America's infrastructure is becoming just as bad and even worse than africa, its education has been sabotaged into dumbification, its people are getting poorer and poorer and its jobs and universities slowly descends into slavery fronts....

371  2017-04-30 by Mrexreturns


I wonder if those money can be used to fix all of this, but apparently it's all spent for war.


Still better than 95.9% of the world. Decreasing though. Buy the dip.

So you have lived all over the world to be able to make this assertion right?

You think OP has lived everywhere in America ánd Africa to make that assertion?

unnecessary tilde over that "a", bro.. I think you need to take a step outside and cool off..

Because a poor and stupid populace is how they stay in charge.

They've got most poor people convinced they need to give the elite more money.

It just hasn't trickled down yet!!! /s

Trickle down works great... when you're building highways and modern nuclear reactors, like JFK did when he implemented a modest tax cut on the rich.

You deserve a cookie goy !

There will always be opportunities for the people who are smart enough to "join the ranks". This has been going on for a while.

The reason why people are becoming so poor is because of a certain family R. not wanting them not be able to buy gold/silver and start an independent real currency.

Thats why advertisements brainwash you into buying that next 500$ iPhone instead of buying real assets.

Im old enough to remember when upward mobility extended to the lower classes and was the product of hard work. Now, you can bust your ass all want at your retail job and see no benefit from it. I can see how heroin got so popular.

Why work retail

In some areas there isn't much other work and moving is expensive.

ive noticed this change as well(im 29) it really doesnt matter what you do at a job like that these days a long as it ant get you fire or the company sued. I worked as a state corrections officer and it has turned into that as well. Dont pay attention to whats going on around you just dont let any inmates murder other inmates if you can help it, dont get us sued. go home.

Hell, they've got most poor people convinced they need to give the elite more money.

meritocracy=divine right of kings

You're funny you think we actually have a choice in the matter. Remember trump talking about building infrastructure instead of bombing shit in the Middle East? Shit even Bernie probably would have dropped a few bombs on the Middle East. The arms dealers have our government by the balls and they make the rules.

Dude, Trump literally promised everyone everything. He has no convictions whatsoever, and if you think he was really going to do shit to help the average American, than I have a bridge to sell you.

I'm sure the defense industry is prodding him in the direction they want. But the reason Trump is starting to beat the war drum, particularly against North Korea, is merely as a distraction from all his scandals and failures.

Ok bush did the same shit. Obama did the same shit. Look I get it people hate Trump, but just look at the pattern. Why does every president who takes office become a neocon war monger? Our government is corrupt from the very foundation up and the only way it will change is with a violent revolution. Not filling in a check mark on a ballot.

Well, according to Trumpers he was beholden to no one and was going to buck the system, drain the swamp, lock them up, etc.

When are people going to realize that he's just a charlatan like the rest?

Will you fuck off back to /r/politics. It's obvious you aren't here to talk politics but to just attack trump any chance you get.

Trump was obviously the best choice between Hillary and trump. Stopping illegal immigration and Muslim immigration is all I care about honestly.

Will you fuck off back to /r/politics. It's obvious you aren't here to talk conspiracies, but to just attack trump any chance you get.

LOL. Neither is half this sub. They're just here to shill for Trump and concern troll to distract away from him. I discuss conspiracy theories all the time, but considering the sub has been taken over by The_Donald, is it any surprise that Trump gets discussed a lot?

I'd love to discuss conspiracies such as Trump's numerous connections to Russia. But any post about Trump gets immediately downvoted into oblivion.

Trump was obviously the best choice between Hillary and trump.

They're both shit. That's what people need to open their eyes and accept. Instead, we get people defending him at all costs and spreading state propaganda in a conspiracy theory subreddit. LOL.

Stopping illegal immigration and Muslim immigration is all I care about honestly.

Really? That's all you care about? Good lord.

The Russian conspiracy is the stupidest conspiracy story ever and only liberals and democrats are stupid enough to believe it.

