Netanyahu Unaware of the Camera 'America can easily be moved

211  2017-05-08 by soonerchad


This racist megalomaniac was happy 911 occurred and will continue to talk down to Americans as they won't stand up to him.

He sure is also a damn sarcastic comedian with lot's of black humor:

What a piece of shit. That is exactly as they always do. Human garbage.

Notice he showed PARTS of that video. They probably murdered his father in the end. What happened before? They murdered his mother? Scum.

If anyone has time, read the Likud party's platform. If they were a Muslim country with that same ideology they'd be considered among the most dangerous in the world.

start using the term 'loxist' for jewish supremacists.

Love it lol

Israel did 9/11

just scrolled down, and yeah both sides are propaganda, but you guys are like straight old school bigots. The jews this, the jeqs that, you morons realize that jew is a people, just like americans, right, not some council, sure the state of Israel may have rich and powerful controlling everything, and manipulating it, just like here, but to say americans this, and jew that you are so ignorant and stupid, lumping everyone in Israel, and America, into a large group that you blame everything on, everytime you step into a conversation you ruin it with your racist jew hating, and the American haters, I amsure if I kept reading it would be someone else down below, same stuff lil Adolph did, pick a group of people put all the blame on them and not the state, I think maybe uou aren't so dumb, maybe you guys are just disinformation agents, sowing racism to kill the real co versation, and point the blame where it belongs, at the top of the pyramid.

Huh. Funny. In none of the comments above do I see anyone mention the jewish people as a whole. I see BN and Israel which is guilty as all fuck. Not "the jewz". You seem triggered. The simply grammatical errors indicate you were hammering away at your phone or keyboard. Do you want a shekel??

Also please do read up on the talmud. If a religion is filled with racist shit and supremacy they deserve to be called out on it. "Cultural" jews or not. Actually the cultural are almost worse as their just blind fucking sheep following something they do not understand.

Most Jews don't read the Talmud. They don't even know what it is. Many have not read the Torah, either. I am well versed on the Torah, but not the Talmud.

Most sure. But that still goes along with that whole "ignorance" thing. The talmud is, from my basic goy understanding, is that it is a book comprised of commentaries from rabbis throughout the religions history. And a lot of what is said in that book is extremely dangerous. Condoning the rape of gentiles girls if under the age of 13.... Dark shit like that. Maybe more jews should read the talmud instead of just being ignorant to it or its "message" as this is probably the number one reason people hate jews. That and the few who end up reading into the whole saturn bit. My point being. Don't hide behind a religion pulling the jew card at every turn when you understand 10 percent of what the religion really is. Same problem I have with christians who romanticize their shit and same with muslims. I could make even longer of a post including my beef with all 3 but some of us work in the wee hours.

If any group of people has a problem with how they are viewed it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to rid their group of the bad apples drawing negative attention. Any group.

Torah means all three of the books and not just one. So when they say the Torah, they are technacily not lying-They are just omitting the details. But, hay, what would I know I'm just a silly little part Goy.

"In none of the comments above do I see anyone mention the jewish people as a whole." You're glancing in the wrong direction, look down brother.

And in regards to the rest of your arguments. Any person who takes any of the major religious texts too literally will find themselves in trouble. You could swap "Christian" or "muslim" and make the same argument you make against "Jews," to one extent or another.

Yes I already said the major ones are included. Now I get that the hip thing is to accept everyone and not be a bigot now a days and that's no necessarily a bad thing. But some groups of people like the KKK crips or aryan brotherhood. Ms13. Some groups deserve hate. Yin and yang. With no "hate" those negative groups quickly learn to take advantage of the placid state. Please go do some reading on the talmud. Anyone who follows that book deserves to get shit on. Im not down with supremacy of any kind. And to think it's all based off a Fairytale really urks me in todays society where every tool and his mother parrots "source?" You ever see finding nemo? The "mine" seagulls? Thats what comes to mind.

