Is FlatEarth (c) the greatest psyop of all time?

17  2017-05-03 by [deleted]

What was once satire regarding religious folks now actually takes up time in conspiracy circles.

We are literally going back and forth on whether holy books were actually right in spite of so much evidence of the contrary.

Well played CIA/TPTB, you have successfully derailed actual analysis of fuckery in the world (Pedogate among other things) and reduced us to contemplating the moon being a hologram and whether the earth is a hollow base for nazis with an entrance at Antarctica.



I think both sides of the argument are part of it, and the argument itself is the distraction.

Exactly, and the argument has been innoculated by clever folks trying to poison the well and send people to dead ends so they can get off their trail. Why is it so crazy to think they would promote BS conspiracies so people pay less attention the legit coverups?

Better to avoid the situation either way. The attacks on FE are just as distracting as the posts themselves.

Why are you posting this? You want to start a fight on this subreddit. You want to cause divisions. Flat Earthers have not been posting much on this subreddit because of the hostile environment. The only ones posting about The Flat Earth Theory are the Spinning Ballers. As far as I am concerned, you are working for the CIA/TPTB because you are trying to destroy this sub with your hate.

Think about the sub!1! My feelings!1!

Find the edge of the earth and jump off ffs

Find the edge of the earth and jump off ffs

What if there is no "edge of the Earth" as some Flat Earthers have suspected? What if there are more continents beyond Antarctica?

What if we keep moving the goalposts? Maybe there is no edge, maybe it's like curved so that you end up back where you started almost like a ball or something. That's what the latest studies from FE university are suggesting at least

"What if?".."What if?" That's the whole point. The 1,000 year old map shows more continents. Why? We don't know because we are not allowed to visit Antarctica. It is against the law. If we could visit Antarctica, it would settle this whole issue. Instead they have killed people who have gone to Antarctica. So, more research should be done.

The 1,000 year old map shows more continents. Why?

Because it's a 1,000 year old map. Old maps are surprisingly accurate considering the technology at the time, but you cannot use their inaccuracies as proof.

If we could visit Antarctica, it would settle this whole issue.

You can, just google "visit Antarctica", there's loads of ways to get there commercially.

Instead they have killed people who have gone to Antarctica

Who? There's some strange deaths on the continent, but it's very extreme conditions so that's to be expected.

The general public does not have access to all of Antarctica. Only "treaty-state observers" are allowed in.

Article 7 – Treaty-state observers have free access, including aerial observation, to any area and may inspect all stations, installations, and equipment; advance notice of all activities and of the introduction of military personnel must be given;

Article 8 – Allows for good jurisdiction over observers and scientists by their own states;

Article 9 – Frequent consultative meetings take place among member nations;

Article 10 – All treaty states will discourage activities by any country in Antarctica that are contrary to the treaty;

Article 11 – All disputes to be settled peacefully by the parties concerned or, ultimately, by the International Court of Justice;

Articles 12, 13, 14 – Deal with upholding, interpreting, and amending the treaty among involved nations.

Yeah I understand the Antarctic Treaty System. Can you point me to any cases where people have been killed trying to visit? - You can fly over the continent commercially.

Sooo... The earth is flat and it's enclosed by a dome, the firmament, it's also infinite and immobile. Sooo... When I point my camera at the pole star and record the circular transit of the 'firmament' it's the entire dome that's revolving which is a dome but also somehow infinite, like the flat earth that has an edge but is also infinite?

Hope you can clear this up for me :)

Exactly, and it magically rotates in the reverse direction at the other pole!

Next we'll do how God projects the precession of the equinoxes onto the dome to fool the more observant infidels.

Stars are just holograms dude didn't you read the newest study from FE Uni?

Exactly! Literally just watch Neil Tyson speak. He's sounds like a moron and he's the spokesman for science. Antarctic treaty Operation fishbowl Faked moon landings Drones get google satt pictures for you scientist out there...

Tyson is who ruined it for me. I was also angry at the Flat Earthers for what I believed at the time to be utter nonsense. Tyson went on a show featuring black artists to discuss Flat Earth because rapper B.o.B. is a Flat Earther.

I was cheering when Tyson first went on. I was excited because I really liked him at the time, and I knew he would put this whole "Flat Earth bullshit to rest". He didn't. In fact, he looked like a fool. Instead of explaining why we don't live on a Flat Earth, he had his young nephew rap about why we don't live on a Flat Earth.

Tyson is a fraud. He is so full of himself, and yet Spinning Ballers look at him like he is some sort of genius.

Agreed when I first heard I thought you literally had to be retarded. Once I set out to disprove it I became to realize we don't know

So, we share a similar story. When we first heard about Flat Earth, we thought it was stupid, and we set out to disprove it. When we couldn't, we finally calmed down and took off the concrete blinders. We examined the evidence, and I like you, was shocked at what we learned. I don't know what we live on. But, I have to hand it to the Flat Earthers for their tenacity and their desire to find the truth. They should be given all the support they need instead of all of these unwarranted attacks.

