It's my 2 year cakeday, and I just want to thank you fuckers!

22  2017-05-03 by Putin_loves_cats

I've been here for some time, but not always under this name (that has changed - fuck TPTB, I'm keeping this name). We learn, we challenge, we grow, we change.

That is life, and that is how it should always be. Here is me when I first started, and here is me now. Strapping young cat, so I've been told (rawrrrrr).

This community means a lot to me, because we seek truth, justice, love, kinship, and peace. We are the truth seekers, historians, the freaks, the geeks, the rejected, the laughed at, the undesirables, the loners, and the "crazies" (my kind of pub/people). Embrace that my fellow truth seekers, because:

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

  • Jiddu Krishnamurti

Always search, always do your own homework/research, take everything with a grain of salt, read between the lines, let go of ego, and say fuck all to those who try to cut you down. But, be humble, for:

I know one thing; that I know nothing


We are entering the Great Awakening/Unveiling, and we need to be ready. Mentally, physically, spiritually, and intellectually.. I wish you all the best, and know, you're not alone (you never are - TPTB want you to feel like you are (So does the hive mind)).

There are millions of us out here in the world/wild, who feel/think the same. Kick up a convo with someone, you may be surprised, that they were simply waiting for someone to just say/ask it.

Here's a toast to those who drink the Devil's piss, and here is a bowl to those who smoke/vape the Devil's grass, I'd eat some Devil's meat of the Earth for the mushie heads, but fuck... I'd be blown out of my mind - got shit to do tomorrow!

For those who want to dog on me for my grammar, punctuation, and shit (I know it's bad)...

Hate me or love me, I love you still. Na zdrowia! Peace and love all!


Peace and love, Putin.

Cider for all!

I have barrels, and some other "good" stuff. Just wish we could all chill around a fire with and aurora over head....

Imma hold out hope that the "good" stuff is Absinthe....

One day, we should all drink absinthe and look at auroras together

You. I like you.

i like both of you

The first rule of the green Faery, is we do not talk about the Green Faery ;). Unless you got 50 and are not a cop ;)...

If I'm a cop, I should probably put this bowl down ...

It's actually not illegal to possess. Just illegal to import in to the states for distribution. I've been ordering it online for years, but of course always check your local/state laws.

Negative and don't listen to this fool. True Absinthe is illegal in the US (war on drugs)... I consumed some while in Poland/Russia (real shit)... You get high alc in the US, but no wormwood... Slap, slap...!!!!

I didn't say it was sold within the US hotshot, since my statement "I order it online." Reading comprehension comrade.

If you see something, say something.. You've been reported to US customs...

☭I thought you were my friend.☭

Be excellent to each other and party on dudes

Word up son.

По крайней мере, вы не проповедуете, как мы все будем здороваться


Thanks for making this post man! These are the type of posts I'm glad to see every now and then. It kind of inspires me to go deeper down the rabbit hole and see what other type of crazy shit I can find out about the 'Real World' we live in. We are living in some very strange times and people truly need to be ready physically, mentally and especially spiritual for what's to come. Anyways, congrats on the 2 years and thanks again for making this post!

You're welcome, and dive deep man. Speak your mind. Challenge people, and do not let downvotes or threats dissuade you. I get them on the daily, I'm still here... Play Devil's advocate as much as you possibly can...


kiss. Too far....

Don't ever back down or give up.

Keep on truckin'

We don't often agree, but happy arbitrary day of celebration.

We agree more than we disagree, spider. Not sure why you do not see this?

i raise my beer to ya putes, you were the first user that stood out to me when i found reddit not so long ago, even though you have yer opinions, i've still seen you advocate free speech the whole time, don't stop posting and commenting on shit please

btw, how come when u get into debates i stop seeing ur comments after so long, in ur history i see the first sentance of ur new comments, but on a thread they are gone? pisses me right off, is one only allowed to comnent so many times or what? either way i aint gna stop creepin u everyday, much love putes, and much love to the sub, /most/ of you.are awesome :D

This swig is for you! There is one thing I will not stop doing, and that is speaking my mind/opinions, nor should anyone... Speak up, and converse.. Don't be afraid... As for what the rest you said. I have down vote bots, and certain groups who do not want anything I say getting any attention.... Hmmm... Anyways. Cheers mate, glad you enjoy my thoughts, I enjoy yours, as well....

your thoughts/comments/posts are honestly what gets me through my days, i creep like a mother fucker, but you, and others ofcourse, are the reason i have a little hope for the world, i feel i've learnt alot, but the learning doesn't fuckin stop does it? :p 3 or 4 beers later, i raise to you again, peace and love my friend, peace and fucking love :)

You keep this place rocking!

slàinte mhath

10/10 quality post mr cats.

For your cakeday, ill gift you some trivia:

Do you know why [Noddy[( has a bell on his hat? Because he is a CUNT.

<3 James :). How are you living upside down?

Flying high mate! I am trying to source some psilocybin mushrooms or DMT atm. Tis a bit difficult down this way.

How are you feeling? I have a feeling you are breaking out of your winter cocoon ;)

Flying high mate!

That makes two of us!.

Yeah, you guys are upside down, shit don't make sense. Is there cow shit on the ceiling?

How are you feeling? I have a feeling you are breaking out of your winter cocoon ;)

You are correct. Winter sucks balls where I am... The sun is nice...

cow shit on the ceiling

As is custom. You guys don't do it? Where does your methane go?

Winter sucks balls.

Indeed. I agree. No good comes from it except appreciating the warmth. Are you gold panning this summer??

I'm too drunk to respond (fully), lol. We are like two hot dogs in a bun. But, to answer your last question, Yes.

We are like two hot dogs in a bun.

A-May-Za-Zing! Congrats!

Happy cakeday, man! You are a fun poster to be in disagreement with.

Thanks, and ditto.