For over twenty years I was a die hard conspiracy researcher, now I absolutely hate it.

191  2017-05-02 by [deleted]



Take a break. I burned out watching p-gate implode. Put yourself first.

p-gate implode

Fuck you.

You don't know shit. You werent here when r/pizzagate excisted. You have seen no proof. But who cares anyways, pizzagate is forgotten they won

Take a break, snowflake.

See that name calling prickwaving shit you're doing? That's exactly what the fuck I'm talking about getting tired of.

Dont listen to the bots. Enjoy your time.


That's what they want you to do. Been especially hard as a Bernie supporter who refused to vote for either of the two evils.

The worst part is that some of them are PAID to do this, and get pleasure from being soulless shills.

Just take some time off, whether it's a day, a month, or a year. That's what I did and now I'm back fighting for what's right.

Everybody hates this shit

Rather see YOU take a break. Go for it!

when my morale is low i like to tell my feelings to the whisper box under my bed. that way i can't spread my shitty morale to others.

Actually my morale is high. That's why I'm telling you folks to encourage each other. Otherwise I'd say fuck you all you deserve what you get.

I'd recommend redirecting that energy towards something else. I agree, researching can take a lot out of you.

Obviously don't know anything about you as a person but I'd suggest spending some time with others and 'creating'. Can be very beneficial.

Actually I'm working on a new album for music and a new documentary project unrelated to these topics. Yeah, it's just a matter of redirecting energy and stepping back. I love the truth movement, hence why I know that if I've reached this point a regrouping of mind and soul is needed.

Maybe choose a subject to research that doesn't have terribly deep or dark implications for a while. I'm taking a break from PG for a bit for similar reasons. You can't help anyone if you are in too much of a funk.


👆👆👆 Whenever I get burnt out on current events I switch to the crypto/fun stuff, bigfoot and alien-dolphins make me feel better lol

Lol, I was just talking to my bf about getting back into Bigfoot for a while. He just rolled his eyes at me.

This is a topic I've been meaning to write up but apparently big foot DNA has been found, taken (from a live photographed big foot) run for DNA testing and came back as positive match for some human DNA

Pretty interesting at the time as no news outlets covered it at all.

Will write it up in a day or two

Sadly DNA doesn't work that way.

Great rebuttal I guess we should just all go home.

I can't communicate the terms effectively and you know what I am getting at. I will be sure to use "proper" scientific lingo when I do the write up so it does not offend people like yourself that can't grasp the general notion I am trying to get across.

Yea fuck actually using the right words amaright.

Then provide the correct words instead of being a negative toxic ass hole.

It's just a half ass post dude quit getting your panties in a bunch over some words. My lord

get an education.

You are welcome.

get an education.

You failed to capitalize your g.

you are welcome.

You failed to capitalize the Y and also failed to shorten it to "you're"

Go be toxic somewhere else

Sorry English is one of the many languages I speak and not my first. Also phone keyboards are hard.

How's the education going? Learned much yet? How can I tell you how wrong you are when you wouldn't even know how to pronounce let alone understand* half of the words required to do so.

*Some of them have more than 3 syllables :o.

"You're wrong!!"

"I won't say why you're wrong but you're wrong"


Also you failed to learn respect. You can speak three languages but have not even touched on the respect or humble part of social conversation. Looks like you have some education to attend to friend.

C ya, don't want to bother your studies of basic human conversation and what it means to be a human being


"Just remember its always better to communicate than be a cunt."

Don't know where you got the number 3 from :s once again making shit up lol :D.

By the way this is a comment you made three days ago

"Just remember its always better to communicate than be a cunt."

You're a fucking hypocrite. God bless. Grow up

What a piece of shit he is. I wish mods would do more about this rather than banning people for pointing shills out who are actually ruining this place

The funny thing is we gotta tip toe around them so we don't get banned for calling out their bullshit. It's bs but I'm just glad we have a mostly good community here

I'm fairly certain google, or its parent company alphabet, is not a learning institution, nor does it offer tutoring services. Furthermore, this person acknowledged that they'd used improper terminology and that they'd do better in future yet you persist. This seems to indicate you cannot recognize small victories, compromise, or civility. Not recognizing civility is further shown when no thanks was proffered and you say you're welcome. This is generally considered to be rude.

