Can we make tags for ProTrump related political posts?

0  2017-05-06 by [deleted]


If they get tags so does everything else. Only way to be fair.

That's honestly not that difficult. Lol look at woah dude, where they tag stuff to what type of post it is. Plenty of subs do this.

I get you and it's not a.Bad idea, but only way it flies is having equal labels.

TD funny how quick people read one talking point and assumed I would be against equal labeling of each post.

Well you did just mention only one kind of label.

If the read can we get labels for political posts, people would probably agree with you.

Too busy proving my point and being triggered.

Me? Hardly. I don't support Donnie.

The other people.

Some. Others just don't like change.

Then we would need tags for all the anti trump posts.

This is not a safe space for either side and we don't do trigger warnings.

^ this

This place is a circle jerk for trump. Anything anti trump gets downvoted even if it's a juicy conspiracy. By whatevs...

No it's not, and no it doesn't. I've been here for a very long time, and have not seen this...

I forgot... That your anecdotal evidence is sufficient. Because at the end of the day, this is r/conspiracy

What "news" is against Trump, that you feel should be top here? What should be upvoted, in your own opinion. Give me something...

Trump getting pee'd on by Russian hookers.

The GOP obstructing the Russian investigation.

The Russian hacking scandals

So fake news? You want propaganda in this sub? K. Thanks for replying, lmao....

It's a conspiracy, whether or not you choose to accept that is your own thing.

What is?

How do you now realize this sub could all be construed as "fake news?" But also... How do you discern fake news from a conspiracy?

Is it just because you hate libtardshillbotfeminazisansaris?

The trump Russian dozier.

That came from only buzzfeed. One online publication selling 50+ genders. You do the math, lmao...

Is it just because you hate libtardshillbotfeminazisansaris?

Are you drunk?

Russian investigation in the damage and by the FBI... But that's fake news (sweeps under rug)

** not a real conspiracy!** he says!

Where is evidence the Russians did anything?

Nothing will suffice for you.


Not even every agencies agreeing that the Russians hacked out election. But that's whatever. It is a conspiracy. You don't have to believe it. But it deserves place to grow before you just TRUST THE GOVERNMENT.

Evidence, for the second time. Realize where you are and who you are commenting to... This shit does not work here, and not on me. I shall wait...

Every federal agency agreed it happened.

But you're wanting a physical letter in. Digital age with a digital crime.

Stfu you're r/iamverysmart material

Every federal agency agreed it happened.

Evidence? You have not provided anything.... Dude, you're a joke, and now your just a mouse I'm playing with. You may want to delete this account, in the AM. lmao...

That's enough evidence to inspire a conspiracy... I don't have to convince you.

There's enough EVIDENCE for it to at least be suspicious. But do you not consider the fbi investigation as evidence?

You haven't given any evidence? Give me links, sources, c'mon. You have some right? No... You don't, we'll see what happens to your account, on your own account :), lmao...

Lol your definition of evidence is Alex jones shouting. My Alex jones is jut the CIA and FBI.

Lol your definition of evidence is Alex jones shouting. My Alex jones is jut the CIA and FBI.

Are you even trying? When did I ever bring up AJ? Dude, just delete your account.....

Lol. Why are you so mad at me?

I'm just explaining why there is a conspiracy and you're so triggered you're trying to bully me into deleting my account. Listen, you can go back to Fucking your sister... YOU DONT HAVE TO ARGUE WITH ME.

I'm not mad? Can you provide any evidence? I'm still waiting...

Sanctions on Russia. All the US intelligence agencies claim it was Russia. Trump told Russians to hack the DNC. Flynn fired for "lying," Flynn asking for immunity to testify.
Kushner and sessions failing to disclose multiple meetings with Russians.

Carter page was contacted by Russians, the committee investigating him was told that he wouldn't provide his info about meeting with Russians, which many people are assuming will lead to a subpoena.

No, Pro Russia candidate has received backlash or has been hacked in recent elections. No to mention Julian assange's ties to Russia including his failed news network aimed at Russians.

