The money system is completely broken. We can switch to POW (proof of work) cards instead.

0  2017-05-05 by LightBringerFlex

A POW card is basically a card with a magnetic strip like a credit card that is swiped by a cashier to determine if you are working or not. When the cashier swipes the card, it green lights the cashier that you have been working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at some job of your choice. You don't work, you don't consume unless there is a medical reason.

Using POW cards, we would all be on the same level. As long as we are working, we consume. The money system right now is giving massive amounts of money to the few and scraps to the 99%. The whole thing would level out with POW cards so that we move up and down as a society together.

Also, POW cards allow people to work any job they want. You can make gardens for the homeless, beautify our streets, rebuild our infrastructure, or whatever we want. Money wouldn't be used at all. Anytime we go shopping, we swipe our POW card and show ID and consume. Anyone can do anything and follow their passions but everyone has to work to fill up their POW card. People who are completely handicapped will get a free pass and consume for free.

This would eliminate drug dealing, nonstop commercials all over the place, our debt, income inequality, financial crimes, banks, taxes, financial hardships, and many other problems that stem from the money system.

This would work. Its simple, convenient, humane, and sensible all around.

EDIT: We would have to change ownership rules too. Instead of owning everything forever, we would just own it up until we are done using it. Once we are done, it goes back into the economy through an online donation system. (IE. I am moving out of state and don't want my car anymore. I post it on Ebay and the buyers takes it off my hands by showing me his POW card). This will completely eradicate hoarding and it will recycle our resources back into the economy wherever they are needed.


No drug dealers huh. So this magical POW card will get rid of Bayer, Merck, Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, Wyeth, etc etc? Because that's all they are. "Legal" drug dealers

With the new system, massive pharma companies would soon realize that there is no point in forcing addiction on a population. It doesn't change their income in anyway. They, like everyone else, are using the same POW cards as the rest of us. The CEO of a big pharma company would simply be a smart guy who creates an efficient system to help cure people of their illnesses. There's no profit motive anymore. The only profit motive now is the wealth of the nation which is measured by the quality of our lives as a whole. This wealth comes through the massive gains in efficiency that will result when we dump money. Without money, every big dreamer will come out of their mom's basement and do great things for our country. Right now, they can't because they can't afford it but if they were given freedom to improve the world, they would do so in ways that would be felt in our lives.

Well in your system, I think I'll be an opium farmer. Why? Because "I want to be a junky when I grow up" Everyone is welcome to my opium.... Until I run out. Then I'm killing every last one of the fuckers who took my crop. Mine Mine MINE! Then next harvest I'll have enough for me...

I imagined this kind of system too. I like it but I do find serious faults that need correcting.

As far as impacting big pharma, a POW system would eliminate BP's ability to squeeze consumers financially while selling dangerous products. Also the FDA couldn't charge competition-killing prices to do research studies for new or natural cures. If you're willing to work or participate in the study, you get to buy anything at the end of the day.

Patents might be an issue though... but by and large this system would SERIOUSLY put the power in the hands of the consumer. If people don't buy your crap - you don't get paid.

And now I see a problem: what if you put in a good faith effort to create a new product you think people would want? Do you deserve your POW for that effort though it resulted in failure?

I like it, and I want to iron out the problems.
Could be the future.

Won't happen, the people with all the power love their money and hate to work.

So Communism with everyone linked to a central database?

Well, the USSR still used money and therefore enslaved the people. They also forced them into jobs. We need to pick our own jobs.

Lmao I choose quarterback of the New England Patriots.

Are you that good of a football player? If so, then ya, you would have to ask them for a position on the team. Nothing unusual. If they are hiring and you want to join, you apply and hopefully get the job.

What if Miguel can pick twice as many oranges as Jose but they are both illegal immigrants?

Then go apply to the cia as a recruit and work your way up.

Illegals are another issue.

I think your idea would only work with minimum wage type jobs. I actually think it's a pretty good idea if it could be applied to only minimum wage jobs.

There's the whole problem of training. When you are running a business for profit you can't just take any worker off the streets and let them pick their hours and come and go when they please.

So yeah I'm all for developing a new class of low-training, "minimum wage" jobs (like the ones that prisoners do, or jobs that are currently volunteer jobs) that give you access to a rationed consumer system that would allow you to survive on Earth comfortably

I'm not all for a communist utopia that is completely unrealistic when you consider the massive variety of jobs and the vastly varying (often specialized or proprietary) knowledge that is needed to do them.

