Anybody else thinking Macron vs Le Pen is just Clinton vs Trump 2?

253  2017-05-06 by wile_e_chicken

Sure, vote Le Pen -- just don't be surprised when she pulls a 180 like Trump. It's like the "elites" have one page in their playbook, and they keep playing it over and over...


I think Europe needs Le Pen. I think the French can be counted on to do the wrong thing (as always), and that they will elect Marcon.

I think America needs pre-election Trump, too.

I think America needs pre-election Trump, too.

Preelection Trump is no different to Pre election <Insert President Here>

Pre election anyone is simply an amalgamation of whatever views are most popular amongst the demographics required to win an election.

As soon as they're in office Poof like Keyser Soze all that shit they were talking.. is gone.

Gone like the winds of yesteryear. Gone like my faith in the political process. Gone like Nsync circa 2002(?)

Someone who lies and lies? Someone who lies about what he said when there's direct video evidence? Is that what the USA needs?

There are millions of Americans who genuinely believe Trump is the real deal and not a part of the con somehow.

Donald Fucking Trump.

On the other hand, most of r/politics believe Hillary would have been a worthy choice, had she not been robbed by the Russians, Wikileaks, Jimmy Hoffa etc

These two observations alone, should tell you the con can still be employed successfully for another series of elections, at the minimum.

Look no further than rumblings across this sub of "Gabbard 2020". Yet the Tulsi fans conveniently ignore her CFR membership, or try and justify it the same way Trump fans do with his equally suspect groups -

I'm not sure about that but I think they're infiltrating as part of a wider plot to do good things

Or something to that effect.

Cognitive dissonance has become the malady of the masses for the times we are living in.

This is an excellent observation.

It shows that even as larger segments of the population become aware of the background machinations of the elite, they are still advanced enough to stay a step ahead.

What happens when a conspiracy within a conspiracy becomes mainstream news regularly, as we see conspiracy in the news today, but not the next level. (Somewhat referring to the death of the Macron staffer. Still don't know exactly what happened there.)

Probably our beloved Ron Paul, too -- sad to say.


I feel like Dr. Paul is legitimate. Look what they did to him during the 2012 campaign after he started gaining momentum after the Iowa caucus.

I know, but look what they did to Trump...

Yeah but there was a difference. Trump got tons of media coverage and was given tons of talking time during the debates. Ron Paul was barely given any questions in the debates and was blacked out by the MSM. He literally had a "Black this out Money Bomb".

Exactly. Trump recieved 1bn dollars in free airtime. No one even knew who some of the other primary candidates were. If anything "attacking" him was quite helpful.

Clinton's plan backfired.

That's because they thought going against Trump was the best chance for Hillary to win, so they actively promoted him. That was in the Podesta leaks.

That's true I do remember reading that. But I also don't buy into the idea that Trump was ever legitimate. He's playing for the same team as Hillary and the rest of the globalists in Washington DC.

David Icke was saying exactly this at the beginning of last year.

David Icke was saying exactly this at the beginning of last year.

Lmao you think she got robbed!?! Bernie got robbed if anything, Hilary was forced down our throats so much people just started accepting her. Trump was good during the election but he got compromised after realizing that being president is a 24hr job and he couldn't take the pressure.

Lmao you think she got robbed!

I was being sarcastic.

The Jimmy Hoffa reference replaced /s

Non-Mobile link:

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Oh cool, I've never heard that reference.

So Gabbard isn't better than the politicians we're used to? Progress is progress. Your post history suggests you want to impede any type of progress for ideas that take time; which will never come to fruition without small victories along the way.

r/conspiracy should be weary of your post, you're suspect at best.

Your expectations have dropped from constant exposure to frauds. There's no reason for any honest politician to be a member of the CFR, nor is these are any reason for the President of the United States to sign an executive order to bring the power to create currency back to the Federal Government. Or use the $54Billion he raised the military budget by, and create a generation of debt free students. What would be more valuable to the country? External conquest, or the collective increase of the nations potential?

But Trump follows the model of oligarchy to a T. "Send the plebs to war, not School!" "Cabinet filled with Goldman!"

Trump has been backed by Rothschilds his entire business career and supported by their vassals now he's in politics. Clearly not legit at this point.

Tulsi Gabbard is yet another progeny from the CFR, of Obama vein, being primed to pick up what Trump drops off in 2020.. The CFR is the "establishment" embodied. Left, right... Democrat, republican.. they run both sides of the political spectrum to ensure the progress you think is coming, never arrives with any real value.