Russia hasn't attacked American on American soil in a long, long time. So no one sees them as our enemy. Not to mention they wouldn't have wanted Hillary because she would have continued the proxy war in Syria big time. Wow the conspiracy debunked in a paragraph amazing conspiracy. Any more democratic talking points?

The Russian conspiracy is the stupidest conspiracy story ever and only liberals and democrats are stupid enough to believe it.

He's literally had 5+ people in his campaign and administration quit due to their ties to Russia and/or lying about their ties to Russia.

To act like there's nothing at all there worth even contemplating or discussing is just plain willful ignorance.

And of course, as soon as Trump gets criticize, Hillary has to get mentioned. I've not argued she would have been better. I'm merely trying to discuss Trump's merits. Can that be done without trying to deflect to someone else? Because saying he's atleast better than Hillary is a pretty low fucking bar.

Ok so let's say you are right and Trump has Russian influences. What I don't understand is how that is some how the worst thing in the world? Do you have any evidence Russia is going to use trump to hurt America? What would Russia reasoning for helping trump? It's pretty obvious to me that they would have help Trump because they didn't want Hillary as president.

What I don't understand is how that is some how the worst thing in the world?

We talk nonstop about how terrible it is that the CIA interferes with elections around the world. But we shouldn't be concerned if they do it to us?

Do you have any evidence Russia is going to use trump to hurt America?

He already has. His ignorant and racist rhetoric alone is going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting. He's pissed on almost every ally we have already, while simultaneously praising nearly every dictator around the world.

Luckily, if this first 100 days are any indication, he might be so moronic and incapable that the damage won't be as bad as expected.

It's pretty obvious to me that they would have help Trump because they didn't want Hillary as president.

Well duh. Not that I agree with her plans, but she was willing to stand up to them, instead of bend over.

He already has. His ignorant and racist rhetoric alone is going to be a boon for terrorist recruiting. He's pissed on almost every ally we have already, while simultaneously praising nearly every dictator around the world.

aka let me into your country or I will become a terrorist.

The rest of it is just sensationalist bullshit. He's not praised North Korea or Assad has he? He hasn't praised Saudi Arabia has he?

At the end of the day, it's quite telling when the reaction by Trumpers to him possibly being compromised by Russia is: Would that be so bad?

Lmao because we aren't scared of Russia. Take Obama's word for it Russia isn't anything. There economy is shit and wouldn't last a day in a war against us. Fearing Russia is like a lion being scared of a fucking squirrel.

So literally nothing is what I'm getting form this. The Russian conspiracy can be destroyed by the most simple questions. That's why no one takes it or the democrats seriously.

He's not praised North Korea or Assad has he? He hasn't praised Saudi Arabia has he?

He's praised all of them. LOL.

He's also completely supportive of Israel, which I don't understand how a conspiracy theorist reconciles that.

China is still willing to lead money to the USA

Yeah well, everyone gets a participation trophy so we've got that going for us.

That's going to change. Once you get past things like safety and human rights, Infrastructure is the biggest driver of economic growth. And we have several decades of advanced infrastructure projects that have been held back for no reason.

Things like a Hyperloop, meltdown-proof 4th Generation Nuclear that creates clean energy for half the cost of coal, non-rocket space launch systems, and NAWAPA. These are projects that would create trillions of dollars in free cash flow for the government, and double-digit economic growth.



Once you get past things like safety and human rights, Infrastructure is the biggest driver of economic growth.


Well the problem with the nuclear is that Westinghouse just filed for bankruptcy and the Vogel plant is a multi million dollar hole in the ground. The AP1000 is a fantastic design but due to regulations and a shit load of set backs and being hilariously over budget the plant might never get built. And it's one of the only plant getting built right now nuclear is in a sad state. Sorta because of regulations but also because natural gas and solar/wind are super cheap right now and is just undercutting coal wich is good but also nuclear.

