
14  2017-05-03 by LightBringerFlex

  1. How can we conciously pay taxes to a government who is so utterly corrupt? That money ends up going to rothschild anyway. All this sales tax, payroll tax, and income tax has to end.

  2. If anyone gets taken to court, they can simply argue that they refuse to pay for their own destruction. All the tax dollars we pay are used against us so why should we pay them to destroy us?

  3. All that extra money floating into the economy would be a great boost to our economy. Many small business would blow up.

  4. The elite don't pay shit. They make billions and pay nothing. Why should the middle and poor class pay when the ones who have the most money don't pay anything?

Every year about this time, we donate 3 of our limbs to the cabal as mafia homage. This screws up our entire economy for months at a time every single year. WTF are we doing donating to Pedos? Ya, we think its going for a good cause but its not. Its going right into Rotschilds pocket at the end of the day. Very little goes back to the community. A lot of it pays off the interest on the 20 trillion dollar Federal Reserve bill we have on our table.

Seriously, I know it sucks that the cabal hold guns to our head and force us to pay but we need to be willing to take a chance and end this mafia tax. They can easily extract taxes from resource extraction like they had in the very beginning of tax policy but the elite told them to push the taxes onto our backs and so we pay it now.


There is no moral reason to pay taxes to this regime. They are morally bankrupt and will use the money to terrorize innocent people in the Middle East.

There is no economic reason either, since we could create so much surplus that taxes would be unnecessary with rational decision making by the government.

This is spot on correct.

If everyone adjusted their withholding deductions from their paycheck twice a year so that you got a maximum of YOUR money each month and owe the government as little as possible (I've gotten it under $100 with some practice), we would cripple government spending. This is legal and only takes a little effort. Use to help calculate. Spread the word and watch the Feds freak.

That is actually really clever. The USG uses the tax over payment as an interest free loan or slush fund. And those deposits earn them interest, so it is like free money. Not even factoring in how many people just abandon their tax return money for whatever reason.

We did that a couple years ago and was able to get it within a couple hundred. The government is already getting your money, why give it to them interest free? People need to get out of the mindset of relying on that "tax refund" that comes around every spring.

This isn't how government funding works at all.

I'm with you.

Wait, you don't think we should pay taxes at all?

I personally don't think we should be using money at all. Money is the root of all evil and has caused insane amounts of problems. When will we learn?

Its better to go to Sacred Economics where we work for the sake of a higher quality of life instead of money.

Can you explain further please?

Sure. Here is the solution to all our economic problems in a 12 minute video:

I'm not going to watch a video. Tell me in your own words please.

The whole country is run like a family unit. Right now, 30% of Americans don't work. With SE, most Americans will work and they are allowed to follow their own passions. This way, everyone is doing what they want.

Second, everything is free. We consume responsibly though. If we are using something, it is our but if we stop using something, we have to donate it so that it recycles into the economy.

Nothing is every traded. Everything is done for the sake of fulfilling a desire or necessity for the other person.

Some people say this sounds like communism but communism uses money and the government forces you into certain jobs. As long as money is used, every system sucks. Removing money from the system is a great start but Sacred Economics is spot on perfect for what we need right now.

You are being distracted by this asshole, just tell the guy to fuck off and move on.

Why the hostility?

I will not play your games. If you are acting like a shit head, expect the worst.

How am I acting like a shit head?

watchout, someone will report you for violating rule 10, its absurd, but i've been threatened with it before.

Thanks. I couldn't care less about violating internet "rules".

i agree, they drop the ban hammer sometimes which is just annoying so I thought I'd let ya know

How would you incentivise people to "work"?

Honestly, we should be lenient but we need to make work a requirement. We can still do 8 hours at first but that number will continue to drop with all the employees we have in country. There is a 300 million man army here.

Once we realize we don't need 8 hours a day, we drop to 7 then 6 until we hit the sweet spot.

Any job works. Make gardens for the homeless. A mother can be a housekeeper. Housekeeper is a job too. Whatever it is, it will work. As long as some effort is made to make society better. All jobs are progressive. We can switch jobs at any time.

How would you make it requirement though? What would be the consequences?

I do agree that the idea of work does need to change eventually.

We can require it by law. All workers get a "credit card" but instead of deducting money, it confirms that the individual is a worker.

Every single person has the right to work but if someone decides NOT to work then they can't consume.

Also, all jobs have to be posted to the public so we can all watch each other for cheaters.

Man oh man would this really improve all of our lives. I really can't wait until we do this. The people in Venezuela should be doing this right away. They are in financial emergency mode but we should do it before we fall to that level of desperation.

Getting 100% of the fruits of your labor sounds like a good incentive to me.

Under Capitalism, I only get a set wage, and my boss collects the fruits of my labor for himself. This is obviously bullshit so they "incentive" is that you face an existential threat of homelessness and starvation if you don't submit to exploitation.

So communism?

Some variety of it, yeah. I'd find council communism for instance to be way more motivating.

Some people say this sounds like communism but communism uses money and the government forces you into certain jobs.

That's not communism.

Fuck off.

Society can't put that cat back in that bag. Having a relative means of exchange is simply too convenient.

If not dollars, it'll be something else. Remove currency from the equation and trade always finds some other means of facilitating exchange. Take prisons for example. They can't have access to physical currency, so instead they use ramen packs or cigarettes. In countries that collapse they use lighters or batteries.

A better solution to enacting yours is to reach post-scarcity society (which we're not at yet, but is definitely attainable if we tried). And in the meantime further developing a decentralized, truly neutral means of facilitating exchange a'la bitcoin.