..evidence? This is not hard... For you it may be.. Evidence?

You're just like "none of it is suspicious!"

No circumstantial evidence against daddy-trump can be suspicious. Even though there's plenty of reason to feel suspicious. But you go ahead and keep sucking that daddytrump dick.

Still waiting for evidence. You're just making a fool of yourself...

Trump could never do anything wrong

  • you

Trump could never do anything wrong


When did I say that? Dude. Give up. You will not against me... lmao.. You're just making yourself more transparent...

Your confirmation bias won't even let you be open to the idea that this COULD've happened. You want proof like a Hillary email wiki leaks docu, but it doesn't work that way.

What kind of evidence do you expect to find over digital propaganda pushing and hacking?

You lose!

Still not providing evidence.. And I'm still waiting. This shit doesn't work here...

You didn't answer my question.

You lose!


Trump won't release his taxes... I wonder why?

Clinton was tied to Russia, so if you truly believe that Trump was as well, then go read that bitch's emails! The connections are there. Don't whine about filtering out content that you are for some reason incapable of either skipping over or addressing directly. It's shit like that that's caused the massive amount of inequality and government corruption that we have today.

Complaining about Clinton doesn't make a conspiracy about trump go away.

I was literally giving you the only actual lead that connects Trump to Russia. It's all in the emails.

That's not true. But you can believe it is.

But seriously... Have you not seen all the people in trump's administration that "failed to disclose meetings with Russians?"

It is true and if you checked my comment history, you'd know that I've posted just in this past week about an international non profit that has ties to Trump, Clinton, the Bushs, a Chicago based law firm, Mitt Romney, and John Legend! I have no doubt that Trump's cabinet is filled with shady people. I understand the game. There's no democracy, and there's no distinction between the two parties. Only fools and shills claim otherwise.

It's not true. You're claiming its "His only tie to Russia?" That's incredulous.

Two you avoided my question by responding "all politicians behave in shady ways."

Because the other ties have been proven to be fake or inconsequential. There's nothing to actually dig through there. I'm telling you of a place where you can actually research your conspiracy, and you are complaining because I don't just nod my head like a simpleton and agree with Rachel Maddow? That's pathetic. Take the goddamn initiative and quit nagging anonymous people.

You're definitely missing my point.

I don't assume trump's collusion and ties come down to just an email thread. More like a group of individuals that aimed to steer the political discourse in a way that was beneficial toward Russia. That means trump's connections would be his team, specially People on the transition team And those people are turning out to have failed to disclose meetings win Russians.

You're trying to pigeon hole me by assuming I care for Rachel Maddow or that I even watch her show.

180000 emails plus other documents. Calling it an email thread is like calling the Mediterranean a "pool".

If you're not a Rachel Maddow watcher, then I'm a lizard person working for Putin.

Hahahahaha you faggot jut gonna keep on faggoting. Because you can give a reasonable answer ahahaha😝😭😭😭

You can believe whatever you want.

It's not like Rachael Maddow is the spokesperson for all people Anti trump. You're just too dumb to realize that.

And for the record, the post I was referring to mentions a member of his transition team, a high ranking russian offical, and 3-4 Clinton insiders.

You still missed my point.

I don't assume trump's collusion and ties come down to just an email thread. More like a group of individuals that aimed to steer the political discourse in a way that was beneficial toward Russia.

Yes I do. You assume of Trump exactly what's been proven of Clinton. And I agree. Now move along. I don't enjoy conversing with biggots.

You're pretentious AF.

You called me a faggot. Look in the goddamn mirror. You're worse than Trump.

I thought you were someone else.

And get over it. An insult isn't the end of the world. Especially when a gay man calls you a faggot.

I am over it. Unlike you I actually don't get bent out of shape over what random people say over the internet. I've been called worse by far better.

Unlike you... Blah blah blah. Pretentious POS

Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Hope you find the answers you seek, and goodnight.