It's entirely due to regulatory capture of the NRC. 4th Gen reactors would easily be half the cost of coal if they had a similar regulatory regime. Even 1st gen reactors are only about 25% more than coal.

It's entirely due to regulatory capture of the NRC. 4th Gen reactors would easily be half the cost of coal if they had a similar regulatory regime.

But coal isn't the cheapest energy source available right now... That's why the coal market shrunk so quickly. Natural gas is significantly cheaper to get out of the ground, and natural gas plants are a lot cheaper and cleaner to run.

FYI, between Sanders, Clinton, and Trump, only one of them argued for advanced nuclear power plants. I'll let people look that up themselves.

But coal isn't the cheapest energy source available right now

Ok, yes technically natural gas prices are cheaper right now. Should have said "fossil fuels." In any case, 3c/kwh is the conservative estimate for 4th gen nuclear, and natural gas isn't there.

That's for an operating plant. They're extremely expensive to build, relative to wind and gas plants.

Trump needs to order the replacement of coal plants with Natural gas, and use the money that we use to subsidize the coal industry to train the workers & buy out men who're too old to be worth retraining. Give men who should retire a million or two bucks and the would line up to retire.

Natural gas is SO much cleaner than coal, and you could probally gut out the old coal power plants and install gas turbines for not that much money.

If you have coal workers in their 20s it would be economical to send them to college to train them to work in nuclear power plants.

Sounds suspiciously like what the other presidential candidate proposed.

Like Clinton who said we need to train men for the green energy sector at public rallies, while mocking the same men at one of her donor parties?

When did she do that? People are always finding reasons to discount the legislation she's pushed for decades. She's always been a New Deal infrastructure technocrat.

We got money for wars but can't feed the poor

Keep your head up

It's not that we dont have money for the poor, but simply that a lot of people think the poor don't deserve welfare.

but we do give lots out on welfare and there are many food banks and food stamp programs.

The poor need taken care of before we give Israel one penny to buy weapons.

We do feed the poor. You can get free housing and an EIB card for food. If you are poor you can get medicare and a lot of other benefits and more and that is just from the government. There are plenty of church and private programs to help the poor too. The real question is why are the poor actually poor? Illegal immigrants can get jobs. Why can't the poor?

Over half of food stamp recipients already have jobs. Walmart and like companies get rich, they save gobs of money paying low wages, then get more money when their employees spend the food stamps they qualify for in the store. And the working poor stay poor.

Typically a combination of the following: addiction and psychological issues. Which are tough ass problems to fix.

Illegal immigrants can get jobs. Why can't the poor?

Makes ya think.

You can have a job (or 3) and still be poor.

Well. We've still got libraries.

My local library got rid of its entire reference section, including encyclopedias, and created a "quiet space" in it's place. Isn't the whole library supposed to be a quiet space...and full of...books? We are doomed.

That's sad. I've been making a virtual library of PDFs because my local library screws me on memberships.

Isn't the whole library supposed to be a quiet space?

Homeless fill the libraries nowadays, too stinky to hang out there anymore.

Maybe we should house the homeless, open up sanitoriums, invest in rehab centers, and create jobs here instead of in China.

good thinking.

Where else will the homeless people get a seat at a table?

Homeless shelters.

I found a great book on Atlantis by an initiated Hermeticist at my local library. True story. They don't have Evola or Blavatsky, but they have J. S. Gordon haha. It's breddy gud.

can you give example or data to support this claim?

Stop at a bridge, walk under and look. Chances are you'll see exposed rebar.

No data just feels, like the other shit that gets posted and reposted hourly. They have no idea how bad it is here in Africa.

It's so obvious now that there's some group that's sucking the lifeforce out of the nation. Some people are oblivious to the deception (mostly peeps who just watch the MSM & other dumb TV programs), while others I know are aware about what's truly happening around us.

hedge-funds, stock and shares, derivatives.

Federal Reserve, Israel.

