The two bloodlines of Cain and Abel, the Piso-Flavian's of Rome, Black nobility, and the Tri-Sovereign States. All roads lead to Rome.

82  2017-05-04 by Putin_loves_cats

Two bloodlines of Cain and Abel/Free Masonry/Esoteric/Occult




  4. The mystery of the Widow's Son - Legend of the Craft

The Flavian's of Rome:

  1. (long)

  2. (short)



Tri Sovereign States:

  1. (part 1)

  2. (part 2)

The Jesuits and The Vatican:


The key families (no particular order) are:

  • Farnese
  • Borghese
  • Aldobrandini
  • Orsini
  • Medici
  • Breakspear
  • Sforza
  • Barbernini
  • Conti
  • Colonna
  • Este
  • Chigi
  • Somaglia
  • Gaetani
  • Pamphili
  • Schiaratura

All ancient Papal bloodlines (Roman/Jesuits/Black nobility). I suggest you all research them. Deep rabbit hole, but the bigger picture will come into focus.

Evidence of shenanigans (some people do not want this known):

  1. My post:
  2. Wikipedia edits:

Notice the time stamps/date...

This is a primer I've compiled for anyone who is interested in looking into The Tri-Sovereign States and the history behind it, along with esoteric/occult history. Take everything with a grain of salt. There are plenty of breadcrumbs here to follow. Hope you all enjoy. Cheers!

Go fuck yourself TPTB.


Still my favorite all-time r/conspiracy post by you. People need ti dive into this shit. IMO, you are probably closer to knowing who TPTB really are than anyone else I've ever seen discuss the topic.

Hell, I'm pretty red pilled (you know this by know Putes), and until I saw this post quite a few months back, I was under the same belief as most; that Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, The Queen etc were the top of the ladder.

Seriously guys and gals. I say this with no particular bias, but, DIVE INTO THIS INFORMATION. It is absolutely fucking eye opening.

Thank you, and thanks for the kind words. I by no means have the answers, but have leads. People need to step back and look at the bigger picture (and research actual history).

Truth is stranger than fiction. So many get caught in that rabbit hole (was once there myself), but never break through. If you know their names (and their name is household), it's for a reason.

I just hope maybe one or two people will see this, and think... huh, aint that some shit, then go deeper...

When we boil it down, it's not the Romans (per se). This shit goes back to Sumeria, imo....

Annunaki? The eagle and the serpent? Enlil vs Enki? Am I on the right track?

Actually, from my studies, it has nothing to do with a Serpent.. But a dragon, and a two headed Eagle...

Aaah the feathered dragon? What do you think of Thoth or nighizshidda?

wasent the "sumerian civilization" the turning point? like there where civilizations before that. and the only reason we read about Sumerians being first is cus they want us to believe that

Yeah pretty much. Sumer and Egypt were just some of the most advanced civilizations at the time since the cataclysmic comet impacts 12,800-11,600 years ago that destroyed the previous advanced global civilizations. They were advanced because they were given knowledge by the previous civilisations who handed their info down to them via monolithic architecture. The reason these ancient advanced civilizations are being hidden from us is because they had access to what was essentially free energy. And if we had that nowadays the whole hierarchical system we have in place would crumble. Look up Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson for more info.

yeaa..but you have to have in mind that there are pyramids at both end of the silk road.. Cairo->Xian China.. i think the restart of the civilization was formed around the silk road.and that the silk road at that time was longer then we see today (like continues into the Sahara and beyond the Atlantic ocean .)

Oh yeah absolutely! I only said Sumer and Egypt as they're just a couple of the most well known, but you're right it's global. To name just a few more I could say easter island, machu picchu, xian - as you mentioned, baalbek, and quite likely the grand canyon.

yea you know sometimes you read stuff like " ancient Egyptians graves found in grand canyon"..for most people its just absurd..but for me is like why not!

Pretty much exactly how I feel haha! I'm curious - what are your thoughts on Atlantis?

funny that you would ask:) i think that the eye of Sahara/Richard structure is where Atlantis was once in a time. if we take away the rings ( that is like the most obvious signs of it ) there are a lot of things that points to that there was large rivers/oceans once in a time. that would make the west of sahara (morocco,wester sahara,mauritania and parts of Algeria ) into a isolated island..:P

whats your taught about Atlantis?

