Anyone else see it?

13  2017-05-06 by IHaveBearArms

For over the past year every day once or maybe twice a day I will see 9:11 as I glance at the clock.

How mini more like me are there?


I seem to notice other specific times a lot, but I am guessing I just overremember the times I see these and underremember all of the other less memorable times.

Like 4:20??? Amiright?? ?

Yeah dude marijuana hour forsure so awesome chyeah every day so hi

sorry wake and bake

You are correct. Confirmation bias

I continue to notice the EAS "tests" on the radio throughout the day, even though the test dialog is never spoken. It's gives me goosebumps every time it happens.

I've had this experienc. I also notice 4:20 a lot too, but i notice 9:11 more than average. I thought I was the only one.

I see 9:11 and 11:11 just about every day for the past year now. Its quite odd.

The universe is talking to you. 1111 is basically a nudge for attention. 911 is a prompt to let go of old energy and focus on new.

I see 333 every day

3 is gods number. Pi the everlasting/ infinite number begins 3. incarnated 3 times(333) is that you are have assistance close by from the divine, i always get a little bit of luck with the 3s a well.

thank you for the knowledge, friend, but I doubt im worth much heavenly attention lol.

420 is a literal thumbs up from the universe ;)

I always see my birth date, in both PM and AM. 9/11, not so much, but it has happened.

i do too and my sons

I do too, all the time. Also 11:11, and less frequently 4:11 and 7:11

I see 11:11, usually both times it appears per day.

The universe is talking to you. 1111 is basically a nudge for attention.

I have read many takes on this... it certainly does focus my attention it happens so often. I usually just take a minute to notice when it happens now, just exist for a second

Although your eyes and mind might be elsewhere there are 200 million reactions to information around you hitting the brain. I truly believe our consciousness points us to look at it and notice it. Ill get shit for posting this or pointed to chance but when i started noticing it more it spooked me at 1st, Im totally against clock watching and i make a conscious effort to avoid seeing the time and focus more on the moment but ill always notice chained numbers. 1111, 0000 ect without even noticing a clock in the room to begin with. The 'elites' religion use numbers in everything, ritual killings at certain dates/times ect and i honestly think they invoke small changes to the immediate reality. Forcing it during the specific time as such, They understand the universe and stripped down to its bare bones the universe is numbers. 1-9. 0 being what contains the numbers. and 3/6/9 being our main reoccurring numbers. The opposite to this type of forcing numbers religion through evil deeds would be having the numbers communicate to you and using them as guide stones to follow a better path. If your interested i would recommend acknowledging the numbers, either out loud or in your mind and go with the flow. I carry a 12 sided dice around most days and use them to make decision for me (Libra ;) ) and ive had the best 2 years ever, on a totally different path to what i thought i wanted and never been happier. I told my partner at the start about all this, she didn't think i was crazy even though i told her i probably was and we've had a magical magical journey.

judge this story as you wish but it the best example i have, I had a dream right when i started this journey (only dream maybe few times a year) where a beautiful brown hair lady with a green dress came to speak to me, she told me that she was proud of what i was doing but came to me to warn me of something that would potentially send me off the path, (during the time i was 4k in debt which stressed me out constantly, i kept seeing numbers to tell me not to worry about money but i couldn't help it, i was between jobs whilst waiting for my police check to come back before i could start and getting hounded with letters) she went into details about receiving a letter today that would be worse than normal but not to worry because at 1st seem like a huge huge problem but would work out in my favor totally. i woke up and was laying in bed for about 2 mins thinking about what i just dreamed and my partner woke up, grabbed her phone from the bedside desk and went ''shit, she was right'' i asked her what the matter was and she said she was dreaming about being down the pub with her family and a lady in a green dress came up to her, gripped her shoulder and said 'you've slept through your alarm by the way'. I grilled her immediately about her appearance whilst she was dashing around for clothes and her work stuff without mentioning my dream but my partner has never been a stickler for attention to detail. just mentioned brown hair and green dress. Freaked me out a little and i mentioned my dream to her and freaked her out too. Later than day, Had a letter.. was from the courthouse saying that my ex partner was claiming 50/50 rights to my house as she had paid fair contributions to the mortgage. (would of prob burnt the house down if i didn't have that dream). tried my hardest not to stress, in the end, ended up selling the house without paying anything was all done for us,totally stress free, which we were planning to do soon anyway, Made a super good profit on it, Paid what i owed my ex/mortgage and made enough to pay all my debts and put a deposit on a house that we had our eye on closer to our place of part the ex is totally gone for good now, i always hoped that the green dress lady was mother earth, if it is. SHE IS FITTTTTTTTTT. OOOFT.

Woah i went on a bit of a rampage there. Apologies in advance

baader-meinhof phenomenon

I see this a lot too.

1:11, 11:11

My guess is that you look at the clock 20 to 60 times per day, and the law of averages are that you will see a repeating digit time at least once per day, but you aren't remembering or even noticing all the more common non-repeating digit patterns.

While we are on the subject, why is it that actual results don't appear in the probability distribution that you would expect? I remember it was explained in a graduate statistics course, but I have forgotten it. This actually works more often than not, you are in a room of 25 to 30 people, you find out that two people have the same birthday. Logic says that it should be 2 out of 365, therefore you would think that in a room of 36 people, you would only get 2 at the same time, one out of ten times, however it happens half the time. Anyway, although possibly the frequency of triple digits merely seem that they should happen one glance out of 60 glances at the clock, but perhaps there is a reason why it is actually more frequent than that.

I see 4:20 and 13:37, sometimes 20:12