I'm not attacking you, merely explaining why others are. If you'd like to change interactions in the future this comment is here as a resource for education, which you seem to be an advocate of in some way.

Google is a learning institution, here

it is also a very easy way, for someone with very little knowledge of a subject, to locate information relevant to that subject. My apologies I assumed that was clear, in future I will link to the subject relevant journals.

You're welcome.

Wow you're even more of a tool than I thought. If you don't realize that Google is probably the last place at this point you should be getting an unbiased uncensored information (or as you said education) from, you should probably shut the fuck up and quit calling people out on little shit (in the grand scheme of things) especially when everybody else knew what they were trying to say anyways. This is what OP is saying. This course of research is so fucking toxic that it's hard to give a fuck anymore.

The resistance can't even get along much less come together or figure anything out. Okay so maybe the person was wrong. Do you forget that that is another human being on the other side? Should we really talk to each other in this subreddit like that when we are probably the only ones that as a group are even REMOTELY on the same page for the most part?

No, let's just keep being dicks to each other while the elite fucking destroy our entire existence. That makes alot of sense.

Lol you people do make me giggle. Cheers for a fun night lol. Now back to inventing a story that gives meaning to my failed life :p.

Just piss off. People like you are exactly why people OP and many more of us are just sick of this place. I've had it pedantic little shitbags like you. Go back to /r/politics where you can behave like this and circle jerk over how you corrected each other's spelling.

Lol the irony

And OPs point has just been proven.

Well, just help him Recover his Grace :D

why do you think there has never been a bigfoot body or skeleton found?

Because they bury their dead.

So do humans

I recently got interested in Bigfoot after purposefully avoiding it for a long time thinking it was ridiculous.

There is WAY more information out there than I had ever thought possible. Personally, after about 3-4 months of pretty vigilant research, I am convinced they exist. Also fear free blast researching it.

Here are some links to get you started:

How hilarious would it be if we all strickly concentrated on Bigfoot for a week? Every post = Bigfoot.

You know its not a bad idea for certain topics, sometimes things get overshadowed by current events so if we had themed days or weeks or something there would good exposure to the classics.

You know, that's not a bad idea!

Thanks for the links.

The crazy thing is, pretty much all of these conspiracy and supposed fringe subjects have more evidence and research done on them by orders of magnitude. I would go out on a limb and even say that probably 50% of supposed conspiracy theories have so much evidence that if it was any other socially acceptable subject, and you put it into a court of law, it would be proven and accepted as fact time and time again.

I do the same lol

Good post. Godspeed my friend.

Well said.

Before you check out though, there must be a short list of key sources you have come to respect in one way or another, even if they are not perfect.

People unify against the establishment differently than the establishment "unifies" to keep its grip.

For starters, here is a list I keep of some of the people whom I still respect. Sorry, I don't respect Noam Chomskey enough to put him on this list:

Stephen F. Cohen, Jon Cole, David Chandler, Daniele Ganser, Sharyl Attkisson, Mark Crispin Miller, Kevin Ryan, David Ray Griffin, F. William Engdahl ,Paul Craig Roberts, Francis Richard Conolly, Peter Dale Scott, Pepe Escobar, Andrew J. Bacevich, John Judge (1948-2014), John Pilger, Mark Blyth, Niall Ferguson, Bill Moyers, Stephen Kinzer, Robert Parry and Mike Lofgren. Not saying these folks are right on everything, but I still want to know where they are heading on issues.

Sibel Edmonds, Corbett Report, even Jimmy Dore (who landed a gob of spit on AJ's face) have their own channels.

I still listen to Julian Assange, but not to Sam Harris. Another one with some insight is Slavoj Zizek.