Barack Obama never co-sponsored legislation that would stop the U.S. from funding terrorist groups, nor did he criticize our bipartisan imperialist foreign policy, or question the U.S. narrative of events on foreign soil (the way Tulsi did with the "Syrian chemical attack").

I'm willing to give Tulsi a chance, with a heavy dollop of skepticism, of course.

Obamas entire platform to presidency was built in criticising Bush's foreign policy. Foreign policy enacted by Cheney, Rice, Rumsfield and Bushs CFR filled cabinet. Obamas mentor and foreign policy advisor, Zbignew Brzezinski is a CFR veteran. In the first part of the 1970s, in the role of National Security Adviser, he was instrumental in convicting Carter to provide CIA support to create the Islamic fighting force that defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan - Mujahideen. Led by en enigmatic young "freedom fighter" Osama Bin Laden.

As we know, that force morphed into Al Qaeda, and most recently IsIS. Giving Obama justification to conduct his endless wars across the Middle East.

So you see how apparently opposing actors, work for the same goals, despite the illusion of competition.

Here's Gabbard on CNN with Jake Tapper. You laud her for the inconsequential truths she imparts, will you condemn her for the damaging lies also? Gabbard believes and actively perpetuates the CIA/CFR narrative that Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind behind 9/11. Her CFR colleagues had nothing to do with it of course. How does a Congresswoman with wherewithal to understand the Syria lie, still believe the easily debunked official version? Well maybe because she doesn't, and is feeding you bs half mixed with truths to appear credible, in the run up to a presidential bid?

Oh and CNN'a Jake Tapper? Also a member .

See how laughable it is? The CFR having a conversation with itself about the propaganda it's created.

r/conspiracy should be weary of your post, you're suspect at best.

It's suspect when people try and speak for the sub. I'll take my chances against the 2 month old/alt account questioning my credibility lol

I generally lurk unless compelled to speak up..

also, isn't it about the validity of the message and not the individual/source?! Which I believe to be a necessary tenet for any real truth seeker, and this r/conspiracy community as a whole.

If there's honestly no ulterior motives - not supported by your post history - I'd view your contributions as that of an idealist.

Your constant undermining of anything positive, that most would consider a step in the right direction, reveals what looks to be your true intentions.

So far your argument against Gabbard is her name is on a list that might've only involved an application on her part, something she might've considered beneficial to her resume in the political arena. Yet you ignore her record of challenging party lines and obvious anti-establishment tone.

You have to get in the game to score pts. Your rhetoric is suggested we stay at home and practice e.g., keep discussing an idealistic world on the internet.

"It's suspect when people try and speak for the sub."

You mean like this thread that was suspiciously stickied?

Per board rules, I'll avoid "name calling", but I will say my opinion of you would be that of a fraud, and your act of spreading truth is a blatant deception.

The mods stickied that post - direct your accusations to them.

blatant deception

Who have I deceived. I take the time tocall out fraudulent politicians and you pop up to call me out for that. With no argument to to the contrary, just contradiction

you lie I won't explain how but it's definitely a lie - this community needs to be way of you

You gotta do better than that for me to take you seriously.

Are you attributing that quote to me?

This guy is not a shill ^ I have been a fan of his since the sticky exposing trump as a Rothschild asset.

Are you attributing that quote to me?

Are you attributing that quote to me?

Are you attributing that quote to me?

Ah, and now the influx of downvotes for me and upvotes for you.. like I said, be weary r/conspiracy!


It's a rare moment in this subreddit when the most upvoted comment is also the most sensible

Times are changing, people are evolving.

I love Trump and I'm happy with the job he's done so far.

The sad thing is I will be happy with the scumbag Zionist traitor too, if he can pass his tax reform or anything that will actually improve the life of the US middle class.

It's like, at least rape us gently, throw us a bone once in a while.

Or just evidence of how easily people like you sop up lies and propaganda when they can stroke your ego.

Think for yourself for once and learn the truth.

I mean this is so easily flipped back on you its not even an argument. "Only the information i agree with is right and everyone who disagrees is a stupid sheep"

Only if you think objective reality doesn't exist.

Yeah and the objective reality is trump is guilty of many things he constantly bashed obama for like golfing, wasting tax dollars (secret service has to pay 36 gs for a golf cart at his club, all the millions wasted housing them in trump tower). Obama didnt salute someone once when he was getting on a plane and trump and friends blasted him for weeks about it but trump had to be reminded to fuckinh put his band over his heart for the national anthem. His new healthcare bill is LITERALLY obama care but now theyre not forced to cover pre existing conditions. Its a fuckin joke to think hes anything besides another globalist fuck.