It's so obvious now that there's some group that's sucking the lifeforce out of the nation.

Yep, (((some))) group.

Hmm, what're you suggesting there, goy?

Wow, a realistic and practical post on /r/conspiracy!

bet you were sorry you came !?

Wow, a realistic and practical post

I know right.

The powers that be do not care if this country continues or blows away with the wind. It is not considered a holy country or anything that needs to exist for eternity. All funds and resources for infrastructure will be funneled to other channels.

Borders in this country, and others, will be open such that the cultures become a blend. No country is allowed to have groups that have an "identity" or can band together. Everyone needs to be mixed, confused, scattered and lost.

No country is allowed to have groups that have an "identity" or can band together

Um, Israel is allowed.

No country is allowed to have groups that have an "identity" or can band together

Um, Israel is allowed.

So is every country in Africa and Asia. It's only in Western (white) countries where is isn't permitted to have a national identity.

Africa is poor and not a threat. Most Asian countries are not a threat.


Obviously. They're so systematically oppressed, they've been kicked out of 109 countries (and counting).

Dont have to exaggerate about infrastructure to make a point. I've been to some of the nicer countries in Africa(and not so nice). And been to the USA.... it's not even remotely close.

Africa is only "developed" because of the Chinese who are siphoning the land of their precious metals.

-learn the Trivium method of critical thinking -read the great books of the western world -read John Taylor Gatto -teach others

The US needs the money for the MIC to keep their empire and global taxing scheme(USD) alive. The USA's standard of living is only that high because the world pays for it for over 50 years now.

In general a state can't re-finance maintaining its infrastructure anymore after some time due compound interests. It usually requires a currency reform, infrastructure destruction and debt/ownership "restructuring" by war or it ends in long suffering agony of decay(Sounds familiar?).

They are riding a pyramid scheme until the bitter end. It seems some people still haven't realised they are literally sitting on a sinking titanic with all that it implies.

In general a state can't re-finance maintaining its infrastructure anymore after some time due compound interests. It usually requires a currency reform, infrastructure destruction and debt/ownership "restructuring" by war or it ends in long suffering agony of decay(Sounds familiar?).


What makes you think other first world nations keep their infrastructure up to date? It's just a delayed effect and there might be other factors like build quality, climate and usage.

the Creedish (1) own and run the universities, producing trained slaves for life for the masters, slaves sending back 50% of their paychecks.

  1. Chuck Palahniuk 'Survivor'

my city, the recreational lake is a sewer with major algae problems.

yet its desired to replace some crappy wooden bleachers with a fancy multi-million dollar half baseball stadium.

the sidewalks and the streets are crumbling, the old stores in the central downtown are are crumbling, store steps in doorways decrepit.

A distracted populous doesn't riot

A distracted populous doesn't vote. I bet if you put those two choices as an either/or on the ballot, sidewalks/streets vs stadiums, stadiums would win every time.

upstate ny?

All they want to do is take more of you hard earned money from you and transfer it to them.

That is their true agenda.

It is not ONLY money. They also want to control your mind, information, your movements, your communications. They want ALL FORMS OF POWER.

"Education has been sabotaged into dumbification.... universities slowly descend into slavery fronts...."

Kids enter college with skills far below the level of where they should be at.

And nobody ask why?... Why? Why? Why? It's an important fucking question.

All this is true, yet almost nobody has the balls to say why it is happening.

Why is it happening?

Because a certain group of alleged (((democracy makers))) put on a show of trying fix the problems but really only care about plundering the people and their wealth for all it's worth.

Remember that Obama wanted Infrastructure spending increased to help fix the problems and GOP congress shut him down.

Clinton had a policy ready to go if she had won.

And Trump has also said he has a plan but like everything else Trump has plans for its a secret. But he has already put forward plans that cut DoT budget as well as other infrastructure programs.

Only plebs need roads to drive on, those leaching savages should just take their private jets like a true american

Bitcoin is the answer.