Trump got folks like Mike Rivera exposed for poor judgement. There are generations of people who will feel like they wasted their lives, but who each carried a bit of the flame forward. But now, opportunities have been squandered, credibility destroyed. It will take a new beginning from here, mostly by new people, I am afraid.

Stephen F. Cohen, Jon Cole, David Chandler, Daniele Ganser, Sharyl Attkisson, Mark Crispin Miller, Kevin Ryan, David Ray Griffin, F. William Engdahl ,Paul Craig Roberts, Francis Richard Conolly, Peter Dale Scott, Pepe Escobar, Andrew J. Bacevich, John Judge (1948-2014), John Pilger, Mark Blyth, Niall Ferguson, Bill Moyers, Stephen Kinzer, Robert Parry and Mike Lofgren. and dozens more. If you want someone who has their own "channel" try Sibel Edmonds, Corbett Report, even Jimmy Dore (who landed a gob of spit on AJ's face).

There's a lot of good voices and a lot of good sources out there, but even under the best intentions, none of them are perfect. Listen to them all with an open mind but with a grain of salt, and know the narrative(s) can change at any moment. Wisdom is key.

Just jumping in here to inquire about the Mike Rivera comment? Listed some really great sources!

Mike was really pitching Trump hard, very partisan, until Trump attacked that Syrian air strip and neighboring village.

In other words, last I checked, Rivera was having to admit Trump was a disappointment to him.

There are a few litmus tests for people, some of which are going to end me listening to them at all. Some people cross that line, and for me, Mike crossed that line. It would take a lot for me to reconsider.

First heard about M.R. from the Vince Foster case etc which was excellent stuff!

Man, I gave Mike R. broadcast a really long run for the money and listened to him far longer than he deserved my two hours of attention 5 x's per week (Ron's commercial free work is excellent!) but in all honesty he started out with Any body but Hillary. And indeed fell in line with his blather of wanting a spot in the WH.

Anyway, it was a couple months ago and he got really shitty with a caller concerning Hollywood and Pizzagate; that of all things was my breaking point.

/u/Orangutan posted his show quite a bit, awhile back and new people were wondering who he was...I wrote up a synopsis describing his show.

Thank you so much for your insight!

Yes, the Vince Foster work by MR was great.

As well, his All Wars Are Bankers Wars.


I have to also admit, the DNC and even Bernie really pissed me off, to the point I refuse to be called a liberal or even a progressive, or left. I am so done with the identity politics, what a damn scam. So, it was easy for me to have some sympathy for MR, except that he even went off half cocked against Jill when she raised that money to help expose the corrupt election system after Trump won. It was not pro Hillary what Jill was doing as far as I can see, and Jill even offered Bernie to take the front ticket for the Green Party.

The left really fucked themselves, and Trump was not loved by the right. But MR fell into a trap, a pit. He became blindly partisan. I don't forgive that easily.

Over my many long years I've listened to so many voices and or yammering idiots that can be used by any number of groups. Back in the day I was a huge political junky and a news hound because I saw my peers not paying attention.

When everyone was voting for Reagan I was headed the other direction. Pretty sure I've melded into an Anarchist by definition - knowing that the Libertarians hoisted up a freaky joke intentionally.

I did agree with Jill Stein on many planks and then she spent obscene amounts of money to fight the obvious. Our Courts are a joke - I understand her passion but again, it is Vote Reform (where I strongly agree with MR!) that has to be done. Period.

Well before Bernie got roughed up by the Arkansas Mafia I was looking into the shennanigans of his wife but really, Bernie was IMHO always a Token Politician to be used when he was needed.

Totally get your point about us old dogs but do not close off your eyes and ears to some of your elders that have been rebelling possibly longer than you've been alive. LOL

I am called a young whippersnapper all the time, by people in their 90's and 80's, but I was already 27 in '81 when the heavy metal era took off in earnest, so I am likely a bit older than you are.

Politically I was turned off by living in DC when JFK was shot, when Kent State happened, when Nixon won in 68. Living through Carter, Reagan and everything since has been an insult to any thinking person. These days, I catch up on old radicals like Mark Twain, brush up on the failure of the left during the depression, the way the labor movement was corrupted and bought off.