I see after looking througg your history i was hasty in my last comment assuming you were talking about trump. But you're even more delusional if you think hillary is any different than trump.

I see that you believe the decades of lies Republicans have thrown at Hillary.

No I believe what ive verified through my own research, and ive seen the effects previous legislation from both bill and hillary have done to minorities and the impoverished.

Come again? What was your actual point here..

Sanders/zuckerberg ticket

This was the red pill I needed, thanks

In my defense, I just found out that she's CFR. She fooled me with her outlandishly true statements. Solid marketing there, TPTB.

She fooled me with her outlandishly true statements.

That's what the outlandishly true statement are designed to do

Do you remember her 'crushing' Jake Tapper on CNN?

CFR member Jake Tapper?!

It's laughable when you step back.

  • Gabbard claims the people of Syria asked why is the US attacking them when it was Osama Bin Laden who was behind 9/11.

So even when she gives you some realness, - "Syria War is a lie" it's all to serve as backdrop to the big lie - "The Government had nothing to to do with 9/11"

She's a joke and a traitor. As are they all.

Sorry for the ignorance, but what exactly is CFR?

Council on Foreign Relations-

For those unacquainted with the nearly 100 year old Council on Foreign Relations centered in New York City, it has provided virtually all our Secretaries of State, UN ambassadors, ambassadors to Russia and China and at least a third of all cabinet members of all presidents, whether Democrat or Republican, since its inception in 1921. The establishment press is largely their press. The CFR has never denied this influence and, in fact, boast of it.

Longtime CFR chairman, and now chairman emeritus of the organization, David Rockefeller, in his 2002 book, Memoirs, admitted. “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum… attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a of a secret cabal working against the best interest of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Much appreciated. I dug around and found it was the council of foreign relations, but I didn't look far enough to find this.

It's beneficial to have one ideological party in power at a time.

Trump, brexit, le pen, etc.

It's is the only hand book for this election cycle.

Politics are spectacle.

A person telling me to be skeptical of one candidate over another is like someone telling me with a straight face not to trust Mr. Burns because he's mean to Homer. It's all just theater.

Unfortunately, all this has an effect on quite literally what the atmosphere on the streets and workplace is. Take Brexit for example - racists felt it lent them some legitimacy. The UK has gone backwards.

You mean like the Immigrants who impose Sharia law on your streets? What emboldened them? Did BREXIT create them or is there an actual reason why the globalist scam known as multi-culturalism is experiencing a backlash?

Nobody has ever imposed Sharia law on our streets. Not even remotely. Sorry. It's impossible as there's only our one law of the land. Anything carried out under a supposedly different law is subject to our law ultimately so has about as much weight as any 'rules' I might make up myself. Those are just the hard facts and there's nothing to contradict it. People screaching 'WHAT ABOUT SHARIA LAW!!!!' are just frothy nutjobs. Muslims have been in the UK for absolutely years, barely even noticed until the UK started invading Middle Eastern counties for oil. Anybody from here would know that. (just waiting for 'British person' to turn up and disagree now).

There are shariah courts in the U.K

Those are private arbitration courts with the formalities of sharia. They aren't legally binding. Meanwhile, the US is only 60% white...

Mate, I can't even be fucked to watch your bullshit right wing crap. There is literally no argument. I live in Britain and there are no 'no go' areas plus the law of the land is the law of the land. That's just a fact.

Fuck me... You actualy link to a google search which just brings up more bullshit results for riots and people talking about the mythical things.

Just like when Fox claimed the same bullshit about France and was ridiculed by the French. Just like I'm ridiculing you because I'm British and I know you're talking shit as I've lived in some of the highest Muslim number areas in London.

I'll pass.. Better call google and tell them to fix their algos m8

What about France? Sweden?


Well I just sent you a link with French people ripping the idea of Muslim no go areas in their country but my main argument would be that they're not in the UK so wouldn't qualify.

It is essential, if you're to govern what Muslims are and aren't allowed to do, to never forget that English law is above it and make that your starting point. It should silence any arguments (from Muslims). Anything they do, regardless of belief, is subject to it. The neurotic whining about 'Islamification' and Sharia law from the right is just scare mongering for their agenda. It's embarassing. Nobody wants to convert to Islam and we're all quite secure in our Englishness thanks.

Noting to do with Muslim 'no go' areas but a video of two twats gibbering for ages and one of a what looks to be a riot of some sort. Every time the EDL or Anitifa has one we don't call it an 'EDL or Antifa no go area do we? What a load of shit. I'm from the Uk and live here so I know what I'm talking about.

