How many losses should we take lying down?

0  2017-05-07 by [deleted]



If you're poking around looking for someone to advocate violence, you best take that somewhere else.

Active resistance does not imply violence. We're not barbarians you know

Just making sure

Any other group of people would become radicalized by this happening over and over again. Western people, unlike anyone else, just say "oh well" and go back to their minimum wage jobs

Eastern Europe will be the only place where a white man can live in peace if this keeps up. You are throwing your nations in the garbage, and anyone who tries to sace you is attacked for being racist

Ah, so you're a globalist!

You want the world to be according to your view and your view ONLY.

And how did you infer that from what I said?

Because anytime you want every nation to run according to your views that's called globalism. That's what people accuse globalists of or am I wrong?

How did you infer that this is my desire? Do you know what rhe word infer means?

You are infering we all took a loss with the French election.

I took no such loss, I am American.

Don't try to back pedal now.

You're the one backpedaling - away from your "muh globalism" accusation. I still want an explanation

Can you not read?

You want the WORLD to run how YOU view it. That is GLOBALISM.

How did you in come to the conclusion that this is what I want?

Then why does the FRENCH election count as a loss for you and I. Since you said we all lost here.

Because here on this sub, we oppose corruption. We are not a hivemind, especially not when it comes to politics; but we do agree that corruption is wrong

Corruption is wrong. Corruption must be exposed. But we can't force other nations to pick who we want. As you said, self determination.

They don't have that option, because western media and western governments collude to hide exposed corruption

And that's for the people to wake up and see.

Hence why we shouldn't be police-ing the world OR interfering with coups.

I don't want us to be involved either, but we are. I'm willing to bet this is part of the reason you don't decide to live in Mexico - even though it's a different country, they're still tied into America and global politics

So long as we are involved, our politics effect each other. And we are taking loss after loss

So you're a shill, because only a libtard shill would think that Macroni winning that election is "good".

Why don't you go over there and enjoy being "culturally enriched" while avoiding car bombs and murders.

Where did I say it was a good thing or a bad thing?

Please link it here. Once you can prove that I'll admit that I am a shill.

I am AMERICAN the French elections are not my concern. That is what I said. Nice try tho.

"I took no such loss, I am American."

Implying that you took a win instead.

How can I win or lose if I literally had ni choice or voice in their election. It is not my country. It is theirs, their votes, not mine.

Well when France gets overrun and becomes a middle eastern country in Europe, and things over there get shitty and war breaks out, it will affect you because America for some reason likes to play world police

And that would be fortunate, but at the same time, we cannot force free peoe to pick someone we want because of what we think and see.

That's what freedom is.

I don't see that in his OP. Care to share why you think that's his point?

He says it when I ask him to clarify in the comments.

I saw that afterwards. My b. Albeit I don't think that makes him a globalist.

There's a cynical saying "no one wants a democracy anymore. They want an authoritarian that agrees with them".

Calling him a globalist for wanting things his way doesn't help anything. It's just a way to frame a "dirty word" against someone you don't agree with. Same with Fascist or Commie.

I don't think Globalism is a terrible idea. But. I'm cynical enough to know the utopian version would never happen and we would end up with the worst possible version of it.

Unfortunately, we will never have a Utopia friend. We can only fight for ours and our families. Too many care only about their politics being right to compromise and work together.

That's why I believe communities should be in charge of decisions not politocians. But that's only my view point.

No I agree. It could lead to "a new Renaissance*, bit it won't.

"I am an American. My people are brown, My people are red, My people are yellow, My people are white, My people are black. In the end, we will take your hate, And use it against you."

I don't hate non whites

This is NOT a white nation, nor is it a Christian nation. I see you've learned to hide your racism when you leave your altright safe spaces. Not just a bigot, also a hypocrite. But then, you couldn't pretend to have a rational viewpoint without concealing your butt hurt, broken sense of entitlement.

America is 63% white, and historically was even more white. It is categorially a white nation

I had to stop laughing before I could answer. 63% makes it white? Lol. Try mixing 63% white paint with 37% of ANY other color! And historically, before white people committed genocide by bringing their filthy germs here and the use of treachery and deceit, America was 100% Indigenous culture. You just want to zero in on a certain period of time to support your flawed perception. The word "categorically" has no meaning in the context you use it.

Your anti-white racism won't get a rise out of me, I'm a little bit harder to provoke than that

By your math, I'm whiter than America! My father is a half-breed Cherokee from the Ohio Valley. His mother married a Pennsylvania Dutch man. Mom is Irish/Italian. So, I don't hate white people, but I have huge problems with people that fail to recognize this is an immigrant nation. I find it hilarious, that you people got your orange boy in office but you just can't stop whining about "Winning". Now you're even going to whine about Europe? I cannot tell you how much I enjoy such delicious irony.

Since when is Trump "my orange boy"?


Explain please.

Another day, another fake election with a "globalist" puppet winning

People have no choices in elections outside of the city level, only when the city is small enough.

That's why all big candidates are wealthy, connected and corruptible. Don't know why you can't see that.

How does that redute anything that I said?

Because how can you "lose" when you couldn't win in the first place.

Also, when you say stuoid shit like "white man can't have peace" that is the divisive bullshit that leads to these situations.

Oh yes, self determination is so very "divisive"

Well when mostly white nations fuck up the other nations then complain when their white leaders take stupid steps to fix the problems you can see why colored folk aren't the issue.

But since your account's inception, it's divisive post after divisive post.

You live in a white nation. Do you dislike it here?

It's only white because they invaded, killed, raped, and enslaved. The natives here were only worried about them and their tribes.

Oooh wait isn't this what you are claiming is happening now? Irony huh?

I don't remember claiming that's happening now. Maybe you hace me confused for someone else

You didn't answer my question - do you dislike living here, in a white nation?

You know I am considered white right?

And even if I was back in my paren't Mexico I'd lead the same life. My father and us have a very comfy live that we WORKED for. Came from nothing but now we enjoy life.

Wasn't that your hand in the picture for your selective service letter? If so, you are not a white man. It doesn't matter, you don't have to he white, I'm just pointing out that you're an extremely dark skinned individual

Anyway, you're not answering my question. Do you dislike living in America, a white nation? Yes or no?

Wasn't that your hand in the picture for your selective service letter? If so, you are not a white man.

My hand was in bad lighting and shadows.


I've posted my face here plenty. Want a more recent picture and "proof of life" style pic let me know. I don't like LARPers so I do my part to always show proof.

Anyway, you're not answering my question. Do you dislike living in America, a white nation? Yes or no?

I very much dislike my government.

Are you happy with your government?

You look hispanic/latino to me, not European, but maybe Spanish (which is not Norse, but it is European)

And no, I am not happy with my government. I am happy with the life I have here though, which was built by white men

When millions lost their homes, no one did much of anything. When citizen's united passed, no one did much of anything. As our freedoms are being taken, one by one, no one is doing much of anything. As endless wars rage on many fronts, no one is doing much of anything. As far as I can tell, there is no bottom, no end to this as long as a modicum of comfort exists. I've pretty much become a cynic, and stopped believing my fellow american will ever get off their fat asses.

^ this

I almost feel like the best option is to act like our ancestors and found another land bases on lessons learned. In with the good and out with the bad. Out of the fire a new Phoenix will be born, methinks. I made a post about unclaimed land in Antarctica, and starting a new country. I think that is the only way.

Pack your parker Putin we're going colonizing.

No more, brother.

Because anytime you want every nation to run according to your views that's called globalism. That's what people accuse globalists of or am I wrong?

Oh yes, self determination is so very "divisive"