further lies, planning to murder someone and taking action, intentionally hurting/scaring people, etc -- most of it is pre-thought out and isn't a spur of the moment thing.
Positivity, on the other hand, is random and doesn't focus its energy on becoming "more good" -- it's just is. Enhancing the power of light/love energy requires taking action, in the same way negative energy requires taking action.
Light will always beat darkness, but it is this constant gathering and furthering of negativity against the passivity of light that creates the battle of time.
This is why it is important to act on good, and we must always take positive actions when we are presented with the opportunity.
n/a Black_Floyd47 2017-04-28
n/a LyleMillar 2017-04-28
Id say language is magic, specifically the Law system, books, poetry,etc. We can word things in such a way that can take peoples freedoms away or makes them feel a certain way or realize a new concept.
n/a hippienonsense 2017-04-28
Absolutely! The words we speak are spells we cast that can change another persons entire reality
Music seems like a particularly potent form
n/a chrisolivertimes 2017-04-28
Do you consider reality conforming to your expectations of it to be magic? If so, then yes, magic is real. One of the things you're not supposed to know is the power of your own mind.
"Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws."
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n/a chickenshitmchammers 2017-04-28
Yes, and so is the flat earth.
n/a Chill_Confirmed 2017-04-28
9/11 was effectively magic
n/a Reality_is_a_scam 2017-04-28
Magic for sure exists even if is only our perception of it.
n/a blokereport 2017-04-28
there is a massive occult following and people like Alistair Crowley dedicate their lives to it. for me there must be something to it.
n/a sipofsoma 2017-04-28
For the same reasons that there's a mass following of transcendental meditation, Eastern philosophy, and the psychedelic's essentially a dedicated practice of introspection to better understand one's self and thus better understand how humans tick in general. And for those reasons it can be used for "good" or "bad" better oneself or manipulate others.
Crowley's form of magick incorporated lots of different meditation techniques as well as mind-altering substances. And Tim Leary considered himself to be carrying on in the tradition of people like Crowley in particular by encouraging people to "turn on, tune in, drop out". It's the most effective way of de-conditioning and reprogramming oneself in order to not be so vulnerable to external forces of control or even internal corruptions and human flaws.
n/a jarxlots 2017-04-28
You already know.
n/a hippienonsense 2017-04-28
Hahaha i know essentially nothing! But i hope we all continue to question deeper, outside our frameworks
n/a rapid_seamonkey 2017-04-28
Oh man thanks. This is almost exactly how I've concluded this, feels good I'm not alone. To insanity and beyond!
n/a dnlslm9 2017-04-28
Its called magick and yes it works. Read the Secret it teaches you the midset you need to perform magick.
n/a Autocoprophage 2017-04-28
Yes, magic is very real. Conspiracies and the conspiratorial worldview are becoming more prominent on purpose, by design, this is why these things have only grown more obvious and more mainstream. People "waking up" is actually a massive psyop, it is not happening by accident. The true goal is to show you that your leaders are evil, and introduce you to the magic your evil leaders are using, so that you turn around and get into that same magic yourself, hoping to break your own chains with it.
All magic use is extremely harmful to you, there is no magic except the magic which automatically causes harm to you. "Waking up" and "gnosis" and "illumination" and "true will" does come with real power, and it might seem tempting, but it is equal to demon possession. This is not a joke, this is a very real thing and I am not confused.
Further reading
n/a Smoothtank 2017-04-28
I see no evidence of magic anywhere. But I could be stupid and obtuse. Same for god. But I range between Atheism and being agnostic. I'm pretty open to any possibility.
Except where aliens are concerned. I simply don't give a fuck if aliens are real or not.
n/a DonnaGail 2017-04-28
Good point. I have never seen any evidence of magic being real. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It could be real and I've just never seen it.
n/a dumbthings 2017-04-28
Yep. I saw a leperkan once. No one beleives me.
n/a GlipGlopSuperMop 2017-04-28
Yes magic is real. It's not even "magic" - it's natural. We all experience it at some level. Whether that be you desiring french fries right before a McDonalds commercial - fuck McDonalds btw - or thinking of a person for the first time in years and moments later the phone ringing. Dogs have been proven to be psychic by Rupert Sheldrake and James Randi lied vehemently against it and wouldn't allow the dog to do the 1 Million prize, he would of won. The CIA has used psychics for decades, possibly since it's inception. The entire satanic agenda is to disconnect us from what is Truth and what is Here by distracting our minds away using the dogma of science. Science is the new religion and it's an even worse dogma because people don't realize that it is dogma. It's synonymous with truth in our culture. The two are inseparable in a lot of minds, and it was designed specifically that way. The way the elite have used media and mass mind control on the people is to steer them away from this innate knowledge of humanity. This has been done through the avenue of science and billions spent on psychological and cultural engineering research. The CIA even put in a psychic killer alternate personality within it's MK ULTRA victims. The entire premise is to turn us away from what we truly are, what truly is happening, subvert us into an atheistic, there's no purpose so make your own, type lifestyle. Tibetan Buddhist and Ayahuasqueros know too well the powers of magic. Magic existed all over the world and is a proven science to some - mostly not western - and is a full known life and experience. Imagine being able to astral project with someone - these people do this regularly. The knowledge that we've been lied to our entire life should always come up. I thought CERN was cool until I saw the Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony and the satanic ritual killing in front of the Shiva statue. I've seen lady gaga wear goat hoofs on stage and have seen clear MK Ultra programming ladent in beyonce performances. The fact that multiple victims of MK Ultra have testified and been deprogrammed by clinical psychologist, and all have the same programming, including a alternate personality designed to psychically kill people, should let you know what's really going on. Magic works by knowing yourself. What makes you move your arm? You do. How do you do it? Intention. What people don't realize is that this intentionality extends well beyond the body and into the world at large. This is where synchronicity comes into play. You begin to realize that there is no end to your mind and that it's always interwoven with all things. What they don't want you to know this, because it poses a threat to them. If we all truly knew how powerful we were this game would be over in less than a day.
n/a mjschreff 2017-04-28
So magic is science. If we showed someone on the 40s a hovercraft it would look like magic.
n/a typwar 2017-04-28
Not in the sense of RPG game or Merlin style magic. But manipulation of the physical universe is a real thing as far as I am concerned. Real magic is reaching beyond the standard model and common understanding of the properties of our universe, whether it be fringe science in the sense of manipulation of the physical or hidden capabilities of the human mind.
n/a BWet00 2017-04-28
I suggest reading The Master Key System. This is the most important book I've ever read.
n/a -_Spook_- 2017-04-28
People joke about Meme magic. But imho it's real.
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