Ooh that's quite interesting! I hadn't heard that theory before. I'm still quite new to Atlantis, despite how I've done a fair bit of research into ancient civilizations, and while I do reckon at this point a place called Atlantis existed I've read a few conflicting theories on where it was and how long it existed etc, so I haven't formed any solid beliefs yet. Who would you recommend I look up for researching Atlantis?

start whit the original sources of Atlantis.. there are like hundreds of different theory's to where Atlantis may be. but they all have the same roots.. and from there work your way up. look into graham Hancock. and specially the pod cast whit Joe Rogan and Randal Carlson.. they speak a lot about pre-flood civilization, the actual flood and so much more.

The Rosicrucian stuff is great.

It's key, and we need to hear it from them themselves... Should take it with a grain of salt, though. Who knows whats actually going on behind the scenes. They aint' going to make it that easy... I provide source material...

Informative thread. Any idea where the Shriners fit into this? Thanks. I have heard rumors they are a powerful group in the scheme of things.

And if you actually read and understood the document (unlike OP) it's apparent the author (a Rosicrucian) was attempting to woo practicing Catholics while critiquing the persecution of his and related orders by the Catholic hierarchy (e.g. the Vatican) at the time it was written.

I found the parts on vibrations and the possibility of reaching enlightenment through mediation and the pineal gland interesting.

Seems this knowledge was known by every culture at some point in the past.

He did post some good content, undoubtedly. It's the conclusion he derives from this material, much of it unrelated, I find tenuous and implausible.

Excellent post! Myopia is an unfortunate characteristic of those who have access to so little information and this really puts things into perspective. So many of us think power structures and control networks are a post 15c. phenomena and ignore the thousands of years prior. These bloodlines didn't simply disappear!

Awesome research my friend.

Thank you, and yes. People (imo) need to focus on a bigger picture. Ancient bloodlines do exist. They have power and have always ruled from the shadows. They caste no shadows, for there is not light where they are. Why in the hell if you are a ruling elite, would you want anyone to even know your name? This is what people miss, imo...

So, um, Who did Cain and Abel fuck to keep the population growing?

You're missing the symbolism and one could say, the allegory... They are ideas, not people... I could fuck you right now with some ideas/thoughts... :)

I could fuck you right now

I could fuck you right now

As George Carlin said, 'symbolism is for the symbol minded'.

George Carlin, as much as I like him, was simple minded.... Fitting..

Yeah, just go on youtube and search:

George Carlin Commercial

It's amazing the love people give to that shill.

How do Jewish conspiracies jive with Jesuit ones?

Khazars (fake converted Jews) control the Holy Lands (Israel). Orthodox are strongly anti-Zionist. Ask yourself why. I'll give you a hint, Jews cannot have a land until their Messiah comes down. Rome, rules the West, and yes that includes Israel and the "holy lands"...

Can you briefly explain why the Lawyer has any power or interest in the Detroit Bankruptcy?

How or where does Sanskrit fit into this timeline?

I'm gonna keep plowing through this like the religious retard that I am -

Thanks for an incredible and overwhelming post!

Can you briefly explain why the Lawyer has any power or interest in the Detroit Bankruptcy?

This is what I do not understand. This is showing your Trump card. Who is this man, and why did he do it? Idk, I have theories...

How or where does Sanskrit fit into this timeline?

This is not about Romans. This goes back to Sumeria, imo...

You're welcome, mate. I just provide things. Take and research it all you want... I don't have answers, just questions....

This is showing your Trump card. (This event took place in 2013 and or I have no Trump card...)

So this group "I Do Not Consent" seem to be a step above Sovereigns in that they are a spiritual body? This is much like I recall of The John Birch Society from snippets - would this be close to Law Of Land or Law Of Sea?

This article is very interesting and some of the comments that follow are insightful:

Much of this reminds me of Robert Menard from Canada:

Idk, I have theories...

But you don't post your theories?

This goes back to Sumeria, imo...

But you don't post your opinion?

I don't have answers, just questions....

I have a question: "Why make a post, and not follow through on providing actual sources for your claims?"

I hate to say it, but the amount of disinformation (unintentionally repeated by OP) in this post would be comical if it weren't sad it is still believed and has obtained this many upvotes. Most of the connections OP makes are vague and tenuous at best, a handful of facts with a shitload of misinformation to form a narrative that deflects attention from those who really hold power (over the Zionists and Vatican alike).

Then provide something to go against? I'm providing sources, while you spout your mouth off.... Not surprised. If you read through, you will see what I'm getting towards...

I've heard this argument before, time and time again, often from a pro-Zionist user who falsely accuses anyone who criticizes Israel of "anti-Semitism" and by others who repeat similar disinfo.

