2001 A Space Odyssey

27  2017-04-29 by [deleted]



Bill Cooper explains whats going on in the first episode of his series


Watch all of them, its fascinating

note to video producers. just because you make an hour long video, doesn't mean you get to waste the first minute of my time with a stupid introduction that adds absolutely nothing of value to the video. this goes for music video producers as well

It was a radio show, that bumper is in all of the original recordings.

no offense to you simply for referencing it, but when i reference e video with a long bumper at the beginning i pause it right when it ends and then click the share button, tick the start at box, copy the new URL. if i clip off a 1 minute bumper and 10 people watch the video, I've saved them 10 minutes. that stuff adds up online

To each his own. I think this series is a masterpiece and the intro adds a lot to the atmosphere.

to each his own, but i can't tell you how many videos i have aborted because they have an excessively long introduction, or they start out with some obnoxious bass music. these video producers can get me to nibble, but not to take the hook.

That series connects most, if not all, of the dots.

Bill's style of backing up all of his statements with quotes and sources is top notch. His insistence on the listener doing his own research before coming to any conclusions is what differentiates him from other "conspiracy theorists".

The Dwave quantum computer is its own black cube. RichieFromBoston on YouTube has been all over for the past few months. Allegedly, this technology is being worked into financial institutions, the DOD and CERN. The funny thing about the quantum computer is that physicists don't claim to know exactly how the stuff works yet. While the claim that they are portals to other dimensions or extra-dimensional beings (or extra-terrestrial beings, possibly) seems like a leap, the general acceptance of quantum entanglement suggests that this is absolutely a possibility. They claim that AI is made inevitable because the increased computing power is dubious to me - as the creation of actual consciousness is a quantum leap (pardon the pun) that is far beyond the present status of bots imitating conversation.

As for the monolith in 2001, it does seem to call to mind the Sumerian creation/destruction myth. And the monolith does affect the AI, just as it affects life forms to inspire killing for "self-preservation." Of course, Kubrick's portrayal of the monolith and the apes is probably a purposely misguiding allegory designed to uphold the evolutionary narrative (which is not at the heart of the Sumerian myths). Perhaps the need for blood or death is not unlike the Luciferian cult that Kubrick allegedly tried to expose...

"HAL" is the Simulation. "HAL" is the Matrix...


How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings:


even UN has a monolith

The UN is as bad as Israel and Saudi Arabia. I heard those Saudi princes are Jews too.

Yes Saudi Royals Wahabis are of Jewish origins and were put in power by the british. read here The UN Monolith was covered by Bill Cooper. UN has its meditation room and is a very new age spirituality centered organization. It even had a new age priest for over 50 years called Sri Chinmoy. Search more on UN's new age connections.

Wow, that's strange! Ive heard that the New Age spiritual movement is connected to the Mystery Babylon religion. Ill have to listen to more Bill Cooper. Thanks for the info! PS the Monolith in 2001 is very creepy, and everything goes psychedelic in the end, very strange stuff.

Bill Cooper connects the whole movie to the new age movement/spirituaity/religion - here is his 31 minute anaysis - 2001: A Space Odyssey - The True Meaninghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rwc5n0nycE

Not only Bill Cooper but many other researchers have come to the same conclusion. Kubrik was an insider and was eliminated when he exposed or relieved to much to the public in his last movie, eyes wide shut. You can read the occult interpretation of eyes wide shut on Vigilant Citizen website.

The writer who wrote the novel space odyssey 2001 was Arthur C Clarke. He was a high level Freemason. He also wrote space odyssey 2010 and space odyssey 2061. Clarke was as fascinating as Kubrick, jut like other writers who worked for the elite like Asimov and HG Wells.

Thanks, this was a good video, covered a lot of what I was thinking and some new stuff too. I wasn't expecting the bit about Jupiter exploding into a new Sun, and the children of two suns. I figured that Saturn was supposed to be the Black Sun. Anyhow, the more I learn about this stuff I wonder, do I want to be like the Elite or do I want to fight them.

Whats the point in being like the elite ? they may be having esoteric knowledge, but at the same time they are selfish, greedy, psychopathic and very satanic in their beliefs and actions. Also the elite plans do not include people like you and me and they will eliminate us when our purpose is over. So I didn't get it why you want to be like the elite ?

Yeah I realize that, I just thought maybe if we understood and knew what they believed they would spare us that fate. Then again if all these agendas are fulfilled would I really want to live. They're already influencing people's sexuality and moral values, and I think things are going to get worse.

It will indeed stop if we all understood their beliefs, mindset and their plans. But very limited people understand all this and most will chose to remain ignorant as far as I see, most people are not interested and others reject it as all some kind of conspiracy theory. Elite are also built the society that we live in as you mentioned, influencing people's morality and sexuality etc. They also control the economy, politics, education, media and everything powerful. What the public thinks and believes is given to them by the higher powers that most don't even know exist. even the truth movement is fake and run by disinformation agents, so I highly doubt that there will be any mass awakening or a revolt against the elite. They agendas continue unabated. Kind of sad but its the reality. Maybe we can change this, but how ? I cant think of a working solution as of now. Btw when did you wake up and released that things are not as they appear ?

I've always known things weren't right, but only recently have I started digging around for what's happening. A lot is happening in the world and I'm starting to think that the people in the West aren't as untouchable as I thought we were. I'll keep looking and exploring, maybe it will help.

I've always known things weren't right, but only recently have I started digging around for what's happening. A lot is happening in the world and I'm starting to think that the people in the West aren't as untouchable as I thought we were. I'll keep looking and exploring, maybe it will help.

ok. good luck with your research. Have a nice day.

You too!