WARNING: The end of france is coming

0  2017-05-08 by Mrexreturns

For all of you in france, LEAVE THE COUNTRY.

Yesterday it is decided that some nobody which is unheard of years ago has suddenly rose to the president of france.

If this is not suspicious....i don't know what is.

For me it's the routine to electing a despot like Obama.

The truth is, this guy is elected and rigged in order to destroy every single bit left of france before it collapses and surrenders, perfecting the job for Hollande.

In other words, expect more destructive policies, unwarranted mass immigration of muslim army men, false flags and finally mass purges held by the government using these muslim army men.

Also, for those who support marie le pen, ask yourself a question: Why marie le pen "accepts" the result instead of vowing to fight for the french and tell the populace to resist? Had all of you been duped?

France, your nation is under attack. Wake up from your slumber.


WARNING: Armchair quarterbacks crying over perceived loss in France. More QQ coming.

Calling him a QB implies that he is able to get up from the couch in his Mom's basement.

You are my new favorite madman.

Removed. Rule 4.

if you notice. since this passed election season has started the total number of deadly quakes that have been on land and killed people have been really low. But the number of actual quakes has sky rocketed!

Now if you are familiar with the jews captivity in isreal you will know that the fire and brimstone was iron oxide hail that landed in the fields and rivers poisoning the water supply and food. So naturally people would want to leave. We are living in the plagues of egypt right now!

On a semi related note China has made plans to move its population to escape the plagues, so has russia, but the united States isn't. As you can imagine this is really bad for us. Now what it is is that the elites and the powerful don't want any of us to know that. They want us on the ground and keeping our nose to the grindstone. China has built these ghost cities. in the highlands of their country with no one living there. And everyone said, "look at theses stupid communists" "what jokes". And they are huge cities! They're gigantic. Enough to hold seventy million people. They've built the entire cities. Interstates, infrastructure, ammenities. All empty. When the flooding starts they are going to move people inland.

Now onto Russia, people don't know this but Russia passed the homestead act and started moving all of it's government agencies into siberia. IF you look at the future water levels you will see that all of russia is under water except for the mountains and siberia. People think siberia is a swamp. NO! It's a high plateau. yes it's a little swampy. But after pole shift the new equater is going to be from alaska to hawaii so Siberia is going to be tropical.

Anything I've seen about a potential polar shift looked like speculating how it would turn out and play around with the sea level to see potential flooded areas. Without actually knowing the exact changed polar positions it's just gambling to me.

I worked on a fishing boat and I went to stearnsto buy some fishing equipment, they make life jackets and such, and they have a little card attached to it that says, " the will to survive is equal to anything this device can give to you". If you don't think you are going to survive then you aren't going to survive. The Russians and chinese know they are going to survive. Do we think we are going to survive?

You claim to know the exact position of the changed equator after a polar shift which I simply don't see to be quantifiable or at least no valid public informations available outside of speculations about the details. That's my point here.

It's surely smart for Russia to spread their critical resources over its large territory for risk management reasons and China to prepare for massive Tsunamis destroying its cities close to the sea as they would be a given.

Do you even live in France or have ever lived there before?

He hasn't left his Mom's basement.

It's hard to leave all that Mom's 🍝🍝🍝

Cuz his knees are weak, arms feel heavy

There's vomit on his sweater spaghetti, mom's spaghetti

Well he clearly doesn't live in America. Whether he lives in the same reality as the rest of us is also up for debate.

Go back to T_D.

Go back to your cave..

I know... Just thought that RT would be a reputable site ...


You know it's sarcasm

I didn't. But if it is I will stand corrected.

Go back to your safe space

Go back to your bathroom

Okay??!! That's a pretty random comeback I'd say.

I would say... Toot toot in your poop poop

ಠ_ಠ ??!!

Beep Beep Lettuce

You got it (-)

T_D is the worst "safe space" on Reddit.

Worst? All safe spaces are cancerous.


you write like you're mentally handicapped

Removed. Rule 4.