Try to enivsion the system in a flexibale light. Let's say I'm an electrician and I want to work for GE but they aren't hiring because they simply don't need anymore employees so I try another company and they aren't hiring. I want to be an electrician badly because I love the job so I work as an independent company and that company grows as I grow. Anyone can simply open a new company but one day, when we are totally used to the new system, we will realize that some jobs are oversaturated and having 1 extra employee is not going to really improve quality of life (ie we have enough electricians in NYC). If it were me, I would just check every so often to see if a position is open but in the meantime, I would go and work on something computer related since I like computers.

Its like capitalism but instead of money, we use our POW card.

So I can pick my own job, but I can't pick what I spend on right? Cause that's what you're saying down below. You actually are saying you will create a literal "thought police" to control people's behavior.

You've either totally lost it. Or this is the worst trolling/psyop I've ever seen.

Your credibility is going to take a huge hit today..imo

You can consume how you see fit. No restraints but if you are done using the item, post it on ebay or just give it away.

So I can buy nose rings without you and your clique demonizing me?

Yes you can. And you deserve it.

So if I walk into Wal-Mart and say I'm buying everything in the store here's my pow card, I'm straight? Or will you place limits, then who controls the limits, what if the limits are inherently discriminatory?

You can't realistically buy the whole store. But let's say you tried, the Walmart employees will know that you are trying to game the system and they will stop you. Some people will always try to abuse freedom but how doesn't that help mankind? Why abuse such a lavish system?

Example... Let's say I have a salary job. I work way OVER 40 hours a week as required by my corporate overlords. With your PoW system, why should I get the same as somebody who only works 40. I do double the work. And the corporate overlords won't like getting the same as their slaves.

You see how quickly this degrades. Besides we have something similar already. It's called welfare. Its supposed to help people without means get jobs and become part of the "Proof of Work" class. Doing a great job.... eye roll

What you're talking about is not practical. All systems of government and monetary distribution are prefect in theory. But they fall flat on their face when humans put them into practice. Greed being the usual driver there.

Maybe PoW will work for ethereum, but I have my doubts on that, though.

Greed is a symptom of money.

You wouldn't work 80 hours for your corporate overlords. In the new system we would:

  1. Agree on a set number of hours per day for 5 days a week. Let's say 6-8 hours.

  2. Your boss would no longer own you. We would all be equal and the boss would now be the coach. You can get in or out of a job at anytime you please. Nobody would own you.

Like I said, its fine on paper, but as soon as it gets implemented it'll go to shit. No disrespect to you out your idea, it's just how it'd end up in my opinion

Also greed isn't a symptom of money its a symptom of possessions. Of which, in our system, money is. And if you take away possession of things, I'm not sure how well that's go over.



I thought of this last year or the year before - never knew there was a name for it - or did you just invent it?

Thing is though: what about building something new? A new business or researching a new product? R&D type stuff - who watches you to make sure you're putting in a real 8hrs pursuing your new idea?

Who watches ANYONE for that matter? I know customers could somehow validate your work in some instances... personal services for example - but what if you work 4hrs one day as a plumber - do you not get access to your POW purchasing power because you couldn't find enough customers to fill 8hrs? Were you back at office doing paperwork? Who watches you to make sure?

This is where I ran into problems and just left it. But the rationale is sound imo: if you work and contribute, you deserve as much as anyone else.

It's not communism in my mind because I don't see or want a top-down authority structure. There's no basis in collectivism.

It just sounds fair...but has some issues.

We need to keep it as humane as possible. If there are too many plumbers, and we don't need anymore, then a man who dreams to be a plumber is going to have to find a new location or just work another job. For example, a plumber calls around a few local plumbing companies and asks them how they are keeping up with the demand. The plumbing company might say they are holding up just fine or they need more plumbers. If they need more, the unemployed man can join them or start a new company depending on what's best for society.