I think it's just a thought experiment that got out of control, seriously doubt anybody gives a shit to make a psyop out of it.

Like, really. Do you think the CIA said to themselves, "Hmmm these people aren't ridiculous enough talking about Bigfoot and Luciferian Interdimensional Reptilians, better throw something ridiculous into the mix so they look like kooks."

Really, at this point I think both are used as a distraction. The attacks and posts both serve the exact same purpose and deliver the same results; continued discourse. They are likely part of the same agenda.

Why do you think that? It's a cute story and possibility, but there are completely mundane explanations for this stuff being popular.

I seriously doubt anybody gives a shit to make a psyop out of it.

Like, really. Do you think the CIA said to themselves, "Hmmm these people aren't ridiculous enough talking about the Bigfoot Illuminati and Luciferian Interdimensional Reptilians, better throw something ridiculous into the mix so they look like kooks."

I think that shit is also up there in the same vein as FE, just say crazy shit about reptilians and portals on antarctica so they stop looking into high ranking pedophiles, massive tax evasion/money laundering, rigged elections, war crimes etc.

You would literally need a few smart people to make some """valid objections""" against established facts to deceive the gullible "conspiracy community".

I don't see a reason to expect a conspiratorial agenda when completely mundane explanations suffice:

  1. It's fun to try and prove something ridiculous (like flat earth) as a thought experiment

  2. It's a great attention getter

  3. Some people really are crazy and schizophenic and believe this stuff for real

Why not both? You could easily fan the flame with a few smart shills in strategic places

You don't need shills if people are doing it on their own.

A good shill can inspire about 10-20 idiots for it to keep propegating itself

Idiots propagate each other very, very well. As do smart people taking it up as a challenging thought experiment. As do trolls just trying to get attention. As do dumb and/or crazy people who know how to speak conspiracy theorist lingo and do the wink-nod stuff at the right time.

Most people are apathetic and dont care, dont want to care, they just want to be enetertained. Every bit of information is there to see, but people dont care. They dont need to discredit us, because people dont care. You can show them the proof of things 911 or what have you, and they will just ignore it and move on. Until the tv goes off or internet shuts down they will never care. Sad fact we dont want to accept.

Yeah man we're the only enlightened ones huehue we're not like the sheeple


OP: Flat Earthers are st00pid OP: Let's make a Flat Earth post


Nah let's just ignore it, surely it will disappear by itself /s

...or, we can talk about? Why do you give two shits if people talk about FE? If you find it stupid, don't participate (if you do not want to). Why you trying to censor this sub? Flat Earth has every right to be here. Just like Hollow, concave, expanding, spherical, or electric Earth.

Posted this comment in the chain already but I'll copy n paste:

The supporters and the opponents both achieve the same goal with their posts...almost like the whole debate is fabricated from the ground up.

I could make up Snizzlesnorfs; a newly discovered animal with bat wings, dachshund face, mermaid body, and 3 assholes; then push for more exposure for this endangered species. At the same time, I could create a Snizzlesnorf truth movement, determined to expose the lies created by the malicious Snizzlesnorf Camp. The subsequent debate would take up so much room on a forum and would pull attention and time away from other posts.

Fuckin' weird...

It is weird. It's alright to froth at mouth and post stuff about multi-dimensional lizards that are part goat and bi-sexual that eat cattle for breakfast and humans for dinner, and they come from a solar system a million light years away. People eat that shit up. But, mention "Flat Earth" and the attacks begin.

I think the Spinning Ballers are scared. I really do. And, they should be. If we live on a Flat Earth, it is the greatest conspiracy of all time that has been hidden from man. Science would be finished as we know it. So, I applaud Flat Earthers and their willingness to continue to look for the truth.

Yes, because there's no empirical provable evidence that lizards exist, but there is empirical, provable evidence that the Earth is round. Evidence that you yourself can verify with your own experiments at home if you so chose. You can look right up in the sky on different parts of the Earth and see different sets of stars, you can notice that the shadow on the moon during an eclipse is round because of the shape of the Earth, you can see the curvature of the Earth from 80,000 feet up or more, you can prove the effects of gravity by dropping literally any object onto the ground. The only thing supporting Flat Earth is the ramblings of a Bible thumper that has no support from any credible scientific background and a bunch of amateur YouTube videos twisting around every single presupposition possible to arrive at their own conclusions. See the difference?

All this shit has been discussed in depth by Flat Earthers. Your arguments are old, and they have been debunked. Get with the times, brother!!

There is just as much evidence that we live on a Flat Earth as there is evidence we live on a spinning ball. So, take your pick.