Sacred economy doesn't use money OR trade. Everything is free. Just swipe a card to determine that you are in fact employed and get everything for free. We would have to consume responsibly and anything that isn't being used has to be donated to a person who needs it. Examples:

  1. I register as a trash man. My card is updated to show that I work at the agreed upon hours we all have to work.

  2. I go to the store and pick up some water. I give it to the cashier, swipe my card, she sees that I am currently working, and gives me water.

  3. Let's say I move from one state to another. I have a new car waiting for me so I simply donate my old car by posting it online. Someone rushes in and picks up the car. I go to the new state and use my new car which was free.

Everything is free. There is no trade. We are not allowed to keep things that we don't use. Those things have to be recycled back into the economy. We can throw stuff away as well but if it has value, it should be recycled.

Imagine how a family household is run. Nobody charges the other member for anything. They simply work for the sake of keeping a household prosperous.

Which I'm not opposed to, but doesn't work unless we've reached true, global post-scarcity. Hence the need for a system in the meantime.

We are post scarcity. The elite are hoarding insane amounts of resources to artificially keep the prices of good high. They are also hoarding decades worth of technology which can make our lives even better. We are ready for a good life!

Even if that's true, the infrastructure to distribute it globally just isn't there yet. If we started working on it, immediately, at no cost to other countries, it'd still probably take at least two decades.

And that's not even counting the political and ethnic rivalries between groups of people. I'm all for your peaceful stated way of life, but some of the reasons why life is shitty isn't attributable to a vast grand conspiracy to keep us down - it's just because people are shitty.

It'll be a long time before we reach a point where we can get everyone on board with the idea that "Fuck those guys over there for existing," is stupid.

You're hypothesizing an ideologically pure world that can only exist if literally everyone is on the same page. It only takes a handful out of billions to make that system fall apart. That's not to say I don't want it as much as you do, just that I'm not optimistic about the behavior of our species and our capacity to reach that point.

How do you get everyone to cooperate, when some people will be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian?

Oh ya, they ruined our minds too and they do it with all the violent media, fear mongering main stream news media, fake education in school, ect... There is a massive psyops particularly with media to morally bankrupt society and this poison has been pouring in for the last 60 years at least. It gets worst every year and I know all this because I studied it in college.

Humans are typically this shitty. They are this shitty because they are incredibly poisoned by the above methods and then thrown in a dying, every man for himself economy that is adding insane amounts of pressure so they are both under high pressure and extreme poison. The poison needs to be removed.

All these things will take bold actions to fix. I'm not arguing that but what I am saying is that we have 2 choices. Wait until things get so bad that the suffering alone motivates us to fix this giant mess or be a little wise and attack the problem fearlessly from the front right now. This way we save ourselves a lot of heartache in the future.

We need to head down to the white house and kick these scumbags out. We need to rework our entire society. This country as it stands is completely unacceptable.

I have seen tons of posts around here on great ideas on how to fix this gigantic mess. We need to keep brainstorming, redpilling, and doing anything we can from our own place in the world.

I disagree that it's caused by modern society. We've always been like this. It traces a broad path through our entire history.

Ya but we have been getting better and better because of our intelligence. We have ups and down and this past 50 years has been down because of all this poison. We used to be full blown savages back in the day so we made tons of progress.

That's just communism yo. I'm with you 100% but it aint any "Sacred Economics"

Idk. I have distant relatives who were in the Soviet Union. They were forced into jobs they didn't like and were paid a few bucks a day. The money part and the forced positions are total fail. Also, the Zionists implemented this version of communism to loot the economy. All economies, including capitalism, that use money are unfairly beneficial to the elite. There are no exceptions.

The USSR was not a communist system. It was run by a communist party, not the same thing.

It isn't a properly conservative government if the middle and working class aren't supporting the wealthiest. Thus the decrease of their tax burden at the federal level always brings an increase at the state and local level, they aren't reducing your tax burden, only their own.

As for the Social Security/Medicare tax you call payroll taxes,The 66 million now receiving those benefits will disagree with you and that number will include members of your own family if you have retired parents or grandparents or disabled family members.

But isn't money as we know it just a construct that Rothchild creates and controls anyway? If everyone stopped paying their taxes or stopped using their currency or banks wouldn't then the elites shift to the gold that they've been stock piling for centuries.

As i mentioned in another reply, it is best to eliminate money from our lives altogether and switch to Sacred Economics so we can all work our passions and increase quality of life for all.

What's sacred economics? Sounds promising.

The elites pay taxes, but often a lower percentage of their income than a middle class person does, due to legal deductions and loopholes.

I believe both income and property tax is unconstitutional. Consumption taxes aren't. But a consumption tax would put a lot of accountants and lawyers out of business. We can't have that can we? That's why things don't change.

I will not play your games. If you are acting like a shit head, expect the worst.

Honestly, we should be lenient but we need to make work a requirement. We can still do 8 hours at first but that number will continue to drop with all the employees we have in country. There is a 300 million man army here.

Once we realize we don't need 8 hours a day, we drop to 7 then 6 until we hit the sweet spot.

Any job works. Make gardens for the homeless. A mother can be a housekeeper. Housekeeper is a job too. Whatever it is, it will work. As long as some effort is made to make society better. All jobs are progressive. We can switch jobs at any time.

Getting 100% of the fruits of your labor sounds like a good incentive to me.

Under Capitalism, I only get a set wage, and my boss collects the fruits of my labor for himself. This is obviously bullshit so they "incentive" is that you face an existential threat of homelessness and starvation if you don't submit to exploitation.

Thanks. I couldn't care less about violating internet "rules".