Why in the fuck is it so hard for some people to comprehend that guns are literally the only thing stopping the government from going all out tyranny?

24  2017-05-07 by [deleted]



You should buy some guns

This is completely true. Animals need to defend themselves. Humans are animals, but their natural defenses are lost unlike real animals. There's no reason to make humans defenseless other than to subject them to tyranny afterwards. And the tyranny will soon come.

Humans are animals, but their natural defenses are lost unlike real animals.

Speak for yourself. I still have my hands and feet and most of my teeth, though my hair is going away.

Arm yourself

I am not a gun nut either, nor I have I ever fired a gun, but even I see the importance of the 2nd amendment.

We have to defend it as strongly as possible.

This is why I believe shootings like the Denver theatre shooting and Sandy Hook were staged, to justify a gun ban. Plenty of information to support these claims as well.

Even if it isn't staged they definitely jump on those events to further their agenda.

I think we would all be sorry if they took people's guns away. And not just from a tyrannical government. The illusion that America is gun happy keeps us safer from terrorists. I don't know why the government would want tot take that away.

I doubt the rich people behind the Buisness Plot were concerned about the gunowners, when they planed to overthrow Franklin D Roosevelt and replace it with a facist system.

Well most people are also sheep, so TPTB can pretty much do whatever they want as long as they pacify the peasants with cheep processed food, video games, porn, drugs, etc.

But take the guns away and watch how quick they turn up the corruption. It will be blatant and in your face too. With no guns, what the fuck are you going to do, citizen? Now shut the fuck up and hands against the wall!

Do you seriously believe its not like this already even with fucking guns? I GUARANTEE you if a black man justifiably shot a police officer tomorrow because the officer was abusing his power, half the country would crucify him in an instant for being a thug or a terrorist amd tptb would push that narrative so hard that the other half would eventually buy it. Guns dk nothing now they are going to do nothing tomorrow. The thing is, many conservatives support gun control AND heavy policing, and if thats not textbook cognitive dissonance than idk what is.

But take away the guns and watch how quickly they'll turn the corruption up to 11.

You still have your guns, and the corruption is turned up to 11. I think you missed the boat pretty badly there...

To play devils advocate- many of those US business tycoons were ardent Hitler supporters. He was down with strict gun laws.

Hitler wanted true german's to be armed and encouraged it. He took guns from jews, gypsies, masons etc. But the Germans he liked all had guns.

It seems to me from that Hitler saw them as competitors on an equal level as evidenced by this quote from him:

*"All the supposed abominations, the skeletons and death’s heads, the coffins and the mysteries, are mere bogeys for children. But there is one dangerous element and that is the element I have copied from them. They form a sort of priestly nobility. They have developed an esoteric doctrine not merely formulated, but imparted through the symbols and mysteries in degrees of initiation. The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain but by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this has a dangerous element, and the element I have taken over. Don't you see that our party must be of this character...? An Order, that is what it has to be — an Order, the hierarchial Order of a secular priesthood... Ourselves or the Freemasons or the Church — there is room for one of the three and no more... We are the strongest of the three and shall get rid of the other two." *

Tbf our small arms would do nothing against a modern military. Thinking so is just silly.

I agree with sentiment though.

Yes, millions of armed men and women would do nothing to our Military. This screams shill. It would absolutely have an effect on our military. Life isn't a movie. The USA is giant place with a lot of places to hide and organize. One man with an assault who is willing to get violent can do a lot.

Your military comprises mostly of people like you. They're not all robots and men in suits.

Getting half of the people armed and rambunctious is a good way to eliminate those people. Then you're left with people who are not armed or courageous and you have all the more room to sprawl out because almost half the US population are gone.

The government isn't going to be able to wipe out half the pop. with drone strikes and tanks lol. Life isn't a movie. Millions of people with weapons, who are willing to die for their cause, would absolutely be able to put up a fight.

Civilian roundups become damn harder, though, to the point that planning it becomes a logistical nightmare.

How can they not see where gun confiscation will eventually lead to?

england? australia?

..... Most of Europe, Japan, Korea, new Zealand.

Yeah what despots of the world.

Oh England? The place where you get prison time for insulting feminists on Twitter? Or the place that is going through a migrant rape/crime epidemic and has no way to defend themselves?

That England?

Are you implying that if English citizens had guns, they would have different laws? Because it's the citizens themselves who voted in representatives who made the current laws.