Here is something that had a weird resonance to me: Huey Long on the $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout (before my time!)

and The Weight of Chains 2 | TeĹľina lanaca 2 skip to 1:54 near the end

Of the various experiments in nation building, the certain examples where social welfare, life expectancy, education, medicine, quality of life progressed, over many decades, do in fact exist. Where private property has been worshiped above all, where there were no checks on corporate power, where inequality increased and the middle class were shrinking, would it be fair to call that real capitalism, or real democracy? One thing that Venezuela and the present USA share in common is that the game is rigged.

Would seem you are a bit older and I was going only off your comment, so I assumed too much!

Look forward to the Doc. The Weight of Chains - Thanks for that link. Personally, both sides of the current American protests are ignorant, IMHO. In watching the Venezuelan protests I didn't see any fat people...

Dr. Ron Paul made sense before he was overthrown by his son. Seems we can agree this country is in a mess and going to Mars is a damned sick joke. Cannot take care of the Vets their Wars created, can't help the mentally ill that have come from poisoned water, air, food etc. and fuck the homeless they just need a new Sports Arena!

Depressing stuff and I'm rambling. Thanks for shooting the breeze with me today, ya young whipper snapper!

Dr. Ron Paul would have been better than anyone else we have had in recent decades, but I think George Carlin or was that Bill Hicks, was being more realistic: showing of the Dallas JFK film to anyone who made it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Deep State agendas and top donors have had the reins. Somewhere else, away from the center of empire, they will be experimenting with a political community that is in service to what the best of civilization has to offer, which is a lot. It is a commonwealth that has been squandered. What needs to be choked is the corruption, which amounts to treason.

Bill Hicks did a great standup about the JFK assassination introduction to newly elected Presidents. George Carlin - Frank Zappa too!

There's a Canadian that presents how the courts are all tied to the Crown etc. and he's funny as hell while slinging truth! Robert Menard - he talks about the corruption of the courts, law in a funny but sobering manner. In a round about way he clues us in to the insanity of how and why the meaning of the word "is" becomes so important. There's a time stamp on this, as it does begin with a religious bent (I replace with spiritual) but overall this is my aspiration of anarchy:

Seems futile to think we'll ever fix or correct the corruption. We follow the law out of moral compass (in most cases...) and would never imagine murdering one and getting away with it scott-free. Our elected leaders rape, rob and pillage with no consequences. Disheartening and exhausting.

Seems futile to think we'll ever fix or correct the corruption

This is key. Obviously there have been examples where a good dentist had improved peoples lives, or where the public enjoyed a nice city park that was clean and did not cost a ridiculous amount to maintain, or where a school house delivered a decent schooling at a fair cost by conscientious teacher who was deservedly respected.

The modern examples of inefficiencies and waste (stage 2) have been accumulating for so many decades now that memories of anything else are now very distant and inconceivable.

The tendency for affluent institutions to become bloated and corrupt (stage 2) is indeed unstoppable, but their eventual collapse is equally assured. The case studies of collapse and the subsequent effects (stage 3), or more hopefully, the early stage real quality that happens in lean times (stage 1) by sincere people are two other extremes that fill in the picture.

The application of rule of law or its absence are also reflected in the three stages noted and the most remarkable aspect I can identify is that the rulers and their ministers have no intention or ability to fix anything, but merely to live well and kick the can down the road. Anyone who would have the ability or intention to fix anything would be intentionally excluded, driven out.

And yes, that can be disheartening or exhausting, but what happens is that decent people are found to be elsewhere, and developing special coping skills from outside. Often in the black market.

Ideals are not realistic to be applied. Idealism or ideology is a tool used to motivate masses of people, but it is only effective within a small window of particular circumstances that are more determined by the seasons. This season will pass, and a new season is already in the budding phase. But like I said, yesterdays empires are not going to lead the seasonal variations. And the bigger the egos, the louder the complaints and gnashing of teeth will be, often by those who are the least competent to adapt.

