Are these meteors?

179  2017-04-30 by [deleted]



Wtf is that!

In my opinion those don't look like meteors

Wtf are those?!

Snopes is working on it.

How do you think meteors travel?


Swamp gas.

what the actual?

We're living in some strange times people...

We live in troubled times some might say

How is our present any more or less troubled than any other point in time?

The awareness of the masses has increased exponentially. Before if the elites felt threatened they would just start a war, but at this point they can't even convince the citizenry to invade Syria

"Relative historical statistics say your life is great!", says the man with the megaphone to the crowd surrounded by flame.

He never said anything he just asked how now is any different than any point in history

You haven't heard people like him come around when we talk about shitty parts of the world and how they kind of suck? They always come in and spout the same statistics (longevity, health, wealth, compared to relative historical statistics) to say that the world is actually great. It's so cliche that you can call them out before they even have a chance to, which is what happened here, and why I was upvoted. Now you know for later! :)

He actually implied in his comment that its neither more or less greater so idk where youre getting that from. And if thats your measurement of being correct both him and i were upvoted more than you.

You seemed to misunderstand, so I explained. I'm sorry I've caused more confusion..

Well, the Black Death killed up to one-half the population of Europe within less than a decade. The survivors had no science, no way to know what hit them, no way to know if all humans would be extinct within another few years. THOSE were troubled times.

Funny you mention that, I recently spoke with a guy who lived through the Cold War era. He said the zeitgeist then was way tamer than it is now. While society is started to wise up to the shady shit the governments all over the world are trying to pull we're still kept down with debt, social misery and the like, so while we're better equipped mentally to do something about it, we're simply crushed into a state of lethargy, inability and confusion by the state of things like debt, taxes and confusion brought on by media.

We are living in it. Current trouble is more troublesome than resolved historical trouble.

Hello Friend. We Live in exciting times. What if I told you that we have proven to be able to land on asteroids. Mount a relatively small rocket at zero g. And precisely crash it to earth using the highest math skills known to man. NASA pioneering space weapons. Dragon Rockets? Osiris-REx? Uncounterable Apocalypse Alt to a Nuclear WW3. It was written. The God of Science Trumps All Except The God of the Bible.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Blue beam starting?

I hope not! Fuuuccc...

No use having fear. Fear only sacrifices our strength and power to those who will misuse it. All we can do is be vigilant and outspoken, for lack of fear is what brings strength. It brings power, and courage. Be vigilant, and you will know the signs. I doubt that's the case here, and even if it was, I know my religion, and my testimony. Nothing can change or alter that.

Or as many believe, "aliens."

Guys in advanced spacecraft. We have the cgi to put anything on news and call it real without anyone actually seeing it.

Who knows anymore. :-(

Not quite man, not quite aircraft.

I don't know what it is but anytime I see people talk about aliens I feel the need to share my conclusion about aliens. Alien abduction reports are identical to encounters with demons. Aliens are demons. There's a spiritual world we can't see that exists all around us and can effect us. When an alien invasion comes, it's not extra terrestrials. It's demons. It's part of the fallen angels (satans/lucifer/demons) attempt to trick mankind into submission by pretending to be aliens so we give them control thinking they are a more intelligent firm of life. If we pray to Jesus we will be protected and saved. has hundreds of testimonials of UFO reports that had previously been edited by the top UFO reporting site,, to remove all references to Jesus and demons. Hundreds of people claimed it was an evil presence and that jesus' name made it flee.

Alien abduction reports are identical to encounters with demons.

Since this is the only thing you said that can possibly be attached to a legitimate statistic, do you have a source for this claim?


In summary: a government run false flag in order to sweep up the majority into supporting increased arms and military technology. It would be utilizing advanced and undisclosed technology to fool the public with the hopes of obliterating religion and creating a new unified and controlled religion.

Lots of random references to it all over so I don't think it's completely made up. Keep an eye out for bullshit. The media should be a pretty good indication on what feels real and not.

Eh God doesn't exist those cronies will have a hard time swaying that ideal to this generation the previous maybe not so much Thanks

God existing or not is a matter of your perspective so far. My research has told me otherwise and I say that as someone that started reading and learning independently as an agnostic atheist.

The more I learned, the more I started seeing a coordinated effort to destroy a certain idea of God. I also started seeing many signs in sacred math and quantum physics discoveries that led me to believe a much different theory of existence could be possible.

What if God doesn't exist yet and we are creating it. Huh? How 'bout them apples?

Hydron collider , it'd be funny if we create a big bang over and over again creating and destroying our universe as it collapses into itself perpetually until the first civilization says they don't need a god


Then I don't know what they were writing about all them years ago. Inception?

Self fulfilling prophecy lol

I personally don't think it will matter whether or not anyone believes god is real.

I think for quite a lot of people, religious or no, it will be hard for them to deny what they're seeing with their own two eyes.

From what I've read, it's possible they will use technology to project realistic looking ufos/aliens/god/angels/whatever else they'd want to project into the sky. And I don't think they'd do it if it wasn't a really, really good projection/hologram.