I'm British French (white guy) and my gf is a French Muslim. We're currently living in the UK and after brexit were considering moving back to France. Even though Macron is corrupt to the core were more likely to move back to France now as it won't be run by a racist corrupt party. So even though I'm not pleased with the result I belive it's a safer option for me and my gf to move back to France than it is to stick to the UK.

Watch the babies cry about the french election.

Cool story bro.

A despot.

Like the guy who got elected for 8 years, rebuilt the economy, and peacefully gave up and transitioned power to someone not only politically opposed but who also regularly accused said guy of being a religious extremist infiltrator from another country.

A despot like that guy.

Peacefully gave up? Did you forget the $400+ million arms deal signed with Kenya days before he left office? The Billions in cash given to Iran within weeks of him leaving for a couple of "hostages"?

Don't come here with your shill propaganda, you fuck.

There is nothing wrong with any of that, asshole. Per link no.1: intel sharing. Uh yeah, if Obama as POTUS thinks that the Trump admin. might want to quash any investigations into, well, anything, if the DOJ thinks it's serious enough or viceversa then they can communicate that to another agency. So that the president can't just silence any potential investigation. Like maybe Russia meddling in the election.

Secondly, why do you hate Palestine?

Thirdly, ONE member of congress calling for an investigation into Obama is not suspicious at all. They had nine on Hilary and nothing fucking happened to her. Also sources Breitbart, also who in the fuck is the "World Tribune"? Oh, no one signs their name to any of the "articles" because it's all conjecture or straight up bullshit. This place is literally "fake news". You seem like an off-kilter asshole, and I feel a little bit sorry for you.

I never once mentioned Hillary, but since you did, ok then. Hillary has friends in high places which ENABLED her to get away with shit. It was PROVEN that she deleted her emails AFTER receiving a subpoena which is a federal offence. So, keep trying snowflake.

Secondly, not once did I ever say or imply that I hate Palestine? You are literally making shit up that does not exist, the exact reason why the Left lost and is widely hated.

Oh and you seem to conveniently overlook the fact that Trump's associastes were spied on by Obama during the election process, how convenient?

Dum dum, I used Hillary as an example of frivolous investigations and wasting time since your lil link about one fucking Rep calling for an investigation into Obama. You brought up investigations.

Secondly, your second fucking link is about Obama releasing money to the Palestinian Authority. You gaslighting fuckface.

Trump's associates were talking to people who are legally spied on and monitored. Sorry buddy, it actually is pretty convenient that Trump's team called on them. And then lied about it.

Go back to TD.

What is wrong with this? The US sells arms all the time. The make up like 1/3 of the global arms sales.

So you ignore the entire post and focus on 1 particular part, your logic and reason is clearly superb /s

Lol. Nice dodge.

Says the guy who hasn't posted a shred of evidence or any facts, just bullshit opinion. You must be the intelligent one?

http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/24/politics/us-arms-sales-worldwide/ All I said is that the US sells a lot of arms globally? Is that even in question?

You also said "Lol. Nice dodge." without providing ANYTHING more. Typical shill.

Well you did. I saw a point in your comment I was familiar with, and I commented my thoughts on that particular point.

All I claimed was that the US sells a lot of arms around the global. I assumed this was indisputable. As it is well documented and agreed upon by mostly everyone.

You then strawmanned my arguement by saying that I only referenced one of the points in your comment. And that I must be a shill because I don't comment on things I'm not familiar with.

I don't see a Barack Obama leading an armed insurrection against Donald Trump so I call that a peaceful transition of power. For someone against globalism you sure do care a lot about stuff going on outside of the US borders.

Of course I care about outside the US borders, I don't live in the US. It just goes to show that you assume everyone is American LOL

you sound salty, maybe take a nap.

Go back to mommy and have her change your diaper. We're sorry that your people can never win the popular vote.

muslim army men

Shit, now I can't let my kids play with his toys anymore because they are all just non-muslim guys in uniform.

Wouldn't surprise me if we have other (((coincidence))) attack

Remember last year some guy predicted the Brussels attack

It's hard to leave all that Mom's 🍝🍝🍝

Go back to your bathroom

T_D is the worst "safe space" on Reddit.