This is wonderfully written!

I feel way in over my head...but I'm stubborn.

Would this passage below apply to Aaron Swartz or say, to the original concept of Bit Coin?

And yes, that can be disheartening or exhausting, but what happens is that decent people are found to be elsewhere, and developing special coping skills from outside. Often in the black market.

I wasn't thinking of Aaron but I like how you think. Too much of what should be the public domain has been converted into private property. The privatized sector is just the tip of the iceburg, because corruption has bought out the whole government so the only non corrupt sector is within the black market. If you hire someone who is "playing by the book", they have effectively become a part of the rigged system, distorted by corrupt policies, and there is effectively a barrier to entry into this system. Try to become an honest roofer or an honest mechanic. You can't. To go by the book, to pass the barriers to entry, you have to rip off you customers and your workers and play games with your taxes or you won't survive. You most likely also have to leverage yourself silly and lie on loan documents and engage in other deceptive practices in your advertising etc. just to remain "competitive". Such "entrepreneurs" usually feel someone precarious and exposed due to the fact that any real scrutiny would not be welcome. They often join with and network with others who have political favor, weasel their way into the inner circle in an attempt to "buy protection" from those they think can help cover them. That is partly why elections are becoming ever more bitter, because the in party is likely to use the IRS, FBI, etc. against those in the out party, and heads roll within the top levels of this mafia. So, even though the elite has all this power, they never have enough to satisfy this sense of paranoia. Anyone who wants to be a politician is immediately suspect for even being willing to deal with the stench of all of this.

The stench of all this has permeated down to almost every level of the "official" economy and the "legitimate" establishment. Its becoming a crime to try to stay on the fence and not be assimilated into the official lies. To question authority, to doubt the official truth, is already to be in the black market.

My father realized he couldn't fight TPTB, the prejudices of everyday man and he spent a great deal of time going over/through much of what he was raised under - but really in the end - he just wanted to be left alone to raise his kids, run his business etc.

I was raised between two very diverse homes and in that, I feel I was very fortunate. Honestly, I got the stronger distrust of all things government, religion, moral compass and work ethic etc. from my father.

Seeing, experiencing hypocrisy, bigotry up close in my mothers house. She saw my brother in his Navy Uniform and gushed with pride. I grieved. My dad (we kids...) sacrificed a lot to keep him out of the Draft of Vietnam.

Seeing men and women that wield great power and then do nothing when corruption is rampant, is galling, reprehensible and imho treasonous.

To this day I cannot look at Rand Paul with anything but disgust! I was grieved that Dr. Ron Paul didn't tell his kid and Rinse Pubics to take a flying leap. Oh hell! how people do not want to see how that machine is oiled, tuned, tweaked and subverted!

Again, I'm very fortunate to live in reasonably small town that has/had some strong, well meaning people. Ten and twelve years ago Meth was everywhere! Nermal people could see the decay plowing the town under! People took it upon themselves to organize clean ups of distressed properties ergo lives too. Honestly, genuine help was offered and given without citations of threats nor was forced removal of persons or children unless there were abuse or neglect*. It was amazing.

In the last go round the people got lazy and complacent - they Elected an outsider! This guy, Mayor doesn't even live in the city (he ran on old name status...) but his cronies (that chaffed at all us do-gooders) are running amok. It turns the screw that fast!

I'm exhausted but I'll fight to my last breath and on my feet, I hope!

I'm really curious as to why you don't respect Noam Chomsky enough to put him on the list. Would you mind giving me some reasons?

Noam Chomsky does an excellent job of cataloguing certain history, and for that he is a great repeater of facts that anyone could gather from the same readily available public sources. Noam is not indispensable as a brilliant chronicler of this history of empire, there are plenty more.

But the reverence for Noam has been a problem when Noam has been so vocal against 9/11 truth or even JFK truth.

Noam isn't even a clearing house for whistleblowers like Assange is. Reverence to him is what pisses me off, just like reverence to Sam Harris pisses me off. They get more attention than warranted and fail key litmus tests for people I trust. Same with Amy Goodman. Will listen to them all as 2nd or 3rd tier information, but will also pay special attention to what they won't say, or who they are afraid of pissing off.