Blind ignorant hate is wrong. Some hate is justifiable. If a man killed my family I sure as shit wouldn't be trying "look at it from his side"

This will be your only warning for rule 10. It's ironic that when you generalize an entire subreddit of 400k+ users as "you guys", you're doing the same type of discrimination you're attempting to criticize.

Happy, he caused it!

911 was a cheap magic trick using CG, explosives and missiles. Don't believe me? Here's the proof:

A Pentagon employee crawled through the hole and saw no evidence of a plane:

Major General Stubblebine confirms that the wreckage at the pentagon is consistent with a missile and not a plane:

This WTC witness insists it was a bomb, no plane:

These firemen said they counted 3 explosions. The Police/FBI are reported to have attributed this to vans with explosives in the WTC basement:

You can also see raw footage (ie. not altered to show a CG plane) that shows the missile impacting the WTC (no plane):

You can see a comparison showing the NBC footage showing no plane was digitally altered to show a plane (as well as adjust the colors to make the buildings appeared white and sky blue for increased psychological impact):

The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke:

But what wasn't CG was the explosions and the plane cutout shape they created. You can see those small explosions here (6 minute mark):

The cutting charges were planted by Israeli Mossad posing as art students who rented a whole floor and got construction permits at the site, and made a temporary balcony. They even made a book about their "art" - which showed them standing next to boxes and boxes of explosives fuses in the WTC!

Mossad agents filmed the missile impacts/explosions (to add CG planes later and pass on to media) and later went up to the roof to plant radio jamming devices. They were arrested and this is documented by the FBI. There was traces of explosives in their van and they were set up filming BEFORE the attack:

Let me stress that again, the FBI arrested dancing Israelis on 911, not muslims. They refused to take lie detector tests for months, and when they did, they failed. So much of that FBI report is redacted, proof positive of guilt.

They needed to fake plane impacts because a real plane would be shredded by the WTC like cheese through a grater. That's why when the Transasia plane collided with a taxi, the wing broke off, and the taxi wasn't sliced in half at all:

According to a WTC architect in a 80s interview, the impact of a plane (300 tonnes) is nothing compared to the 13,000 tonnes of force trying to push the WTC over simply because of its enormous surface area.

WTC project management engineer atttests the buildings could survive multiple plane impacts.

The WTC designers did a study for 600mph-1 impact which showed the towers would easily withstand the 911 attack.

Someone planted an engine (though wrong make) to further the plane deception:


Essentially the media got punked by Israel, because journalists just report what they're told. You can see another example of newscasters being fooled by a movie set into thinking it's a real plane accident. At the 7 minute mark in this video:

The larger 911 plan required the destruction of the Washington bridge and Lincoln tunnel. That would take out the fiber optic cables linked to stock market/banking, markets would have crashed and there would be martial law introduced. You can see this TV report on the other Israeli vans that were intercepted, one of them exploded:

Israeli companies moved out of the building months before the attack. Israelis in America were warned in advance through an Israeli messaging service:

Hundreds of Israelis were flown out of America, despite a flight ban, to avoid them being arrested by the FBI, including the "art students":

Israel is the almost only country that benefited from the September 11 th attacks. In the words of Netanyahu, "it's good for Israel".

Certainly America would have to be a willing co-conspirator. There were numerous war games, some involving hijackings, by over a dozen US intelligence agencies.

The Neocons wrote about it the year before in Rebuilding America's Defenses, and trilateral man Zbigniew BresiƄski wrote about in the '90s in The Grand Chessboard, so the Elites were in the know.

I'm not sure who gives the order. The Rothschild elder? The head Rabbi? The Black Pope? Or Satan himself?

Do you have a link or source to put that quote in context?

jeez guys stop tbe anti merchantism, they are our onliest friend in the middle east, and what about Hamas

Zionists have no friends.. it's obvious in this post..

its not like they have tried to be ANYONEs friend.

jeez guys stop the anti merchantism


do me a favor and correct onliest too.

All this antisemitism like another Shoah.

It's giving me a terrible fibromyalgia outbreak.

Bibi is quite right. And those questioning him on the video are also right to urge him toward caution. He needs to keep doing what he is doing but also realize he must prepare the ground for a PR war as well.

