Why have all the hit pieces on Macron stopped? Where have all the 2 day old accounts gone?

29  2017-05-07 by [deleted]



Macron has been announced the victor.

Well, the election is over now and he's won

Not much point in trying to sway voters if the election is over, fake news or otherwise

> unironically associating legitimate macron leak reporting with fake news on a conspiracy discussion board

I wasn't trying to say that they are fake, I think they're likely real, I was more making a note that the posting largely stopped on both sides

Interesting tactic, attempting to retroactively rewrite peoples perceptions of what just took place. "Hit pieces" instead of "reporting on leaks". Meanwhile, the misogynistic and fairly weak little shilling against Le Penn goes unmentioned - victimize your position early enough and history just becomes what you say it was...

People didn't need to shill when it comes to Le Pen, her positions on things were clear - and the smart people rejected them, by a lot.

Marcon won, no incentive to shill for Le Pen.

Fuck off shill those leaks are REAL

Actually, they're not. There's actual forgeries in there.

Wikileaks has lost its 100% record on reporting actual documents.

I'm surprised, although somehow not, that this isn't being discussed here.

Ok proof shill?

Jesus, I'm not sure you even know what that word means, despite it alone accounting for 13% of the entire vocabulary of your 6 day old account.

Here's a thread showing the Wikileaks backtracking and finally admitting they got it wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/69qau1/so_macronleaks_used_russian_excel_it_left_some/

Shame I had to link there but it's fascinating that the ones actually Shilling the past week are censoring it from their subs.

It's also on their official twitter account.

But that doesn't confirm your world view does it? Ergo I'm a shill? Serious low energy.

Here's some good reading from someone who actually knows what he's talking about. But that's just an appeal to authority right? So says you and your God Emperor.

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It was fascinating watching this in real time. That the clowns on TD were eating it up and spitting it back out as expected was breathtaking.

Literally every one of them up voting lies because "it was justified". I don't blame them anymore, they're puppets. Watching how effective it was at spreading was mesmerising.

It's a new form of botnet. Imbeciles trapped in an echo chamber repeating and executing the instructions from people they know nothing about. It's staggering how well the conversation is controlled in there and how well the censorship doesn't allow dissection of any kind now. Even if you're a Trump supporter.

I was genuinely expecting some sort of terror event today in France. Glad it didn't happen and the EU is OK for the time being. Kudos to the French.

I'm dreading the thoughts of what country will be targeted next and how well TPTB will have learned from the mistakes of this one.

Personally, I'm waiting until we have a chance to thoroughly dig through the leaks.

On the other hand, his ties to the Rothschilds alone should be enough to raise suspucion in any intelligent person.

Macron is one of 'them' for sure, with Le Pen, there was at least hope

The entire country of France just lost the election unfortunately.

Where have all the 2 day old accounts gone?

This is your third ever post in this sub

Oh look, a shill war! How refreshing!

I wasn't trying to say that they are fake, I think they're likely real, I was more making a note that the posting largely stopped on both sides