I take it you don't live in England...

the place that is going through a migrant rape/crime epidemic

i see you read right wing hype papers huh. Hey, why do't you compare their crime statistics to those here in the US? Bet you'll find a conclusion exactly opposite the hypothesis "americans have guns so are safer"

Or the place that is going through a migrant rape/crime epidemic and has no way to defend themselves?

LOL what bollocks is this?

Where did you read that nonsense?

Did you know that the moon is made of cheese?

Well, you already have a tyranny in the US, more or less, so it clearly isn't working.

More, how has this worked out in the US in the last century for you? Typically everyone involved ends up like the Branch Davidians. Occasionally, you get a Randy Weaver, who lost his wife and kids but got some compensation. Not really a good trade.

Overall, you're going up with your guns against the most heavily armed military force in the history of the world. If you think the rest of the populace will be with you, you are wrong. You will be represented as terrorists and most people will just shrug.

There's some virtue to "taking a few of them with you", but realistically, by the time it ends up as "You and your guns vs. the United States of America", you have already lost, and are simply trying to make a spectacular finish.

Sure, I understand why you have the guns as a last ditch defense mechanism, but you won't prevent tyranny that way. Your only hope is to use the democratic tools at your disposal while you still have them. Once it's down to you and your rifles vs. a couple of gunships and APCs, you will die - perhaps gloriously, but you will still die, and people will be told that you were a terrorist, and they will nod and believe it.

You haven't done enough research. You did not even consider the fact that if the United States government turned on its citizens the percentage of soldiers who would protect their families instead. The government would be overthrown and it wouldn't take long.

I don't know though... Check out the civil wars going on foreign countries. There are plenty of videos of government attacking and even killing civilians.

I feel like a lot of Military will side with the people who can give them and their families food, shelter, etc. I mean hell, you already have to be at least a little brainwashed to join the Military to begin with.

You did not even consider the fact that if the United States government turned on its citizens the percentage of soldiers who would protect their families instead.

The US wouldn't say, "We're turning on our citizens" - precisely because that wouldn't work out, for precisely the reasons you say.

Instead, there would be an "attack" on the United States that killed a lot of people. Americans would be told it was the work of "terrorists" and nearly all of them would believe it. Soldiers would never be ordered to kill their neighbors - instead, they'd be asked to "defend the country" against "terrorists".

Do note that soldiers are already moved around constantly from place to place - in my mind, this is precisely so they can't form lasting relationships with the non-military community.

And do remember that few people who are anti-authoritarian join the military, and the majority of those who do are either weeded out, or brainwashed into cooperation.

Yes, some small percentage of people would be very skeptical - but would be afraid to act or even speak out, because they would immediately be branded terrorists, with "evidence".

You underestimate the type of person willing to sacrifice their life for their fellow countrymen.

Not at all. I think that these people would proudly fight and die for their government and believe that they were fighting and dying for their fellow countrymen.

I mean, look at all those poor saps who signed up to fight in Iraq because they were led to believe that this was some sort of reasonable response to being attacked by a group of Saudi Arabian terrorists (and, yes, we all wonder about that, but no matter who did 9/11, it certainly wasn't Saddam).

More Americans died in that stupid war than in 9/11, and 50,000 people were seriously injured (and you know what that means for the rest of your life...) - and for what?

Because the government told them that Iraq was their enemy, and they bravely went out to defend their country.

It's happened for thousands of years. It will continue to happen.

Killing muslims in a 3rd world nation, after being attacked by Islamic terrorists, is somewhat easier than killing your neighbors.

I understand why you have the guns as a last ditch defense mechanism, but you won't prevent tyranny that way.

Lol wow....Not buying it. Is this why every major dictatorship has found a way to confiscate the peoples protection/weapons before they become ultra-tyrannical? Not coincidence pal...You need to learn your history, seriously.

Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong, are all noted as having disarmed their populations before becoming dictatorial super states.


And what usually follows? Massive genocide. Is anybody here familiar with the term Democide?

Democide- The murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.

Democide is actually the leading cause of premature death in history. Government genocide is responsible for nearly 200,000,000 recorded deaths. WOW!


So the notion that having a 2nd amendment is not important, is just fucking ridiculous. Like I said, it's ok though, because you don't know your history.


This isn't at all funny, hmm?