Flat Earth by itself has never been proven and has been debunked by fourth grade science. You can try to hand-wave established scientific fact and methodology away like it's no big deal, but you're just underminding your own arguments when you can't back any of them up by hard data. Every single person arguing Flat Earth resorts to moving goalposts, personal anecdotes that can't be verified, "NASA is fake!" and circular logic. Failing that, it boils down to grasping at straws with interpreting verse from a heavily falsified ancient religious text (the Bible) as your "proof". There is zero scientific proof, consensus or respected scientific viewpoints in favor of Flat Earth for a reason - with very basic experiments, you can debunk it all by yourself with no internet or heavily biased viewpoint affecting your judgement.

Flat Earth by itself has never been proven and has been debunked by fourth grade science.

It has? Can you give me a source, please?

LOL you don't need a source to do any of the activities I listed in my original post. Any of those proves that the Earth is spherical unless you're in heavy, blatant denial.

Why don't you write a book and call it "The Spinning Ball for Dummies"? It would be a best seller.

I think the reason some don't want to see FE loving posts here is that because we are all part of thing sub and don't want to be seen as associating with such obvious BS.

Most places I have posted over the years the mods would remove such crap. It is easy enough to prove that the earth isn't flat so it all becomes just mental masturbation for a few posters who like to be contrary to anything they can. They like to troll/stir up crap.

The supporters and the opponents both achieve the same goal with their posts...almost like the whole debate is fabricated from the ground up.

I could make up Snizzlesnorfs; a newly discovered animal with bat wings, dachshund face, mermaid body, and 3 assholes; then push for more exposure for this endangered species. At the same time, I could create a Snizzlesnorf truth movement, determined to expose the lies created by the malicious Snizzlesnorf Camp. The subsequent debate would take up so much room on a forum and would pull attention and time away from other posts.

The greatest psy-op is one that convinces the majority of the people, not some bullish!t distraction.

Looking at this sub it seems like we're well on our way to that

Nah. Just the huge increase in shills and bots as they try, and thus far fail, to commandeer the sub.

Its makes t easier to associate all conspiracy theorists with flat earthers which is far from the case. l2psyop bruh

That's their plan. Unlikely to work, but who knows?

BUT but... There are Nazis in Antarctica.

B b but the bible

Pizzagate fizzled out, so Flat Earth is a good replacement.

I don't think it is the greatest, but as it picked up momentum and got legs of its own as has been the case recently, it has certainly become one of the most disruptive psyops currently living among us.

Which ones would you consider greater?
Take into account how absurd FE is and how many things go against it.

I think the moon landing hoax is a bigger one, and FE is just an adjunct to that. In order to hide the details of the secret space program, they came up with this audacious scheme to convince people that space didn't even exist. My personal theory.

What if the "moon landing hoax" was cooked up by the CIA to hide the fact that they offed JFK?

How would that work?

You'd have people talking about flags waving in a place without an atmosphere rather than the JFK assassination?

No, I was just curious what your thoughts are on the logic they would use to use the moon landing hoax to interfere with the JFK assassination investigation? Like, how would it be good at doing that, or better than say the whole Lee Harvey Oswald narrative or something.

Lead enough investigators to dead ends so that they don't find out until you're already dead

I suppose in that regard all of the disinfo campaigns against us are serving multipurpose roles as general distractions.

Whether you believe the earth is flat, round, a pear, hollow, or whatever it has no bearing on your life or how you live. So why does it matter? Why can people not be free to use their imagination and be skeptical of something that really wont affect you in anyway? I want this sub a place for anything, because its the only sub left for that. Your mad that people believe or want to believe something you dont. Your the dogmatist here.

People can believe what they want and I can criticize what I want as well

I am willing to entertain most conspiracies and talk about them. But when you can easily disprove something you know that the people putting it forth are not doing so in good faith. And that, in turn, fair or nor - puts us all here in a bad light.

The flat earth bullshit was a hoax fabricated in 1850s to delegitimize the church. The same church that actually supported Galileo and Kepler as men of God. Their story has been fucked for the same reason.

Learn your history retards, earth has been a fucking sphere since before the egyptians.

I think you give CIA/TPTB too much credit.

You guys? Lmao

Keep clinging to your bible man, the end is near

Yeah, keep clinging to deez nutz nigga. FOH

I disagree. The "Russian Election Hack" has been absorbed by the collective.

But it's not like Trump got impeached (yet?)

True, but it was hugely successful in putting his Administration on their heels and completely underminded his legitimacy.

<in spite of so much evidence of the contrary. >

Please cite.

Flat Earth by itself has never been proven and has been debunked by fourth grade science. You can try to hand-wave established scientific fact and methodology away like it's no big deal, but you're just underminding your own arguments when you can't back any of them up by hard data. Every single person arguing Flat Earth resorts to moving goalposts, personal anecdotes that can't be verified, "NASA is fake!" and circular logic. Failing that, it boils down to grasping at straws with interpreting verse from a heavily falsified ancient religious text (the Bible) as your "proof". There is zero scientific proof, consensus or respected scientific viewpoints in favor of Flat Earth for a reason - with very basic experiments, you can debunk it all by yourself with no internet or heavily biased viewpoint affecting your judgement.