We can't use government to check on our work. We use ourselves to check on our work. Let's call this job "work checkers". Private citizens would be the "work checkers". Let's say I decide we don't have enough work checkers in my neighborhood and so I decide to be one. I run a sector of 15 blocks for about 6-8 hours a day (whatever we agree upon.. i think 6 hours is plenty). I then make random inspections of these businesses, run interviews, and write reports. All I am doing is making sure that these people are working. There's no need to be overly strict but if I see someone screwing around, then I report it to the government who then does an investigation of their own. I do the inpsections but the government revokes the POW card until that man actually works again. If the man displays 2 weeks worth of work, the card is restored and he can consume again. This way we keep everyone legit. I would also drop a commercial on TV saying, "Does your neighborhood have a work checker?" This way, people can become aware of the importance of this job.

So simple. No jail time no nothing. You either work and consume or don't work and don't consume. Its humane and very easy to operate in reality.

There's a name for it, it's called Marxism

They flaw in all of this is you neglect the human nature to game the system.

The only way this would work is either with programmable robots or by culling anyone slightly defiant over the course of MANY generations until all people are genetically servile... like we did with dogs.

What people don't understand is that EVERYONE thinks the world is full of disgusting people and they are the one of the good ones. How is that? Why is it that everyone things they are good people but the world is full of horrible monsters?

This is a flaw in thinking. The world and people innately want to be good but they are pitted against all odds of making it in a corrupt system designed by the dark hearts of very evil men. You make a system that works and the 99% will follow gladly. They won't try to game the system because there is no reason to game the system when it gives you all that you need to survive and thrive. Desperation causes good people to do very bad things and the system we have now has left most of the country in a desperate position and still most people refuse to break any laws which is great but some people naturally crack up and become career criminals.

I will game the system if given the chance (desperation or not). I am going to assume others will as well.

Perhaps I am just projecting, but if I look around at the world, I see the same pattern in every facet of civilisation. I am telling you, regardless of self image, that I WILL do this if given the opportunity. I am certain others will as well, and they may not be as honest about it.

Good idea but our kind are indoctrinated into comsuming none stop to fill a hole. Be it to be better than others or show their stature within the community. Until everyone agrees to walk the middle path, be thoughtful about our impact, not greedy and do our fair share. Ego and greed is a horrible combination

We are more mature now. We will figure this out. Also, people who overly consumed will be looked down on. A guy walking around with diamond earrings, nose rings, finger rings, ect.. will be laughed at and chastised. Peer pressure would put an end to it quickly. We need to use a dynamic common sense system here not a grindy literal one. Very few people are that stupid though. I think most people will be on board with the common sense responsibilities of consuming goods and services.

That's not a bad point to make. Your right thou, money needs to go, asap. Between us all we would only need to work around 10 hours each a week. Gives us plenty of time off to either train more for the job role or another job or spend time off appreachiating everything. I've been struggling for about 4 years now staying In a job for longer than 6 months at a time, as soon as I see the greed at the top and how their benefiting from me working my hands to the bone I lose loyality.

I totally understand. It sucks working for a corrupted boss. I was thinking we can start at 6 hours a day and see where it takes us because we need 2 hours for housework.

So you're already coming up with plans to police appearances no less. You are exactly the type of person who will unwittingly help to create an enforced slavery on humankind.

We are already enslaved. Who said anything about thought police.

You did...specifically about making people experience cognitive dissonance for their purchasing choices.

We have social norms on our society. If I take a piss on the street people will give me dirty looks. There are millions of social norms in every society. There's no way to prevent it. Sociology 101

All I'm saying is that it's bound to happen.

Taking a piss on the street. Probably has nothing to do with laws already in place for that, for very specific reasons.

Don't recall a law on not allowing nose rings or whatever.

What's your glorious leader's stance on gun purchases?

Guns are fine. Nose rings are fine. I'm just saying if you overindulge for no reason at all people will roll their eyes at you. Think about a blinged out pimp with 5 million worth of jewelry around his neck.

I like most of what you post man, but I am am going to have to respectfully and forcefully disagree on this idea. People don't generally work because they love to work, they are incentivized by the prospect of beating the Joneses (gross oversimplification for debate purposes). Not gonna say that is the way it should be, of if that is a healthy way to go about society, but until a whole bunch of cultural things change at the same time, that is the facts.

This is actually one of the worst communist-esque ideas I have seen. Sounds like the idea came from someone who was always able to swipe their trust fund card and consume whatever they want. It is completely divorced from what constitutes value.

This is a garbage idea

I lol'd so hard in agreement.

Definitely one of the worst ideas I've seen on Reddit in a long time.