Chomsky probably didn't make it on his list, because he prefers Zizek. You can see them both diss eachother on YouTube because of differences over Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.

Enjoy! Heal up! This crud is often deeply toxic! Come back fresh and robust!

Message boards and comment sections have burnt me out. Never in all these years have I witnessed division so powerful. Everyone is at everyone's throats and everyone is convinced their research is correct and everyone else is a dumbass. And they call them names to prove it.

Sadly this trend can be seen everywhere, not just in this sub. It's not always been like this, what happened? Have the shills and their D&C tactics become so powerful or did "we" just get more susceptible to these tactics?

More powerful. Tons of funds to hire resources to control the narrative but they have ended up dividing us. I'm starting to wonder if the goal is to divide.

This is why I don't post as often anymore. Too much divide and conquer but there are a lot of good people here. We are in this together and we all need to anchor in the light to spark a new divine reality for us all with abundance and prosperity.

Much love to you man put your happiness first

I really hope you continue with your spiritual posts. This is the type of stuff that helps ground me when I get too consumed by all of the dark conspiracies, and I'm sure there are many others here who feel the same way. Just ignore the haters and negativity

Thanks man. I'll definitely keep sharing the most interesting stuff I can find. I am glad others enjoy reading spiritual material as much as I do. It's hard to post it sometimes without attracting attention from some pretty close minded people but I feel posting it outweighs not posting it. Cheers

Try becoming spiritual, or a seeker. Serve the Light, ask the Creator to reveal himself to you. Things will work out for good in the end. Stay strong.

It's pretty tough when the very language we use has been co-opted. But that's why online communication matters. We can take back definitions, and create a new consensus.

I am very grateful for your contributions! Take good care of yourself, friend!

Take your time, I'm sure that you'll be back once you're ready.

Thanks for the work you have done. I too can't do this sort of research because it is psychologically too hard on me.

My recommendation is to start working on projects that create change. Bitcoin, for instance, takes power away from the establishment and shakes up economies. That's a good thing.

I think it's still got ways to get worse before it gets better, and that's what scares me, that it'll get so bad that I'll turn into the same demons humanity's trying to rid itself of, and I've already become a jaded prick. By the time things get better, I won't be able to see it, I'll just see more traps and lures. I'll throw this sin out there, I've been praying for the Korean War to blow up into a nuclear exchange the past few days, even with the knowledge it'll kill uncountable numbers of people, including myself if it takes the global economy with it. I've let myself become such an extreme misanthrope that I've been praying for humanity to get the humiliation of a lifetime, with the knowledge and acceptance that my own sins will be just as prominently displayed as everyone else's when judgement comes.

Let this sin of mine be known. Digging into conspiracies, however limited and lazy I've been with my research, has convinced me that humanity at it's very core naturally deceives itself and others, most likely brought all this bullshit on itself, would rather blame aliens or gods or the weather and planets rather than itself, and that going anywhere in this life just isn't worth it, and that I'm better off shutting myself out from everyone, because absolutely fucking everything is corrupted, and I don't have the moral strength or integrity or stability to handle getting pelted with shit in every single direction. Life itself just doesn't feel worth the struggle anymore, no matter how great the reward I'm "promised", and that' assuming God, or whatever's pretending to be the creator of the universe, will just throw me in eternal literal clouds and pearly gates, and literally nothing else because that's what eternal life is, just bland eternal worship drones that only a zealous lunatic would accept. Just a mockery of devoting my life to Jesus Christ even though I've come to realize religion is bullshit even though I've kept my Christian beliefs.

When I die, God will have a lot to answer to me for letting this world become the way it is, and why I was put on this dysfunctional rock bathed in constant propaganda and deception and vicious nature to begin with either.

I'm into conspiracy theories I find them interesting. That being said -

  1. Most if not all have a chance of being fake. Why? Because we weren't there when it happened so truly the only person that knows the truth is the "whistle blower" same goes for everything that happens in this world.