I kinda agree about this sub's leanings but your proposed solution isn't any better than leaving things how they are. Let people read, analyze, and decide for themselves. You can't make people agree with you. If they support the conman in chief, yeah it sucks, and him holding the position he does effects your life.

But more artificial division, and adding prejudice before people even read the links isn't a good idea.

How is it harmful to label the posts?

It helps to generalize into these groups instead of assuming that this place is a monolith of lizard people beliebers.

Like I said, why introduce prejudice. The best thing people can learn is to think for themselves, and telling anyone how to feel about something their about to read completely undermines that idea.

You're right... This sub is past generalizing or tagging or even hyperbole in the titles.

I see your point, but I'm sying that my idea could help this sub overall

You're arguing your point from a confirmation bias, without assuming that you could be wrong.

The side that censors is always wrong. They don't censor anything here. There's pro Trump and anti Trump posted all day. It's okay. We can all be our own filter.

I don't think this is censoring, but if that's how you define censoring then so be it...

Summarizing is now censoring.

Filtering is censoring

Tagging allows filtering, but it's not the same.

If I came to this subreddit looking for troll conspiracies, then I have no way of sorting or figuring out which posts are related to that. But it doesn't mean I couldn't still sort through and read all the posts. Honestly, it could help. But I know you don't want to understand what I'm saying.

There's a search bar. You can literally type in the word "troll" if you so desire. Your proposal is fascist.

Sure it is. Just like taggin YouTube or imgur is fascist of r/woahdude

You're using facist so much it's lost meaning

You can literally type "troll", check the box to search only within this subreddit, click enter, and BOOM, welcome to Trollville.

So what I'm saying is... Fascist because I suggest making searches easier. Lol

Fascist because it's unnecessary, therefore the primary use of it would be to censor content, not make searches easier.

I think it would be helpful to navigate this subreddit and its posts, because I don't care to sort through the retarded posts but you can keep assuming it's fascist.

I kinda think it's a fascist for you to cloud real conspiracies with fake data and makin it harder to find real info.

What? What fake data? I'm under no obligation to agree with your assertions and your under none to agree with mine. But I'm at least trying to reason with you under the assumption that you are not a shill.

You missed the point. We're done here.

Damn straight

You're a broken person. I'm sorry for all your insecurities.

I very well could be wrong. I'm just giving my two cents.

Definitely not. I've actually seen more anti-Trump posts here lately.

Sure you have. Lol

Where? heh. Heh heh

Only if they tag the liberal shill posts as well.

Okay... No problem.

You can even call it liberal "satanic shill posts"

And we'll just say the other one is pro Jesus/Trump

Pro-trump isn't always pro-jesus.

As someone who is Hindu and pro-trump I find this slightly offensive.

You're Hindu? I don't believe you (just letting you know up front). Where ya from?

I'm from the US but yes I am. My father is from India, and my mother took on the faith when they married.

I hate to say it, your testimony removes any further doubt... I definitely don't think you're anything but ProTrump/Jesus evangelical.

Whatever you libtard shill.

Sounds like you're a retard, but that's your parents problem not mine.

Says the person who wants tag posts that are pro-trump.

Maybe you should get a mental health check because liberalism is a mental DISEASE.

Good one!

You: "liberals are like nazis! Lol and that offends you! Hahahaha muahahahahahaha I insulted liberals!"

Me: "are you fucking retarded?"

You're an idiot. Liberalism is a disease, and there is but only one cure....

More cowbell.

Too bad you're a conservative, otherwise I'd assume you could converse, but you're just a conservative cousin fucker.

And you're a liberal cuck who likes to be fucked by refugees.

Hahahaha I'm sure you're just a swell person to be around.

Removed. Rule 4. Final Warning.

Well you did just mention only one kind of label.

If the read can we get labels for political posts, people would probably agree with you.

I thought you were someone else.

And get over it. An insult isn't the end of the world. Especially when a gay man calls you a faggot.

Good one!

You: "liberals are like nazis! Lol and that offends you! Hahahaha muahahahahahaha I insulted liberals!"

Me: "are you fucking retarded?"