Just create a post scarcity society where eventually the cost of goods = 0

If you would actually research /r/New_American_System thats the goal, we just have to remove debt/taxes first, once that happens, the cost of goods will eventually drop to 0 or a middle class family could pay for a vacation on the moon.

Communism and a massive centralization of power (whoever controls the POW card servers, controls the world). You're insane.

Well that's rash when there are plenty of sophisticated non-centralized programs. Why should this be controlled?

Yeah you could block chain it for decentralization I guess. Still not a big fan of the unlimited free stuff as long as you're working card, it would only encourage people to consume beyond their means and the system of production would either be crippled or you would be forced to make really crappy junk to keep up with demand.

Well hopefully the programmers would have the foresight to implement a penalty and rewards system to keep people from doing it because it isn't in their interest.

Everything can be calculated if we give it value.

Nobody controls the servers. We all control it. It has to be open source.

Or a super AI that decides to black ball the human race from their resources for a small slow terminator-esque apocalypse.

And just who is going to get the government jobs that have control of this system?

This is the perfect vehicle to establish a caste/feudal society. Hard to believe you don't see that.

Didn't know you were a spokesperson for the NWO. Gonna have to take your posts with a serious grain of salt from now on.

Who gets them now? We still need representative gov but the people need more transperancy and power. Gov needs to be limited.

You are blind to your own oppression. This what made communist dictators so dangerous.

I don't belive in dictatorshop or communism or overt government control. I don't even believe in government punishments of any kind. Oppression and force are fail. Everyone should act on free will without harming anyone on the process.

You've contradicted yourself too many times already. You should just stop. You already admitted you would be willing to oppress people for buying fucking jewelry.

You're misunderstanding me. All I'm saying is people will roll their eyes at you if you wear millions of dollars worth of diamonds. Nothing more. specifically state that peer pressure would put an end to it. You already have an expected outcome. I'm willing to bet if you don't get your expected outcome you will escalate the level of oppression in order to achieve said outcome.

No man... Peer pressure has nothing to do with government or laws. If you are a man and wear a dress in public, your friends will make fun of you. Your friends are NOT thought police. Have you heard of the term "social norm". The reason your friends will make fun of you in a dress is because you are breaking a social norm. A social norm is basically an agreed upon norm that we all agree on and this changes by the day. Today, we consider it odd for a man to wear a dress and so people simply follow the social norm.

When a business or country struggles, we don't oppress people to solve it. We dig into the problem and fix it at the root. That is the whole point of this post. My only concern is that you and all the people in America have a good life where they can live and enjoy instead of the economic suffering many Americans feel today.

If I personally was the president, I would lift oppressive systems like our prison system and upgrade them to something that works (IE instead of prisons, we can have rehab facilities but they have to be humane). Oppression is TOTAL FAIL. I am the first to agree this. I am looking to liberate you. I want you to have an easy life. Work ANY job you want for 6 hour, 5 days a week and consume as needed. The most complicated problems have the simplest solutions and this is a truly simple solution. The only hard part is growing enough balls to try something new. I understand humans are habitual creatures and like to stick to things they are familiar with but what if this system actually improves all of our quality of life and eliminates corruption? It seems like it would to me. That is my only aim. We are all equal. Nobody is above the other even if that's not what it seems to be but in truth, we are all useful citizens and the mentally/physically handicapped people who can't work get a free pass while we work on a cure. Just think it over. All great truth begins as blasphemy.

I'm going to point you in the direction of all those wonderful social norm policies that are now being made into laws on University campuses. Good luck.

Bah... we can't legislate morality. We are morally bankrupt due to a lack of education and MSM brainwashing. That is a whole other subject. Our entire society needs to be reworked. This system is only about the economy portion of it. The swamp has to actually be drained before we can heal our world governments.


You mentioned people that are completely handicapped will get a pass and consume free. Does mental health count as a handicap? If somebody has an injury and they feel they cannot work, who decides whether or not they are able to consume? If you're bipolar and can't hold down a job - do you just wither away because you can't consume a thing or do you pray that others will give to you?

Of course. We are going to use a humane common sense approach.