Yes in the sense that it doesn't matter who wins because the president is just a puppet anyway. Paying attention to the race is almost surely a waste of time (as is voting in any of the world's "democracies").

A neoleft puppet owned by bankers vs. a ruthless businessperson owned by ? There are certainly some paralells.

More like a former banker vs a leader of a white supremacist party.


I actually like Le Pen more and I do have high hopes for her. That said they're all politicians tied behind special interests.

It is from Russia's perspective; they seek the destabilization of the west through the cultivation of compromised political assets, elevated to positions of authority, and then pressured into adopting anti-western policies, creating internal division, and ultimately being destroyed once exposed. The specifics are mostly unimportant save in a few regards; the anti-EU/anti-NATO sentiments, the willingness to cause internal strife in their home nations, etc.

Anyone championing Putin as an anti-Globalist folk hero of some sort is a myopic fool - and naive beyond measure, besides. Putin is just another globalist, only he is looking to become The Globalist by destroying the power structure of the Western world.

For everyone else, it's just a shitshow.

I don't know much about Putin but didn't he ban Soros from entering Russia calling him a global terrorists for fucking up the rouble or something? Also if Hillary and Macon are the true Globalist politicians (not saying there aren't others or excluding right wing politicians) why do they find any excuse to rail against Putin? Not trying to back him or anything, just haven't really heard your point of view before :p

"A point of view for the day" has been brought to you by ShariaBlueMerkelFuckery & More, empowering civil unrest and emboldening child-raping billionaires around the globe.

Because "Globalists" is not a team. Globalist is a label that has some meaning in the realm of geopolitics - a label that has been appropriated and repurposed for political reasons. It is now trotted out and used as if to describe as coherent unit, one team of people who are united in purpose and methods. It isn't so, though. Beyond that, even the definition of "globalist" is so murky it has become basically nothing more than a slur to many - which was likely the intention. To take a word and make it both meaningless and offensive - yet at the core of it, a globalist is essentially a person with ambitions that affect the world stage and the power to effect that same stage.

So there are many globalists, but there is much drama among them, and many factions and players. Even among the factions that attempt to work in concert, in-fighting abounds. Outside actors oppose them in turn, etc. The animosity between Soros and Putin is a good example - it has nothing to do with the ruble, which crashed due to sanctions and oil prices/OPEC. Do you believe Putin opposes Soros from some moral high ground? No, Putin sees a threat to his own ambitions - domestically, sure, but mostly on the global stage and primarily in Eastern Europe - and so he acts against that threat. He can call Soros a globalist terrorist or whatever he likes as a pretense and as part of his attack, but it is a conflict and his words are part of that conflict. Just as Putin's attempts to undermine the west are part of his globalist agenda. Yet, they're celebrated by those who can only see things diametrically; as good versus evil. Putin opposes the globalists they've long reviled (and who his agents have encouraged them to revile) ergo he must be good. To many that is the only possibility; the idea that there is another actor out there both attacking the people they consider enemies while also aiming to undermine their own nations and wealth doesn't enter into the equation. It simply isn't a possibility.

So, why do they rail against Putin? Because he is actively attempting to undermine them, NATO, the EU, etc. He is a major foe of theirs in the geopolitical realm, and by extension of their allies. They are fighting back. Is that shocking? Why does Putin rail against Soros, why do the known - and I mean 100% indisputable, admitted - Russian propaganda outlets target the people they do? Because they are Putin's geopolitical foes... ones he cannot simply silence.

nice script shill

Nice, herpaderp, buddy. Those are my thoughts on the globalists doublespeak, if you'd like to hear my thoughts on morons I have an excellent quote from Van Halen on the subject.

what critical thinking you have

Globalists aren't part of a team? Guessing you also think the NWO doesn't exist either? McCain talks about the NWO several times at great length on video but okay...

Podesta emails revealed Hillary (a self-identified globalist) meeting with Macron, the Rothschild banker.

Obama publicly interferes w/French election by endorsing Macron.

CIA spies on Le Pen and her campaign.

Entirety of US/Europe Establishment backed propaganda arm (MSM) is in lockstep backing Macron.

Globalists here in US like Obama, Clintons, Bushes McCain (basically 85%+ of our politicians) are owned by the same masters as globalists around the world like Macron and Merkel, etc. They're all just globalist puppets of their globalist masters with the same agenda.

I suppose it's also just coincidental that globalists support and implement the same agenda: open borders, mass immigration, multiculturalism, special protection for islam, demonization of Western values and culture and a convenient endless war on terrorism...but globalists aren't the same team?! Okie dokie, if you say so...