  2. What are we doing about it if it's real? Raging on Reddit and trying to prove it to someone else? What's being done about any conspiracy "theory"

If you haven't walked the neighborhood, yet, sharing this stuff with your community... do it. It is a lot more human than the message boards :).

But if I don't take a long break, I'm afraid I'll become a jaded prick who feels humanity is getting what they deserve

Just like a regular job, you need a break. I'd say more nature, no technology for a week. I do this once a year, and it REALLY recharges me, my mind refreshed.

You have been doing great work, we all need to hear it, see it.. but you deserve a break, for everyone's sake.

You are what you eat. Input = output.

If you consume and digest nothing but horror and fear porn it will certainly alter you in that direction.

There are also many ways to influence this world for the better without every involving yourself with the gritty details.

This is a spiritual battle. Look inward and learn about selflessness. Take time to meditate often. I would bet that these two simple things will effect you and the world around you positively.

I don't think you really understand what research is, so I'm just going to laugh 8 times for each instance of the word you've used here.

Understand how you feel.

I am not new to conspiracies (though new to this sub as far as posting. My Uncle told me about it long ago and I have read it a long time) and what I see, not just here, is that so many seem to have taken sides (politically) and that has become more important than actual research and facts.

Trump is our president now, and the government pretty much remains the same. Coverups, etc that have been there years are still there - it doesn't matter the president (presidents and congress change a lot) because most in the government stay between administrations.

Some want their focus to be on hillary (to attack dems/liberals), others directly on trump/republicans (and no, I don't like them but am a registered independent like most in my family). Taking of sides can color discussions and distract people from looking for truth.

On top of this we get flat earthers flooding the new queue and looking for attention. Between mainly political posts (for which my uncle was banned from here, he posted something negative about trump last year - literally the reason he was banned) and BS posts from trolls/etc things have gotten off track.

get a dog, make it your best friend, take breaks from all this ish, and spend time playing with your dog and going for long walks and belly rubs and teaching your dog new tricks

May I suggest a different research topic? I have an incredibly interesting question that I've been trying to answer for years. Here it goes.

As you said, conspiracy theorists very often have contradicting views of events. At most one of these conflicting views is true; the rest are wrong. My question regards to those who believe incorrect details about reality. The question is, why? How does that happen? What makes people not only hold wrong views about reality, but also advocate for them, and name-call others for expressing doubt?

Randall Carlson has inspired me to learn more about geology. I recommend devoting some time in pursuit of something more grounded (pun intended) but also still relevant to being a truth-seeker. There's loads out there in our ancient history that we just have no information on, and it feels purposefully suppressed. The information overload we've been getting in the last few years is overwhelming, depressing, agitating, all of it, so it's good to step back and look at something you know for sure is true, rather than racking your brain trying to decipher bullshit from reality.

good troll attempt, 0/10

What frustrates me to no end, is the fact that nothing will be done about any of it

People aren't necessarily worried about truth anymore. It's all about appearances or image or fitness.

People don't want to believe they are deluding themselves when it comes to truth but it's actually quite common.

Why? Because the world is complex, language is limited and often we're just too busy.

So we all develop ways to filter, categorize and process data streams yet all of these ways can blind us to some truth or falsehood yet we will remain blissfully unaware because we have faith in our information processing routines.

We've seen it literally THOUSANDS of times. Someone is making a very good point but there is nuance and context required to understand it. But then along comes someone with a silly soundbite that discredits the person or the point, but the soundbite is actually not correct, and all of a sudden all support for the truth evaporates sometimes instantaneously.

I'm starting to think perception is truth and therefore uncovering truth isn't nearly as important and building proper perceptions.

when a fool realizes he is a fool he becomes wise.... when a wise man thinks he is wise he becomes a fool...

nobody can be sure they are correct, so if there is a choice to be right or kind... always choose to be kind.


You spent all your time on the problem. Have you found the solution?

Stay strong brother but you will have to face the darkness at some point. What path you take after is up to you.