Your post takes, as I pointed out, vague and tenuous bits of information to form a conclusion that the Vatican (yes, the Vatican) is somehow orchestrating world events, when in reality the past few centuries have seen the rise of an agenda (a New World Order) created initially with an emphasis to remove power from the once iron grip of the Vatican and monarchs of Europe at the time, via one elite-backed populist revolution at a time, to create a climate from which those groups nd orders had been persecuted as 'heretics' by the Vatican for centuries (the remnants of the Templars, early Rosicrucians and Qabalists) could arise to power while remaining in the shadows largely unknown to the masses. Since at least the early 20th century, the Vatican has been wholly subverted and subjugated by these groups, now largely supportive in promoting their agenda, however doing so as a puppet, not as the puppet master as your theory claims.

I think you may have missed the point. Zionism and The Vatican (world bank) agenda are the same thing. The Vatican covers its tracks by moving Israel around the world chess board in the same way it does with the United States. Zionism is real, but it's just another pawn of The Vatican.

Zionism is real, but it's just another pawn of The Vatican.

That's a pretty laughable presumption, contrary to everything we know, historically and pertaining to conspiracies, as well as the testimony of various whistleblowers of the elite, and logic when it comes down to it.

Sure, if we operate under the assumption that "the elite" are dumb enough to let whistleblowers tell the truth and that whistleblowers aren't intentional misdirection.

You'd be surprised how much information can seep through the cracks, on occasion, and yes one should take their testimonies with a grain of salt, to look for inconsistencies or possible ulterior motives, but also for common themes and parallels one can fact-check against existing information. In doing so, the Vatican theory just doesn't hold water, and is one of the least plausible among them, often a form of disinformation used to deflect attention away from those who truly do wield power, and to confuse well-intended theorists with yet another red herring.

Follow the money. Except when it leads to the Vatican?

What thefuck?

That isn't what I said, nor implied. I'm aware the Vatican has been actively involved in money laundering operations for the elite in its region of the world, as well as other more nefarious deeds. However, after researching this and foremost the origins of how the Vatican was subverted in recent centuries, who truly has power and who is simply following orders, the overwhelming majority of evidence points to those higher up than the Vatican, and that the Vatican theory is more likely a red-herring to in Machiavellian fashion allow the elite to shift blame to one of their former enemies and deflect further investigation or scrutiny pointed in their direction.

jews invented christianity

Not really. Look into Lucio Gelli and P2 Freemasons.

The P2 was one of the more revealing examples of so-called 'rogue' lodges engaging in nefariously subversive activity. I am aware of Lucio Gelli as well, and consider the two to be more on par with lower-level pawns of the elite, the Vatican perhaps serving as an intermediary if anything.

Speaking of subversion by the hands of the elite, in that region in particular, you may be interested to look into the role of the Carbonari, headed in its time by none other than Giuseppe Mazzini, having luminaries in its ranks such as Giuseppe Garibaldi and the Marquis de Lafayette. It's interesting to note the role the Marquis de Lafayette had played in the American revolution prior, and the ties to the less nefarious though perhaps equally subversive activity of his Masonic lodge Les Neuf Sœurs and its grand lodge the Grand Orient de France having a perhaps equal role in the French revolution as it did in the American revolution.

You may also be interested to read about the Alta Vendita and its implications in the ensuing subversion of the Vatican, and worth noting the Vatican had been rendered largely powerless in America and France after their respective revolutions, and that prior to its own subversion it had been aggressively anti-Masonic and diametrically opposed to secret societies, to the extent they and their Inquisition would abduct, torture and even execute individuals alleged to be members of certain orders well into the 19th century.

So I read the entire Rosicrucian link, grazed thru most of the links watched the videos...can you explain what Rosicrucian portends? Just that part. I have a better grasp on the other stuff you're focused on.

As I stated above I consider myself a religious retard in that I wasn't raised in religious environs, (even so I've read large parts of the Bible,) have the gist of the Christian, Judea and the Quran and now even some Hindu to swirl around my head!

Rosicrucianism is a form of esoteric 'Christianity' similar in some ways to Gnosticism, believing any man or woman can obtain 'Christhood' and a relationship with the divine through attainment of the Great Work (generally speaking), however with more of an emphasis on hermeticism and hermetic qabalah than the former, as well as through alchemy (at one point literal, though then and now primarily in a metaphorical and spiritual sense) and through mysticism in a general sense. The degree to which a Rosicrucian studies and practices the aforementioned topics will vary depending on their respective order and that order's lineage (or heritage, esoterically).

