Conspiracy theories may seem ridiculous when observed individually. However, they are all part of a larger conspiracy, an elite utopia that they call their "New World Order". This is the "root" goal of TPTB.

64  2017-05-03 by D3nverAirp0r7

All of these "conspiracies" individually seem goofy. However they are all part of one grand move towards creating a "New World Order". In short, the ruling class runs the show, and they are plotting to create a one world government. Do you feel truly free and happy in your life? You shouldn't. I bet you're overworked and underpaid, and you're probably deserving of a hell of a lot better of a life than you may have. These people are trying to essentially enslave the human race for their own selfish desires. They want more power, more wealth, and total control at our expense. And I'm just a regular dude who is pissed off and tired of it.

You'd be surprised how much we all probably have in common. I live a normal life, I have hobbies. But i'm also aware that the world we are living in is very much an artificial habitat, it's all for show. We slave away 9-5 to serve corporations, they take 40% of our income, we get married, have kids, and die. Rinse and repeat, while they live lavish lifestyles at our expense. I truly, in the pit of my soul believe this is what's Happening, and that if enough people wake up, we can change things.

Did any of you ever feel like there was something wrong with the way the world was when you were a kid? That is the central theme of what people here at r/conspiracy believe I feel like. We just know how this..."entity" or this "cabal" of unelected wealthy ruling class elite operate through fabricated events, controlled media, corrupting and buying off our government, that's how they move toward this "world government" I mentioned. These are people who are literally the worst criminal element on earth, and they will stop at nothing to achieve this goal, because they have literally sold their souls to achieve it.

They dream of a completely "feral" generation of humans to rule over. A clean slate, so they can write the history and portray themselves as gods. It's the sociopathic dream, and we have to make a choice to stop it.

Fight on and keep the faith my friends.


TL;DR. its the jews, dude.

I never once mentioned Jews in the post.

Just ignore this comment, see it for what it is, and move on.

yeah I said it to jerk your chain. you deserve it for the 4 days of shitposting you have subjected the subreddit to.



If it wasn't evil, I don't see why it'd be a bad thing to have a world government. It's not like the current governments are somehow more pure and noble and serving the people. A world-wide government could mean no more stupid wars. I don't see why it has to be any less responsive to local concerns than is a national government on the scale of the United States. What would be so wrong with a new world order along those lines? How else can we put an end to war?

Because they want an order where they call the shots. It's not this utopia you are fantasizing about. I truly believe someday we can get there, but their version of this World Order involved no civil liberties for the masses, and constant 24/7 surveillance.

It is truly void of any independence or expression. They are presenting it to us and "selling" it to us as this utopia like you describe. Open borders, one currency, ect..

But they have a truly sinister intention behind that.

I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but wouldn't you agree the NWO already existed? Spain owned most of the world at one point and as well as Britain, hell all of India was a corporation. Corporations have too much power but not to the extent they'd like in the conquering days. Now they run in the shadows in hope of retaining that monarch like power.

I agree. I think this has been the case for a very long time. The creation and explosion of the internet and the borderless communication it enabled made people a lot more aware of what is actually going on. This is the time of enlightenment, people are slowly realising the extent of the corruption, the balance of power & wealth divide.

If this is the case, the worry is only that people being aware means they have to speed up the process to make sure that it stays in their favour. There has been rich and poor in every civilisation, this isn't new, it's just that the suckers (us, everyday folk) never had this much freedom and power of mass before.

I'm scared of an NWO as well but I think we're(the citizens) going to come out on top this time with a conscious revolution of the the mind and conservation of this sacred planet.

I agree with you, but prepare for the downvotes. As a species, a one world government would be much better. Imagine Russian and American space agencies really working together. We could be colonizing other planets by now!

My good one world government is a sci fi fantasy. But I think it's our only way off of this rock.

They've already achieved this goal. Control of the banks and the main currency, military domination, mind control through the media, control of politicians through blackmail and secret policy meetings.

It's well past time to resist, it's already far worse than anything that happened under Soviet Russia. In Soviet Russia the people knew their was a boot on their face.

Sounds about right. I voted Brexit last year, and as it approaches ,the Euro elite are foaming at the mouths to prevent it.

I agree. I think this has been the case for a very long time. The creation and explosion of the internet and the borderless communication it enabled made people a lot more aware of what is actually going on. This is the time of enlightenment, people are slowly realising the extent of the corruption, the balance of power & wealth divide.

If this is the case, the worry is only that people being aware means they have to speed up the process to make sure that it stays in their favour. There has been rich and poor in every civilisation, this isn't new, it's just that the suckers (us, everyday folk) never had this much freedom and power of mass before.