The --money-- system is completely broken. We can switch to --POW (proof of work) cards-- a system comprised of many smaller 'jurisdictions' which are in turn comprised of even smaller 'jurisdictions' all the way down to the individual, with the primary goal of individual liberty maintained through a bottom to top 'governance,' instead. (FTFY)

Wasnt that the whole point originally, in the grand scheme of the visionaries that formulated the governing principles (of the US) - What an individual does is unimportant until it encroaches upon anothers life/liberty/pursuit of happiness. Disputes between neighbors handled by towns, disputes between towns handled by counties, between counties handled by state, between states handled by fed - fed handles international issues via state representatives.

When power becomes consolidated at the top, very few need to be bribed, harassed, threatened, tortured, blackmailed, etc and it pretty much guarantees that everything will be controlled (often behind the curtain) by those with money, power, influence, and ruthless psychotics.

The pyramid needs to be flipped back over.

Can you imagine if there was more than 3 people in line to work at the position you wanted to work at? You'd be waiting for three people to finish 8 hour shifts, just so you could do yours. Then, what about the jobs that nobody wants to do? How do you get people to show for those?

We have 300 million people in this country with various skills. The lower skilled workers will take the ordinary jobs like being a cook at Denny's. There is no shame in being a cook at Denny's because that cook is responsible for providing a much needed delicious meal for the customers.

If there is ever a shortage on job positions, which I doubt but it can happen, you can depend on people like me to take the job.

What about the bad jobs like garbage, sewage, greasetraps, and sanitation?

Those jobs will either be taken by people who don't mind the work or the upper 5% of the population. What I mean by upper 5% is the people who realize the importance of a functioning society and feel a "call of duty" to their society. Once the first 6 months pass by and people see how much easier life is, they would gladly work. First they will follow their passion and second they will fill vacant positions as needed.

I don't like this idea. I think a basic guaranteed income (I forget the exact term for that) would be much better. Give everyone enough to meet basic needs like rent, utilities, and food and give them health care. Some people wouldn't work but most would still work to earn money for nice and extra things, rather than struggling to meet their basic needs.

A basic income would help. I'm trying to hit a grand slam though.

And those who don't work their allotted 40 hours that week?

arbeit macht frei

How will you find people to do dirty jobs like run cremation facilities, and clean sewers?

I'm afraid that everyone is going to spend their time counting moths, and nobody is going to do the more important work.

There are a lot of us that are willing to volunteer to keep this lavish system rolling. We will have lots of meetings, commercials to speak to people, and so on.

Forget about the selfish mode of life. It doesn't work. Think about a population converting too cooperation which will be easy after year 1 since people will realize that our work is truly paying off.

Forget about the selfish mode of life. It doesn't work. Think about a population converting too cooperation which will be easy after year 1 since people will realize that our work is truly paying off.

I'll give you advice. These systems are good when you have small groups of fiercely altruistic people. But you need a system that will discourage 'hangers on'. If you don't, your community will swell to about 500 people, then collapse, as people come for the free beer, until you have too many people meditating for their 'work cards', and too few people shoveling the shit that is being created.

I only have one anecdotal 'data point' for this one. I knew a person who was raised "on a commune" in rural Northern California, and various members in his family frequently lived in/out of that type of society. The quote that I remember is that it was tough to have enough people in the commune to pay for a doctor, while not attracting a bunch of people who wouldn't produce as much as they consumed.

You move 16 tons and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt.

That's not a bad point to make. Your right thou, money needs to go, asap. Between us all we would only need to work around 10 hours each a week. Gives us plenty of time off to either train more for the job role or another job or spend time off appreachiating everything. I've been struggling for about 4 years now staying In a job for longer than 6 months at a time, as soon as I see the greed at the top and how their benefiting from me working my hands to the bone I lose loyality.

So you're already coming up with plans to police appearances no less. You are exactly the type of person who will unwittingly help to create an enforced slavery on humankind.

You did...specifically about making people experience cognitive dissonance for their purchasing choices.

Yes you can. And you deserve it.

We have 300 million people in this country with various skills. The lower skilled workers will take the ordinary jobs like being a cook at Denny's. There is no shame in being a cook at Denny's because that cook is responsible for providing a much needed delicious meal for the customers.

If there is ever a shortage on job positions, which I doubt but it can happen, you can depend on people like me to take the job.

You can't realistically buy the whole store. But let's say you tried, the Walmart employees will know that you are trying to game the system and they will stop you. Some people will always try to abuse freedom but how doesn't that help mankind? Why abuse such a lavish system?