Really, at that point, if it all seems very realistic, it doesn't matter who believes what for the majority and it won't matter much that some people might realize it isn't real. Potential billions of people will see something insane with their own eyes and will believe it.

Why would a religion need a god. I'm waiting to see if simulation theory gets traction. Good religion potential there.

If you live a wholesome, virtuous life in this reality you wake up with a fuckton of tickets at Blipz and Chitz. Thats my motivitation for religiosity

Did Bill Nye the "science" guy teach you that? Yes, religions are a stretch. But to blindly rule out intelligent design is almost unscientific.

maybe "almost unscientific" but not really. science isn't about hearing everybody's opinions.

Blue beam starting?


Remember the Russian "Meteor"?

Compare the smoke

I'm sorry, but why are you writing it like it's not a meteor? I know I'm in r/conspiracy but everything I have seen points to this being what it appears to be; a meteor.

It's weird nobody seems to notice or even be concerned by it

That second Utah link is spectacular. It is hard to film something like that. Whatever it was, looks like big chunks of something from orbit.

The Louisiana one really looks like a plane with aerosol trail, flying into the sunset.

Or like craft traveling in formation, with ionized air reacting with metallic aerosol particles.
Dude what are you even talking about?
It's a Chinese rocket breaking up upon reentry and it's from half a year ago. These things are easy to find, but instead half the people looking for conspiracies just take this pseudoscience bullshit explanation you pulled out of your ass as fact and run with it. You're not helping people to become more informed, you're purposely tricking the gullible.
Fuck you, you gigantic asshat.


I provided the correct answer didn't I?

The Louisiana & Texas ones really looks like a plane with aerosol trail, flying into the sunset.

Exactly, and it was exacerbated by the pressure system that was over the area with high altitude humid air. That system being replaced by a change in atmospheric conditions is what caused the deadly tornadoes in east Texas yesterday.

The same system is currently producing severe weather over Louisiana.

The end is near?

I seriously doubt that these are meteorites. Meteorites would light up the sky around them more than what we see in all of the footage. This is especially true if the thing was large enough to arc arcoss the sky from Utah to Florida. It would make a loud, doppler like woosh-crack as it passes. The big key is that (assuming these are the same set of objects), if they were burning up in the earth's atmosphere (for about 30 degrees - or 1/12th of the Earth's diameter), then they would have to come down somewhere. This would affect the perceived altitude would have to be different from Florida to Utah, and it looks the same in both videos. Either way we assume that it flew, it would have had to come down somewhere near Washington St or Puerto Rico, which we have not heard reported yet.

My best (but absolutely weak) guess would be satellite, aircraft, or missile wreckage skipping across the atmosphere before shooting into space.

My assumption is that it would take a lot of (relatively) horizontal force to skip an object across the atmosphere in such a way. I will be interested to read other people's ideas on this. Good post, OP!

I would recommend people here look up an author named Annie Jacobsen who investigates incidents like this one.

I may be wrong but I believe this is a military program using guided lasers and focus on spot, creating a giant light in the sky. This was developed as an attempt for the navy to make their number seem greater should an invading navy come at nighttime. Its publicly disclosed technology now. Happens in San Diego a bunch, military always says they are missle tests.

Im literally the only person in this sub with downvotes.

Lol i consider it an honor, shill nation.

Shit is getting Biblical?

"Then the third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star burning like a torch fell from heaven and landed on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters."

Man I was trying to think about a Bible verse that would fit this. Thanks

Isn't that describing what's supposed to be a nuclear weapon, or some form of chemical warfare like white phosphorus?

I dunno... sounds a bit like the Andromeda Strain to me.

I looked earlier into Wormwood a little bit. Came up with this I thought interesting:

The Ukrainian language word for "wormwood" is чорнобиль or "chornobyl", the Ukrainian name of the town of Chernobyl. I guess everyone knows about Chernobyl?

Who knows. Maybe Chernobyl was chosen for the reactor to blow up because of that, as a false flag to instill fear on the populace in the future. In the words of Alex Jones, it's fourth dimensional pedophile vampires who have come to steal our children, and have planted flags in our history to allow them to assume control.

IMHO, it's nothing to get worried about. We'd know if it was project blue light, which we don't even know if it's actually real or will happen. If it's a nuclear weapon, then I guess viva le revolution. China and Russia will be in a scramble to assume control of the US's resources, and we'd have to go Red Dawn on their asses, and establish the New American Republic.

Wormwood is an excellent for killing parasites from the body when mixed with clove and black walnut

Am ukrainian, this is not true.

The word for wormwood is "polyn". We dont have a meaning for the word Chornobyl. Well "Chornyj" means "black", thats the closest word.

Mark 13:21-25

“At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time. “But in those days, following that distress, “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken."

Meteors typically enter the atmosphere at speeds in excess of 10km per second. The process of ablation evidenced on hundreds of stones give specific data to rate of melting / cooling in the composite material. Even "grazing" the atmosphere, they would not move at speeds as slow as the Utah video. That is absolutely not a meteor.