You know what "Bibi" really needs to do? He needs to stop being a shmendrick and start being a mensch.


In what way is he being a what ever? I think he is trying to dance on the razor of public opinion and anti zionism around the world and defending Israel. I think he's got a tough job.

The Jews of Israel are not Semites. In fact, they have already wiped out most of the Semites. They are pretenders, liars and murderous thieves.

God isnt real. I know you think religion Isreal but it is not real.

So, you don't believe in absolute truth? Just curious.

$hoah me the money.

Our greatest ally!

He's loved by both libs and conservatives!

Because there are no parties at the top.. divide and conquer, they bicker and fight on tv for us to adopt those mentalities, they made us believe we should approach differing ideas with hostility rather than legitimate debate. that's why you always see those pundits on tv talking about nonsense, 90% of the time nothing they say makes sense or has to do with the question at hand, but they condescend and belittle their opponents to a degree that it makes normal people feel alienated for having ideas that differ from the "smart man on tv". It also doesn't help they have scripted debates with the only intention of discrediting one point of view.

Do you know how I first started being aware that television was wall-to-wall propaganda. It was when I noticed many years ago, that a politician would give a speech, and then immediately after -- or sometimes even during the speech -- the talking heads would come on and tell me what the politician had just said. Think about that. I had just sat and listened to the speech. I didn't need some empty suit telling me what I had just heard. But they do this to slant the information a certain way.

We must destroy this cancer upon the American people.

Upon the whole world you mean.

Not gonna happen. Americans love being servile

Netanyahu wasn't wrong. The Jews have been controlling the way Americans think about most social and political topics for decades via the media, particularly television. Television is nothing more than a Jewish propaganda machine.

I mean he's not wrong

Over 3,000 Americans died dor Israel in Iraq

But but but 6 million!


Bin laden said the same thing.

All that we have to do is to send two mujahedeen to the furthest point east to raise a piece of cloth on which is written al Qaeda, in order to make generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic and political losses without their achieving anything of note other than some benefits for their private corporations," bin Laden said.

Later in that transcript he says:

"It is true that this shows that al Qaeda has gained, but on the other hand it shows that the Bush administration has also gained, something that anyone who looks at the size of the contracts acquired by the shady Bush administration-linked mega-corporations, like Halliburton and its kind, will be convinced.

"And it all shows that the real loser is you," he said. "It is the American people and their economy."

Christ Almighty, he nailed it!

Meh, we need Israel, even if Netenyahu sux balls. It's called geopolitics. Ie oil. Let the downvotes begin!

I am part Jewish, but let's be honest it is the result of religious Jews and Israeli sympathisers in powerful positions in American that allow Israel to have racist occupational policies that anyone else would cause America or UN to intervene.

The reality is also that any anti-jewish, zionist, or israeli sentiment is deemed racist by people who nothing about politics and thus believe you're anti jewish when the reality is you are anti hate, anti land-grabbing, anti people who are racist towards and persecuting middle easterners, and anti the number one geopolitical threat to society as it stands.

I don't see anything surprising and frankly the Israelis shouldn't expect anything less from their leader.

bibi FTW!!

It's giving me a terrible fibromyalgia outbreak.

Bibi is quite right. And those questioning him on the video are also right to urge him toward caution. He needs to keep doing what he is doing but also realize he must prepare the ground for a PR war as well.

Do you know how I first started being aware that television was wall-to-wall propaganda. It was when I noticed many years ago, that a politician would give a speech, and then immediately after -- or sometimes even during the speech -- the talking heads would come on and tell me what the politician had just said. Think about that. I had just sat and listened to the speech. I didn't need some empty suit telling me what I had just heard. But they do this to slant the information a certain way.

The Jews of Israel are not Semites. In fact, they have already wiped out most of the Semites. They are pretenders, liars and murderous thieves.


In what way is he being a what ever? I think he is trying to dance on the razor of public opinion and anti zionism around the world and defending Israel. I think he's got a tough job.

God isnt real. I know you think religion Isreal but it is not real.

$hoah me the money.