Pulitzer man, you are on that shit.

Bro you diarrhea'ed for 430 words, impressive.

Because he is actively attempting to undermine them, NATO, the EU, etc.

Specific examples please. I think you're just upset about this

What possible benefit could it be to Russia to destabilize the West? There is no sense to this theory. If the West falls, then Russia falls too or just gets subsumed into China.

What possible benefit could it be to Russia to destabilize the West?

Are you even paying attention to Russia's overt actions? Putin isn't out to destroy the west, not in traditional sense - through fire and war - he is out to undermine it. To fracture it and bring more chaos to the world stage. To, in the end, supplant the west as the domineering force on that stage.

No he is not. His actions are decidedly oriented towards Russia's near abroad and maintaining his position in Asia. I have been paying attention to is actual actions and not the media mischaracterizations of them.

The sanctions that are killing the Russian economy

I am glad you did not put a period at the end of your incomplete thought because it is not a sentence.

It's just disgusting that the corporate media (and even slightly less corrupt alternative media like RT!!) parrot that Macron is centrist.....HELL NO.

So I think Macron is a Rothschild shill and Le Pen a zionist shill of some kind. Why would you want authoritarian Le Pen when Hamon has almost the same economics (but better) and WAAAY less authoritarianism?

This is how you know it's a SCAM. It's Trump V Clinton all over again, just a little different in the positioning of the candidates on the political spectrum.

Hamon seems decent but I don't know how much integrity he has. Don't know if Melenchon is too far left or if he's at the sweet spot but what I can tell is, the frontrunners Le Pen and Macron are shills. The French are screwed if they vote based on polls and corporate media BS.

Polls are meant to influence public opinion, not measure it.

Hamon is part of the scam. He stayed in the game to undermine Mélenchon.
Mélenchon was the only one who would have been able to save us.
Fortunately in France the president doesn't have too much power. We will vote again for the députés, our parliament. They're the one making the laws

The difference, as I see it, between the Macron and Clinton leaks is timing. The Clinton leaks were released in advance enough that their content was damaging whereas the Macron leak is so close to a press blackout that it's presence is damaging. The Macron leak feels like a manipulation to me.

If we actually lived in a simulation, you'd think they'd have control mechanisms in there or something. Like, hypothetically of course. Politics seems like a good one. Religion is another.

Not even close Le Pen is a million miles ahead in brains, ability and understanding of the true reality of Europe & Zionist manipulation of her Country.

Why do you think that?

So you mean to say she's somehow even MORE of a neo nazi (anti-semite)

She's concerned for the well being of France and the history of France. The Globalists want to reduce Nationality in every Country except for Israel. The World's Governments are being shadow run run by insane people. If Jews are allowed to stay pure, then they are more Nazi than anyone.

It is, Nationalism vs Globalism and the Globalist tactics are the same.

It's worse for the Establishment because Le Pen is idealistic unlike Trump.

Difference being, Macron will win this time.

I have only a very limited understanding, but from what I do know of it - yes, its an apt comparison.

I read an article in a German newspaper, and what I gathered from it is that if Le Pen is elected it will spell economic doom for the Euro. I'm just thinking off the cuff here - but is it possible that socialism (i.e., a reduction in wealth inequality) is not possible at this point, because Captitalism requires constant growth, which is unsustainable, so eventually you reach the point where the system has to be propped up, and if you don't prop it up anymore it will collapse.

Anyone actually knowledgable about economics can tell me if this is off base or not?

I'm not closely following the show in France but doesn't Le Pen have a more or less defined political agenda with her father's political history? Do you have any evidence that Le Pen is fake opposition?

happy ground hogs day wilE

haha Seems that way, eh?

drink any magic potions lately ;0

Switched to a raw fruitarian diet; no longer need deoderant. Check this guy out:

His book:

nno i know meat makes us smell

I think it's any significant amount of toxin -- skin is the largest eliminative organ, like a large kidney.

i know lemon water is always on tap here

Nice, I need to add that.

;0 good stuff for the pineal

ps nice for the summer!

Anybody else? Try everybody else. Everyone thinks this.

Same script being played out.

Maybe the alternate ending this time.

Fuck me... You actualy link to a google search which just brings up more bullshit results for riots and people talking about the mythical things.

Just like when Fox claimed the same bullshit about France and was ridiculed by the French. Just like I'm ridiculing you because I'm British and I know you're talking shit as I've lived in some of the highest Muslim number areas in London.