Started researching flat earth. Then checked out some Nasa material. So much fake stuff from that agency. Now I'm more confused then ever.

I took a good, long break & came back. Very little has changed.

No coronal mass ejection frying the power grid.

No police state.

No extraterrestrial disclosure.

No fake ET invasion to bring about one world government.

No collapse of fiat currency.

All of these things were right around the corner in 2011.

I first heard about the imminent passing of Nibiru/Planet X in 2002. And it's been right around the corner ever since.

In the early 2000s David Icke said the corrupt power system would collapse/shift around 2009-2012. In 2012 he said it would be 2016-2020.

I used to follow David Wilcock & ET disclosure has been imminent for years. Along with the collapse of the "cabal". Check out his blogs, the titles use the same language of urgency across 5 years.

I don't mean to discredit all of the above or insult the notion of conspiracy theory. This has just been my experience.

Divide and conquer is their tactic, yes. You have to approach /r/conspiracy knowing this. Helps you see through it and focus on normal interaction.

Having said that, of course take a break. In fact take a break from real people, too. Get out of the city for a couple days.

Humanity is getting what is deserves though. You reap what you sow

They have sown wind for 500 fucking years... Now reap the whirlwind

if I don't take a long break, I'm afraid I'll become a jaded prick who feels humanity is getting what they deserve.

What’s wrong with that?

that's something I don't believe

Ah. I see. Well…there’s your problem right there. I mean I'd say humanity has a lot of redeeming qualities, but what happens is really up to us and our own doing. If we’re fucked, it’s because we’re allowing ourselves to be fucked. I know it’s not that simple, but…well, sometimes it kind of is.

I have days where a part of me regrets it, wondering if ultimately did it change anything, or did I waste thousands of hours over decades?

Wait a minute…

did you LEARN while doing your research?

Well, if you did, then it WAS worth it, man. Come on. Fuck everyone else. Your research educates YOU. Don’t come here and say you’re discouraged because the rest of the world is going to shit and the information you try to impart is shat on. That’s the world we live in. This place sucks.

You’re not here for others, however. You’re here for YOU. You’re here to educate YOURSELF. Help others - sure. Absolutely. Help everyone you can. However, the moment you base your worth or your tiredness or whatever on how others are doing…well, that’s the moment you fuck up. That’s the moment you end up…well…like you presently are. Dried up, spent, wasted out.

Fuck that. Again, educate YOURSELF. If your goal is to make sure that you know as much as you can, then no time you spend here or anywhere searching for the truth is ever, EVER wasted.

Don't quit now. 2016 was a turning point. A significant portion of the population got woke to those who are waging economic war against us. I truly believe that a revolution is afoot. Folks are like babies being born, screaming and crying as they're being yanked out of the warm darkness and into the light. Don't let it wear you down, Brother. The world needs you.

Work on yourself and the world will follow. The world is a reflection of yourself. I too suffer, and am trying to make the change.

No offense but "researcher" seems like a strong word.

The Satanic Psychopaths that control this planet are very close to the Microchip Implant and Brain/Computer Interface of the public. The entire Human Race is heading towards Eternal Subjugation. We need to go full steam on waking up the public. I personally find numerous periods of Deep Meditation and Visualization cleanse and refuel the Mind and Body...

After twenty years of research, can you summarize your worldview based on what you've found?

Here's one thing that is for sure going on, and there's no doubt these are the true masters of our world...the banking cartel -- All The Plenary's Men

And they're all sick fuck satanists, and they've used their power to create money to buy up nearly everything of value, and now they seem to control everything except the people themselves, and they kinda do that through mass media and controlling the makers of culture, the sources of information, who do you think makes the textbooks that the US schools teach in all grades? The small number of families and their satellites control the world, and they're psychopaths and sociopaths!

I take breaks every now and then.

We can't carry the weight of the world the whole time. We're still allowed to have a fun and positive life ourselves.

Lol you people do make me giggle. Cheers for a fun night lol. Now back to inventing a story that gives meaning to my failed life :p.