There are shills here trying to push a Jewish Hate agenda. They are here in MASSES. Regarding this and 🍕gate, r/conspiracy must really be an important information battleground

28  2017-05-02 by [deleted]



Do you eat a lot of gluten?

This sub is one of the few places I come to for keeping up on world events. The propaganda load from most other "news" sites is so thick and blatant it makes me fucking ill.

What's worse is many, many people don't see through the horseshit

exactly. this is the best news service on the internet. and it is for free.

-7 karma

And we're the shills? Makes sense

Just like the other guy that made almost the same post. Not shady at all huh?

Your account is two weeks old. What is this fuckery.

Of course there are, there is also a michal a few cubicles down, doing it as well... Jews really are the most self hating people..... I find that sad.... Considering most are just converts from Eastern Europe... Doesn't make sense to me. But, religious, be cray cray...

Ahh yes, a problem with APARTHEID Israel = jewish hate again.

Israel keeps millions of Palestinians in prisons with checkpoints and special roads that only jews can travel. For decades they have been murdered and pillaged in every conceivable fashion, and yet it's always the JEWS who need un-ending sympathy, isn't it? Fuck Israel, which is our direst enemy, not our ally.

Fuck Israel, which is our direst enemy, not our ally.

Israel is the enemy of mankind.

Stop lumping Jewish conspiracies together with others that don't belong to them. Geeze, what is with this influx of baby accounts making posts like this.

I really think this is like that Twilight Zone episode where people are told there is an alien amongst the neighborhood and they all turn on each other trying to figure out who the bad guy is.

That's what they want, divide and conquer. There's so much confusion on this sub, we gotta start talking and taking this to the streets cause this is where they want us. Here, behind a keyboard.

Shills aren't really real. Brains adapt to to the role each person fulfills. In a world of wheels and deals, the supposed shills just act how they feel. It appears to come from a propaganda mill, but that's just how their brain chooses to deal.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm. Nerp.

The Talmud is an evil book, the Jewish religion has a core of evil principles, I'm not a shill but I think you might be, this is like the third post like this I've seen.

What an incredible post. The best kind of post to wake up to. We have the best posts don't ee folks? Where are you? You deserve a cake.


Call them Sabbetean Frankists or Babylonian Talmudists take your pick also Zoinists

I've just been enlighten on some of the insane things going on in Israel right now. If a nuclear bomb goes off in a war scenario in the near future, I'm putting my money on Israel not North Korea... crazy shit happening all over the world right now.