Thank you for the links. This whole FE thing has certainly become a shift in my personal spiritual journey.

Can you explain why the Books of Enoch are apocryphal?

It was a relatively obscure text in its usage until its 'rediscovery,' of particular importance to the Essenes and a handful of other sectarian groups of antiquity, with the exception of a partial Greek translation that was known to those in the religious hierarchy though not as widely so as today. It was excluded from popular canon for a variety of reasons, depending on the era and the religious sect. Some believed it was irrelevant, invalid, or contained false doctrine, others because it contained information they considered contested or blasphemous at the time, perhaps some due its narrative being counter to that of the religious establishment.

narrative being counter to that of the religious establishment.

Well I must say the bits I read up there from OP from the Rosicrucian sounds pretty out there and that I was fascinated by the Books of Enoch 1. Having never read it 2. prejudiced instruction 3. that the Great Churches hold back truth and spoon feed the flocks...that man has structured or recreated God away from the Spirituality into the money, buildings etc.

Again, thank you for the information!

No problem. Feel free to drop by /r/OccultConspiracy any time for a plethora of related (and unrelated) material.

For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous. Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you. We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

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I'm very cautious about what Benjamin Fulford puts out occasionally solid info mixed with the disinfo), and he recently listed the key bloodline families currently ruling which correlates with the ones listed here.


The following list of crime families are in total control of the company of Jesus (Jesuits), High Grey Council Of Ten, the Black Pope, the White Pope and everything else you often talk about including all kingdoms around the globe. These are the families that make up the intricate brain/head of the serpent. The self-designated Luciferian Demi-Gods who rule over their own G.O.D. (Gold-Oil-Drugs):

  • House of Borja
  • House of Breakspeare
  • House of Somaglia
  • House of Orsini (Orso)
  • House of Conti
  • House of Chigi
  • House of Colonna
  • House of Farnese
  • House of Medici
  • House of Gaetani
  • House of Pamphili
  • House of Este
  • House of Aldobrandini

As you noticed the Rothchilds don't make it to the top 13. There are of course other powerful crime families like the Maximus Family, The Pallavicini (Maria Camila Pallavicini is more powerful than Queen Elizabeth) Yes, Queen Elizabeth is a subordinate to this people. The most powerful man in the word is The Grey Pope, his name is Pepe Orsini and he lives somewhere in Italy, most likely Venice & The Vatican. He controls the Black & White Popes who are now both commoners. The Grey Pope always remains unseen!

Did you notice David Rothchild married Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini? Because they are all one huge family who are always changing their last names to keep the conspiracy hidden and to avoid public scrutiny. Many of this people now live in Asia, mainly China, India, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. What does that tell you, Yes, to create the New NWO with Asia at the helm? This is why they slowly moved all the US manufacturing infrastructure to Asia & China.

In short, the Black Pope is the President of this world and the Bourbon King of Spain is the Monarch of the world (Not Queen Elizabeth as most believe) He controls the vatican through the Jesuits -The Spanish Borgias/Borja created the Jesuits- He is also Known as the King Of Jerusalem (What does this tells you about who secretly rules Zionists-Khazarian rough state of Israel?) and the Grey Pope is the "designated" Ruler of it all!

Why would they want to pollute the place they are living in?

Great post! Look into the books and speeches of Michael Tsarion and Santos Bonacci, it's right up your alley.

"It is interesting to note that the world map from the 16th century shows Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770s. Around that time the Farnese have decided to use Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create Illuminati, elevate the Rothschilds to power and move the Farnese seat of power to Washington, DC. They have built their second Pentagon there. It is also interesting to see that Larry Farnese, a member of the family, is a senator:"

Are you trying to say that Cain bloodline is part of a modern secret family?

No, not per se...

Does Cain bloodline exist in this day and age?

I believe so, yes.

How did Cains bloodline survive Great Flood, when only Noah descendants boarded the boat?

Maybe, that story is bullshit and they were not the only one's who survived?

Either you believe the bible as a whole or not, you can't just accept the parts that support your point of view, otherwise the entire bible is false for you.

I don't believe in the bible....

So how do you believe in Cain & Abel?

Two bloodlines... Nothing to do with the bible..

You labeled it the 2 bloodlines of Cain and Abel, so what are you talking about?

Two bloodlines of Cain and Abel?

Yes, why are they called the 2 bloodlines of Cain and Abel?

Do you know what a bloodline is?

Yes, I do. Do you under stand me?

Yes. You never go full retard...

Maybe, that story is bullshit and they were not the only one's who survived?