So, Puerto Rico is closing 184 schools due to claiming bankruptcy over 70 billion debt. Canada's Home Capital Group stock is down 78% since the beginning of year. Customers have been making a run on the bank.

51  2017-05-06 by AIsuicide

Venezuela is in deep shit.

Greece had their loan pulled by Germany.

Italy is teetering on unpayable debt.

We know the US is never going to pay it's debt off.

Has the Ponzi scheme of the central banks finally run its course?


Has the Ponzi scheme of the central banks finally run its course?

Yes. We are going to war..

Who's we? You got a fuckin' mouse in your pocket?

The United States, or one should say the West? This little kick doesn't apply, here.. You need to learn context..

Can you clarify Put. Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Going to war to stimulate economy? Going to war to secure resources? Which kind of going to war?

Going to war to cover up their failed ponzi scheme... Stock market crashes tomorrow, not because of Russia, but will be blamed on a cyber attack by Russia....

Crashing the stock market will set off a revolution. Pretty sure anyways. Due to last bailout and people sick and tired of corruption. I don't know.

Rex-84 ;). They have a,b,c,d covered. We are going to war.. Tis' only a matter of time... The writing is on the walls...

Not sure if the majority consider that writing to be legitimate. Not sure, like I said.

War with North Korea isn't a big enough war...that much I know.

IMO, the West is at war with the East. Have always been, but something is different. NK just said "fuck off" to China. Who knows... But, this is unprecedented. People (we all are sick of this shit going on). idk...

Can't disagree with the West/East perspective. Definitely agree on the unprecedented comment. I'm thinking....Turkey could really fuck everyone's day up right about now.

Yeah, not sure what those fuckers are doing... They seem to be defying, but remember, Turkey turned it's cheek towards/in favor of Russia. Not sure if people remember that?...

I do..been paying pretty close attention to Turkey/Russia for a while now.

So... WTF are they doing? Because they are pissing off the West. The world is a chess board. I have no idea what is going on, but something is...

Start a new line dammit. The thread went off my phone page.

I'm confused? lol... huh?

Market is closed tomorrow

It was a hypothetical... Thurs it crashes...

What makes you say Thursday? Not an attack just in gossip you may have found:D

Would be some shit if something happened on Thurs, but no.. I don't know. I was just saying. I don't have dates, and was just saying to that user, I didn't mean tomorrow, Saturday (SM closed)....

haha just checking ;)

It still could happen on Thurs. Either I'm a profit, or on another list for "reasons"..? ;)


Has the Ponzi scheme of the central banks finally run its course?

No because the banks are just saying "Oh. You can't pay back your debts? Okay. No problem. So just give us your land and your property."

We're talking National debt, not personal debt. Don't think people are going to give their country to a bank. imo

Don't think people are going to give their country to a bank. imo

Isn't that already happening? I mean can't the banks buy the land and businesses on the super cheap when the debts can't be paid?

Think about the last bailout. Think about how most people view the government now. I really don't think people are going to go down that road this time. Especially on national levels. Protests and riots are happening globally already.

Good thing we have all those politicians we hired to protect our interests in such matters.

I know....right? Otherwise I wouldn't sleep at night. Oh...wait. I don't sleep at night. Neither do most of you that I end up hanging out with on this sub.

Is sleep that thing where your eyes stuck together?

No...that's high pollen count morning. Sleep is when you don't realize your eyes are stuck together.

Oh I member!

You always tell me to go to bed when I get loopy, but I do what I want.

there's 800 people here at 4 am, what is sleep

Good thing we still have arms.

Speak for yourself you armist. Toe Swypers ftw.

Nose-typers know_l!

Well we certainly don't need to riot. Protest? Yes. Even armed protest/fighting back w/guns, etc. Sure. Riot, however? Na.

That said, good point. However, one certainly shouldn't put it past the corporate system and the governments (which the corporate system owns and controls) to still at least attempt to confiscate all land and products. Additionally, the population is so greatly brainwashed (especially here in the United States) that the likely would indeed go ahead and hand quite a lot of their/our property and land over "because Uncle Sam says so" before anyone stands up...if anyone stands up.

We've been purposefully made to be so divided by the system that it's difficult to for all of us to come together and effectively fight it.

Pretty dismal.

Yes they are that is what is happening in Greece

Don't think people are going to give their country to a bank. imo

they already have. It's called the Federal Reserve bank

Sadly, I think you are probably wrong. The bankers will own the country and our ability to govern ourselves. That was the plan from the beginning.

Hey Putin..over here. Wanted to finish talking Turkey.

Personally, I think it is all intentional. Collapse every single central bank and currency. So you can introduce one currency for the entire world.

A possibility, I must concede.

It has but the way they end it is WW3 or the crashing of the dollar to enact the NWO.

Rex-84 ;). They have a,b,c,d covered. We are going to war.. Tis' only a matter of time... The writing is on the walls...

Good thing we have all those politicians we hired to protect our interests in such matters.

Well we certainly don't need to riot. Protest? Yes. Even armed protest/fighting back w/guns, etc. Sure. Riot, however? Na.

That said, good point. However, one certainly shouldn't put it past the corporate system and the governments (which the corporate system owns and controls) to still at least attempt to confiscate all land and products. Additionally, the population is so greatly brainwashed (especially here in the United States) that the likely would indeed go ahead and hand quite a lot of their/our property and land over "because Uncle Sam says so" before anyone stands up...if anyone stands up.

We've been purposefully made to be so divided by the system that it's difficult to for all of us to come together and effectively fight it.

Pretty dismal.