You need to learn your history, seriously.

Let's keep this civil - because this subject is dead serious.

Is this why every major dictatorship has found a way to confiscate the peoples protection/weapons before they become ultra-tyrannical? Hitler

Sure, let's look at Hitler! Actually, I had a long thing written, but this Straight Dope article said everything I wanted to, more and better. Please read that - summary is that pre-Nazi Germany had extremely liberal gun laws, which Hitler used to his advantage in taking over the government.

Democide is actually the leading cause of premature death in history. Government genocide is responsible for nearly 200,000,000 recorded deaths.

Your claim isn't even right - epidemics have killed at least 300,000,000 people. Heck, one outbreak of the Black Death in the 14th century alone killed around 100,000,000 - and that's at a time when the total world population was less than 500,000,000.

It's quite likely that war is the #2 killer, with democide being the third.

However, we can all agree that governments are dangerous. The real question is - can we resist the US government with the sorts of weapons that are available to us today?

My claim is no. The US government has far more weapons and far more powerful weapons than any government in history. If it's you and your guns vs. even one gunship, 99 times out of a hundred you're going to be dead in a few seconds, and if by some lucky shot you manage to take out the pilot before your home is reduced to rubble, they'll just send ten more.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Ah, fear porn.

That's funny. Let me ask you something. You think you and your friends could take on the government if you had to? Let's say you have 5 million friends who have 100 guns. You think you guys could take on the government?

Yeah, no. This idea is bullshit. If the government wanted tyranny they would do it. I understand why people want guns. That's fine. Bit this idea that we need them in order to stop the government is hilarious.

You do realize your country is run by a handful of wealthy people who could basically force you right now into a prison camp if they actually wanted to. You have no prevention from tyranny because you are already living under it: you just can't see it. You only have the illusion of freedom.

Free to eat, consume, work, be in debt, be mindless, achieve nothing unless it is a sporting achievement or makes money.

I think this is the absolute worst attitude of conspiracy forums. This whole "EVERYONE IS A SHEEP BUT ME" is so annoying and arrogant. You're not better than everyone else because you get your news from inforwars instead of CNN.

Because of decades of appeals to emotion to useful idiots. Like waves on a rock.

Victim complexes.

Semi relevant song https://youtu.be/m_71q5lVEjc

When the patriot act passed, how did guns help us stop it?

When tpp was repealed, how did guns help us?

When the Monsanto protection act was struck down, how did guns help us?

When we found out the NSA was spying on us, how did guns help us?

When the irs uses your tax refund as a temporary loan, how do guns help you?

When the government pulled off 9/11, how did guns help us?

Did guns stop us from going into iraq? What about libya?

I could go on and on, but I wont. I do t want to hear any whataboutisms on this, I want to know how guns helped us at all with any of these.

Your guns are for protecting y I ur property and family, your rights are for protecting your freedoms.

The parent mentioned Patriot Act. For anyone unfamiliar with this term, here is the definition:(In beta, be kind)

The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. Also known as the USA Patriot Act. It was proposed by the Bush Administration soon after the September 11 attacks. At that time, President Bush had very high approval ratings and it was clear that most Americans wanted him to do something to stop more terrorism. The bill passed quickly in Congress, mostly before it had even been fully read. The act made it much easier to control money terrorists had in bank accounts. ... [View More]

See also: Tax Refund | Struck | Federal Bureau Of Investigation | American Civil Liberties Union

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The tree of liberty is parched. We tend to forget that it requires the blood of both tyrants and patriots. It isn't too hard to rouse the rabble toward demanding tyrants be remediated or removed, it is challenging get them to recognize that this may require actual sacrifice. It is infinitely more difficult to get them to act on that recognition.

We're not even at the recognition stage yet, let alone action.

Do you seriously believe its not like this already even with fucking guns? I GUARANTEE you if a black man justifiably shot a police officer tomorrow because the officer was abusing his power, half the country would crucify him in an instant for being a thug or a terrorist amd tptb would push that narrative so hard that the other half would eventually buy it. Guns dk nothing now they are going to do nothing tomorrow. The thing is, many conservatives support gun control AND heavy policing, and if thats not textbook cognitive dissonance than idk what is.

But take away the guns and watch how quickly they'll turn the corruption up to 11.

You still have your guns, and the corruption is turned up to 11. I think you missed the boat pretty badly there...