Mysterious Planet in our Solar System

13  2017-05-03 by [deleted]



More of a theory than a conspiracy.

Pick up a copy of "The Twelfth Planet". Sitchen does a great job of explaining the Sumerian Creation mythos, and they explained what happened to Tiamat, which is now the asteroid belt, during one of Nibiru's passings.


It is "Planet X'. People have been taking photos of it recently from very high altitudes in South America...

any reputable links?

I saw an amazing video from recently on YouTube showing a man who made a gold plated welding lense held it up to his camera and was able to see through the sunlight/cloud cover and you can clearly see multiple anomalies around the sun

Can you post it?

heres another strange vid i found a lil while back and had sent to someone. I actually had found one better than this, but wasnt able to refind it.

this is a slightly worse shot of the same type of vid i had seen, i searched forever just to find this one, but watch the first minute of this video, its the exact same thing I saw in the other vid only the other vid showcased it better. Hopefully you might know what that is.

Thanks for posting these!

planet x is a hot potato no one wants to touch. there has been so many predictions gone wrong the subject is completely avoided. that fact is many astronomers connected to planet x have died mysteriously. labs have been burned down and the very large telescopes around the world get routed into nasa for editing.

Do you really think it's a planet and not a brown dwarf? Seems like us being a binary solar system is the most obvious explanation. But you seem to have done a lot more research.


This is a post from ATS: This Youtube video discusses the multitude of astronomers killed who were possibly going to go public with Planet X.

Like Eugene Shoemaker, killed in the Australian desert near Pine Gap (how convenient), in supposedly a head on car crash, and WHAT A COINCIDENCE, the very next day his lab burns down! Wow!

Sure some of the guys were old, like in their eighties, but some were much younger, but they are not dying in their sleep - it is all accidents. Like the 24!!! French astronomers killed in a cable car accident.


planet x also has an asteroid field coming in front of it. if you notice there has been significant asteroids coming in the last few months. much more than usual. on top of this planet x could very likely cause distruptions with the sun. if a Solar Flare similar to the "Carrington Event" happens, then the electric grid goes down...

The world would be in disarray if the electric grid goes down. I saw a video on it, it could be down for months, years even! That would suck.

The power would NEVER come back on. Transformers have to be made and then shipped over from China. There would be no power for construction or shipment. Within days society would revert to a Mad Max/Road Warrior culture of murder and cannibalism.

I doubt it'd be complete madness; people in the past got on, albeit with quite a bit more mess and violence, without electricity.

Planet X researchers Robert Harrington, Eugene Shoemaker and Rodney David Marks were all likely murdered. Marks is alleged to have told his brother in law about seeing planet x from the south pole observatory. Marks was poisoned and his brother in law was thrown off of a military ship and drowned.

So do you think it's aliens? Another, higher being?

no. i think it is a very large and dense planet that has and orbit of thousands of years. it may have wiped out cultures on earth many times already. planets are already being perturbed by the incredible gravitational pull of the incoming planet x.

Thousands? What about billions? I think the earths been around for billions of years

That is possible as well. No one really knows how long its orbit is. It would explain the destruction of Atlantis and other cultures...

That's actually a cool explanation to Atlantis nice

Yeah I would really like to see that if you find it.

Im gonna look for it for ya in a bit. ill repost if I can find it again i mightve favorited it. around 215-230 in, this guys channel seems pretty fake, but this vid starting at around 230 in id like to see someone explain. please.

That is pretty interesting. Still saw where it might have been lens flare, or even the reflection flare from multiple layers on the filter. But pretty cool, I won't just discount it out of hand.

i just posted another one i found interesting

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Thx u beep boop

What if there is some greater celestial cycle, lasting thousands of years, slowly influencing the rise and fall of civilization across the globe?

I just saw that guy Destroying the Illusion talking about it on YouTube, so I was curious. I think he was saying the mainstream media was disclosing it.


Thanks for posting these!