'America's infrastructure is becoming just as bad and even worse than africa' Have you ever been to Africa? LOL not even close to worse than Africa

Jesus Christ. Such a good intro. Yea, subjugated nations do tend to rot. As for war, yea, it's been going on. It's just not what you think.

They want to keep us stupid so they can milk us for all they can squeeze out until they move to the next place.

Did you just make up the word "dumbification"? I like it!

My theory is US destabilized the middle east on purpose due to Fertility rates in there own country. The Fertility rates are that low that without mass immigration one generation wouldn't even replace the last which would likely cause the economy to crash, a lot of businesses especially in rural towns would go under, and with the average lifespans increasing there's concerns about how the coming generation will be able to support older generations who reach retirement age. Fertility rates are a MAJOR issue no ones talking about, you need 2.11 just to replace the previous generation, Europe, US, Australia are all well below that and I think all those countries are using mass immigration to stabilize there own populations/economy.

i assumed idiocracy theory would solve low domestic fertility rates

America's infrastructure is becoming just as bad and even worse than africa

The country or the continent?

Isn't this happening all around the world? all the pipes rusting away underground and needs to be replaced.

There government has endless money to suit its own interests. It always has & always will. Proof the economy is just theory, like philosophy.

Yeah, but these ((ďpeople))) all know the scheme and can't just print money for their own dealings, they have to plunder us all for the value of their money to be sustained.

You might look for a conspiracy. Since the beginning of time people have been looking for a simple explanation for complex problems. It's never worked. There isn't a magical thing sapping "life force" from the nation as someone wrote in this thread. What there is is various destructive ethos held by the public and then implemented by elected officials. Among these are hatred of various groups and destructive economic views.

In both education and healthcare, the government has been socialist enough to provide government subsidies but capitalist enough not to impose any restrictions on providers. The effect is that providers demand more and more money, the government then provides more and more assistance, ad infinitum. That's the reason education and healthcare got so incredibly expensive.

Similarly with the effect of globalization on the economy. It is economically sound to import from abroad whatever is cheaper to produce abroad. The capitalist view is that if China wants to send a lot of goods to America for basically free, America should take the deal. The flip side is the socialist view that if this happens, factories will close, and the people who worked in these factories should be taken care of. They should be able to live their lives in dignity, and their children should go to college to study modern, more lucrative professions, which are America's comparative advantage. Due to the American public's disdain from socialism, none of that happened. The people whose parents worked in industries where America can't compete are living without dignity, can't afford health insurance or higher education, and Fox News is running items blaming them for laziness and trying to convince the public that the government should limit what you can buy with food stamps.

Why can't there be a Silicon Valley in Kentucky? Is America unable to train rust belt teenagers in engineering? Can't America provide a future to a black kid from the ghetto?

Is any of this anyone's fault but the American public's?

As to wars, you all were for Trump, and he's going to increase the defense budget, as he said he would. Vote better.

It has been long planned and the execution is almost completed....

Yuri Bezmenov was a High Level KGB defector in the 1970's and gave a series of talks about Ideological Subversion and it's implementation by the Soviets to take over countries from the struck Yuri most when he came to America was that it wasn't the primarily Russians doing it here it was the Elite Left of America. Worth a watch he explains so much of what is happening as David Horowitz has said decades on decades of Liberal professors hiring Liberal professors has left us fully subverted and phase one demoralization is complete, now we have come to destabilization next will be crisis...

Also look at how many Academics are behind AntiFirstAmendment and the Soros groups causing violence.

Why work retail

ive noticed this change as well(im 29) it really doesnt matter what you do at a job like that these days a long as it ant get you fire or the company sued. I worked as a state corrections officer and it has turned into that as well. Dont pay attention to whats going on around you just dont let any inmates murder other inmates if you can help it, dont get us sued. go home.

Africa is only "developed" because of the Chinese who are siphoning the land of their precious metals.