The dashcam video likely depicts one disintegrating on entry. Florida has had a spike in reports over the past 3 weeks. That makes sense.

The Louisiana video definitely doesn't depict a meteor, it's descent is far too slow and it doesn't exhibit any debris. That said, it's not a "plane flying against the sun" . That's bullshit because planes tend to fly in straight line, it's this weird thing they're known for. The cloud formation trailing that object exhibits evidence of freefall wind impact, the irrythmic shifting of the cloud shows the object is not following a "predetermined" course as the winds is clearly jostling it.

Or its a drunk pilot committing suicide in a smoldering vessel that isn't exhibiting any signs of structural collapse.

Clearly the latter explanation.

Don't worry, it's the Autobots!

Autobots, Roll out!

"We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron."


Nice post - nice to see what folks will come up with, and what the official story will be - if there is one.

First two that you linked are just stolen videos. Those were shot 9 months ago. Chinese Rocket Breaking Apart in Re-Entry!

I think I saw this driving west on I-80 last year. I saw a huge green flash, followed by a bright green fireball that exploded into smaller fireballs. I didn't see where it went because I was driving.

Good catch. Thank you for sharing.

It's relatively slow which is a hint that's it's something in a planned re-entry. If it were to hit the atmosphere by mistake it would be much faster.

Happy your top comment answers nothing.

OP: "Are these meteors?"
This comment: "Not the first one. It's a rocket breaking down."

Sure lol on a post about several related incidents spanning years, the top post is a POSSIBLE explanation. Not the ONLY plausible one. This sub used to have standards.

And the post in it's entirety is deleted now.

Justification is sweet, Shills.

I wonder i this could be the front end of planet x debris.

This is a crucial question and anyone from any of these areas with any info please answer - Has there been any similar symptoms of sickness occurring since these happenings?

Im suspicious of this post

apparently the first two videos are from a Chinese rocket breaking apart during re entry

and then the Florida the camera looks cropped on the date, to show 2017, but it could very well be 1/20/2017 or something that wouldnt be consistent to the OPs timeline.

I've seen that Utah one before.. a while ago I feel like

I saw two that looked just like the Florida video but it was a few weeks ago. Happened 2 times within a few days

Just a thought, but we may have destroyed North Korea's satellites.

What? They can;t even launch a missile that makes it halfway to Japan let alone orbit.

Live in very rural Southeast US. Every fucking night of the year where i live as long as there are no clouds i can see meteors. Its fucking awesome. I recently learned in the last couple of weeks how to tell the difference between plane vs satellite. Satellites are harder to spot but i see those pretty frequently as well. Meteots go left right up down diagonally. Sometimes it weirds me out that i see so much of this shit flying by our planet all the time... But at the same time its pretty sweet & fun to watch. Shit flies by all the time - most of you just live in places where you can see it happen b/c of light polution. I watch this shit as much as i can though. Its better than tv. And b/c you know... I wanna see a fucking alien!!!

What's it like having poon worms tho

Similar to being probed by aliens. How do you think i got them?

I would have imagined that aliens were more sanitary tbh, wash their probes at least.

Sanitation is a foreign concept to them. Thats why they play with buttholes.

looks like this =>

Something got "deorbited".

i feel like i have seen almost all of the actually possible and extant instances of natural atmostpheric phenomena, and when i see this my brain understands that it is a simple phenomenon but effectively quite breathtaking

its a plane contrailing hard, at that long, low angle of incident to the viewer. notice how the camera engages a high zoom, which expounds the almost explosive visualization of the contrailing. it's explosive ebcause of the sunset. notice how the sun glows colorfully on its belly. have you ever seen those small but intense whisps and bits of cloud that almost illumiate unnaturally at sunset?

this is a sunset effect upon a particularly robust contrail in formation behind a plane traveling roughly away from the viewer at a super obtuse angle, a near straight sight over teh horizon. it almost looks like it is going down, but it's just going away over the horizion.

Shitpost. Account created in the last 2 days

Fuck you

That doesn't straight up prove shirpost. The fact the post is deleted now is fishy though lol

Possibly a missle that was somehow shot down/deactivated somehow.

NK busting a load

Edit: Just a thought, but we may have destroyed North Korea's satellites. There was a report a few days claiming they might be capable of an EMP attack.

I think they would do that over the ocean.

Its a reentering rocket body, a Russian SL-14, which was launched in 2001. The reentry was tracked, however, was due to reenter on the 27 April, I guess that it was late. Here is a link with a tracking map -

Man I was trying to think about a Bible verse that would fit this. Thanks

Isn't that describing what's supposed to be a nuclear weapon, or some form of chemical warfare like white phosphorus?

Mark 13:21-25

“At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time. “But in those days, following that distress, “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken."

Similar to being probed by aliens. How do you think i got them?

maybe "almost unscientific" but not really. science isn't about hearing everybody's opinions.